• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,144 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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4-gotten: Igliak Ending

Several rounds of I Spy later, it was once more Qwark's turn. "I Spy with my little eye, something beginning with-"

"If this is another sighting of the Z'Grute beginning with something other than Z," Nefarious began, "I swear to the Sleepless Gods and their Lorekeepers I will rip your belly open and hang you by a loop of your own entrails from this group carrier and let you fly around the city until you strangle or your guts break, just to see which comes first!"

Qwark was silent for a time. "...Z," he said finally.

"Z'Grute," Nefarious, Twilight, and Alister all said simultaneously.

Qwark gasped in shock. "How did you know?"

Twilight screamed in frustration. "Qwark, I love you to death, but if you don't change things up a bit, I will find a way to make that literal!"

"We could play 20 questions?" Qwark offered. As everyone nodded, he grinned widely. "I'll go first! I've already got one-"

"Is it the Z'Grute?" Nefarious asked.

"Wow you're good at guessing games!" Qwark marveled.

"Qwark," Alister grumbled as Nefarious and Twilight facepalmed and facehooved respectively, "not only have you picked the Z'Grute every time it's been your turn, you've also guessed it every time you were guessing at someone else's turn! And my first letter was Q!"

"There are limits to what's excusable for limited intelligence!" Nefarious snapped. "How did you get elected?"

"Sorry," Qwark replied. "I know I don't have that much brainpower, and what little I have I can't tear away from the danger the city's in."

Nefarious stared at Qwark in disbelief. "...okay, now I see how you were elected. If that's how your brain works, if you weren't my nemesis, I might have voted for you."

"The more he's in the limelight, the more public your confrontations will be," Twilight pointed out.

"Next election, I will vote for you!" Nefarious proclaimed, grinning widely.

The carrier finally came to a halt, dropping the group in firing range of the Z'Grute, which was close enough to fire upon. it attempted to fight them by electrifying the platform they were on and releasing shockwaves by smacking either side of the platform. Unfortunately for the Z'Grute, all four fighters were well adapted to combat such techniques. Alister had years of experience in addition to his natural cat-like grace and agility. Nefarious had given his robotic body several upgrades in anticipation of having to fight Twilight, Ratchet, Clank, and Qwark again. Qwark himself was in the best condition of his life. And none of the attacks the Z'Grute used could target Twilight when she hovered several yards above the platform to fire.

After a time, the Z'Grute pulled back, releasing a generator from a nearby tower to feed on to recover, but concentrated fire from the four combatants caused the generator to explode, knocking the Z'Grute back against a building, and sending it down, apparently knocked out.

"Well, that's another city saved, thanks to-"

"BBBFF?" Twilight interrupted. "Remember what we talked about with fall deaths?"

Qwark blinked, scratching his chin. "Uhh...never believe the bad guy's dead unless you find the body, and even then check for signs of cloning?"

"And how can this apply here?" she coached.

"Right!" Qwark confirmed. "Come on, men! Let's make sure that the Z'Grute is down for the count-"

"Hey!" Nefarious snapped. "Where do you get off ordering me around?"

"-so it won't interrupt when Nefarious and I have our dramatic clash!" Qwark finished.

"Okay, I can get behind that," Nefarious agreed.

Giggling, Twilight let Qwark take the lead as they moved to a launch platform, catching another ride on a wide beam they could grind on while they listened to the reporters talking about President Qwark's surprisingly high polls, most of which were attributed to Twilight. As they moved forward on the beam, the Z'Grute leapt up and began crawling after them on the beam.

"Like I said," Twilight told Qwark from her position on his shoulders, turning to shoot at the Z'Grute while they raced away.

"We need heavier firepower," Alister grumbled. "Any ideas?"

"We're approaching Zogg Tower," Qwark pointed out. "There are some fusion turrets on top. We could use them." Noticing the looks the others were giving him, he tilted his head. "What? I'm the President. I always read up on any new city or planet I'm going to if I'm going to make a speech. I have Zogg Tower's fusion turrets written down in my notecards, and was going to reference them as part of how I assumed I held the Z'Grute off in my sleep when I thought I'd beaten it already but didn't remember!"

Alister and Nefarious both stared at Qwark, stunned, as they came to the end of the grind beam. Twilight, however, flapped her way up to Qwark's head. "Good boy!" she praised, patting his head and offering him a cookie, which he devoured eagerly.

"I've heard of having heroes well trained," Nefarious quipped snidely, "but isn't that taking it a little far?"

"Positive reinforcement goes a long way with Qwark," Twilight replied as the group made their way towards Zogg Tower. "Oh, another weapons vendor!"

Alister shook his head, chuckling, as Twilight bought everyone a plasma bomb launcher. "Whatever works," he admitted.

Moving forward, their path came under attack by the Z'Grute...but it only used the same techniques as before, which were just as easily evaded. Some concentrated fire forced it to withdraw, allowing the group to take an elevator to the top of Zogg Tower...only to see the Z'Grute climb the opposite tower, draining energy from a new Lumenoid generator installed there.

"We need to get the turrets activated before it drains too much power!" Alister insisted. As he spoke, several enemy robots approached.

"Qwark, General!" Nefarious snapped. "You two guard our backs! Twilight and I will get the turrets up and running!"

"Why should I take orders from you?" Alister growled out.

"Because it's a good plan!" Twilight snapped back.

With the division of labor, it wasn't long before the attacking robots were destroyed and the turrets were activated, allowing the four to man the more powerful weapons. Unfortunately, the Z'Grute was surrounded by an energy barrier the Lumenoid generator was projecting, as well as occasionally launching explosive energy spheres at them.

"Qwark, Twilight, focus on the barrier generators!" Alister snapped out. "Nefarious, you and I will focus on the energy spheres! We're the better shots with turrets!"

"I was going to say that!" Nefarious complained as he connected his circuitry to the turret, taking direct control of its mechanisms.

Once the energy shield was down, the four focused all their fire on the generator itself, quickly causing it to explode, launching the Z'Grute so that it landed on the edge of the platform Twilight and the others were standing on, barely holding on with both foreclaws. Qwark and Alister acted quickly, smashing the claws with brute force and dropping the Z'Grute to the ground far below.

With the Z'Grute down, Nefarious turned to leave. "Well, it's been a lot of fun catching up...but I need to go check on Lawrence."

Qwark blocked his path, pulling the rest of his business suit off as he stood in his hero garb. "Lawrence can let you know how he's doing when he inevitably breaks you out of jail, after I've locked you up!" Qwark insisted.

Nefarious blinked, shocked. "Wow. It's...it's really hard to get used to you being this self aware and genre savvy."

"I'm so proud!" Twilight squealed happily.

At that moment, a massive ship appeared in the sky, warping the weather around it as it moved, generating a massive storm over the city, the clouds hiding the shape of the ship beyond what appeared to be a single glowing red eye. Alister gaped. "I thought you said the ship docked behind the moon was old?"

"That's not one of mine!" Nefarious insisted.

"Then let's steal it!" Twilight insisted eagerly, her eyes shining. "That kind of weather manipulating tech has so much potential!"

Nefarious stared at Twilight, his expression most closely quantifiable as religious exultation save for his avowed position of atheism. "...I'll have the computers at Château de délices surnaturelles hacked to give us a Friday reservation for two before the day is out..." he breathed.

Qwark screamed in terror as a grapple arm seized all four of them.

Twilight blinked as they were dragged into the ship along with the Z'Grute. "...if we come out of this without any new mental scars, sure."

"Best. Evil Plan. EVER!" Nefarious squealed happily just before they all lost consciousness.

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