• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 26,767 Views, 1,594 Comments

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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The Return of Sombra-The Drive (Edited)

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

Return of Sombra Part one - The Drive

Green to start music and red to stop music

Sora gasped as the light subsided, the feeling of heated air around him kickstarting all of his senses. They keyblade wielder shifted his gaze downwards, instantly seeing that he was once again in his equine body, albeit with a few noticeable differences.

First and foremost, his clothing. He was surprised to find that, rather than his usual black attire, he wore a jacket that was as red as a rose. The clothes shimmered with a mystical light that he was all too familiar with. The energy surging within him seemed to emanate from his very being, overflowing through his body like a current from the top of his head to the tips of his hooves, glowing with electrifying power. One word came to the forefront of his mind as he felt his strength growing from just standing there.


The second thing he noticed, and he honestly believed should have taken precedence above all else, was that he was standing on both of his hind hooves, two keyblades that weren't his own in both hooves, glowing with their own current of power. He looked between the two keyblades, both being unknown and yet somehow familiar to the stallion.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen this form…”

What the hay! Where in tarnation am Ah?!

Sora raised an eyebrow as he heard the familiar voice of Applejack, despite her not being anywhere around him. “What? AJ? Where are you?”

Wait! Who’s that!? Sora?! Where are you!?

Sora’s eyes bulged. That was Apple jack…but where?

OH! Applejack! You're here too?! Pretty neat huh?! Sora’s mind was assaulted by the voice of a the pink party mare known as Pinkie Pie. He cringed slightly at the volume before he felt something akin to sorrow wash throughout his body. Oh my gosh! Sora! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know I was hurting you with my voice. Sora could feel the pink mare’s voice decrease in volume in his mind as she spoke again. Wait! Where were they?!

Pinkie! Is that you too? AJ’s voice once again spoke up, the feeling of confusion flowing throughout Sora.

Sure as sugar is! Pinkie responded in a giddy tone of her own, giggling softly.

Jeeze...Just what in the hay is going on? Where are we? Sora could feel the farm mare’s attention focus on himself. Do ya know Sora?

“I...I don’t but,” Sora said, feeling a little overwhelmed. “This feels really familiar to me, and I’m in my powered up form. I think it’s connected somehow.”


A familiar voice called out to him from behind, causing Sora to turn his head towards the sight of Fluttershy looking up at him with wonder, greeting him. The sight of which caused Sora’s mind to race wildly, the feeling of dread slowly taking over his being. He had to tell her everything. Not just her but the others too.

Would they accept me like Applejack and Pinkie Pie did? Would...Fluttershy?

The sudden thought of Fluttershy not being his friend anymore...it made his heart hurt more than anything else. Especially after he had lied to them about who he really was. But...why did she of all of them hurt the most?

Before he could dwell upon such thoughts for any longer, the feeling of Applejack’s hoof slapping his face, despite her being no where near him, pulled the stallion out from the darkness of this mind.

Ah may not know what's going on or anything, the farm mare began. But ah can feel your thoughts right now, and, for some reason, ah know what y’all are thinking about. Right now, worry about saving Fluttershy and the rest of us, and then we can talk about your continuing friendship with us. She paused before Sora felt her smile, If it’s any consolation however, as long as ya promise to tell us the whole truth, ya still have a friend in me Sora. You’re not a bad po…err…Whatever you are. You’ve proven yourself in that aspect at least and I’m sure that Fluttershy and the others will all feel the same way me and Pinkie do.

Yeah! Pinkie said excitedly. You’re totally cool in my book! I Pinkie Pie Promise to always be your friend no matter what!

Sora could feel the weight of their words flowing through him, the flood of their kind words pulling the stallion back from his despair. With renewed determination the stallion focused his attention back towards the butter yellow mare, a kind smile playing on his muzzle. “Sorry Shy. Gonna be busy for a while,” he spoke softly. “And I have a lot to tell you and the rest of the girls when I’m finished here. But for now, just trust me when I say: I’ll protect you… all of you.”

he held both keyblades tightly with his forehooves and began to expertly spin them within his grasp. When he was done, he positioned himself in a fighting-like stance before addressing the mare behind him.

“Think you can fly away from here?” he asked.

She proceeded to nod, but then remembered that he was not looking her way. “Um… I-I can fly alright… I think.”

Good. Then get the fillies to safety. I’ll finish this up as quickly as I can.” With his command ringing in her ears, she flapped her wings and flew as quickly as she could towards the little mares. When he did not sense her behind himself anymore, the stallion addressed the monster formerly known as Sombra.

“Ok Sombra, I hope you’re prepared.” He smiled brightly as he looked between the Keyblade of Honesty and Laughter. “Cause I can honestly say... I’M READY TO PARTY!!”

Dangnabbit Sora…



Fluttershy was beset by all three fillies as the mare landed on unsteady hooves next to them. It took a considerable amount of time before the butter yellow mare could calm all three down and actually get a word in edgewise between their chatter.

“Please girls, I know you are worried but we need to leave.” She tried to explain, trying her best to sound brave for them. “We will only cause trouble for Sora and the others if we stay here.” She opened her wings and began to usher them away from the battle that was unfolding behind her, much to their worried annoyance.

“Wait!” Applebloom was the first to protest. “What about mah sister? Where’s Applejack!?”

“And Pinkie Pie!” Sweetie Belle added. “Aren’t they with you too?”

“Don’t forget Sora! Why was he all glowy?!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

Fluttershy shook her head not quite knowing herself. “I… I don’t know where Applejack and Pinkie Pie are, but Sora is out there, so I’m sure that the rest are fine. I’m sure that he’ll save them just like he’s done every time. I...Believe in Sora.”

The shy one’s words flowed through the trio of fillies, each one slowly coming around to the same conclusion as her. They all nodded, the orange pegasus being the first to step up. As best she could with her sprained ankle.

“Yeah...Your right Fluttershy. Sora won’t lose to some two bit bad guy from a bad comic book!” Scootaloo said, pumping a fist in the air. “He’s Rainbow’s friend, so he's too cool to lose!”

“Yeah!” Sweetie squeaked. “He’ll save the day, just like he did back in Ponyville!”

“You’re right Fluttershy!” Applebloom agreed as well as she looked towards where the caramel stallion was, her hoof clutching her chest in worry. “He’ll save us. I just know it. He just has to.”

Thoroughly convinced by the mare’s words, the fillies would quickly make their way to safety behind some oversized crystals, Applebloom and Sweetie both helping their hurt friend along the way.

Fluttershy would linger back for only a moment, her gaze shifting towards where Sora was. Please...Please be alright Sora. You have to win...I want you to...come back to us...to me.


Sora quickly closed the distance between himself and the being he had dubbed Shadow Sombra. The monster had once again opened its maw, energy gathering within it once again. Sora knew it was charging another ball of darkness and he could not let that happen. Not with Fluttershy and the others behind him.

The keyblade wielder jumped towards Sombra just as he reached the giant heartless turned pony, crossing his forelegs as he readied to strike. With one swift motion, Sora lashed out with both of his keyblades, striking the heartless under its chin, causing it to force its mouth close, dispelling the dark magic as it reared back from the pain. Sora quickly flipped upwards after landing the blow, the pink keyblade slashing downwards, catching Sombra across its muzzle before following it up with a strike from the orange one. He ended his assault by flipping back towards the ground, landing upon his hind hooves with ease before brandishing his keyblades on either side of him, ready to strike again. The keyblade wielded at his handy work before a look annoyance crossed his face. Despite the clear cut blows he had delivered, Sombra didn’t seem like it took too much damage from his attack.

Whoa nelly! That’s some fancy hoofwork ya can do there Sora, but how the hay do you plan on taking that beast down? Applejack’s voice rang in Sora’s mind, voicing his own concerns. He has ta be twice the size of a king timber wolf and three times as nasty!

Sora blinked. A king wha?

Before the confused stallion could even get an answer, Pinkie Pie made herself know, giggling like a school filly. Silly Applejack, we aim for any clearly visible weak spots of course, duh. She said it like was the most obvious thing in the world.

Darn it Pinkie! I’m serious! We’re-Oh Horseapples! Look out Sugarcube!

Sora had little time to react as Sombra’s came thrashing towards him. he quickly jumped away just as a massive hand came crashing down where he was standing, kicking up dust and debris as it did so. Sora, for the second time today, underestimated Sombra’s speed and was rewarded with their other clawed hand swatting him out of the sky like a bug, causing the keyblade wielder to rocket towards the ground below.

NO! Sora Look out! Pinkie’s voice cried out from within him. The pink keyblade he held seemed to move on its own accord, forcing him to turn and point the blade towards the ground. As he did, light began forming at the very tip before shooting out towards the ground, a massive bubble forming just as Sora landed, cushioning his fall before he could be seriously hurt. The bubble only buckled slightly under his weight before popping away in a burst of confetti. The stallion landed on his back as it did so, only slightly dazed.

“That was…Was that...Balloon?”

He heard a sigh of relief escape from Pinkie inside his mind before she said, That was super-duper close! You're not hurt are you, Sora?

“No...I’m fine. But how did...I mean did you just...How did you-”

Do that? she finished for him. Hmm...I think I did but...Hmmm... There was a long pause before she finally said, Nope! Don’t have a clue. Oh, but hey! Why question when you can just go with the flow right? Or should I say balloon? She giggled at her joke, causing the stallion to do the same.

“Yeah...Okay. No need to think about it, right?” he said before getting to his hooves. “I’m not done yet, Sombra!” Sora pointed the pink keybalde in front of himself and shot off another balloon from the tip. Without hesitation he jumped on top of it before launching himself upwards with a flap of his wings, helped by the bubbles momentum.. Sombra, catching wind of the pray, lashed out at the Keyblade Wielder once, but Sora was ready this time. He lashed out with the pink keyblade, saying the only word that could come to mind as he did.


He and Pinkie Pie were more than happy that they were greeted with the desired effect, a large balloon appearing as the blade slashed the air in front of them. It landed in Sombra’s hands just as Sora landed on the balloon itself. The monster grasped the object before giving the magical ball a hard squeeze, popping it in one go. This, however, caused Sora to use the inertia of the pop to jet himself upwards at high speeds. The stallion once again created a magical balloon, using its bounce properties to ricochet at a fast, downward angle.

Sombra barely had time to register what had happened before Sora came crashing down upon its head, the stallion causing two deep gashes from upon its head, before landing cleanly on top. The stallion didn’t stay long however as he flipped off his perch before landing a double downwards strike from both keyblades, forcing the monster down to his knees.

Sora followed up by using the momentum of his strike to flip himself behind Sombra and, being careful of the burning darkness that had enveloped the turned pony’s mane, flew down their back before lashing out with both blades once again; the blow actually causing the monster to topple over. Using his new balloon magic, Sora bounced his way away from Sombra, landing in the dirt path below with practiced ease.

Land sakes! he heard Applejack pleased tone within his mind. I said it before and I’ll say it again! That’s some fancy hoofwork Sora, despite how ya had me worried there for a second. Didn’t think we would have been able to, but he looks like he could be down for the count this time!

Don’t count your apples before they become trees, AJ! Pinkie warned. One thing that’s universal in this world is that villains never play fair! It’s like villain rule number one hundred and fifty seven.

Before either Sora or Applejack could even decipher whatever logic train their pink friend was on, a powerful gust blasted against the stallion, nearly knocking him to the floor. When the wind finally subsided Sora’s gaze would fall back to where Sombra had had, only to find a plume of smoke rising from where the pony turned heartless had been. His eyes followed the dust cloud upwards, a gasp escaping him as he saw the heartless actually flying high within the sky, their yellow eyes burning brightly with rage and fury.

“NO!” Sombra bellowed in, his voice having an otherworldly edge to it. “I WILL NOT BE BEATEN! I REFUSE TO BE BEATEN BY A FOAL! IF I CAN’T WIN, THEN I’LL DESTROY IT. I’LL DESTROY IT ALL!!” Sombra’s maw opened in an unnatural way and energy once again began to build within it at an alarming rate.

What did say?” Sora whispered, not being able to take his eyes off Sombra. “He’ll destroy the world if he can’t win?!”

That's...He done plum lost his mind, AJ lamented as panic began to form within her link with Sora.

Told ya! Pinkie exclaimed. Wait! Destroy the world?! But I have parties here!!

Sora had little time to lose before it was too late. Working on pure instinct and nothing else, the keyblade wielder jumped as high as he could into the air before turning the pink keyblade towards the ground. Releasing his balloon magic once again, he allowed himself to bounce from the puffy ball of energy and towards the sky above, using the inertia from the bouncy substance to rocket himself upwards, flying straight towards Shadow Sombra without hesitation.

Sombra would respond in kind however, his wings slowly carrying him higher and higher, just out of Sora’s reach, leaving the frustrated stallion to repeat his actions every time, use his magic to once again try and reach the heartless before it was too late, each time ending in failure.

“Darn it! He keeps flying away!” Sora complained as he landed upon another balloon he had created, bouncing from it once again. “I can’t reach him at this rate.”

There has ta be a better way! He heard the farm mare call out in desperation within him. We can’t just give up.

“I’m not giving up! Not until the end. But what else can I do?”

He could feel Pinkie’s own thoughts edging him on in the back of his mind. We can do it Sora! I know we can. Saving the world is a piece of cake for somepony like us. If only we could use his own attack againt him.

Sora blinked.

“Pinkie...AJ...I got an idea.”

He felt the girl’s eyes on himself, despite them being nowhere around him. Applejack was the first to speak.

Ah...Trust ya Sora. Take that jerk down a peg or two

Yeah. Show em what it means to use the power of friendship.

“Yeah...I’ll show him that friends are my power.” Sora smirked before jumping as high into the sky as he could before using the balloon under him. Turning his back from Sombra, he pointed the pink keyblade towards the ground and ,using every ounce of his magic within him, the stallion released spell after spell, one magical balloon after another lining up in a row in front of him. Doing such, he could already feel the magic draining him each time he did, nearly leaving him empty. Despite this, however, he would continue to until he was satisfied with the work he’s done.

Sora turned back to face Sombra just in time for him to block the beam of darkness that shot forth from the heartless’s maw, his keyblades blocking the blunt of the attack as he found himself rocketing towards the first balloon within the line of them. One after another, Sora could feel the force of each beam and the forcing him though each of the magical balls he had made pior. Each time he did so he could feel himself slowing until, at the very end, the last balloon held in place the beam of darkness slowly dissipating as it pushed the keyblade wielder against the elasticity of the magical balloon. Sora had made extra sure to pour all of his magic into the very first balloon he had made, an action that had caused said ball to buckle and bend under the force of both Sora’s weight and the beam of darkness combined.

As the last dreads of magical darkness evaperated, Sora would open his, a devious smirk appearing upon his normally happy-go-lucky muzzle.


Fluttershy, despite her fear for the hero’s safety, could barely tear her eyes away from the battle before her. Never in her life have witnessed something so horrifyingly mesmerizing in her own dreams. She had cried out of fear when Sora was hurt and cheered just as loud when the stallion had the upper hand. It wasn’t until the very end, when she had heard Sombra’s declaration that true fear began to build up within the shy mare once again. And it wasn’t until the beam of darkness struck the keyblade wielder that Fluttershy would look away from the battle altogether, not wanting to see her hero lose. Not like that. Despite that she would clutch her chest, hoping beyond hope that he would win. He had to. He promised her.

“No. Way.”

The sound of Scootaloo’s voice caused the mare to slowly open her tear stained eyes. Those same eyes widening by degrees as she beheld a sight that was most peculiar. Not only was one of the last balloons Sora had created still intact, but something was causing it to buckle into itself.

Fluttershy hobbled over to join the three fillies, the four looking up towards the sky. Scootaloo’s wings began to flutter faster and faster with excitement as the little filly finally caught on to what the stallion was about to do.

“No way… He’s going to! He’s gonna do it!!” She was hovering an inch off of the ground by now as she spoke, her excitement rising as her eyes shimmered with unrestrained hope. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were looking up in amazement as well, the two fillies finally catching on to Sora’s plan.

“Sora! You can do it! I know you can!”

“Yeah! Show that villain what fer! You can do it!”

Fluttershy placed a hoof upon her mouth as she looked upwards, the mare’s eyes once again tearing up, but not at all for sadness this time. “Sora, you’re…”


Sora barely had time to brace himself as he felt himself launched forward at blinding speeds, the magical bubble retaining the shape of a ball as before, popping in a blast of confetti and sparkles. The speed Sora was going looked as if the sky was being cut in two, the boy quickly closing three fourths of the distance between Sombra and himself in a short amount of time. As Sora neared his quarry, the stallion reared the orange Keyblade back as he reached Sombra, the weapon wrapping itself within an energy of its own, the shape of which formed into that of a blade light.

Sombra noticed too late however, and only had time to back peddle away, yelling as he tried to swipe the hero out of the sky, “NO! NO! I AM KING! I AM DARKNESS!”

Sora dodged the blow before he slammed the blade of light hard into Sombra’s chest. The pony turned heartless, doubling over as the light pierced the darkness of his hide. His eyes slowly glanced to Sora, the yellow hue slowly becoming that of his original green. “N-No…I…I…”

It’s over!!” Sora yelled as he pushed with all his might into Sombra's body, the blade slashing across the monster's chest in a complete clean cut across his body, darkness pouring out of the wound he had inflicted. As Sombra fell back, Sora used the very last of his strength to strike once more, the blade of light piercing Straight through with little resistance.

Sombra could only glare at the stallion before him, his mouth speaking the only words it muster as his body slowly began to disappear. "That...acussered...Key...blade."

As the last of Sombra vanished, Sora could see a heart unlike any other form out of the darkness, this one being of pure white, glowing with a light that could only equal the heart of the worlds. It hovered in the air for only a moment before veering off towards the Crystal Castle. An action that caused Sora to finally notice that the heartless that had been there was gone as well, something that actually made the hero smile.

“Heh... Guess that mean...We won. I can...take a nap now...right?” As the last of Sora’s words left his lip, his eyes would close completely, exhaustion finally taking ahold of the young keyblade wielder, much to the dismay of Applejack and Pinkie Pie, as the pair found that Sora was hurtling back towards the ground at an alarming speed.

Sora? SORA!? WAKE UP!! Applejack called out within his mind, her tone frantic with worry.

Oh No! Sora! Wake up! Now's not the time for sleep!! Pinkie added soon after.

Despite their efforts to call out to the boy, neither could awaken the magic exhausted hero. All seemed lost for them until both mares, though their connection to Sora, heard somepony call out his name that neither expected to come to his rescue.

Fluttershy was closing the distance between herself and Sora with each flap of her wings, praying to Celestia that she could make it on time. As the hero fell faster and faster, Fluttershy would beat her wings harder and harder, moving at a speed so unreal that even Rainbow Dash would be amazed. It took her little time before she was was upon him her decent matching his own. She wrapped her hooves around the Sora’s frame as she drew him close to her, doing her best to pull out of the free fall as best she could. It was too late however, her skills never once being as good as her prismatic friend, could barely turn the angle she needed to. Out of pure desperation for Sora, the shy mare could only position her body until she was under his own, hoping that if she couldn’t save both of them, she could at least do her best to save hero, like he had done so many times for herself and her friends.

“Sora…I…I…” She closed her eyes as she buried her face into his neck. “I…”

A sudden jolt caused Fluttershy to squeak before she could get her words out, cyan hooves wrapping around both Sora and herself. She looked up to see Rainbow Dash looking right back at her, a cocky smile hiding the amount of fear she held within her eyes.

“Geeze! Come on Shy. Can’t I leave either of you two alone without getting into life threatening danger?” the rainbow maned mare complained in a half joking/ half serious manner.

The shy mare could only look up in disbelief for a time before tears began to roll down her face. "Rainbow...you...you saved...."

The cocky mare gave her friend a sly smirk. "Of course the true hero has to save the day, as always." Her gaze fell to Sora and her smile turned a bit softer. "Gotta say though, the hero didn’t die. Least that counts for something."

As Rainbow landed, she placed both the hero and her friend gently upon the ground, Fluttershy being careful to avoid her sprained leg as she did so. No sooner had Sora touched the ground, however, then a shimmering light began to encase his body, causing both pegasi to cover their eyes in response. When it left, they saw, to their surprise, both Pinkie Pie and Applejack lying awkwardly on top of the stallion, both mare’s just as exhausted as he was.

"Pinkie Pie? Applejack?" Rainbow said, looking between both earth ponies in confusion. "Where the buck did you to come from?"

"Ugh...Long story, Sugarcube." Applejack said wearily. "Barely know myself, but we'll tell ya what we can later, after ah get rid of this headache."

“Haha...lets do that again...owey…” Pinkie added, clutching a hoof to her head as well, despite the manic smile upon her face.

Sora slowly began to stir from underneath both earth pony mares, the confused stallion slowly reawakening back to the conscious world. "Wha...huh...What happened? Did I win?"

"Well well well, looks like the sleeping hero awakes," Rainbow said, placing her hooves on her hips. "I kinda knew you were slacker but to fall asleep in the middle of the sky."

Sora gave the mare a cheesy, tired looking smile. “Guess that's what happens when a battle is too easy."

Applejack rolled her eyes as she ruffled the stallion’s mane, much to his dismay. "Heheh...I don't really know what happened but… well ah guess that y'all saved the day again, Sora.." She smiled as she helped the boy turned stallion to his feet.

"Hey!" Rainbow called out, pouting slightly,. "I helped kick monster butt back at the Castle! Don’t I get any recognition?"

Rainbow’s word pulled the stallion out of his daze, His ears perking up. "Oh Yeah! Is Twilight okay? And Cadence. Who was that pony carrying them? The one in the cloak I saw flying."

Rainbow blinked before she slammed one hoof into another as if she just remembered something important. "Oh yeah! I forgot about him! Sora! That guy has a-"


All eyes turned to see the rest of the girls galloping towards them, Twilight leading the way. Though their speed paled in comparison to that of three familiar little fillies. Sora and the others barely had time to prepare before all three little ones threw themselves onto the pony pile, excitable as ever.

“Dude!” Scootaloo cheered, the little filly having found her way on top of Sora’s head, her tail wagging excitedly. “That was wicked awesome! You were all like BAM! Then you were like KABLAM! Then you shot off into the air like WOOSH! It was totally epic!”

Sweetie Belle had found herself in between Fluttershy and the hero. “Yeah! It was super scary, but you were really amazing! I really liked those giant balloons!”

The last filly, Apple bloom, couldn’t help but hug both her sister and the stallion, tears she had been holding back releasing without restraint. “I *hic* Was so scared *hic* A-Ah thought ah would have never seen you two again! I...I…” She buried her head into their fur, the flood gates pouring from her eyes.

“Hey… We had it covered. We’re heroes after all...right AJ,” he turned to the orange mare, he smiled and nodded back.

“Darn right we are Sora.” The mare couldn’t help but pull her sister into a tight hug. “Still...Glad ta see you’re okay.”

Rarity made her way to Sora and the other’s side, smiling softly. “Thank goodness this is finally over.” She frowned towards him. “Please try to keep the death-defying stunts to a minimum though next time. I don’t think my poor heart can take it.”

Pinkie giggled softly as she pulled the white mare into a sideways hug. “We’ll try but you know how we heroes are. Can’t keep us from danger.”
Twilight shook her head at the pink mare’s antics before turning towards Sora, a more serious look upon her face. “I… I think we need to talk, Sora” she said, her smile faltering a little.

Sora dusted himself off as the stallion slowly slipped his way out of the pile of ponies, smiling back at the mare. “Yeah, I need to talk to you too...To all of you. Though...what did you want to talk about? Can’t imagine it's the same thing I wanna talk about.”

“It's about the keyblade...or rather another one. I saw somepony wielding one just like you do,” she said.

Sora’s eyes widened at that revelation. “What?! There's another keyblade wielder here?!”

“Oh yeah! That's what I was going to tell you before Twilight interrupted!” Rainbow called out. “He said his name was-!”

A scream of pure terror filled the air before Rainbow could finish. Every pony looked towards the source, only to Fluttershy thrashing out as she was slowly being pulled into the ground by a sinister black shadow.

“AH! Sora! GIrls! I can’t I-” she cried out, reaching her hooves out to them. “I-I can’t! Please, help me!”

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow made to fly after her but her body would sooner hit the ground, her hindlegs slowly getting entangled by the same darkness that enveloped Fluttershyl. “What the hay! What is this crud?!” She looked toward the others, finding them all in the same predicament as she and Fluttershy were in; even the little fillies were not spared. Sora was captured as well, his hooves and mouth enwrapped within the darkness, preventing him from summoning his keyblade. “Sora! Twilight! Somepony!” she called out just as she was slowly pulled into the ground. The last that was seen of her was a cyan hoof reaching out into the sky, before there was no trace of the mare left. Or any any of them.

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