• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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Within the Twilight (Edited)

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

WIthin the Twilight

Green to start music and red to stop music

Just outside the barrier

Lightning's Encampment

It was hours later before Sora found himself on the outskirts of the little escapement, finding a quite spot to lay rest after a long day of telling Lightning everything she needed to know about the heartless. Allowing himself a brief respite, the young keyblade wielder laid back in the soft grass, his gaze shifting towards Luna's sky above him.

It...really does look just like our sky? He said softly to himself, rasieing a hoof towards the vast sea of darkness and light above him. He remembered a few days ago, Celestia had pulled him away for a chat when he was alone back on the farm.


"And you are sure you are doing well Sora" The princess of the sun would ask, almost as if she was a mother hen fusing over her child.

"I'm fine Celestia." The stallion responded with a wave of his hoof. "You don't need to worry about me ya know."

"That is debatable, Sora." The alicorn shot back, though there was mirth behind her barb. "But it is good to see you up and about, nevertheless. I am sorry that I had not come to visit more often. There are many things that goes on behind being a princess you see. Never enough free time to myself if I am being honest." She sighed softly. "Sometimes I do wish I could just give it all away."

Sora nodded slowly at that. "I guess being a princess is pretty tough, huh?"

"It can be," Celestia agreed with a nod. "Though I will admit that having access to cake every day of the week is a major perk. Don't tell my adviser that. He would force me to go on a diet." She gave Sora a wink that made him crack a smile. "So how have you been, Sora? Truly. It has been quite some time since we last spoke like this after all. Just the two of us. I do believe the last time was within my garden back in Canterlot."

The young stallion looked down at his hooves for a moment, flexing them before looking back up to the Princess, with a smile. "I've been well, Celesita. Those potions that Riku gave us really did do the trick. Guess I owe him one for saving the day...again..." Sora trailed off, shaking his head to himself.

Celeatia gentry placed a hoof on his shoulder. "Do not beat yourself up over it Sora. Sunset Shimmer...She is the one who put you in that tough situation, something no pony should ever have to go though." The princess looked away from him as she spoke once again, Her voice deepening ever so slightly. "She will pay for what she has done to you, Twilight, and this kingdom."

As Sora looked at the mare, he couldn't help but see within her eyes as she spoke. Something... deeply sad. He knew that Sunset Shimmer was Celesita old student. Twilight had told him about it a while ago after the party. The fact that Celestia seemed to be...hurting when she said those words, he couldn't just it go, could he? He knew he should say something. he made to do just that but held his tongue, changing the subject instead. "In any case...I do wanna think you for visiting. It really is fun talking to you. Almost reminds me of my talks with King Mickey."

"Ah yes...the little Mouse King." The princess mused softly, her tone once again upbeat from the depressed state that it was before. "I have to admit, when you described him in your story I was quite taken aback buy how adorable he sounded."

"Pretty sure the king would take that as a compliment. Honestly he's the friendliest guy I ever met...and yet...It always seemed like he was in control whenever he came into the picture. I know for a fact he saved me and my friend's butts a few times during my adventures." Sora thought back to those moments, remembering how quick the king was to react. "No wonder he too became a Keyblade master."

"He certainly sounds like a wonderful king and a very good friend. I would love to meet him. Maybe compare notes on how to rule." Celestia said softly before looking off towards the sky, a sigh escaping her. "It seems my time off is nearly over little Sora. I must be off sadly." With that, the Princess of the Sun let her horn glow gentry, readying a spell for a teleport. Before she did however, she would look towards the little Keyblade Wielder. Her mouth opened and then closed, as if wanting to say something. It would be a while before she did.

"Sora...I..." She spoke softly before looking away. "I never got a chance to really thank you for what you have done so far for us." She said, turning back to him with a soft smile. "I hope that I can repay you someday. And I mean truly repay you."

"It's no biggy." Sora said as if it was the most natural of facts. "Even If I came to this world by accident, I wouldn't change a thing I did. I was happy to help, Celesita."

She gave the boy a shake of her head before smiling softly once more. "I know I said it before, but I'll say it again Sora. You are much to kind to this mare." With a gentle pop of magic she was gone, leaving Sora alone once again.


Sora sighed softly, remember how she looked when she spoke of Sunset Shimmer. She said what she had to do but...

Should I have said something? Did I have any right to say something?

A sudden memory flashed before his eyes, thoughts of betrayal pressing hard within the deepest depths of his mind. He pushed it aside just as quickly as it had come into being.

Mabey not as bad...but it feels like what they did to me...

There was a tug at his heart, a familiar sensation sending a questioning wave throughout his body. Sora knew who it was before he even spoke.

"Ventus? Is that you?"

Yeah...Its me. The voice spoke within his mind. Just been letting you fly solo for a bit. Needed time to recover too.

You got hurt...was it because of Sunset? Sora asked with a little dread in his voice.

It was something else. Ventus said with a quiet tone. Something I should have expected but really didn’t think was possible.

Sora blinked in confusion. Something else? Something else like what?

Something with a bit too much power for me to outright stop like I did before. Ventus responded with a serious tone. Sora, for now I need you to keep yourself together. Don’t let your emotions control you to the point where you’re not yourself anymore.

"Huh? What does that mean? You're acting kinda weird Ventus." Sora told the other boy with a slightly concerned tone.

It’s hard to explain right now. Ventus responded after a moment of silence. But for now, just trust me, continue being you and everything will be fine, got that? At Sora's unsure nod Ventus continued. Now, I’ll be taking my leave again.

"Huh? Why is that? Didn't you just get here?"

Cause you've got company. The voice spoke in a teasing like tone. Before Sora could even inquire further about what he meant, Ventus was gone again, their presence becoming that of a small tickle in the back of his heart.

“What did he mean by that?”

Sora’s question didn’t have to wait long before it was answered, an all too familiar voice squeaking out to the side of him. Turning, the Keyblade wielder found himself looking towards Fluttershy, the shy butter yellow mare still adorned in the outfit that Rarity had put her tender loving care into. Sora couldn’t stop the blush that adored his face as he found himself thinking about how adorable she looked right now. Though for some reason, in the back of his mind, he felt that it was the mare that made the clothes work, not the other way around.

Sora’s thoughts about the Fluttershy were interrupted at the sight of the basket that said mare carried within her mouth. The sight of all manner of breads and fruits and vegetables was enough to make the stallion remember just how hungry he really was.

Fluttershy only hesitated for a bit before making her way towards him, placing the basket down between the both of them. “I-I’m sorry if I disturbed you Sora, I just…Well…I noticed that you didn’t eat all that much when we got off the train and…Well…I…”

“Oh! Thanks, Shy. And yeah! I'm pretty much starving.” Sora said as he picked up an apple from the basket, biting down onto it as he did so. It had to have been one of Sweet Apple Acres brands because only they could produce an apple that was as juicy and tasty as the one he was eating right now. “Geez these are delicious. You really know how to pick the best of the best Shy.”

Fluttershy giggled softly as she watched him chow down, her mane doing its best to hide the blush that formed on her cheeks at Sora’s praise. “I-I really didn’t do too much though...but...You’re welcome all the same, Sora. Just happy to help when I can.”

As the shy mare turned to leave Sora’s voice would catch the mare off guard. “So...ah...you did you eat yet? If not you wanna finish this off with me?”

Fluttershy squeaked softly as her blush took on a deeper shade of red before nodding. Carefully sitting down beside him, the butter yellow mare picked up loaf of bread before pulling it apart, giving half to Sora after she did so. The caramel stallion smiled as he took his half, tearing into it with a grateful “hmm” of pleasure as his gaze turned skywards. Fluttershy bit into her portion as well before doing the same.

The pair of ponies were content to enjoy the cool breeze that the midnight produced, Luna’s moon filling the sky with its majesty as always.


Sora’s gaze fell upon Fluttershy. “Hmm? Yeah, Shy? Something wrong?”

“Oh no…It’s nothing like that…It's just…All those Stars out there.” Fluttershy gestured towards the sky. “You said before that they are other worlds, right?”

Sora nodded as his gaze feel to the sky above once again. “Yeah. Been to a few myself. ya know?” Sora responded with a nod. "World traveler and all that."

Fluttershy was quiet for a moment as she looked up to the sky. It would be a while before she spoke again, her voice a little more timid then before. “Sora…You will have to leave when you’re done here, right? To go to those other worlds…”

The stallion paused in mid bit before looking away from the mare. He opened his mouth to say something and yet, his brain couldn't quite catch up to what he really wanted to say to her. He finally settled on something basic...lame...“Yeah…I would guess so. I mean, when I’m done with everything here I supposed, I'll go back to doing that.”

Fluttershy grew quiet after that, her head hanging down slightly. “I see."

The two would be quite for a long while, both just existing within each others company. It didn't take long for something to happen between the two. The mare would shiver softly in the cool night breeze, though she couldn't quite place if it was the night air or herself. Before she could ponder it either way, she would feel a feathery limb rap itself around her, the mare squeaking softly as Sora pulled her close. She felt her read rest softly against his shoulder, his wing keeping the cold night air at bay, though she was pretty sure it was something else with in her that was heating her up.

“I mena...its not like I'll be gone forever. I can always come by and visit...I mean...if you want me to.” The Keyblade Wielder told her, the blush on his own cheeks decorating his face. Sora couldn’t stop himself as he spoke, the words sputtering out of his muzzle faster than he could think. “Besides I still owe you for taking care of me when I was hurt, right? And I bet a few of my animal friends would love to meet you too. Maybe...I don’t know...Have a picnic?”

“I…Ah…Y-Yes…” Fluttershy agreed, the shy mare, doing her best to keep her embarrassed stutter under control. “A-And a p-picnic would be l-lovely…I-If it’s okay w-with you…” She squeaked as she looked away. T-To meet your animal friends of coarse. I know you talked a little about them...and...I would love to with you...with them I mean to meet.” Fluttershy’s own wing slowly slipped behind Sora’s back, pulling him just as close as he did to her.

To keep him warm of course.

Both stallion and mare pressed close to each other as they kept each other company under Luna’s moon.


Not too far away from the The Keyblade Wielder and the Element of Kindness

Within a misplaced pile of bushes

"They are just so adorable, are they not?" Rarity cooed as she sighed longingly. "They really are made for each other. Just look at the chemistry!"

Rainbow Dash placed a hoof over Rarity's muzzle. "Keep it down or Shy and the Hero will hear ya." She hissed.

Rarity blushed slightly as she gave a nervous giggle. "Oh dear...hehe...I guess I really should put a lid on it as one might say."

The cyan mare rolled her eyes as she looked back towards the two pegasi on the hill, a gentle frown upon her features. "Still...Can’t say they don't look comfortable with each other. And I never seen Shy so…Mushy when it comes to a stallion." Rainbow smiled for a breaf second before growing a confused expression. "Hey Rarity."

"Yes darling?" Rarity asked, turning to face her rainbow maned friend.

"You don't think we are...manipulating them together do you?"

Rarity gave a lady like scoff. "Oh pish-posh. Perish the thought darling.” Rarity gave Rainbow a smile, one that the cyan mare thought was both the happiest she had ever seen her white furred friend…And the most unsettling. “Why, it’s not manipulative if it’s for a good cause."




Lavender eyes peaked out from the slightly raised pony-hole cover. Their gaze shifting back and forth as they scanned the immediate area. Finding the way clear, the cover would lower itself back in place and Trixie would make her way down the ladder, joining her two young charges.

“Finally. Those dark creatures patrolling the streets are just too much. Now as for- Unf!”

Trixie turned just in time to find herself tackled to the ground, the oldest of the brothers wrapping his hooves around her, a big grin upon his muzzle. “It really is you Trixie. You’re finally back after all this time…”

“H-Hey! Un-hoof Trixie. You are liable to-“ She paused as she felt a press gently against her side. Kuja staring at the mare with a smile of his own. Trixie looked between the two before sighing softly, her hooves scooping up both colts into a hug. “Who is Trixie kidding…She missed both of you too much to stay mad.”

It was a while before the trio of ponies let each other go. When they had gotten their fill, the older colt pulled himself away from Trixie. “You have no idea how glad we are to see you Trixie.” He soon gave her a deadpanned look. “But did you really have to scare us half to death back there? We thought you were one of those…Dark Ponies.”

The showmare scoffed. “Even in dire situations, a performer never drops the act. That is the Trixie way!” She smiled as she patted Kuja. “Isn’t that right?”

The little colt nodded without pause, causing Zidane to roll his eyes as he made his way back to the mare. “Forgot how unfair everything is when you two get together. Speaking of which.” He smiled as he let a hoof press softly against the underside of the mare’s chin. “Loving the cape and hat. A style like that really suits you. A dynamic and flare that only a mare as beautiful and exciting as you is able to pull off.”

Trixie blushed slightly at the praise before glaring at the older colt, her magic pinching at both of his cheeks, pulling at them hard. “And I see that shrewd mouth of yours has only gotten worse since I’ve been away.”

“Wen woo wame wee?” Zidane tried to say, his mouth smarting from the torture Trixie was putting it though. The showmare let go of him after a while nodding with satisfaction as he rubbed his stinging cheeks with his hooves.

“No…Trixie guesses she cannot. After all not only am I great and powerful, but also smart and charming and beautiful to boot. Trixie really is the complete package, isn’t she.”

“Well, as much as I love this little reunion of the Students of Hoofdini, we should get out of here before those Dark Ponies come back. The others might want to know how you got past the barrier.”

“Barrier? What barrier?” Trixie asked; Confusion etched across her face.

“Uhhh…Duh. The one that stretches the entity of the city and forest.” Zidane answered. “How do you not know about that?”

“I-I mean Trixie definitely knew. It’s not like Trixie was lost in the forest for three days before she came here. What you do take Trixie for? An idiot? ” She paused as she looked his way. “But just to be sure, just how long has that barrier been around? Just so you and Trixie can get our facts straight.”

Zidane raised a hoof, clever quip upon the tip of his tongue, but was stopped by Kuja’s own magic tightening his muzzle.

“Three days Miss Trixie.” The little colt told her, his way of speaking was somehow refined and yet the childish tone made him sound more adorable than anything else.

“Anyway, we need to go. Like yesterday. ”Zidane rolled his eyes as he began to make his way deeper into the underground. “She’s gonna have our flanks for sneaking out and nearly getting ourselves caught…Again.”

“She? She who?” Trixie asked. “I thought our old ringmaster was a stallion.”

“Rizal Dazzle…He…” Zidane started before sighing, a look that Trixie wasn’t use to from the colt crossing his face. “Look, I’ll tell you everything later, Okay? But we need to leave…I don’t feel safe here.”

“You still didn’t tell Trixie who it is you are talking about.”

“Well then you better keep up.” Zidane child her, already going into a steady sprint. Trixie’s gaze fell onto Kuja, the colt shrugging before following after his older brother, at a bit of a slower pace.

Trixie sighed softly before following after the pair. “Something tells Trixie that she should have stayed lost in the woods…or back at that rock farm…”



Golden Oaks Library

Twilight Sparkle yawned softly as she set the notebook she had been reading down back on her nightstand, closing the cover of the book as she did so. No matter how many times she had read over Sora’s adventures, it just seemed so…Grandiose for lack of a better word to describe it.

To think that so much had happened, and in some cases is still happening, all without her noticing any of it until Sora came to their world. Not only that, to think that the princesses knew all about it too and, if not all of it, more than they were willing to share with her.

She knew that she shouldn’t hate the princess, her teacher nor the Luna, for not telling her anything about it. How could she in any case? She would have been quite happy not having war bright unto her own doorstep.

Still, some small part of her, in the deepest depths of her heart, hated the feeling of never having prior knowledge about the Heartless, the keyblades, and most important, the connection between the Keyblade Wielders themselves and Equestria from long ago. Even the identities of two of the original Elements of Harmony.

Now though, she is now privy to all of it in this world destroying glory, and is still leaning more and more nearly every day.

And yet…

“What do I do now?”

Even with everything she had learn recently, how can she really make a difference? It was one thing helping out a friend who fought those heartless. Now, with what she had learned, it wasn’t just a hero saves the day kind of deal. What Sora was fighting was a war. One that somepony seemed fit to bring to her own world.

Twilight sighed softly as she leaned her head against the bed frame, her gaze slowly shifting towards her number one assistant as he slept peacefully in his basket. She gave him a motherly smile before turning her gaze towards her window. The stars shimmering high in the sky, while normally easing her mind, only pulling her into a state of uneasy and yet, excitable acceptance.

The lavender mare smiled softly to herself before laying her head down to rest, her eyes closing softly as she allowed sleep to seep into her mind.

Only to snap her eyes open again and sit up straight in the bed at a sudden realization.

“Wait…If the stars are other worlds…Then…How the hey does Luna control them?!?”

Author's Note:

OH NO YOU DIDN'T! :pinkiegasp:

OH YES HE DID!:rainbowlaugh:

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