• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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A Day of Relaxation

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

A day of Relaxation

City of Canterlot
Late Morning

Five mare exited from Donut Joe's, each one satisfied after their hearty breakfast from within.

Rainbow Dash, content as she was, gracefully landed on her hooves before sitting on her haunches, a blue hoof patted her belly with a satisfied grin. "Now that was a breakfast fit for a champion.” She turned towards the pink pony behind her. “Or should I say princess. Thanks for fitting the bill by the way Princess Cadance."

Cadance released a soft laugh from behind her raised hoof. "Hehee. Anytime Rainbow...and please, call me Cadance. We are among friends after all."

The brash mare smirked."Hey if being friends with you means eating like a princess then I'm all for it."

"Now Dash, do be careful with that line of thinking," Rarity mused. "Wouldn't want to ruin your athletic figure after all."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes playfully. "Come on Rarity. You know me. I burn off these calories in ten seconds flat!" She smiled before turning towards Fluttershy, placing a hoof around her friend’s shoulder. "Now, If you wanna talk about somepony who can pack it away, then you might wanna turn to the yellow vacuum over here."

Said mare blushed brightly at the blue mare’s teasing. "Well, I...I mean...I hadn't really eaten much the past day or two so...," she admitted doing her best to hide behind the fringes of her mane. "I guess with things calming down and my head...a little less of a mess...my hunger caught up to me..."

"I know how you feel Fluttershy.” Twilight sympathized, “ We've all been through quite the ordeal lately," She gave the timid mare a knowing glance, "Still out of all of us...I'm glad you are feeling a lot better then when I first saw you at the castle last night."

Fluttershy timidly rubbed her foreleg in embarrassment. "I...um...Thank you Twilight. And yes...I...do feel alot better now." She turned towards Cadance. "And thank you Cadance...for everything."

The princess of love winked at the timid mare. "Always happy to help my friends Fluttershy.” Looking towards the sky, she nodded softly. “Now, I really should be going. I'm sure Princess Celestia is waiting on my return after all…though..." She turned towards Twilight. "You said you were going to visit your parents right, Twi? Are you sure you don't want me to at least walk you the way there? I mean I can teleport myself back to the castle if I need to when I do."

Twilight smiled gratefully at her old foal sitter. "Thank you, Cadance. That's very thoughtful of you, but I'll be okay. It's not too far from here, and I could really use the walk to clear my head. I still have to work though all these papers I memorized about the Diamond Dogs. A little me time for such a task can be good. But I'll definitely see you back at the castle. Okay?"

The Princess nodded understandingly before moving to gently give her sister-in-law a giant hug. "Hehe. I'll see you later then, Twilight." She turned to the others. "And all of you as well. Rainbow. Rarity...And Fluttershy." Bidding them a gentle farewell, she soon vanished in a shimmer of magical light, surprising most of the ponies who had been walking nearby.

Sighing softly, The lavender unicorn smiled towards her friends. "What about the rest of you?"

Rainbow Dash, always being the first one, spoke up, "I think I'm going to head over to the Wonderbolts' training grounds and work on some new tricks. Gotta stay ahead of the game, you know? Besides, like I said...I can burn off my calories in ten seconds...flat!" She gave a cocky smirk before taking off into the sky with a burst of speed, kicking up dust, much to many of the ponies around them annoyance.

Rarity scoffed as she watched the blue mare in the sky with a critical eye. "My word...must she always do things so brutishly?" Turning back to the rest, she smiled softly. "As for moi, I was planning on hitting Canterlot's Spa boutique today. I was given tickets for two from Celestia herself as you may have it." She turned towards Fluttershy. "And because I have two, I thought it might be a good way for me and Fluttershy to unwind after everything in Trottingham. If you would love to join me, Darling."

Fluttershy's eyes widened in surprise at Rarity's invitation, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Oh...um...Rarity, that sounds lovely," she replied, her voice soft and appreciative. "Of course I would love to join you."

"Wonderful!” The fashionista beamed. “ It'll be a delightful afternoon of pampering and relaxation."

Fluttershy nodded eagerly, her heart fluttering with anticipation at the thought of spending time with Rarity and indulging in some much-needed self-care. "Yes, I'm actually looking forward to it," she murmured, her smile growing.

Twilight watched the exchange between her friends with a smile. "Can't say I'm not jealous but I think you two deserve a bit of rest." she remarked, her tone cheerful. "So, we will meet back together at Canterlot Castle. I'll still have to fill Sora in on everything later on about the Diamond Dogs, but that can wait for now. Right now it's time for me to make a home visit I’ve been putting off for a while. So...see you girls later?"

The three friends bid their farewells to Twilight as she made her way towards her parents' house.

Rarity and Fluttershy, on the other hand, walked the other way, their hooves clopping softly down the cobblestone path as they walked side by side towards the Canterlot Spa Boutique, their conversation filled with excitement and anticipation for the relaxing afternoon ahead.

The walk was short, made all the shorter as they talked. Well Rarity was doing most of the talking while Fluttershy listened and hummed softly in response to her words. It wouldn't be long before they made their way into the spa proper, the scents of lavender and chamomile filling the air around them.

Of course, Rarity instantly presented her tickets to the mare behind the counter.

The head masseuse smiled warmly as she took the tickets. "Welcome, dear honored guest, to the Canterlot Spa Boutique," she greeted them, making her way towards the nearby curtain. Pulling it back she gestured for them to enter. "I hope you both have a relaxing and rejuvenating experience today. Please feel free to explore our facilities and let us know if there's anything we can do to make your visit more enjoyable."

Fluttershy returned the smile, feeling a sense of excitement bubbling within her as she glanced around the spa. The plush robes, softly lit rooms, and serene atmosphere promised a much-needed escape from the hustle and bustle of the past few days.

Rarity linked her hoof with Fluttershy's, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "Shall we, darling?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with anticipation.

Fluttershy nodded eagerly, her heart aflutter with anticipation as she followed Rarity into the spa.


Canterlot Castle

Sora, finishing getting dressed, Strapped the bags Rarity had made for him around his legs tight before standing up. Slipping a hoof inside them, he frowned when he pulled out only three bottles of his Potions. "Dang…Only a few of them left. Least I can use the ethers I have now that I have my magic back. Those should hold me for a while till that mare...ah...Zecora I think her name was, right? She's the one working on making more potions for me and the girls so...Guess I gotta be a little careful with what I use for now."

He sighed softly before opening the door to his room, looking out into the hallway. His head swiveled left, and then right before he exited proper, closing the door behind himself. He folded his hooves across his chest, and closed his eyes, Not that I have any use for them now. Celestia said that I have a few days to myself...but...Hmm...What can I do? It's been a while since I was alone like this. Not since back at the islands.

Opening his eyes once again he looked around himself. Actually there was usually always someone around, even back in Ponyville. If it wasn’t…umm… He blushed lightly in embarssment. If it wasn’t Fluttershy, it was Rainbow Dash…or one of the fillies. Guess…I never really had time to myself…at least not for a long period of time…

With little else, Sora began to wander the halls of Canterlot Castle, his mind racing with thoughts of what he could do during his rare moment of solitude. The familiar faces of Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash were all preoccupied with their own activities, leaving him to ponder his next move. While he wasn’t per say, alone, many guards or maids and butlers running about, not too many ponies paid him the time of day.

Guess I’ll just look around. Not too much else I can do after all.

With that thought as his guide, Sora began to explore the corridors and champers of Princess Celestia's castle in earnest. Though he had been through it a few times, now that he had the actual time to look, he couldn't help but be in awe of the grandeur of the Castle's insides, with its tall white towers and intricately placed architecture. There were tapestries adorning the walls, every other one being that of the Sun and Moon motif. Grand chandeliers hung from the high ceilings, sparking softly and brightly, as if they were just hung.

He was even sure he came across a window overlooking a moderately sized lake, with fish jumping in the water and everything

"Wow...The king's castle was impressive, but this is on a whole other level," Sora muttered to himself, taking in every detail with wide eyes. The opulence and elegance of Canterlot Castle left him feeling both amazed and a bit humbled.


The keyblade wielder epped softly before turning around, his eyes widening at the sight of Sunburst of all ponies making his way towards him.

“Huh…Oh! It’s you!” With a bright smile, Sora made his way towards the other stallion before stopping in front of the unicorn, placing both of his hooves behind his own head. “Dude. It's good to see you finally up.” A quick look of concern suddenly crossed Sora’s features. “Are you sure you should be up and about, though? I mean you did just wake up not too long ago from a deep sleep and all.”

Sunburst chuckled softly, "I do appreciate your concern, Sora, but I'm feeling much better now.” He shook his head. “Besides, I couldn’t let Starlight face everything here alone now can I?” he puffed his chest proudly. “Don’t worry about me. I’ve worked on less energy before…” deflating a bit, he adjusted his glasses with a smile. “And a bit of help from hard caffeine doesn’t hurt matters either.” The stallion soon smiled. “Oh…speaking of. I’m glad I found you. I never thanked you and your friends for what you’ve done for me and Starlight…If it wasn’t for you, Starlight wouldn’t be here today so...”

“Hey its no biggy.” Sora dismissed with a flash of his smile. “After everything I learned, it didn’t seem right to just…ya know…Defeat her like I did Sombra.”

The orange unicorn gaped at the keyblade wielder, words. “W-wait…S-Sombra? You mean the King Sombra? From one thousand years ago King Sombra?”

“Yeah, that’s the one.” Sora affirmed. “He was pretty tough but I was able to pull off a win in the end of it. Even when he turned all big and stuff.”

“My word.” Sunburst adjusted his glasses. “If that's true then honestly, you have to be a legend in the making to pull something like that off.”

“I don’t know about that.” The keyblade wielder responded, a hoof rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. “Honestly I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere if it wasn’t for my friends helping me back then.”

Both my pony ones and Riku…

“Still…” The orange unicorn spoke. “I certainly wouldn’t doubt you had a big part to play in it. From what I saw, you yourself certainly have a way of bringing out the best of those around you. Your friends must be lucky to have a pony like you by their side if nothing else.”

Sora chuckled softly at the complement, his hoof scratching the side of his cheek. “Feels more like I’m lucky to have them by my side.” Standing a bit straighter he frowned, deciding a bit of a subject change was in order. “By the way. How is Starlight doing? She’s not being treated too roughly is she?”

The Keyblade wielder noticed a notable mood change within the stallion before him, orange ears dropping ever so slightly. “She…She’s still a little out of it, if I’m being honest. It might be because she is coming to terms with her part in everything that happened back at the city…still…Princess Luna says she will do her best to at least get the lightest sentence possible for her if she continues to cooperate with everypony here. Guess that’s the best we can do for now.”

“If it's Princess Luna looking after her then I’m sure things will turn out alright.” the keyblade wielder's smile faltered ever so slightly as he looked away. “And…ah…Sorry I couldn’t do more for her myself.”

The unicorn shook his head before adjusting his glasses, giving Sora a kind smile. “If it wasn’t for you, neither me or Starlight would be where we are today. I don’t think either of us can thank you enough. I at least don’t know what I would do if I lost her a second time…”

Sora frowned softly, thinking back to the memories he had seen from Sunburst when he had freed him. A smile formed on his face remembering just how happy Sunburst felt when he had found his old friend…and how happy Starlight looked when she had done the same.

“Well…you got her back…That’s what matters, right?” The tan pegasus smiled brightly as he placed both of his hooves behind his own head. “Just don’t lose her again, okay?”

Sunburst chuckled, a light blush dusting his cheeks. “I’ll do my best, Sora. She means everything to me after all.”

“There you are Sora, Trixie has been looking all over for you.”

Both stallions turned around at the sudden voice, a grin spreading across the keyblade wielder of the two’s face as he saw the show mare approaching him in her usual dramatic flair, purple cape flowing behind her.

Raising a hoof he waved at the blue Unicorn, "Hey Trixie. Good morning." He paused before looking off towards the sky. “Or…is it afternoon now?”

The show mare shrugged. “It matters little to Trixie,” She turned towards the keyblade wielder. “What does matter is that you are up and about now. With the way that rainbow maned mare was going, she was sure you would be stuck in your room all day and she would have had to drag you out by the scruff of your tail.” She turned towards the other stallion, rasing an eyebrow at him. “And…this is?”

Sunburst cleared his throat, extending a hoof towards Trixie with a warm smile. "I'm Sunburst, an acquaintance of Sora's. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Trixie."

Trixie eyed Sunburst carefully, taking in his friendly demeanor and kind expression. Her initial skepticism faded as she offered a small smile in return. "Likewise, Sunburst. Any friend of Sora's is a friend of Trixie’s.”

Sora couldn’t help but raise his eyebrow at the blue mare. Seems she gets along with everyone but Rainbow Dash. Shaking his head, he smiled at the mare. “Did you need something?”

“No…” The mare said hesitantly. “Not particularly. Trixie just came back from…ah…visiting her mother. She was quite surprised that the guard allowed Trixie back into the castle, saying that she has special permission from the princesses themselves…Though even then…she doesn’t quite know too many ponies so…she looked for you.”

“Oh?" Sora smiled at the mare. “Well if you wanna hang out I’m all for it.” He turned towards the other stallion. “What about you?”

“Would love to but I am out on an errand of sorts. Getting me and Starlight something to eat from the cafeteria. She really hasn’t eaten since last night and doesn’t quite trust anypony else getting her food right now.”

Sora grinned, understanding Sunburst's need to attend to Starlight. "Course, go ahead. It was great seeing you up and about, Sunburst."

Sunburst nodded gratefully, offering a warm smile before turning to leave. "Thank you, Sora. Take care, and give my regards to your friends." He turned towards the show mare, adjusting his glasses as he did so. “It was nice meeting you, Trixie.”

The showmare and the keyblade wielder watched him leave before they both turned towards each other.

“So…ah…” He rubbed the back of his head. “What do you wanna do?”

“Well…” blue unicorn began, tilting her head ever so slightly. “Trixie heard from the grapevine that you acquired a bit of magic that you had yet to show Trixie.”

“H-Huh…Oh! Well…” The stallion rubbed the back of his head. “I mean…guess?”

Before he could say anything else, he felt the mare grab him by his hoodie with her magic and soon he was being dragged along behind her. “Trixie would very much like to see it in action if that is the case. A pegasus doing high grade spells is almost unheard of after all. And what better way to see for myself if you were telling the truth of it all, than with a quick demonstration of said magical prowess.” She smiled. “In fact, Trixie saw the training fields nearby so that is where we are heading now.”

The stallion couldn’t help but sigh as he folded his hooves about his chest, feeling his back drag against the dirt below him. “I don’t get a say?”

"Of course not! Trixie is in charge here, and you are going to show off that magic of yours whether you like it or not."

“Hehe…figured…” Despite everything, Sora couldn’t help but smile. He honestly didn’t like being alone anyway.


Middle of Canterlot City
Sparkle Residents

Twilight Sparkle stood in front of the familiar door of her childhood home, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and nostalgia. She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before gently knocking on the door.

“I’ll be right there.”

The lavender mare couldn’t help but smile brightly at the voice she knew all too well. Puffing out her chest, the young unicorn stood tall just as the door opened, revealing a white and purple mare, her mane nearly identical to Twilight’s own despite it having it own flare.

“Now. How can…I…” The older mare trailed off as her eyes began to widen.

“Hehe…ah…Hi mom.”

"Oh, Twilight, my dear!" The mare Twilight Sparkle had gotten her namesake from, Twilight Velvet, exclaimed, her voice filled with motherly affection that the lavender mare was ever so used to. "Now this is a wonderful surprise! Do, come in, come in! I just took the tea off the kettle. Was about to work on my new book after all.”

“Oh!” Sparkle gasped. “I’m sorry. I guess I should have told you I was coming first. Are you sure you aren’t too busy?”

"Nonsense, dear. There's always time for family," The mare reassured her daughter, placing a gentle hoof on her shoulder. “My editor can wait. Come in! Sit, sit, sit.”

Twilight Velvet closed the door behind them and led Twilight down the hallway towards the cozy living room. The walls were adorned with shelves filled with books, photographs, and various knick-knacks collected over the years. The scent of lavender and vanilla filled the air, instantly transporting her back to cherished memories of her foalhood.

“You haven’t changed a thing in here since me and Shining left, have you mom?” Sparkle asked, taking a seat upon one of the soft chairs nearby.

Velvet chuckled softly, a twinkle in her eyes as she settled in the armchair across from her daughter. “Oh, I just can’t bring myself to change it too much. It’s full of memories of when you both were little.” She poured them each a cup of tea with her magic, handing one of her cups over towards the lavender mare. “I doubt I’ll ever get rid of it long as it keeps holding up.”

Twilight Sparkle cradled the warm teacup in her magic, taking a small sip as she glanced around the familiar room. The pictures on the walls brought back a flood of memories from her childhood - family outings, Hearth’s Warming celebrations, and quiet evenings spent reading with her mother.

“I’ve missed this,” Twilight admitted softly, setting the teacup down on the small table in front of her.

“You should visit more often than. You make a grown mare worried everytimeshe learns something about her daughter in the news, after all.” Velvet admonished before taking a sip of her tea as well, making the lavender of the two Twilight’s cringe ever so slightly. She knew that tone of voice. It wasn’t the happiest one.

Rubbing the back of her head, Sparkle laughed nervously. “Oh…yeah…haha…Guess you heard about what happened in Ponyville?”

“Indeed. From the princess herself no less.” Velvet frowned. “She told me that you would write back when you were ready but…guess what I didn’t receive?”

“I…” Sparkle sighed as she lowered her head. It was as she feared. The disappointed mother tone of voice. “Yeah…no…That’s my fault, mom. It's half the reason I came here to visit you too…to tell you I’m sorry in person.”

"Twilight, dear, you don't need to apologize," she said softly, her tone shifting to a gentle one. "I’m the one who should be sorry, here. Here we are having a happy reunion and I bring up stuff that doesn’t need to be brought up since you are here safe and sound. You must think I’m a horrible mother.”

The younger Twilight shook her head vigorously, her eyes wide with surprise at the suggestion. “No, mom, no! You’re not a horrible mother at all. I’m the one who should’ve written sooner and kept you in the loop about everything. I’ve just been… caught up in so much lately.”

“So I’ve heard.” Velvet said with a shake of her head. “From saving a town to saving a whole empire alongside your brother…I knew my foals were something special but to be doing all that…and now trying to save the world…a dear old mother can only take so much before she demands answers you know.”

Twilight Sparkle chuckled, a sheepish smile on her face. "I guess we do have a knack for getting into some pretty big adventures, don't we? But I promise, I'll make more of an effort to keep you updated from now on."

“I don’t expect something every day. Just…a letter or two will do, most preferably after whatever next big event you and your friends get up to next.” The mother smiled. “At least let me know my own daughter is still alive and kicking.”

“Deal,” Twilight Sparkle replied with a warm smile.

“Now…you don’t mind telling your dear old mother why you are in Canterlot do you? I know for a fact you didn’t come to your old home just for little old me.”

“Haha…well…Not at first, no, sadly.” Twilight admitted before sitting up a bit. “It might take a bit, since there is a lot to cover…don’t mind a long story do you?”

“You do remember you are talking to a writer and editor of several books.” Velvet settled back in her armchair, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. “Darling, I live for long stories. So, tell me everything. Start from the beginning.”


Canterlot Entertainment District
Within Canterlot Spa Boutique

As Fluttershy settled into the warmth of the hot tub, a sense of relaxation washed over her. The gentle heat enveloped her body, easing away the tension that had built up over the past few days. Closing her eyes, she let out a soft sigh of contentment, feeling the soothing sensation seep into her muscles.

Rarity watched with a fond smile as Fluttershy sank deeper into the water, her expression serene and peaceful. "Isn't this just lovely, darling?" She remarked, her voice filled with genuine delight. "Nothing quite like a nice soak to melt away the stresses of the day."

Fluttershy nodded in agreement, a small smile gracing her lips. "Yes, it's...it's very nice," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. The warm water seemed to cocoon her in comfort, offering a brief respite from the worries and responsibilities that weighed on her mind.

The fashionista leaned back against the edge of the hot tub, her eyes drifting closed as she basked in the tranquility of the moment. "I must say, Fluttershy, spending time like this with you is simply delightful," she said, her tone sincere. "It's moments like these that make me appreciate the simple pleasures in life."

"I feel the same way, Rarity," she replied softly, her gaze meeting Rarity's. "Its been too long since I just…um…let go I guess."

“Oh tell me about it.” The mare whined softly. “What has it been? Feels like weeks since our last spa session. Almost forgot how it feels to get pampered and indulged in relaxation.” Rarity let out a contented sigh, her horn lighting up as she levitated a cucumber slice to place over her closed eyes. “And of course spending it with a good friend is always a plus.

“Mh-hmm.” Fluttershy agreed, allowing her eyes to close just the same. “Thank you…for inviting me I mean.”

Rarity smiled warmly, "Anytime, darling. I know you needed it just as much as I did after everything," she said, her voice gentle and reassuring. "And what better way to do so than with good company and a relaxing soak?" She opened one of her eyes. “By the way Darling, before we went to get something to eat, I couldn’t help but look back and see you talking to Cadance.”

Fluttershy's eyes opened wide at Rarity's words. Squeaking ever so slightly, the timid mare felt her body slowly sinking a bit lower into the bubbling tub. "Oh…um…yes," she began, her voice soft and thoughtful. "Cadance and I had a lovely chat about... well, about a lot of things, really."

“Ooooh? Is that so?” The white mare smiled as her magic lifted one of the cucumber slices from her eye. “And that chat wouldn’t happen to be about a certain naïve tan stallion we both know, would it?”

If there was a mark, Rarity knew she hit it, finding the suddenly blushing and flustered mare an adorable sight to behold.

"Oh, um, well...” The yellow mare stammered as she tried to look anywere but towards her friend. “I suppose Sora might have come up in conversation, yes" she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

A soft chuckle escaped the white mare’s lips. “Now now, I won’t bother you to tell me everything. I’m sure it was a personal matter after all. Still, if you would permit me to ask, do you know what you want to do now?”

The shy mare twirled a lock of her mane nervously under the water, the gentle hum of the hot tub providing a soothing backdrop to their conversation. Despite how timid she looked though, Rarity couldn’t help but see the small hint of fire in her eyes.

“I…I’m still unsure of a lot of stuff…but…I…I think…That I do.”

Rarity smiled. “Then I shell leave it at that, and allow you to work your magic Miss Shy. I know for a fact you are a mare that knows what she wants after all.”

Fluttershy's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink at Rarity's encouraging words. She appreciated her friend's confidence in her, even if she still felt uncertain about many things. "Thank you, Rarity," she murmured, a shy smile gracing her lips. "I'll... I'll do my best."

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