• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 4,913 Views, 1,866 Comments

House that Heartbreak Rebuilt - Jet_Black1980

This month Heartbreak and Rarity go head to head while trying to get her a house. A surprise visitor or two or three will show up along the way.

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A Dragon's Heart

Chapter 9

A Dragon’s Heart

Heartbreak looked down from the top of the stairs. It was getting really tiresome to get that dizzy feeling every time she looked down from this vantage point.

“Fetlocks, come on! They’re just stairs! You’d think after all these months I’d have gotten over this!” She muttered to herself. She suddenly became aware of a clattering noise and looked around. “What’s that sou-” She looked down as her hooves danced up and down. She proceeded to openly facehoof. “Oh. Right. That’s me.”

She looked worried and glared at her foe. “Come on! Today can be the day you overcome something!” She thought to herself. Carefully, she dipped her front hoof onto the first stair. “Alright! Hoof number two! Come on!” Her left hoof went forward to join the right. “Alright, moving forward. Go ahead. It’s not too late! You can whip these stairs! Whip them good!” Heartbreak glared at her brain.

“Not. Helping. You dork,” she muttered to herself. She moved her right hoof forward again and took another step forward on the stairs. Her body started to feel like it was stretching a bit as she did so. Looking at her backside, she glared at her legs. “Hey! Both of you have to move too you know!” She slid her right forward and then her left forward. “That’s better.”

“Alright, and let’s try it again.” She moved her left hoof forward and then her right. But her back legs stubbornly were refusing to move in time. “Come! On!” She grunted as she pulled them to fall on the first step. She returned to looking forward. “Gah!”

Suddenly the stairs didn’t seem like a set of inclined planes anymore but a dizzying array of confusing jagged places. She quickly closed her eyes. “All that is in your head, H.B. It’s in your head. It’s in your head. Just do what you did before. Do. What. You. Did. Be-fore.” She tentatively moved a hoof forward without looking and put some weight on it. She took a deep breath to try and calm herself down. “And. Again.” Her other hoof wobbly joined it’s mate on the step below. Once again she heard the clatter of her back hooves on the steps behind her. She opened her eyes jarringly and nearly screamed as a wave of vertigo took her.

“Gaaaah! Nononononononono!” Her hooves pranced around before she turned herself backwards and climbed backwards down the stairs. Once she reached the bottom she looked at the top. “Fetlocks." Heartbreak whimpered. "One day stairs... one day. GAH!” She jumped a few feet up and fell down on her face as she felt something tap her on the backside.

“Glad to see that you’re up,” Spike said looking at Heartbreak, her head now awkwardly looking at him upside down between her legs.

“Spike! Watch the flank! That thing’s evil!” She cried out.

Spike backed away and put his hands up. “Oh, right. Twilight explained something about that last night.” He cocked his head. “Are you alright? I mean other than being upside down, you look a little... tired.”

Heartbreak struggled to right herself. “Oh, I’m just peachy.”

Spike gave her a serious expression.

“Fine,” She said rolling onto her side and then pushing herself up, before walking to the kitchen. “I had some nightmares.”

Spike took out a bowl and some cereal. After pouring it, he went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of milk. “Anything you would like to talk about?” He asked pulling out the chair for Heartbreak.

“You really don’t need to do that for me, Spike. I mean it’s really nice and all but I can pull out my own chairs,” She said.

Spike put his hands in the air and walked back. “Hey, I’m just trying to be nice.”

“I know you are, Spike and I appreciate it,” Heartbreak said as Spike quickly poured the milk. “As far as my, ‘dreams,’ go? Yeah, not really in the mood to share them. They were just horribly twisted messed up things.” Sighing, she lowered her face to the bowl and started eating her breakfast.

Spike sat down on the other side of the table. He folded his fingers and looked around, narrowing his eyes. “So..”

Heartbreak paused in her eating. “Crudmuffins.” She said after swallowing.

Spike blinked. “Wait, what?”

“The conversation that’s about to happen between us,” Heartbreak said, staring at the bowl of cereal in front of her.

“You know what it’s going to be about?” Spike asked.

“Most likely,” Heartbreak replied, looking to the side and grimacing.

“Then you know what I’m going to say next?”

“Not precisely, but I have a feeling on where it’s going to go. And, uhm, if it wouldn’t be much trouble...” She looked at him with a wide eyed glance. “Can we skip it, please?”

“Ha! I have grown up around ponies all my life, that sad sappy look isn’t going to work on me, Sister!” He retorted crossing his arms.

“Fet. Locks,” Heartbreak muttered looking to her side. She took a deep breath and looked back at Spike. “Alright, let’s get this over with.”

Spike furrowed his brow and rubbed his temples. “You’ve put me in a really awkward position here, H.B.”

“Right between the stranger who you have sympathized with for the past few months, and the unicorn who is the love of your life,” Heartbreak said trying to be as detached as she could.

Spike blinked. “How did you know-”

“Spike, I’m H.B. I just know. Besides, even if I wasn’t who I was, it’s practically written in every aspect of what you do. Protip: Don’t leave love letters to Rarity just lying around,” she replied dipping her head back to the bowl.

“Oh, well-” Spike began. His head quickly jerked. “You were reading my love letters to Rarity?”

“Nope,” Heartbreak replied.

“Then how did you know they were to her? Or is this another, ‘because H.B. knows,’ things?”

“I didn’t read them, Spike.” She looked up from her bowl. “But it’s not too hard to make out who they are to when you write, ‘Rarity,’ in large letters and dot the ‘i’s with little hearts. But for the next part of this conversation, what happened yesterday in the argument with the both of us?”

Spike blinked. “Yeah, I suppose that would make it so that anypony would know, still! You shouldn’t be peeking at my love letters to Rarity!”

“Hard not to when you leave them on the floor, Spike. However, you’ll be happy to know that I put them in a place where they aren’t on public display,” Heartbreak replied. “Next part of this-”

“Oh? And where’s that?” Spike asked leaning with both hands on the table.

“Under the bed. I avoided looking at them while I was doing it. After all, they’re your love letters.” Suddenly, Heartbreak’s face crumpled a bit. “Your... personal... private... pieces of your true feelings towards somep-p-pony that cherishes and appreciates you.” She pushed the bowl aside and frumped on the table covering her face with her arms.

Spike’s expression softened a little. “Something wrong?”

“No, Spike. Everyp-p-pony where I’m from covers their face and quietly feels-” Heartbreak started.

“Stop,” Spike said in a calm collected voice. He looked at Heartbreak. “Wasn’t last month’s lesson, ‘be more honest with yourself and your feelings?’”

Heartbreak raised a hoof. “Yes it was, and I am more honest with my feelings with myself. The key words here are, ‘with myself.’”

Spike sighed. “H.B., come on! This is Spike you’re talking to! You’ve been able to tell me a lot of other things.” He looked at Heartbreak from across the table, she was sniffing hard about something.

After a pause, she lifted her head and rubbed her nose. “This is different Spike. It’s...Fet. Locks.” She frowned and crossed her hooves. “You’re giving me that look again.”

Spike pretended to look innocent. “What look?”

“That look that says that you aren’t going to let me go until I give you at least something to satisfy your curiosity about this.”

Spike crossed his arms. “It’s not curiosity as much as it’s concern.”

“Fine,” Heartbreak was biting down on her lip and looked thoughtful. “I...” She sighed. “I... wasn’t exactly, uhm, uninvolved when I was banished here.”

Spike blinked and scratched his head. “Come again?”

“I,” she rolled her eyes and tapped her hoof on the table. “Fetlocks,” She eyed the time. It was getting close to eleven. “Right. Look, it’s...” She paused again. “I’ll put it this way. There are lots of, ‘universal constants.’ Things that are just always there.”

“Like the cucumbers?” Spike asked.

“Like the cucumbers.” She replied. “And one of them is, ‘Spike loves Rarity,’ if this were a logic course-” Heartbreak tapped her hoof on her chin. “-It would be Spike is to Rarity as H.B. is to...” She rolled her eyes and fell to the table again. “Why am I even trying to explain this? I should just use this time to take a fetting shower and get ready to go to the-”

“You had somepony special when they-” Spike stopped as he saw the expression on Heartbreak’s face. “Oh.”

“Yeah.” She pushed herself from the table. “I’d much rather not talk about it, Spike. Suffice to say, I know what you are about to say, cause it would be exactly the same things I would say if I was in your position.”

“So...” Spike began.

“So, retreading on territory that I have already done with Twilight. I will apologize to Rarity for what happened when we first met. I will try to get along with her and try not to upset her,” she stated as she started walking towards the stairs. “But I can’t make any promises. Rarity and I are...”

Spike folded his hands together again. “Different?”

“Yeah that’s the best word for it.” She paused before making her way up the stairs. “And Spike, I would like it if this conversation didn’t leave the two of us. The last thing I need is more talk about me and my... baggage.” Spike blinked and then snickered. She turned her head. “Whaaaaat?”

“Would that be called your, ‘love-gage?’” Spike asked, bemused with himself.

“Ugh, Spike! That was horrible,” Heartbreak groaned. “Where’s Twilight?”

Spike put his hands up apologetically. “Sorry, I was trying to lighten the mood. Twilight is at one of the bookstores, said something about trying to find some rare books or something. Why?”

“I was going to ask for her help in brushing my mane and tail after I shower,” Heartbreak sighed and rolled her eyes. “I want to be at least presentable before going. The last thing I want to do is walk into Rarity’s shop and have her feel the need to give me an instant makeover.”

“You know that she just might do that anyway, right?” Spike asked as Heartbreak went up the stairs.

“Please don’t remind me,” She replied, going up the stairs.


I dry myself off after taking a rather thorough shower. Haven’t gotten stairs down, but I’ve relearned how to dry pat myself off. The best way I have found is by laying a towel out before I get in and then plopping my butt on it after I get out. The more I put my tail on it the less water mess I have to clean up after it all.

It seems kind of wasteful to use two towels here, but for now, it works. I finish drying off my mane and tail. I seriously hope that Twilight is back from her little outing. I’m not too sure of Spike’s ability with a brush.

Speaking of Spike,That was horribly awkward. Spike making jokes about love-luggage, me prancing about the issue that should have been too easy to explain. There was a lot of unneeded tension there. I’m not sure if I handled it well or not.” I frown and sigh hard. "And you attempted to use a, 'cute face,' on Spike?! What the fuck!? Seriously, why did you think that was a good idea?! I lean against the bathroom counter. "Stop beating yourself up, H.B. It's not going to help you face Rarity.

My ear flicks back and I can hear the library door open and close along with Twilight’s voice calling out for Spike’s help with something. I rub my head with the towel some more and shake it some. Finally looking in the mirror, I notice that my mane is getting longer. “Well, duh. It’s going to do that, H.B. If you want to do something about it, ask for a trim.” I chew that over in my head. “Maybe in a month or two.”

I drop the towels into the laundry hamper before nabbing the brush on the counter. “Might as well try to make the effort in looking decent,” I think to myself as I make my way back downstairs.