• Published 24th Jul 2015
  • 57,414 Views, 2,284 Comments

New Beginnings - Hiver

A magical accident have a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Day 43

You know... I'm an alien. I'm really surprised I am being left to my own devices as much as I am. But I'm not an alien, I am clearly a unicorn.

What I mean is, that no matter whether they actually believe me or think I'm nuts, I would at the very least expect somebody to keep an eye on me.

I think they actually believed me. At least that's what the princess said. But if they did, why was I not locked up?

These people PONIES are clearly not human so their mindset should be a bit strange to me, but to let a confirmed alien in unicorn form wander around was just... fucking strange.

Then again, these people have magic and they likely have some kind of tracker on me and/or keep a hidden eye on me.

Besides, after over a month here, I can still barely use my new horn at all. Only one I am a danger to is myself.

Page, Signing off.


I looked out onto the street as ponies walked past and I very carefully focused and lifted my cup of green tea to take a sip.

It was one of the few 'luxuries' I could afford currently. But one I intended to spend what I could afford on. It reminded me of home.

That's the biggest problem really. This place was just.. so strange. It was not the differences that bothered me, not really.

I expected those. Quadruped magic using herbivores would be different from bipedal omnivore tool-users with an affinity for hitting each other over the head.

No, what really fucked with me were the similarities! My teacup for example... it had a handle that would not have looked out of place back home.

Why!? These people don't have fingers!

Though, I admit it did make it easier to keep it from rotating when lifting it with my telekinesis. Still, it was strange how many parallels there were to back home.

“Can I get you something else, Page?” a voice asked and I turned to the light blue mare with the pink hair. Pegasus, holding a tray in her mouth.

I shook my head, “No, thank you, Silver Leaf. I'm good with my tea.” That's was another very strange thing about this place. Everyone was so friendly.

First time I was here about a week ago, the waitress introduced herself.. and even remembered 'my' name when I came back the next day!

“Okay. But if there is anything else, just holler!”

I nodded and took another sip, “I will.” before I turned back to looking at the ponies moving along the street.

Walking. Talking. Pulling carts. It was just so... so strange. Even the air of this place was so different to back home.

Back home I didn't even think about it, didn't notice it. But even out on the countryside the air was not as clean as here, in the middle of their capital. Here it smelled of... grass, flowers... and in this place in particular, tea.

This world seemed really rather nice. But I would have enjoyed it a lot more of I was not stuck here in a unfamiliar body.

It wasn't home though. I didn't belong here. I missed my family. My friends. My stupid turtle.

I missed computers and cars and...

...Was that a dragon?

A small purple dragon was walking down the street, carrying a satchel and a list he was writing things down on as he walked.


Kinda a dragon. Just... tiny. And purple. And green. If he start to sing and dance, I'm fucking leaving.

You know what? Fuck it.

There is a dragon walking down the street. Why not? It's not even a 0.tribble on my weird shit-o-meter for this month.

A dragon was surprising but barely registered at this point. Nobody else were panicking and running about so it was most likely fine. He was tiny anyway.

“Page, could you do me a favor?” a voice said and I turned back to Silver Leaf who was approaching, carrying what looked like a muffin on her tray.

“It depend I suppose.”

“Try this. We are trying a new recipe and I'm not sure it came out right.”

I raised my eyebrows and then nodded, “I... suppose.” I said and focused, lifting it up with my magic and taking a sniff, “A warning though, my taste is not exactly normal.”

And if there is anything I miss more than anything else, it's meat. BBQ... steak... spare ribs. The very idea of it almost make me drool.

Not that I'm ever going to eat any of those ever again if I don't get turned back at get home. Not only is this body a herbivore, but both pigs and cows on this world are thinking, 'talking' beings. While I could figuratively kill for a burger right now, I would not 'literally' kill somebody for it.

“That's alright.” she said with a smile, “Just try it.”

Nodding I took a bite and chewed slowly. Chocolate.. vanilla... daffodil!?. Now that was a completely new taste I didn't know before arriving here.

I was not a fan.

“No offense, Silver... but I'm not sure chocolate and daddodil mix...” I slowly said, “But your really should ask somebody else, I'm a bit... abnormal when it come to food.”

She frowned slightly and shifted her wings before she nodded, “I thought it tasted alright... but okay, I'll test it one somepony else as well. Thanks for the help.”

“No problem.” I answered and couldn't help but smile, “Feel free to keep testing new things on me though.”

“I'll keep that in mind. So, any plans for the summer sun celebration?”

I raised my eyebrows at that, “The what?”

“You know... longest day of the year? They are holding it in Ponyville this year.”

“Oh... eh... no, not really. You?”

...Wait, is she asking me out? That's something I SO don't need right now and it would just disappoint her when I turned her down.

She shrugged, “Father and I are going to Ponyville to watch Celestia raise the sun. We have to close the cafe for that day though which is a bit of a bother. But I think it will be worth it.”

Ah yes. 'Raise the sun'. Oh well, not like a red dressed fat guy delivering presents all over earth in a single night is any less silly than that. All cultures have their myths and traditions.

Still, would be interesting to see I suppose... even if there was no way I could afford the trip at the moment.

“Hope you will have a great time.”

“Thank you, you too!”

Phew. She was just being friendly.