• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 26,707 Views, 1,589 Comments

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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The Crystal Empire (Edited)

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

The Crystal Empire

Green to start music and red to stop music


Sora, Spike, and Twilight had made their way back to the festivities, the lavender mare of the trio quickly finding all of her friends and filling them in on Celestia’s impromptu summons. They gave their apologies to Mayor Mare before making their way back to Twilight's treehouse, convening there to discuss what to do next.

“Well...If it ain't one thing then it's another .” Applejack cooly commented after rereading the note from the princess, though there was a noticeable twinge of annoyance to her tone, “Not a few days since the last incident and we are already on another case. Starting ta think that the universe has something against us.”

“I don’t like it either, darling.” Rarity lamented. “Don’t these brutes know that I need my beauty time? They really are cutting into the work that I put into managing my image.”

“Ha! Like badguys care about our time.” Rainbow huffed hotly. “In any case it just means that we can bring the fight to them instead of them catching us off guard like last time. Been wanting to beat up a few of those stupid heartless for a while anyway. Barely saw any action the last few times they showed up.”

“We don’t even know if it has anything to do with heartless Rainbow.” Twilight admonished as she picked up a rather heavy tome and placed it within a bag upon her back. “It could be something else entirely threatening the kingdom.”

“Could be, but experience taught me to always suspect the heartless.” Sora countered. “Besides, that weird cloaked pony is still out there too. She kinda seems like the type to not let a grudge go.”

“She was...really scary…” Fluttershy added, hiding herself behind her wings. “You don't think...that she is the one the Princess's is asking us about, is she? I don't want to have to deal with any more of those heartless ponies...”

“Awww! Don’t worry Shy!” Pinkie Pie mused as she pulled the shy and shivering mare close into a crushing side hug. “Your big sis Pinky will keep those nasty wasty heartless away from your cute little head.”

“But...Pinkie...I’m a year older then-”

“In any case.” The lavender mare interjected, commanding the attention of the entire room. “We need to get ready to leave. I want all of you at the train station within the hour. We can’t keep Celestia waiting when she has an important mission for me...For us.”

Sora and the rest of the girls would nod before setting off to get ready. The stallion would pause only for a moment, looking back towards Twilight as she was stuffing another tome within her saddlebag. He had opened his mouth to say something, maybe ask about what it was that she saw back when they were talking but he quickly closed it before following after Applejack.

The lavender mare turned her head just as Sora closed the door, releasing a soft sigh. Latching up her left saddle back, she would make her way towards a nearby work desk, picking up a rather new looking notebook with a vary familiar looking key upon it. It had been the one she had made herself ever since Sora literally dropped into their lives, the mysterious Keyblade Wielder and all of his secrets. What she did know of him was very little, despite how much he talked about himself. Sure she knew that he had friends, fought monsters, and was very much a kind pony, but there was just so much that he seemed to refuse to tell her.

That and...what she saw back when the heartless attacked. Back when she was surrounded by...darkness.

Twilight shivered softly at the mention of that...that place. Sinking into the abyss, she could almost taste the darkness on the tip of her tongue. Something that should have been physically impossible, but she could. It felt...Honestly she didn’t quite know how to feel about it. She hated it, more than anything if she was being honest, but the scary part was, that near the end, before she was saved, she had felt herself nearly give into it.

Was the dark always so...scary?

A loud thud behind the lavender mare caused her to yelp and quickly turn around, seeing her number one assistant leaning against a rather hefty backpack.

“Spike? What are you doing and where do you think you are going with that?”

“Where do you think?” The little dragon huffed. “I’m coming with you, Twilight.”

“Ahhhh...No." The lavender mare responded, giving the little dragon a raised eyebrow. "You are staying here to watch the li-”

A stomp from Spike’s foot cut the mare off. “No way! None of that stay and watch the library crap! I’m coming with you and that's final! No way am I gonna leave your side!”

“Spike!” Twilight said as she stood up, facing the little drake with a frown upon her brow. “First off, language, and second off, this isn’t up for debate. You are to stay here where-”

“-It will be safe?” the dragon interjected. “A lot of good that did a few days ago. Have you forgotten what happened?”

“Of course I didn't Spike! It's the reason why you need to stay here now. Celestia gave her word that something like that will never happen again. She set up wards and assigned more guards around Ponyville just to make sure it doesn't happen again. You will be as safe as safe can be.”

“But what about you?! Who's going to keep you safe!?” Twilight flinched back as Spike’s words cut her deep, but he did not stop. “What if something happens to you and I’m not there. I don’t...I don’t want to feel like I would lose you again” The little drake lowered his head. “Even if it's something small...I want to do everything I can to make sure you are never hurt again.”

Twilight was at a loss for words for once, the mare slowly making her way towards the little dragon and wrapping both forehooves around him, pulling the little dragon into a gentle embrace. “Spike...I...I mean…”

“Please don’t tell me to stay here, Twi...please.”

Twilight pulled away from the dragon giving him a gentle nod. “Fine. You win. I don’t like it, but I guess having you near me is better not knowing if you will get yourself into trouble while I'm away.” She gently kissed his forehead, much to the annoyance of the little drake, though he didn't outright stop her from doing so. “But you always stay by me or one of the girls. Even Sora if it comes to it. If there is even a hint that something dangerous will happen then you run. That is my one condition. Do you understand?”

Spike opened his mouth to protest but found a hoof covering it.

“I asked, do you understand?”

Unable to voice any rejection the little drake nodded solemnly.


Within the hour, the group of eight had made their way to the train station and began to board the train leaving for Canterlot that Celestia had prepared for them, much to their surprise. The excited squeals from Rarity could be heard throughout the train.

“First class with our own cabins. Celestia really went all out for us didn’t she?” The white mare mused over the cabin that she, in her belief, thought was the biggest. "On board kitchen, fully stocked, cabins with beautiful and soft looking cots to rest our heads. "I must say...a lady can get use to this lifestyle."

Applejack rested her back against the back of the chair that she plopped herself onto, waving a hoof at Rarity's musings. “Ya’ll gotta think more practical like Rarity. We have been, without much rest mind you, traveling here and there and everywhere, not to mention we just came out of a rather nasty encounter with a very nasty critter. She probably feels we need someplace to rest for a spell.”

“Be that as it may, darling, I still find it impressive.” Rarity said as she moved out of the way so that Spike and Sora could come through with her luggage.

The duo struggled to push the suitcases full of Celestia knows what into the upper part of the train, the drake and stallion talking absentmindedly as they did so.

"Geeze...what does she have in here?" Sora asked, looking down at the struggling dragon. "Feels like we are taking a whole house with is."

"No complaining Sora." Spike admonished. "As stallion's it is only natural that we do our part to make sure the girls are comfortable.

"But...doesn't she have like...magic? Can't she carry some of this herself?"

"And ask her to strain herself before the trip even began?!"

Before Sora could even respond, Twilight would make herself known, popping in behind the pair with a poof of magic. The mare smiled softly towards the little dragon before turning towards Sora. “Don't mind if I take Sora off your hooves for a bit do you Spike, I need to talk to him...” She looked towards Spike again. “In private mind you.”

Sora blinked once before turning to Spike. “You gonna be okay here till I get back?”

“No *Agh* sure *ugh* Go on ahead. I got this.” He said just before toppling over with a yelp as all the suitcases fell on top of him.

Sora was about to help him up but was forced into the air by Twilight’s magic as she brought him to an empty spot on the train, away from prying ears.

Sora looked on helplessly as Twilight positioned him in front of her, her magic keeping him aloft and upside down much to his charging. “So…what’s up, Twi?”

The lavender mare breathed in and out slowly before addressing the stallion. “It’s about what we were talking about back by that tree. You know…About that…creature.”

Sora folded his forelegs about his chest and closed his eyes, which was made even more comical due to him currently floating upside down at the moment in Twilight’s magic. It took a while before he remembered what she was going on about. “Oh yeah! You saw some type of creature, right? You said you knew it or something?”

Twilight nodded slowly. “Well, I only felt like I knew it. It was strange and I couldn't quite see the actual shape of it. The...darkness had nearly overtaken me by the time It reached me. I did...well...despite me not knowing what it was, I...felt self? I just don’t know why I did. Maybe it had something to it sounding a little like you.”

That revelation startled the young hero. “It sounded like me?”

Twilight nods, as she gently sets Sora back on his hooves. “I mean...It was distant but...I really felt it was you calling out to me at that time. I know that you used your keyblade to help me, but I just don't know what happened on your side of things. Can you...tell me?”

“Well…I don't know what else I can say Twilight.” He told her scratching the side of his head. “When I went to save you with my keyblade all I did was use point the key at you and...well...I guess I wished I would save you. I mean, I know I had my keyblade for a few years now but I still find something new about it nearly every week.”

Twilight sighed heavily at Sora’s admittance, annoyance clear as day upon her face. “That just raises even more questions then. Questions that have been building up ever since you came here. The heartless, the fighting, the darkness. Not to mention that evil pony that tried to steal my heart and turn all my friends in town into heartless.” She shook her head. “I just don’t know what to do anymore. Where I can turn to find the answers I need? And how can I trust in something I don't know anything about?” She looked towards the stallion as she said the last part, her gaze pleading for something.

“I…” Sora paused before continuing, looking away from the mare, “I wish I could help you Twilight.”

Twilight could only sigh before looking away from Sora, her ears drooping low at his admittance. “Me too Sora.” Before she could walk off however, Sora gently grasped her tail with a hoof, causing the lavender mare to look back at him.

“If it means anything...Its...not about trust." He looked away from her. "I probably already said it before but I’m really glad you are safe Twilight. After...After I saw you in that bubble, your heart was about to be taken away...I…It really felt like I...” He held his tongue and shook his head. “There are a lot of things I want to talk about Twilight, that I could tell you, and maybe what I have to say can help you...but…”

Twilight’s eyes were not locked completely upon Sora’s own now that he had her full attention. “But what, Sora?”

“I know that you don’t fully trust me. You don’t have to if you don't want to, but I will always give it my all to protect you and your friends. I will protect you even if you never trust me, you have my word, Twilight. Because That's all I can do...for you...and for them."

Before Twilight could even ask what he meant by that the young stallion had turned away from her, leaving the mare with even more questions than before. “For them? What did he mean by that?” So preoccupied was the lavender mare with her thoughts that she did not notice when twelve extra hooves had snuck their way onto the train.


The princesses of the sun and moon gazed upon the stained glass window depicting two ponies, one a stallion and the other a mare not unlike the two alicorns, positioned in the shape of a heart. While the imagen itself was beautiful in its own right, the two princesses could find no solace within the depiction of two of their subject’s greatest victories depicted within the glass.

“Sister…are you sure you don’t want me to go as well?” Luna finally spoke up, her tone of voice betraying a hint of uncertainty.

Celestia sighed inwardly. She knew the task ahead would be dangerous, deadly even, but still she could not take any risk when it came to the monsters they would be dealing with, especially when she knew who would be involved in the coming conflict. “I’m certain Luna. Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are already there and the others will be joining them soon enough. Besides, we have our own challenges to deal with if you have forgotten Sister”

"We have not sister." The lunar princess responded, with a frown. “The empire’s magic is powerful, though. We cannot allow it to fall again my sister. Especially to the…” Luna Shuddered. “Heartless.”

“I know that all too well Luna. I have faith that both my student and her friends, as well as the young Keyblade Wielder will find a way to stop the dark king, and when they do I know that they will be that much closer to being ready for what truly awaits them. Especially Sora and Twilight.” Despite saying such words, it hurt her deeply not to fully get involved in the coming conflict. She knew that this is what Sora and Twilight needed more then anything. Especially Sora. She could still feel the doubt within his heart when they had last parted. In order for him to win, his heart would need be put to the test.

“I have faith in your student as well sister.” Luna agreed, “And the gallant wielder of the key has more than proven himself to us.” She turned to look away. “It just pains me to have to see them go through this without us truly supporting them in a better way.”

Celestia smiled softly. “I know how you feel dear sister, but-.”


The sister alicorns turned towards where they had been called from, The elements of harmony as well as Sora and Spike making their way towards the duo. Celestia gave them a gentle smile as she whispered to Luna, “Trust me little sister. I know they will be more than ready to take on their task.”

The group would stop before the princess, Twilight stepping up and bowing low to her teacher. “We came as soon as we could, Princess Celestia.”

“Yes my dear student,” Celestia replied. “I am sorry to call you so soon after your troubles within Ponyville.”

Applejack tilted her hat as she stepped up and spoke for everypony within the group. “Don’t y’all fret none, your highness. We’re up to any task y’all can give us, as long as we can kick those dang Heartless out of Equestria fer good.”

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed hovering in the air. “So tell us what's what? What's all this about the Crystal Empire?”

The sun princess nodded. “While my memory is still quite limited due to the effects of the curse Sombra had placed upon the Crystal Empire, what I do remember is this.” levitating a purple crystal from a glass case onto the floor, the princess would fill it with magic, igniting it to form a transparent image of what looked like a city made of crystals, and at its center was a castle of the same design. “One thousand years ago a unicorn whose heart was black as night took over the Crystal Empire with a horde of Shadow Beast at his beck and call.”

“Heartless…” Sora surmised as the beautiful scene turned into that of pure horror. The young stallion grimaced as well as many of the others, as they watched the heartless chase every mare, stallion, and foal in the streets, herding them toward a wicked looking unicorn. Sora could already feel his distaste for the dark stallion rising.

“Indeed, Sora,” Celestia continued. “It was easy for that unicorn, King Sombra, to take the throne due to the previous queen’s illness. With the army of darkness at his command and the power of dark magic within him, he had little to no resistance to oppose him. That is until me and mine sister challenged him with the elements of harmony at our command. He was ultimately overthrown by us, turned into nothing but a shadow due to the elements power, and banished to the ice of the arctic north.”

Luna nodded. “A fitting end for a tyrant such as himself.”

“A fitting end it may be but I still wished we had a way to make him change his ways.” Celestia continued. “Still, despite our win and before he was fully banished, Sombra was able to put a curse upon the Empire, a curse that caused it to not only vanish into thin air, but also wipe our memories of such a place.” She said the last part with an air of despair. “It shames me to have fallen victim to such forbidden magic.” She turned to face them. “And it pains me that I was unable to protect the crystal ponies from harm, but with you, my faithful student, your friends, and the hero of light, there might be a way to crush Sombra’s rule once and for all.”

“So...All we gotta do is take down some tyrannical overlord before he can get his hooves on a city made of crystal, all while fighting hordes of heartless who would want nothing better than to steal our hearts.” Rainbow smirked as she pumped her hoof. “Can you say best day ever?”

“Rainbow!” Applejack Called out. “Be serious!”

“What? I am serious!” She began throwing light jabs in the air. “Seriously gonna show that fake king a thing or two! Maybe even three if he gets unlucky enough to meet me”

Before the farm mare could retort, Twilight would interrupt, a look of determination donning on her features. “How do we even begin, princess?”

The alicorn of the sun smiled brightly as she spoke to her student. “By joining Shining Armor and Princess Cadence in the Crystal Empire.”

Twilight eyes widened. “My brother is there?”

The sun princess nodded. “Indeed he is. He and your former foal sitter are seeing to the kingdom’s defenses even as we speak. With them by yourside as well as the Keyblade of Light, I have every confidence that you will succeed in repelling Sombra.” She smiled at the rest. “You all will.”

The lavender mare looked toward her teacher and ever so slightly her confident expression began to dwindle as she thought about what had happened back at Ponyville. More specifically, what had happened to her and all of her friends. “But…What if we fail?”

Celestia shook her head. “You won’t…”

“But…What if-“ Twilight was cut off by her teacher placing a hoof upon her chest.

“You won’t, Twilight. As long as you always believe in what's important.”

Twilight looked toward the ground for a while before raising her head up high once again. “You can count on me, your highness!”

Celestia smiled knowingly at the young mare before nodding towards her. As the group turned to leave, Celestia would speak up one more time. “Sora, if I can have a word with you.” She paused as Sora and the others looked towards the princess, the alicorn of the sun looking between them all before continuing. “Alone, if that is fine.”

Twilight turned to try and protest but would soon hold her tongue as her gaze shifted towards Sora, remembering the talk they had upon the train. With a sigh of defeat, the lavender mare would give the princess a curt nod before leading the others out of the room, leaving the princesses with the Keyblade Wielder. Now that they were alone, Celestia would smile down upon the young stallion who, in return, casted his gaze upwards towards her, giving the princess a slightly unsure smile of his own.

“Was there...something I can help you with Princess?” the boy would ask.

Celestia frowned. Actually, it looked more like a pout to Sora. The sudden boop to his nose didn’t help with the silly situation either.

“H-hey!” The hero rubbed the spot she poked, looking down at his nose cross-eyed. “What was that for, princess?”

The white alicorn huffed indigently. “Sister dear, can you tell Sora that I will not speak to him until he addresses me correctly.”

The princess of the night rolled her eyes playfully. "Sora, my sister says that she will not speak to you until you address her correctly."

Baffled on all sides, the stallion would raise an eyebrow at the two princesses. “Ah...but...I mean…What?”

Celestia huffed just a little louder and turned her head to the side, sticking her muzzle in the air as she did so.

“Wait, hang on.” The keyblade wielder squinted. “Are you...You are pouting.”

Celestia huffed again, not at all acknowledging the hero or his words.

Luna couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped her. “It is best you adhere to her request, dear wielder of the key, mine sister can be quite stubborn when she wants to be.”

Sora, which a chuckle of his own, finally relented. “ Fine. You win, Celestia.”

The sun princess smiled as she turned to face the hero once again. “And I am happy to see you too, Sora. It seemed like you were quite...what was the word...melancholy?” at Sora’s raised eyebrow the princess would add. “It means down in the dumps as it were.”

“Oh…”Sora couldn’t stop the edge of embarrassment creeping into his tone. “Sorry...Just been thinking a lot.”

Celestia’s face softened at that. “I know that you might be pressed for time, but...Do you want to talk about it?”

Sora shook her head after waiting a moment to think things through. “No...I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” Besides, I don’t want to cause anyone any trouble. We already have enough as it is. Have to keep my head in the game. The young stallion told himself.

Celestia frowned slightly before giving the young hero a gentle nod. “As you wish, Sora.” She smiled softly at the wielder of the keyblade, placing a hoof upon the top of his head, giving it a gentle ruffle. “But if you ever wish to talk, I will be here. Just remember, everypony, no matter who they are, always needs someone to tell their troubles to.”

"hehe...So I've been told." Sora responded. "Still...thanks for the offer...I'll keep it in mind Celestia."

"Thats all I ask Sora. Now, off with you. Don't want to keep the ladies waiting any more then they are do you?"

Sora nodded before leaving, the Princess's words weighing heavily on his mind. Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight...and Celestia...Geeze. I can't be that easy to read...right?


Canterlot City…

With Sora now returned to the party, Twilight led the small group as they made their way out of the castle, the young mare’s mind racing. So much was hanging in the balance, and Celestia had entrusted her with saving a whole empire this time. Was this too much for her to handle? Was she the right pony for the job? She had put on a brave front in front of her teacher, but she knew deep down it was all an act. She had practically been shaking in her horseshoes. Twilight chanced a glance towards Sora. The hero having taken in the sights around him as he trotted along, Fluttershy, the kind mare that she was, walked beside him in silence.

Normally the stallion would be talking to the shy mare, but even now, she could see that he wasn't quite himself. Was it...her fault?

Twilight shook her head as the encounter upon the train began to eat away at her. Maybe I went a little overboard with him on the train. He’s a little weird but he’s honestly been nothing but helpful to us. And what he said before...

The lavender mare sighed, lost in her thoughts as she was. She instantly became aware of herself though due to a certain farmpony wrapping a foreleg around her shoulders, a kind smile placed upon her features. “Ya alright sugarcube? Ya look more worried then a snake at a badger convention.”

Twilight knew that when it came to AJ worrying about you, nothing but the truth would would do, especially when it came to her best friends, with a heavy sight Twilight laminated .”I...Well...I guess me and Sora got into a bit of a fight...well...Actually it was more of me talking and telling him how i couldn't’ trust him i guess.” Saying it out loud made the mare cringe ever so slightly.

“Oh? So that’s what ya two were doing over there. For a minute ah thought he confessed his heart to you and you shot him down.”

Twilight's cheeks turned a lovely shade of red. “What!?”

The farm-mare chuckled gently, nudging the mare. “Just joshing with you, Twi.” After allowing her chuckle to calm down and for Twi’s pout to lessen, she would continue. “So what were you two fighting about?”

“It’s…It’s about his secrets he’s keeping from us. Is it really so bad that he has to hide it? I know we all have our secrets but with what was going on...”She shook her head.

“That critter’s got me more curious than a cat with a mouse. Ah too am wondering what he’s hiding under dat hood but...” She mused gently before looking at her friend. “Still it’s best to make up with him. ”

She looked up at AJ. “Me make up with him?”

“Well yeah. You and ah know he’s too dense to even try to come close to you now, probably feels like it’s best to stay out of your way. Wouldn’t be surprised if he thought the argument was entirely his fault.”

“You’re probably right. Still. Are you sure he would accept it? I was pretty mean.”

AJ shook her head. “Sure as sugar, Twi. He doesn’t look like the type to hate his friends forever over one fight.”

Twilight lowered her head as she pondered Applejack’s words. AJ’s right. I guess I should apologize. He did risk his own life to save mine after all. With renewed determination, the purple pony slowed her trot down till she was walking on the other side of the stallion, Sora, quickly taking notice of this and looking away awkwardly, almost fidgeting as he did so. Both were silent for a long while content with just making their way down the stony Canterlot pathway

It was then that Twilight would stop, which in turn caused Sora to do the same as soon as he saw that she had stopped walking. He raised an eyebrow towards the mare, tilting his head every so slightly at the strange actions of the mare.

“Ah...Twilight?” Fluttershy squeaked softly. “Are you okay?”

The lavender mare smiled softly, yet somewhat sadly before she began to sing.

Sora forgive me, I request,

Fighting is something I detest

Would you sit and hear my plea,

I want to know If you forgive me?

Twilight looked toward Sora, and with the glow of her horn began to raise him up off the ground, much to his dismay.

Sora you’re my friend, can’t you see?

She then released him without warning, much to his dismay, and Rainbow’s enjoyment.

But not knowing things sets my mind at unease.

Sora clapped his hooves after Twilight had seemed to have solved the square root of pie. He had no way of knowing if that was true but hey, it sounded right.

“I’ve always written about friendships bliss,

I just wasn’t prepared for this

Are we friends, or are we not, I can’t be sure.

Sora stepped in and raised his head a bit, his voice too taking on a melodic tone.

Of course we are.

As she smiled he would do the same, both their heads rising a little higher.

I’m just scared of the unknown, please understand.

I really do.

She stopped teleporting and hung her head down as she began to sing again.

I ask you, forgive me I implore,

You’re my friend to the very core ,

I am sorry,

Oh yes I’m sorry,

Forgive me because I am sorry ~

Her song ended as they made their way toward the train station. Sora, tilted his head, looked back at the castle and then back toward Twilight. “Ah...what just happened?” He seemed to have picked his sense of humor back up somewhat.

“The power of music Sora...The power of Music.” Pinkie Pie answered, as she bounced past him towards the nearby train, causing the poor stallion to question everything even more.

Rainbow and Applejack followed suit, the former giving the stallion a roll of her eyes while the latter shrugged and gave him a gentle nudge and a smile. Rarity nodded and smiled as well, and Fluttershy blushed as she told him that she would try to save him a seat, that is, if it was okay with him. At his nod the mare smiled softly and made her way into the train, blushing brightly as she did so. Spike punched Sora’s foreleg as he passed by, not hurtfully but still not soft either. If anything it was both a warning and a sign of friendship, something that Riku would do to him all the time. When it was just Twilight and Sora, the stallion turned to face her.

“I’m the one who should apologize, Twi. I’m keeping secrets from you…from all of you.” He looked away. “I know I just just tell everyone but-“

Twilight placed a hoof on his chest. “Sora…You have your secrets and I can respect that. Don’t get me wrong though, I still want to know what you're hiding. You’re clearly not your average pony after all. Still, forcing secrets from somepony I consider a friend is never good either.” She smiled softly as she pulled the young stallion in for a hug, much to his chagrin. When she pulled away she was met with eyes wide with confusion and cheeks burning with embarrassment. “You can tell me…no…you can tell all of us when you’re ready, Sora. I’m sure whatever it is, it can’t be as bad as you think it is.” She trotted onto the train, leaving Sora alone.

Sora could only watch as she left, her words running circles within his mind. With a shake of his head he couldn’t help the smile that played on his lips. “These girls...geeze.” The hero would hop onto the train just as the whistle blew, the door closing shut behind him.

Author's Note:

If someone can come up with better lyrics for the Sora and Twilight duet then please by all means...help a brother out

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