• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,178 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Arsenal: Zeldrin

Author's Note:

Regarding the embeded video in this chapter...

I've been trying to not do that as much, and write descriptions of things instead...but...

Well, this one just...defied my attempts at description.
Edit: And I've now replaced a non-working video with the Beta version of the cutscene, the only one I could find.

As the trio returned to the Phoenix, a news broadcast detailing the Bio-bliterator attack was playing. As they reached Sasha, President Phyronix was giving a statement to the press regarding the event.

"Mr. President," Darla Gratch asked, "how will the attack on Metropolis effect your chances for reelection this fall?"

"I'm glad you asked, Darla," he replied jovially. "Our demographic research indicates that robots will make up 100% of the Galactic population by this time next week. Of course that's great news for my reelection campaign because, as you know-" With a sleight of hand trick, a robotic prosthetic was placed to cover half his face. "-I'm half robot myself!"

Twilight stared at the screen as it went dark. "...do I want to know who his opponent was last election?"

"Trust me, you don't," Sasha replied quickly.

"How did he win?" Twilight demanded.

"Qwark was still a big time hero at that time, and endorsed his campaign," Al replied.


"So how are we going to find those Bio-bliterators before they turn the entire galaxy into Nefarious' mind-controlled robotic slaves?" Ratchet demanded.

"Qwark said he was going to search for information...back on the Leviathan's bridge," Clank pointed out sadly. "Perhaps he found something...that survived the crash?"

Ratchet steeled himself, for Twilight's sake. "It's worth a shot," he replied. "It went down on Planet Zeldrin." He turned to Sasha. "We'll check out the crash site. Maybe...maybe Qwark left us something to help."

"We should...we should take Skrunch," Twilight said softly. "He knew Qwark best...if Qwark hid something for us somehow, he'd know how to find it."

Ratchet nodded. "Come on, Skrunch."

Skrunch 'mk-kak'ed in agreement.

Planet Zeldrin's surface was littered with the wreckage of the Leviathan. While many smaller zapbots, humanoid assault bots, and the flying robots with arm mounted auto-plasma-cannons lined the path in their way, Twilight came up with a rather interesting idea to get past them. "We don't really want to have to fight our way through, do we?" she asked.

"Well, no," Ratchet replied. "But we need to investigate."

Grinning, Twilight pulled out the original Hologuise, which allowed the holder to disguise as a robot. "Well, if these are Nefarious' forces, they're only programmed to go after organics, right?"

Ratchet couldn't stop the grin from spreading across his face. "Clever girl," he said proudly.

With the Hologuise activated, the robot troops ignored them as they explored the wreckage, searching for some sign of what Qwark had been looking for, and what he might have found...and, perhaps, some sign of his body. While the path was long, winding, and full of quite a few obstacles to jump over or onto, Twilight had upgraded the Hologuise so it would maintain the hologram even while jumping...or, in her case, even while flying.

Eventually, they reached the one piece of ship debris they hadn't expected to find...an intact escape pod.

"This had to have come from the Leviathan," Ratchet said. "Could it be...could Qwark have survived? Is he alive somewhere on this planet?"

"These footprints are Qwark sized!" Twilight said eagerly. "He made it off alive! He's probably stranded out here somewhere, unable to get into contact! We need to find him!"

"He can't be far," Clank said, picking up a device from inside the pod. "This..." He hesitated as he saw Twilight turning towards him. "Portable Personal Massager for Men...is still warm."

Ratchet swallowed, trying not to think about what the device really was. "Well, I guess he had to work a few kinks out after crashing?" he suggested.

Twilight raised an eyebrow at both of them. She decided not to point out that the 'massager' was a Gadgetron product, or that she knew exactly what it was and what it was for. They were embarrassed enough as is. She did, however, make a mental note to invite Sasha and Helga to a tea party so she could joke about this with them.

"A call was recently made using the pod's emergency communicator," Clank pointed out.

"We missed Qwark's distress signal?" Ratchet asked, shocked.

"There is a recording," Clank pointed out. He pressed the button to play it.

Twilight tilted her head in confusion. "...Captain Qwark gave up the escape pod for his hermaphroditic twin sister who was being held hostage on board the Leviathan?" she asked, her mind struggling to come up with a logical explanation for what she just saw that she could accept.

"It certainly...seems that way," Clank offered nervously.

"That was Qwark," Ratchet corrected. "Dressed as a woman, for some reason."

"What?" Twilight asked. "But...but why didn't he call us? We would have come for him right away! And why hasn't he gotten into contact with us since?"

"Ooh-uu-mk'KAK!" Skrunch added angrily.

"I don't know," Ratchet replied. "But we're going to find him and ask him. Until we know, though...we should probably keep this information to ourselves."

"Good idea," Twilight replied. "He could be hurt or something, unable to fight, and we don't want Nefarious going after him to finish the job." Her eyes lit up. "Maybe that's why he hasn't contacted us! He doesn't want us to be distracted by trying to protect him while he's recovering!"

Ratchet nodded silently, unwilling to confess his own personal suspicions regarding Qwark's absence. He hoped he was wrong, anyway. "For now, lets get back to the Phoenix."

Skrunch then called attention to a datadisk he had found inside the escape pod.

"Let's get that to Al to decode," Twilight pointed out. "And we should probably sneak back out the way we snuck in. We don't want to draw any attention."

Reactivating the Hologuise, the group made their way back to the ship.

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