• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

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Dash's Tale

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

Dash's Tale

Between the three of them, Sora's recollection of events were slowly pieced back together. Finding Rainbow. Arriving at the camp. Fighting Starlight's Heartless's. He slowly began to remember it all.

And...at the end...after he was stabbed, Fluttershy's words.

I love you...

Sora looked towards Fluttershy, who had taken it upon herself to distance herself from both Rainbow and himself. And though her hood was over her head to hide herself, Sora couldn't not see her stealing glances at him.

She...loves me? I...She...

He shook his head. As much as he wanted to he didn't have time to focus on that. Turning towards Rainbow Dash, he frowned. "Right...Everything sounds right so far...but...How do you know all of that? I can understand Fluttershy knowing what she knew, but you said Gilda knocked you out before."

"I was." Rainbow growled as she touched a hoof to her jaw, almost as if it still stung. "That jerk caught me lacking and slugged me. And I would have been out for a while if it wasn't for those two..."

"Those...Two?" The keyblade wielder asked.

"Kuja and Zidane."

"The two colts that were with Trixie." Sora nodded, finally understanding. "They helped you?"

"Yeah. Seems they had been keeping tabs on the camp for a while after..." Rainbow frowned. "Gilda tried to...get rid of them."

"I...What!? I mean...I know she...s-stabbed me..." Sora's hand clutched his chest, still feeling the tight pain within it. "But...they were...Kids." Sora lowered his head before continuing. "How did they get away?"

"That's just it...they said Gilda saved them..."

Sora's eyes widened. "What? But she..." A sudden wave of confusion hit the stallion's mind. "I don't...She...what?"

"Gah! I know!" Rainbow yelled. "I was just as confused as you are!" She dragged her hooves down her face. "I don't know what's going on any more and its make me angry!"

"R-Rainbow...Please. Calm down..." Fluttershy finally squeaked, the mare making herself known once again. "Y-Yelling won't solve anything."

Sora turned to face Fluttershy, the mare quickly turning away as her ears folded back against her head. His own expression matched hers as he turned back to face Rainbow Dash. "Fluttershy's right. How about telling us what happened after you woke up then?"

"That's...I kinda came in after the whole light show." Rainbow Started. "When I did..."


Rainbow flew to the heart of the camp just as the light had come crashing down all around the area, only stopping momentarily to shield her eyes from the sudden illumination. When she was able to see again the sight before her was something out of a war movie.

The tents around the area had been torn, the ground bare of any foliage. When the dust cleared, she could see more than several ponies she recognized. Dream Drop the guards mare lay still not too far away. A purple unicorn as well. She could even see Gilda's form lying on the ground, motionless.

But it was one thing in particular that caused the mare's breath to catch in her throat. Within a bubble, one not unlike the one Twilight was in when she lost her heart, was Sora and Fluttershy, the former being held tight by the latter.

As quick as she could, the blue pegasus flew down towards her entrapped friends, landing just a few feet away from them. Having a better look, Rainbow couldn't help but watch in horrified fascination at the sight before her. It looked as both Sora and Fluttershy had become statures within, like time had stopped for just those two alone.

Slowly, she got closer, only stopping short when she noticed the darkness on Sora's chest. It was the same dark color that coated Fluttershy's hoof as she pressed it againt him. Even if she couldn't see the color outright, she knew what it was.

"That's...blood..." She said softly, her voice shaking. "That's Sora's..."


Rainbow's ears perked before turning towards the sound of the voice. It was the purple unicorn she had seen earlier. She was slowly coming to, a hoof grasping at her head.

The pegasus frowned as she fully turned to face the unknown unicorn. If she was going to act, it needed to be now. And she was always one for action first. Quick as the wind, the pegasus flew, towards the downed unicorn, pinning her to the ground harshly as she did so, much said unicorn confusion.

"Gah! What! Who?!" The purple unicorn struggled in the mare's grasp, her mind still reeling.

"Starlight Glimmer I presume?" Rainbow said, her voice low and dangerous. "What happened here? What did you do to Sora and Fluttershy?"

"H-How did you...I-I don't know what you're talking about!" Starlight protested, still struggling against Rainbow's hold. "I was knocked out and woke up to this!"

"Liar!" Rainbow growled as her hoof pressed tight against the mare's throat. "The fact you didn't even deny you were Starlight means you're the right pony we were looking for. The one that's controlling the Heartless!" She leaned closer. "Now what the buck did you do to my friends. I won't ask nicely a third time."

Starlight squirmed under Rainbow's hold, her face turning red as her breathing became labored. "Y-you...won't n-need to." Before Rainbow could ask what she meant, the pegasus felt the tell-tell signs of magic being used on her. Before she could reacting, the mare felt herself propelled off the unicorn, landing squarely on her back more then a few feet away.

Rainbow groaned as she tried to get up, her wings aching from the impact. She shook her head to clear the dizziness and looked up to see Starlight doing the same, a hoor reaching to rub her throat. Both mare's would cast their gaze towards each other before a frowned crossed both of their faces.

In a flash Rainbow was up, dashing towards the mare once again, only to bounce harshly off a wall of magic the mare erected just before the pegasus could reach her. The brash mare bounced off the ground twice before landing on her hooves, barely dodging out of the way at the last second as a fire bolt launched towards her, the mare gaining a bit of safety within the sky above. She looked down from above to see Starlight, her horn glowing dangerously as she glared at the pegasus.

"Stop this pegasus! I don't want to hurt you if I don't have to."

"What about my friends then huh!?" Said pegasus retored, "Hurting them is okay for you though? You've got some nerve!" Rainbow flew forward once again, this time aiming a kick at Starlight's head, only to be met with the same wall of magic as before. The pegasus grunted as she bounced off once again, landing on her back and rolling to her hooves once more.

"I was only after the wielder of light. That stallion called Sora." Starlight stood her ground as her horn began to glow again. "His death was all I needed. With him gone I would be given the means to save the others! To save Sunburst!" The purple unicorn sighed looking towards where the trapped stallion was. "Having somepony...or...in this case...some creature take care of him instead of the Heartless was the right move...or so I thought."

"Somecreature..." The mare's gaze flickered towards the griffon who was still unconscious. "You don't mean...Gilda..."

"it was the only way to insure his death..." Starlight said softly. "As regrettable as it is. A Heartless can not take a pony's heart after all." She cast a gaze towards the stallion. "But...it would seem that Sora isn't a normal pony..."

"Gilda wouldn't...she..." Rainbow trailed off, her mind racing with the implications of Starlight's words.

The unicorn sighed softly. "I forced her hoof...or claw I should say. Just like how I forced Fluttershy to hold him." She sounded...regretful. "I could not...will not allow you meddling ponies to interfere with my work.

Rainbow gritted her teeth as she glared at Starlight, her wings flaring out in anger. "Your work?! You're hurting innocent ponies for your own gain! That's not work, that's…That’s…That’s being a jerk!"

"A jerk you say?" Starlight scoffed, her horn still glowing with magic. "If doing what no pony else is willing to do is “Being a jerk”, then so be it. This is the only way to save them all. To save my friend Sunburst. Controlling the darkness! That's the only way! The only way for it to never hurt anypony again!" The unicorn's eyes narrowed. "I will do what needs to be done...And no one, not even you, will stand in my way."

Before the rainbow maned mare could say anything further, her inner instinct kicked in. Jumping back, the pegasus narrowly avoided the clawed hand of a Heartless who's shadow had seeped from the below where she had just stood. Slowly, a dark ball would bleed from the ground. It pulsed and ungulated as shall Shadows weathered and moved, almost as if they were fused together.

"T-Thats the thing that was chasing me under Trottingham..."

"I see you are acquainted." Starlight spoke, her voice like ice. "I call it...a Demon Tide. Fitting for what these little monsters are able to do." She smiled. "You escaped their grasp once but now...will you be able to do so again?"

The mare barely had time to react, her agility and quick reflexes quickly coming into play as a wave of Heartless attacks came hurtling towards her, almost endlessly spewing from the black mass. With a combination of swift wingbeats and evasive maneuvers, she deftly dodged the incoming Heartless, narrowly avoiding their clawed strikes.

"Darn it! Gotta get distance!" Rainbow muttered to herself as she flew higher into the air. She only looked down for a moment and it was all she needed to see that the mass was hurtleing after her. With a yelp, she flew higher and higher, but the Demon Tide was relentless. It seemed to be following her no matter how high she flew.

"Okay...it's fast...and annoying!" the mare growled. "If it can follow me this high then there's no point in running." She turned, towards the mass. "Time to show you what I can do you black tar rejects!"

Rainbow Dash's rainbow-colored trail cut through the air as she made a beeline towards the Demon Tide, her eyes focused and determination blazing. At the last moment, she executed a sharp swerve, leaving the Demon Tide bewildered as it attempted to follow her sudden change in direction. Quick as her namesake, she began to create a vortex of wind around the mass of Heartless, her wings beating with precise control, gradually trapping it within its own whirlwind of air.

Successfully trapping the mass she smirked. "Don't you go anywhere! I'll be right back!" With her trademark smirk, she shot up into the sky, gaining altitude before looking down at the trapped heartless mass.

Without hesitation, the rainbow maned mare kicked off the air and descended at breakneck speeds toward the vortex. As she closed in on the Demon Tide, her hooves would shoot out in front of her. "Get wrecked!"

With all the force of a train, Rainbow Dash slammed into the vortex, causing a massive explosion of wind and energy. The skies were filled with a brilliant display of colors and light, creating a dazzling spectacle visible from below. Starlight could only watch as a stream of rainbow came flying down from above, landing with a thunderous boom kicking up dust and dirt into the air. She couldn't help but feel a pang of fear as she watched the display of power.

As the dust settled, the unicorn could see the blue pesky pegasus standing on all fours, tired and shaken, slightly singed...but alive all the same.

"Okay...that was intense..." Rainbow exclaimed. She tried to take a step forward, but in doing so, she fell to the ground, her hooves giving out from underneath her. "Gah! Geeze! That short nap Gilda gave me didn't do me any favors...Still tired from everything else that happened today..."

Before she could move to get up, an ominous feeling overcame the mare. Slowly but surely, she looked upwards, her gaze finding that of a black pulsating ball slowly hovering just above her. It was glowing a dull orange, the Heartless spewing from it nonexistent, but it was still there.

"Geeze...what the hey is that thing made of?" The mare muttered aloud to herself as she struggled to stand on her hooves. "No matter what I do it just won't go away..."

"Heartless can not be killed that easily..." Starlight explained as she made her way towards the fallen pegasus. "Of that I know all to well."

Rainbow Dash glared up at Starlight, her body tensing as she prepared for another fight. "Wrong...We've been fighting them for a while and they die like any other monster." The mare tried to move only to find herself falling once again, her energy spent. "Ehhe!"

The unicorn watched as the rainbow maned pegasus fell to the ground once again. "No...You are the one that's wrong. I've tried everything. And I mean everything." The mare sighed. "The only way to defeat the darkness is by using it yourself. Once He gives me the power to do so...I'll fix everything...I'll fix everypony...I'll fix Sunburst!"

"W-wah...Sunburst?" Before the mare could say another word. The feeling of dread once again overcame her. She looked up, finding that the glowing ball of darkness was active once again, the Heartless within once again pulsing to life within it.

"See...I told you..." Starlight mused as she looked towards the black ball. "You can't fight it. You have to force it to listen to you. That's how Darkness is." She turned back towards the mare. "Losing a mare like you will be a waste. So I'll separate your heart...just like those monsters did with Sunburst. That way…when I am able to find a way to save him, I’ll save you too."

Rainbow's eyes widened in horror as she realized what Starlight was planning. She struggled to stand on her hooves, but her body was too weak to move. "No...you can't do this...I won't let you!" she shouted with all the strength she could muster.

"I am sorry...Rest while I take care of everything else." She raised her hoof, and the Heartless swarmed down.

Rainbow shut her eyes, preparing for the fatal blow that seemed inevitable, only to be met with...nothing? When she opened her eyes, a remarkable sight greeted her. Three radiant orbs, one emanating with fiery energy, another resonating with the essence of earth, and the third shimmering with the fluidity of water, had coalesced into a protective magical shield before her. The Heartless recoiled and dispersed as they came into contact with this powerful barrier.

Turning her weary gaze to her side, Rainbow Dash spotted the young colt, Kuja, who was clearly struggling to sustain the orbs' protective magic. With unwavering determination, he poured his magical energy into the floating orbs, using his unique abilities to harness the forces of nature in defense of Rainbow Dash.

"Kuja? What...how are you...?" The rainbow maned mare started to say, but her words were cut short as a Heartless lunged at her, its claws menacingly outstretched. Just as she braced herself, another pony, the green-furred colt known as Zidane, swiftly interposed himself between her and the oncoming threat. He wielded twin blades in his mouth, and with a skillful strike, he deftly slashed at the menacing Heartless, protecting Rainbow Dash.

The young colt couldn't help but smile as he expertly fended off another Heartless, before he turned to face the rainbow-maned mare with a playful wink. "Don't forget about me. Your knight in dashing armor."

"Zidane...I thought I told you and your brother to stay hidden." Rainbow Dash scolded him, despite the slight relief in her tone of voice.

"What can I say? I can never turn away when a mare's in need. Call it a curse, if you will. But it's a curse I gladly accept." He smiled. "Besides, it's not like I came alone after all."

Before Rainbow Dash could inquire further, her attention was abruptly diverted by a figure darting in from the right, moving at breakneck speeds. The only sound she could discern was the metallic unfolding of a weapon. Then, with remarkable precision, the dark yellow figure crashed into the mass of Heartless. The metal blade it wielded sliced through the Heartless like a hot knife through butter.

The figure, having efficiently disrupted the Heartless's attack on Rainbow Dash and the colts, executed a graceful leap into the sky before landing with precision in front of them, her back turned as she addressed the rainbow-maned pegasus.

"I see you're alive and kicking," the familiar voice of the Captain of the Guard spoke, her tone even though tinged with a hint of relief. "Sorry I'm late... Though having a Sonic Rainbow as a wake-up call was more than enough to set me back in motion."

"I...What...Captain Lightning?" Rainbow Dash all but squeaked as she looked up at Fluttershy's cousin. "Where did...Where were..."

"Don't forget about me, Darling."

A voice from the other side made Rainbow yelp in surprise. "Gah! Rarity!? Don't sneak up on me like that! And where in Equestria were you!? Did you not see how much I was struggling here?!”

The white mare scoffed, "If you must know, I was in the same state of mind as Miss Lightning here. And I'd probably still be if it weren't for your little rainbow explosion from before."

"I caught them up on what was going on when they came to, while Kuja here was making sure you didn't go and get yourself killed out there." Zidane chimed in. The older of the two colts had rushed towards his younger brother's side, the young colt having nearly exhausted all his magical energy from the protective spell he'd used to save Rainbow Dash.

"And the foolish colt teleported in a flash to block the Heartless when he saw you were about to be attacked." Lightning spoke to Rainbow Dash, her voice sharp. "As relieved as I am to see you unharmed, you, and those two colts over there, are going to get a long talking to as soon as all of this is over."

"Wait?! What did I do?" Rainbow Dash protested, her voice rising in confusion.

Lightning's eyes glared down at the tired mare behind her, "Putting yourself in danger like that without any backup or proper strategy is completely unacceptable. You could have been killed, Rainbow. How would I be able to face Fluttershy knowing that you died on my watch?"

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to retort, But was interrupted as the ominous ball of Shadow slowly rose high into the sky, pulsing with Darkness unbound.

"How about we save the admonishing for later, hmm?" Rarity spoke up, her own horn glowing brightly. "Right now, we need to focus on surviving."

"I mean we now have a few more numbers but..." Rainbow's gaze fell to the ball of darkness. "My best attack barely put a dent into it. Much as I hate to say it...we need Sora...and I mean now."

"Be that as it may darling..." Rarity's gaze shifted to that of Sora and Fluttershy, both still trapped within the bubble of stasis, their forms frozen in time. "Even in my limited state...I could see outside the tent...I saw what happened to Sora...If we break that bubble without knowing of a way to save him...then..." The fashionista trailed off as her ears splayed against her head.

"Then...what do we do?" The blue pegasus asked, her gaze lowering.

"I...Don't know. Sora's injured, Twilight's out of reach, and with those Heartless closing in..." She hesitated, her gaze shifting to the pulsating ball of Darkness rising to meet them. "I'm starting to wonder if there's anything we can do... I just...We don't have what Sora has...If we had a keyblade then…maybe…"

Rarity's statement resonated deeply within Rainbow Dash, sparking a sudden revelation. Her eyes shimmered with newfound determination. "You're right! We don’t have a Keyblade, but..." Rising to her hooves, a confident grin adorned her face. "I've got an idea!"

She turned toward Lightning, who was preparing to confront the encroaching Heartless. "Hey, Captain! Can you keep that swarm of trouble occupied for a while?"

Lightning's eyebrows furrowed at the strange request, but nonetheless she nodded. "Why? What are you planning?"

"I'm gonna go wake the hero up! It's past time that lazy bones does some actual work around here." She smirked. "Just somepony to cover me while I sound the alarmclock."

Lightning hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. "Alright, Rainbow. I'll keep the Heartless busy for as long as I can. You go on ahead and save Sora. But if things are starting to look dicey, I'm dragging you and the others out of here."

Rainbow wanted to protest Lightning's words. It was in her very being to never leave a pony behind. Especially Fluttershy. But...Lightning's glare silenced her. The rainbow maned mare knew that if it came down to it, Lightning would do what she has to do to carry out her promise. You don't become a fan of Lightning Ferron without knowing something so basic.

The rainbow maned mare nodded in understanding though a smile would play across her face none the less. "No need to worry. It won't come to that because I'm going to save Sora. Then he'll show those Heartless who's boss."

Rarity turned towards Rainbow Dash, concern etched across her features. "Rainbow... you're not going to do something reckless, are you?"

Rainbow Dash let out a mischievous smirk. "You know me. When have I ever been reckless?"

The white unicorn gaze the mare a deadpanned stare. "I don't have the number of hooves to count such a number Dash, darling."

The pegasus rolled her eyes, "Okay fair point Rares. But trust me. I got this." With that, the blue mare dashed off towards where Sora and Fluttershy lay trapped, leaving Rarity, Lightning and the colts with the Heartless."

Lightning would watch her for only a moment before turning her gaze back to that of the Heartless in front of her. Just as she crouched, ready to fight, she found Zidane sliping towards one of her sides.

"What are you doing, colt?" Lightning's tone was a mix of urgency and command. "This isn't a place for you. Get back with the others, stay safe!"

"Never listened to authorities before. Not gonna start now." The colt mused as he pulled out his double headed blade, holding it within his maw. "Besides, allowing a beautiful mare such as yourself to defend me while I do nothing. It is just not my style."

The captain frowned. "And what about your brother? Are you just going to leave him?"

"Of course not. He has quite the beauty herself looking after him after all." He smiled as he winked at the white mare behind him. "If that is okay with her that is."

Rarity rolled her eyes, already quite use to the colt's antics. Still, she did indeed pick the gray colt up, placing him upon her back. "I'll get Kuja and anypony else I can find to safety. But please, be careful." The mare pleaded before turning away, galloping towards the nearest group of knocked out ponies.

Now with it just being the two of them, Zidane would laugh. "Dear Luna...I wanna marry that mare."

It was the captain's turn to roll her eyes. "If you are staying, stay focused, colt."

"The name's Zidane, captain." the colt mused as he got into a battle stance along with her. "And don't worry. When it comes to what I need to do...I'm always focused."


Rainbow Dash skidded to a halt as she approached the stasis bubble enveloping Sora and Fluttershy. The sheer helplessness etched on her friend's face, marked by glistening tears, struck Rainbow at her core. It was an ache she knew all too well—the pain of witnessing a friend's sorrow. The sight of Fluttershy, usually the embodiment of gentleness and kindness, in such distress tugged at the mare's heartstrings.

And then there was Sora, held gently within Fluttershy's embrace. His usual vibrant energy was absent, his body unnaturally still. Fluttershy supported him, her delicate frame carrying his weight with tender care. Sora's closed eyes painted a picture of serenity, yet the paleness of his usually lively complexion hinted at the gravity of his condition.

"Alright Dash... you talked a big game... but... how are you going to do this..." She murmured to herself, frustration evident in her voice. "Come on... what did Sora do? He just... did it. He wanted to save Twilight, and he just... did it."

Rainbow Dash's thoughts swirled with fragments of what she was told about the Elements of Harmony. How they were forged in light by a Keyblade Master. If so...if they are then... "If it's made of the same stuff... if it's created from the same light then..."

She extended her hoof towards the stasis bubble, a mix of trepidation and determination in her eyes. "Don't you dare wuss out on me," she whispered to herself, her voice a resolute plea to her own courage. "You represent everything I stand for. And I am not going to let my friends down. No how. No way."

At first, nothing would happen...and then...there was a spark...

A sudden surge of magical energy gathered at the tip of Rainbow Dash's hoof, initially faint but gradually swelling with a luminous and familiar radiance.

When the radiance finally dissipated, a serene sense of triumph washed over her. She gently clasped her Element of Harmony, pulling it close to her chest, a gesture filled with gratitude and reassurance.

"Ha! I knew you wouldn't let me down! I knew it," Rainbow Dash exclaimed triumphantly, the joy in her voice resonating with the accomplishment she had just achieved. Summoning her Element of Harmony from clear across Equestria was a feat she hadn't expected to accomplish.

As the thrill of her success began to settle, a realization struck her. "Oh...boy. Twilight is gonna have a heart attack when she finds out..." She shook her head. "Gah! Worry about that later. Right now! Your other friends need you." With that she turned towards the bubble, frowning. "Alright...just do as Sora does...Think about saving them. Nothing else." She closed her eyes as she held the necklace up towards the bubble. "I'm going to save you. I'm going to save you. I'm going...To save you... I-"


"And after a little while, that's how I wound up in this place. Then I found Fluttershy and we looked for you all over." Rainbow recounted, settling onto her flank. Though the story being retold turned out longer than she had intended, she felt a sense of accomplishment for summoning her Element of Loyalty. Retrieving the necklace from her pocket, she presented it to the Keyblade Wielder. "Am I awesome, or am I awesome?"

"That's... Amazing," Sora responded, looking between the mare and her element. "I... That's really amazing."

"I... I'm relieved and grateful to know that you and everypony are safe now, but..." Fluttershy's gaze shifted towards the Keyblade Wielder, her voice filled with worry. "Sora... he's still injured in the real world. If he wakes up... then... Sora is going to... and it will be all my..."

Both the blue pegasus and the human shared a poignant look, a sense of sadness evident on their features. Sora attempted to speak first, trying to console Fluttershy. "Fluttershy... I don't... I don't blame you." He struggled to sit up, the pain in his chest intensifying. "You tried to warn me... It's my fault for..."

"NO! Stop! It's not your fault! It's mine!" Fluttershy cried out, her voice quivering as she vehemently shook her head. The weight of guilt weighed heavily on her, the distress evident in her teary eyes. "If I had been...if only..."

"Fluttershy, I..." Sora attempted to reach out a hand towards the mare, but the searing pain in his chest caused him to retract it suddenly. A sharp, agonizing scream escaped him, prompting both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to rush to his side in an instant, concern etched across their faces.

"Sora! Sora!" Rainbow yelled, her voice tinged with concern as she hovered closely, her eyes reflecting a mix of worry and determination. "Come on, Spiky! You can pull through this! I know you can!"

Fluttershy, deeply distressed, sought to provide comfort through her touch, but she felt helpless in the face of Sora's agony. "I... Sora... I'm sorry... Please..." Her voice quivered, overwhelmed by the weight of the situation. Turning to Rainbow, she expressed her uncertainty. "W-What can we do... I... I don't know what to do..."

Rainbow Dash's determination surged as she grappled with the urgency of the situation. "We... We need to get him help. We need a doctor or... or a healer. Someone who can fix him up."

"But where would we find one here, Dash!?" Fluttershy's voice wavered, tears streaming down her face. "If we wake him... He'll..."

"T-Then wake him, and I'll fly him as fast as I can to... somepony... Somepony that can help him!"

"That won't work. He'll die before you even reach someone."

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were taken aback by the sudden voice, both yelping in surprise before turning their attention to the unexpected speaker. To their astonishment, they were met by a figure resembling Sora—a human. This individual stood tall, possessing a lanky frame and soft facial features similar to the Keyblade Wielder. His eyes bore the same shade of blue, but the resemblance ended there.

The younger human had a distinct appearance, his hair a dirty blond color, a stark contrast to Sora's chocolate brown locks. Moreover, while Sora's primary attire was black, this individual bore white colors instead.

Rainbow Dash swiftly intervened, positioning herself between her friends and the unfamiliar human. "Who the hey are you!? Where the hey did you come from?!" she demanded, her hoof digging into the ground where she stood.

Ventus smiled warmly, placing a hand on his hip as he regarded the blue mare before him. "Where I came from... Well, you could say I've been here the whole time. As to who I am?" He grinned, placing a hand over his chest. "My name is Ventus. And I can save Sora."

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