• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,144 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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4-gotten: Weather or Not

The group continued to fight their way forward with Twilight safe on Qwark's head. The Slorgs, it was discovered, were immune to any non-magical damage, and hits from conventional weaponry caused them to slide around on the platforms until they slid off into the water, where they dissolved when their electrical charge was lost. Twilight made a mental note of this, convinced it would be useful information later.

Qwark quickly noticed that the parts of the platforms the tentacles attacked were slightly paler than the wood around them, and allowed Alister and Nefarious to move ahead to trigger the tentacles' actions so Twilight wouldn't be upset by the proximity of such narrow tentacles.

Twilight's theory about the Slorgs was soon proven true, as they came across a device built into a depression in the platform that only activated once they'd knocked enough Slorgs into it, which promptly released a discharge that wiped out the remaining Slorgs as well as activating nearby devices.

"Seems like nearly everything we've come across this adventure is built around electrically charged creatures of some sort," Qwark commented idly. "I wonder why that is?"

"Only way we'll get answers is by moving forward," Alister pointed out, urging the group onward.

After activating a few more Slorg powered devices, the group were able to make their way across a few conveyor belts, pausing as they saw a tentacle reach out of the water to seize a giant fish hanging from a gantry, tearing all the meat off of it and leaving only the skeleton behind. "O...kay," Twilight whimpered softly. "I am no longer afraid of the tentacles doing naughty things to me. Instead I'm afraid of having all the flesh stripped from my bones to be devoured. ...I'm not certain it's an improvement..."

"Don't worry!" Qwark proclaimed proudly in an attempt at reassurance. "I won't let the tentacle monster devour you whole!"

"And even if it does, your armor interacting with your magic probably qualifies as enough cybernetic augmentation for Darkwater's curse to kick in for you, and then I can upgrade you enough to not notice the difference," Nefarious offered. "Your magical powers should really help with that."

Twilight whimpered audibly. "But I don't want to be an undead robot pirate ghost! I like being squishy!"

"I could probably manage cyborg," Nefarious suggested.

"Not. Helping," Alister chided as Twilight huddled closer to Qwark's back.

"Sorry," Nefarious apologized. "I'm not so good at the consolation thing. I'm just trying to help!"

"It's okay, Doctor," Twilight offered softly. "Just...maybe try a different approach as far as helping?"

Nefarious scratched at his chin for a time. "You mean like suggesting that Orvus is likely watching us and probably wouldn't be above turning time back six minutes or so at a time if you wound up getting killed, knowing the enhancements I gave my sensors - as well as the quantum actuator I managed to install - would let me redirect events so it doesn't happen since I'd remember the erased six minutes the same way Clank does?"

Alister and Qwark stared at Nefarious in shock. A smile slowly spread across Twilight's face. "Yes," she agreed. "That is much more comforting."

"Huh," Nefarious muttered thoughtfully. "So offers of transformation into a cybernetic indestructible immortal completely indistinguishable from a normal living being is disturbing, but the possibility of rampant quantum manipulation that runs the risk of tearing apart the fabric of the multiverse isn't. I don't understand why, but I'll keep it in mind."

"...my brain hurts," Qwark mumbled petulantly.

"What else is new?" Nefarious snapped irritably.

"I understood that..." Qwark whimpered. "That's why my brain hurts..."

"Think about it later," Alister called out as a new type of flying Minion bot approached. "We've got incoming!"

The new Minion bot was a black and orange sphere with a face and two propeller pods attached to the sides, with a bomb launcher in its mouth. It cackled as it approached, and promptly exploded from the barrage of fire the group hit it with.(1) More followed, but each went down just as easily as the first did.

"That went quick," Twilight joked happily. "Let's go!" Feeling more secure, she hopped off Qwark's back, rushing forward to open yet another path forward with Qwark's help, activating a matched pair of gadgets. Once the door was open, however, she paused before making her way through, glancing nervously back over her shoulder. "...Nefarious? If Orvus does end up having to turn back time to save me, and I'm not aware of it..."

"I won't say a word," Nefarious promised, smiling reassuringly. "I'll even try to make sure that you aren't even aware of me guiding you away from what kills you in the time that gets turned back." To give her extra reassurance, he began the motions. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye...or should I say optic?"

Twilight smiled widely. "Thanks, Doc," she said happily, racing ahead.

Nefarious' smile faded as he stared after her, taking the lead as the group moved ahead. "Not a word," he promised softly once he was sure none of them could hear, steeling himself against what might very well happen, preparing a sectioned off portion of his hard drive for the knowledge he'd eventually have to keep, even from himself if it came to pass. "No matter how many times..."

With his preparations made, he raced to keep up, accepting the duty that was now his, and the burden that went with it.

(1) A note I thought I'd make about this particular game...things actually go this quickly in the regular game if you have a full party of four via the online play. At that point, the biggest challenge this game offers is connection issues and lag.

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