• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,179 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Arsenal: Florana

The trio landed easily on Planet Florana, gazing around at the lush, tropical forest and the ancient buildings vaguely visible, braced invitingly over deep swamps filling the air with thick musk. A truly picturesque landscape spread out before them, welcoming them to a new world to explore.

"Gods the stench!" Twilight proclaimed, triggering her O2 mask to filter out the natural scents of the planet, which were truly overpowering to her.

"Yeah, I guess I see what you mean," Ratchet agreed, the scent affecting him as well, though not as strongly. "But this isn't getting us any closer to finding this guy we're supposed to-"

"It's Captain Quark," Twilight replied bluntly.

"What?" Ratchet asked in surprise. "Seriously?"

"President Phyronix said he was the only one to ever face Nefarious and live," Twilight replied. "I did research on the flight here. Why do you think I insisted on installing the galactic net outlet in the ship last time we got it upgraded?"

Ratchet scratched the back of his head. "So...we're tracking down Captain Qwark...gotta admit, I'm not sure how to feel about that."

"Neither am I," Clank agreed.

As the trio made their way across swamp water sections by leaping across wooden platforms - assaulted at regular intervals by large bugs, boomerang wielding natives, and at one point a giant water snake - they each went through their own thoughts regarding the one time hero.

While Ratchet had once absolutely despised Qwark for shattering Twilight's last illusions from her childhood innocence, and had been all too ready to hate him for his plot to use Megacorp as a means to make his heroic return and steal Twilight away. But then Qwark had nearly died, taking what should have been lethal amounts of damage, preventing Ratchet from accidentally killing Twilight. Plainly, there was still a spark of heroism somewhere inside Qwark, some semblance of the good man he presumably was once. Logic dictated that if Twilight had somehow brought that spark out, then she could conceivably nudge that spark into a flame, make Qwark a true hero again...assuming he ever was once. The debate in Ratchet's head now was whether or not it was worth it to risk Twilight's emotional well being on that chance by making her interact with Qwark again after everything he'd put her through. He didn't want to risk her...but at the same time, he knew Twilight would be disappointed in him if he didn't try.

Clank had read up on all of Qwark's exploits, and he was beginning to wonder about the former hero's motivations. His tirade back on Yeedil about how Twilight would be his didn't add up in hindsight. There was something missing from the equation, something that Clank found it difficult to logic out. However, he knew that will they or nill they, they would be spending a protracted amount of time in Qwark's company once they found him. With luck, he'd be able to decipher his motives, and ensure no future difficulties would rise.

Twilight's thoughts turned to that back room she'd followed Qwark into. All those pictures with him standing in the spotlight...alone. How long had it been since Qwark had a meaningful emotional connection with another living being? When was the last time someone had stopped worshiping the ground he walked on - or, as was the case after the Blarghian incident, spitting on it - long enough to ask how he was feeling? Did anyone even know when his birthday was, and give him a thoughtful gift to celebrate?

Realizing that she hadn't seen one picture of Qwark's parents back there, she found herself wondering...did he even know when his birthday was?

When she was very young, she had hero worshiped Qwark like so many others. When she'd actually met him, she had been ecstatic, thinking she'd join his hero team. When he'd betrayed her, she'd been hurt and angry. After Yeedil, she'd been confused and curious. But now, when she actually stopped to think about everything that she had learned...she felt sorry for him. She pitied him.

That smile that had been on his face in every picture she had seen...it felt fake now. Forced. Like a pain had been inside him so deep and so long that he'd forgotten he was hiding it...until he met Twilight. Now...now Twilight wanted to see what a real smile would look like on his face. She didn't know why that feeling was so strong in her, but the idea of making it happen filled her, and her heart felt like it was floating from the strings of 99 pink balloons.

Several ladders, zip lines, and other such obstacles later - many of which Twilight rode out clinging to Clank on Ratchet's back - they arrived at a wide open circular area...and were confronted by a hideous sight.

"Aaah!" Twilight and Ratchet both shouted in fear, reaching for their weapons.

"You trespass on sacred ground," the figure proclaimed in an echoey voice before letting off a hooting laugh. "Now you walk Path of Death!"

When Clank opened his mouth to complain, Twilight shushed him. "It's probably just an obstacle course meant to test us, to prove worthy to be here."

Rolling his eyes, Ratchet led the way in.

Twilight's assessment proved correct. After several platform jumps, dodging a few flamethrowers, fighting a few more of the natives that were under the 'mysterious figure's sway along with some bugs, and dodging a few boulders and wall crushers that could be jumped over, the trio reached a wide open arena, where said figure was waiting for them.

"Can...not...be!" the masked figure whispered in awe.

After a bit of a stare down, a small monkey snatched the mask off the figure, revealing a rather disheveled looking Captain Quark.

With the mask off, Qwark entered a battle stance.

"It appears to be some sort of trial by combat," Clank posited.

Any further speech was cut off as a massive pillar ripped from the wall in a magenta aura, smashing Qwark against the wall.

Ratchet and Clank both turned to stare at Twilight. "What?" she asked reasonably. "He took a full RYNO blast. He can take it." Pulling the pillar away, she revealed that Qwark was still standing. "See?" She then lifted the pillar up before slamming it down on top of him.

The monkey promptly put the mask on Twilight's face.

"I guess that means he thinks you're in charge," Ratchet suggested as Twilight tossed the pillar aside, letting the now tame and obedient, if somewhat feral, Qwark free to hoot and holler as he bounced around Twilight like a monkey.

"Smart monkey," Clank joked before laughing his iconic laugh.

When they returned to their ship, Twilight pointed imperiously to the back seat. "Sit! Do not move!" She added a few hoots.

Qwark hopped into the back seat and sat politely, the monkey on his shoulder.

"You are throne!" Twilight commanded, climbing into Qwark's lap. Qwark, for his part, looked overjoyed.

Ratchet and Clank then climbed into the pilot and copilot's seats. At that point, the computer indicated an incoming signal. Clank opened the channel.

The transmission displayed a Cazar female of approximately Angela Cross's age, with sharply pointed cat ears, a soft brown coat, bright blue eyes, a slim build, and dressed in a purple Captain's uniform decorated with a red and gold phoenix at the throat.

"This is Captain Sasha of the Starship Phoenix," she formally introduced herself. "The President has asked me to assist you."

"Well, we've managed to recover Captain Qwark," Ratchet explained. "But...he seems to think he's a monkey."

"Of course," Sasha replied, startling a giggle from Twilight. Obviously, she didn't share the President's high opinion of the former hero.

"Twilight has him under her complete control, however," Clank added. "However, we need instructions as far as what to do with him."

"Bring him to the Phoenix," Sasha instructed. "We'll see what we can do. Here's the coordinates." As the coordinates transferred, she concluded her transmission with, "Sasha out."

Inputting the coordinates, Ratchet set the course and took the ship into the sky.

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