• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,179 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Equestria Interlude: Three Weeks

Author's Note:

...okay, it looks like there are quite a few episodes early season 4 where Twilight's involvement is extremely minimal, but at the same time can't just be skipped over. So...

No changes to Flight to the Finish.
Today's chapter will cover Power Ponies and Bats.
Rarity Takes Manehatten and Pinkie Apple Pie will also be skipped.

As the group made their way back into the Palace of the Pony Sisters for renovation work, Spike clumped along at Twilight's side, looking rather put out. Noticing this, she immediately turned to him. "What's wrong Spike?"

Spike sighed. "It's just...I feel like I don't really contribute much here," he admitted. "I mean, sure there are times when I can be helpful, but...with all of you together - especially with all your new tech - sometimes it feels like I'm just along for the comic relief." A splash heralded his foot coming down inside a bucket, making him sigh. "Case in point."

Twilight tilted her head. "So...is this deriving from 'not an Element Bearer', 'not a pony', or 'not a grownup' issues?" she inquired carefully. "Cause I have psychological checklists for all three, and I don't want to grab the wrong one today." At hearing Rainbow's snicker, she called out, "I also have a 'reconnected with mother who abandoned me for my own good' psychological checklist!" Rainbow promptly stopped laughing and went back to cleaning. Noticing Spike staring at her, she sighed softly. "Unfortunately, the 'reconnecting with mother/big sister/best friend who's now almost a completely different pony' psychological checklist is still a work in progress. Heck, even deciding which of those terms to apply to the checklist in that case is a work in progress."

"Uh...which one involves you having a way for me to contribute?" Spike asked hopefully.

"Oh, that's not part of the checklists," Twilight explained. "See, we need to get this job done today to get back to Ponyville before dark, since the Everfree still isn't safe to travel in after dark despite the calming effects of the restored Tree of Harmony. As such, I can't handle the library myself. But you know my sorting system." She walked over to the cart of supplies she'd brought.

"So...I'm sorting the books?" Spike asked worriedly. "And...carrying them all back?"

"Yup!" Twilight confirmed, bringing over a metal container just the right size for Spike to carry easily with an opening on the top about the size of a book. "All you have to do is examine each book, determine how it would be sorted, and state that as you insert it into this dimensional storage unit. It weighs only five pounds total, and even with all the books in the library loaded in and properly sorted, the weight shouldn't go above ten pounds. Seeing as I've seen you tote 200 with ease when Rarity flutters her eyelashes at you, this should not only be well within your capabilities but right up your alley."

A huge grin split Spike's face. "Twilight, did I ever tell you how much I love all this new tech you've brought back?"

"Speaking of!" Twilight called after him as he raced off. "The spatial upgrades to the library should be finished stabilizing by the time we get back, so you'll have ten times the shelf space to work with! You'll be able to try out the hoverbooster!" She chuckled to herself as she turned to the comic book he dropped, casting a spell to analyze the magic laid upon it. Upon determining its nature, she decided to hang onto it for a time when the group wanted to play superhero.

Twilight listened calmly as Applejack and Fluttershy argued regarding the vampire fruit bats that had infested Sweet Apple Acres. She could admit to herself that both sides had valid points regarding their own perspectives, but she could also see that neither was really listening to the other either. As she heard grim music starting to play, she knew what was coming. Luckily, she came prepared. "Spike, 'the tool'."

Nodding, Spike pulled out a metal cylinder and opened it up, holding the contents out to Twilight, who seized them in her magic.

Applejack then began to sing in a grim, menacing tone. "Those vampire bats will give you a fright-OW!" Her song was cut off as Twilight whapped her across the nose with a rolled up newspaper.(1)

"No!" Twilight scolded, waving the rolled up newspaper at Applejack's muzzle. "None of that. Shame on you."

"But Twi-"

"I don't care how justified your points and perspective are," Twilight chided. "You do not use Heartsong to rile your friends into a magical mob mentality to pressure one of your best friends into acting against her nature and better instincts for your personal benefit! And whatever your intentions, you know that's what would have happened if you started singing here."

Applejack blinked a few times. "...well, shucks. When ya put it like that, Twilight, I feel like kind of a plot." She turned to Fluttershy. "Sorry about that, Fluttershy. I just...ya know how strongly ah feel about my family and my farm."

"It's alright, Applejack," Fluttershy accepted gracefully. "Now, if you'd just-"

"Don't think you're off the hook!" Twilight snapped, bringing the newspaper up under Fluttershy's muzzle. "Apple trees take as long as six years after initial planting to become fruit producing, and Ponyville relies on the apple production of Sweet Apple Acres for stability. I know you care about all critters and want to take care of them, but not at the expense of every pony in Ponyville."

Fluttershy's ears fell. "I...I didn't know that. I'm sorry..."

"Now that we're actually talking," Twilight growled, "I actually happen to have a solution that's good for both sides. Relocation."

"Relocation?" Fluttershy asked in confusion as Applejack perked up.

"The vampire fruit bats came here because it's part of their migration cycle," Twilight explained. "We're going to relocate them and shift their migration cycle so it only stops in uninhabited areas and wild trees." Noticing Fluttershy's continued concern, she smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry. They won't even notice it happening."

"How are you gonna manage that, Twi?" Rainbow asked eagerly.


"Twilight! Language!" Rarity chided, scandalized.

Twilight's hoof met her face.

(1) You can thank Justice3442's story A Newspaper Solves Everypony's Problems for this bit. I enjoy his work a little too much. Does it show?

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