• Published 24th Jul 2015
  • 57,410 Views, 2,284 Comments

New Beginnings - Hiver

A magical accident have a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter 38

I glared at the large red apple and then slowly lifted it into the air before me, focusing my magic at it.

Luna nodded next to me, her side just about touching mine and whispered into my ear. “Good. Now craft the spell in your mind, remember the equations. You can't remove the heat, you need to channel it into something. You can't destroy energy, it needs to be redirected. Absorb it into your magic.”

Instead of answering, I focused on the apple held in my magic. Carefully, carefully I closed my eyes before focusing fully on feeling it in my magic, slowly moving the energy around while focusing hard on what I wanted to do.

Freeze the apple solid.

Stop little atoms. Go to sleep. Hush. Settle down.

The sound of a commotion outside the door that caused me to look to the side.

“Page! Do-” was about as far as Luna got before the apple exploded in our faces, turning into a mist of apple particles that covered us from head to hooves as well as a good portion of the room.

“...not lose focus.” Luna slowly finished before she sighed and gave me a Look.

I grimaced, trying not to blush in embarrassment. ”...Sorry.”

That was not something I had expected to happen and I definitely had not expected to cover us in half vaporized apple. Suddenly I was very glad I didn't practice with a bottle of cider like I had first planned.

That would have been a… poor choice.

Luna brushed some apple mush off her nose before looking at me again. She looked pretty hilarious, half covered with the mush, pieces of apple floating in her mane like small asteroids.

I probably looked about as funny to her as I have no idea who it was that started laughing first, but soon we were leaning against each other for support.

“Sometimes I see why 'Tia loves teaching.” she giggled after a moment, straightening up. “It is hardly a boring activity.”

“Somehow I doubt that Princess Celestia ended up covered in apple that often. I don't see Twilight Sparkle messing up like that.” I said with a grin, reaching to brush some apple mush from her regalia/necklace/collar thing with my hoof. “Sorry about the mess, I didn't mean to cover you in goop.”

Oh man, I got the literal crown jewels covered with apple juice!

She snorted. “It wouldn't be the first time something like that happened and I'm sure it's not the last. Besides, cleaning up will be a simple matter. But first, I need to find out what that was about.” she said and trotted over to the door, leaving me to try to get a piece of apple out of my ear with my hoof.

Stupid fruit.

“Aunt Luna!” a voice exclaimed. “These roughian guards refused to allow me entrance.”

“That's because they were doing their jobs, Nephew.” Luna sighed. “What can I do for you?”

“There is an important matter I need to discuss with you, auntie.” the voice declared as he moved past her and entered, revealing a large white unicorn with blonde mane. He was larger than me, but more in build rather than Luna's and Celestia's height difference even if he was taller than me. Not fat, but he had a larger build and it seemed that most of it was muscle.

He paused, looking closed at Luna. “...is that apple?”

“Yes, Blueblood, it is.” she sighed. “Could we do this at a different time?”

“But it is a matter of court! The bureaucrats refuse t-” he started to complain before he spotted me as well.

I gave him a small wave. “Hello.”

He stared at me before turning to Luna. “Auntie... I didn't put any weight into the mean-spirited rumors about you and a.. commoner, but this... Auntie, how could you debase yourself with a commoner!? It might as well be a gryphon!”


Luna did not look happy, her mane moving faster and I could have sworn her eyes actually went a bit darker. “Nephew, my sister may put up with your attitude, but I will not.”

“But aunti-”

“ENOUGH!” Luna commanded, her hoof hitting the stone floor with a loud crack, her voice seemingly shaking the stone under my hooves. “We will discuss this matter later. Leave us!”

“B-” He managed to say, giving her a shocked look.

“Leave. And when my guards say that I am busy, you will respect that in the future.”

“I... Yes, Auntie.” he finally said and gave a small bow as he backed out, the door closing behind him. “A-Aunt Celestia will hear of this!” filtered through the door a moment later.

Well, that was a thing.

Luna sighed and scraped her hoof against the floor before turning to make her way back to me. “I apologize for the actions of my nephew. That side of the family was once regal and powerful, ruling fairly and strongly. It is disappointing to see them reduced to... that. He is not even the worst, just one of the loudest.”

I held my hoof up to look at it. “It's fine, I actually don't mind the gryphon thing. Being able to fly without losing hands wouldn't actually be a bad thing in my point of view, would have been about equally good as a unicorn in my mind. I'm mostly worried that that stupid rumor might cause you trouble.” I hmm-ed and continued; “Maybe we should tell him what I really am. Just to see how outraged it is possible to get. You know, for science.”

“...Perhaps we should find a way to get back at my sister for starting that rumor.” Luna chuckled, ignoring my comment before giving my side a poke with her wing. “And I rather like you as a unicorn.”

I stuck my tongue out at her for that. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

She grinned and then lifted her wing again, inspecting the apple juices staining her feathers. “But perhaps we should do something about this first, before it dries completely.”

“... Better that you cast that spell. I don't want to explode myself.” I hesitantly said only to get an amused look in return.

“Spell? No, we are visiting the royal baths.” She said with a grin. “Come.”

I hesitated at that. “Baths? Uhm, Luna... we can't just share a bath...”

Turning her head to look at me she stopped, looking confused. “Why not? It would be large enough even for multiple alicorns my sister's size. We will easily fit.”

“But it's...” I started to say before suddenly feeling very stupid.

The entire 'bathing in private' thing humans did mainly came from the lack of clothes. Here, we were already naked.

Literally the only difference between sitting in a bath and sitting on a couch was that in one of them we were in water.

“Sorry, I'm being an idiot, it's a human cultural thing that doesn't really apply now.” I chuckled and shook my head, walking up next to her. Luna gave me a curious look, so I grinned and continued; “I'll explain on the way.”