• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 4,893 Views, 1,866 Comments

House that Heartbreak Rebuilt - Jet_Black1980

This month Heartbreak and Rarity go head to head while trying to get her a house. A surprise visitor or two or three will show up along the way.

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Starcrossed Drama

Chapter 20

Starcrossed Drama

I am confused and literally wanting to start smacking Rarity around. Well, maybe not smacking her. But seriously asking her what the fuck gave her the impression that I would have any fucking interest in some random generic pony who had just stepped on my hat. Or even... Ugh! Interest!? I keep trying to get my brain to process this information and all I keep getting back is this, ‘502 Error! Please refresh the page in five minutes.’ Damn it brain! I don’t have five minutes! This needs to be addressed right now!

I try to lower my voice and rub my temples before I speak. “Rarity... Exactly how much did, Twilight tell you about me in your little trips to the spa together?”

Rarity taps on her chin thoughtfully. “Well, not terribly much darling. Mostly how long it was taking for you to clean things up, and how you were refusing a great deal of the help that she was offering. I didn’t have much time to inquire any further due to my massive dress order from Canterlot. Now, about that handsome sta-”

My hoof juts up into the air to stop her from finishing that sentence. “Right, so she didn’t go over the bit where I had explained that I am...” I roll my hoof around. “Alright, how do I explain this? I’m a, ‘Mineightsotain.’ If you catch my drift there?”

Rarity blinks and looks at Spike who is licking the last bit of green liquid from the bottom of his cup. “Where she’s from.”

“Well, we all know that your foreign, but what does that have to with anything?” She is still looking confused.

Ugh. Sometimes I do wish ponies possessed magical mind reading capabilities without the ability to tap into any memories. Wait... No, no I don’t. Doing this the old fashioned way. I take a deep breath. “Right. Put bluntly, Rarity. I have no interest in any Equestrians.” I put my muzzle close to the cup in front of me so that it muffles any sound.

Rarity frowns and looks at me confused. “Bhwa?”

Sigh. Just, sigh. This conversation is taking up way too much of my patience. That urge to scream at her is rising... I used to be more patient than this. Wasn’t that one of the qualities that my girlfriend loved about me? Always patient and willing to help her, even when she thought she didn’t deserve it? Come on. Cling to that. Just calm down and explain yourself. “I just don’t think of any of you ponies in that manner.”

She blinks and looks behind her for a moment. “Don’t tell me that you’re interested in...” her voice drops. “Gryphons.”

Wow. Rarity really knows how to fiddle with my emotions. Of all the things she could have said. She’s suddenly hit several hot button topics for me all at once. I don’t know what level I should be offended on now. Is it the fact that Rarity is once again trying to needle information from me? Or maybe the light racism that I am detecting? Or maybe the fact that we are going over old ground here again? Cool it, H.B! Most likely she doesn’t realize that I think what she has just said sounds racist! “Let me rephrase that.” I take a deep breath. “I have no interest in any being living in Equestria.” I grit my teeth down. “I am not attracted to any being here. And I have zero interest in stallions.” I hope that was blunt enough to get through that diamond hard skull and penetrate the gem studded marshmallow core that makes up Rarity’s brain. “And besides, what makes you even think that in my current mental state that I am even ready to think about getting involved with something like a-” I pause on the word and shudder out it’s bitter taste. “R-r-relationship?” Ugh! I need something to get that foul feel out of my mouth! I take a quick long drink of my dark cherry swirl. Yeah, that hits the spot. Man! I hope Popfizz comes back this way before we reach our stop!

“Well... While that might be true, we still need to get you on the proper road to recovery as it were,” Rarity replies with a suggestive look moving across her face. A look that is only made all the more uncomfortable in that she bats her large luminous eyes at me. “And besides, it’s not like everypony doesn’t think about these things from time to time, darling.”

“I don’t,” I affirm.

Rarity frowns and turns her head. “Hmph, methinks the lady doth protest too much,”

Fuck, I don’t know what to dislike more: Rarity referring to me as a lady or implying that because I am saying that I don’t have urges that I am in denial of my urges. I don’t want to share my little revelations with Rarity about my lack of urges. Some would say that I am in a serious state of denial about urges. Though I can see where they are coming from in their assumptions. After all, the more you deny something, the more likely you are to be secretly admit about it. I mean those who fight against gay rights and profess that it’s a sin, tend to be the ones that are actually gay themselves.

But this isn’t it at all.

I mean I have raised a fuss about the fact that I thought that ponies had their... stuff hanging out in the open. But, I don’t feel what I used to feel. Think a dirty thought: get a funny tingle and all that jazz. But I haven’t gotten that tingle. I haven’t gotten any of that at all!

I am only highlighting this to myself because that sort of thing is meant to be there! All animals do it! But even if I think about anything down there?

It’s like: ‘Nope, you know what feels better? Drawing. You should draw more. And write, or maybe paint! Hey! Let’s paint! And tell a story or two, that might be nice!’ Maybe it’s just- UGH! I am focusing too much on this and not at the topic being talked about.

Spike raises his claw. “She has been through quite a lot, Rarity.”

That little dragon is some sort of awesome. “Which is exactly what I was saying before: I’m just not feeling these things,” “Or worse, I’m just not ready to feel them. But I don’t want to say that.” “And the reason you thought I was interested in that anonymous pony was because my ears were following him?!” I whisper harshly.

Spike looks at me raising a claw. “That is usually a sign that a pony likes another pony, H.B.”

“Very much so, I’m not sure how, ‘Mineighsotaites?’” Rarity looks at me confused.

“Mineighsotains,” I say curling my ankles around my hat.

She giggles and waves a hoof. “I’m not sure how, ‘Mineighsotains,’ do things, darling. But a way that a pony’s ears point and even the flick of her tail can say so many things...”

That’s it! Hat goes back on head! I don’t care if I can’t use my hooves to get the fucking thing back up atop my head or if it has been crumpled. Hat! Goes! On! Head!


Rarity watched as Heartbreak struggled and fidgeted with her hat.

“Darling... what are you doing?” She asked.

“Trying...” Heartbreak pushed the hat over her face. “To. Get... almost... this thing on my head!” She finally fixed it atop her head. “There!” She exclaimed folding her arms and looking defiant.

Rarity looked at the tan mare before her with a mingle of confusion, sympathy and annoyance. “You know, if you wanted some help with that, all you needed to do was ask.”

Heartbreak looked down and then moved her hat back and forth over her mane, mussing it up in the process. “Maybe I didn’t want help with it, Rarity. It’s just a hat. I should be able to put a hat on my fff-” she paused and bit her lip. “Freaking head.”

Spike reached across the table. “Rarity is right about body language being important, H.B. Maybe when we get to W-” Rarity glanced at Spike. “Uhm, where we’re going, we can pick up a book about it!”

Rarity blinked and quirked an eye. “Are you telling me that you have no idea about things like body language?”

“I know that body language exists, Rarity, I’ve just never been good at actively picking up on it, even with other Mineighsotains,” She said frowning before attempting to readjust her hat again. “And we didn’t have such... overt ways of displaying our feelings.”

Rarity raised her eyebrows. “So you did have some feelings towards him?”

“Ugh, can we please move away from that topic and not bring it up again?” Heartbreak lifted her hooves up as if she was going to pull down on her ears. But then stopped. “No. I didn’t feel anything other than annoyance at the fact that he stepped on my hat. What I meant was that Equestrians have a good number of ways to silently communicate what they are feeling without too much vocalization. I don’t understand a great number of these things. And not only that, I wasn’t even aware that my ears were moving or paying attention to said individual. These things tend to act and do things on their own!” Heartbreak looked at her half empty glass. “I don’t even have control over my flipping tail.” Her lips pursed up and nabbed at the bent straw.

“Fair enough, darling. Sometimes not even we Equestrians are fully aware of these cues ourselves. Sometimes they rather subtle,” Rarity explained, as her ears and tail shifted slightly. “I thought I saw something in the way that your ears moved. I can see now that I was wrong and I apologize. Though, perhaps it would behoove somepony to take the time to learn some of the finer points of the Equestrian communication,” Rarity lifted her glass to her lips and took a long drink, “Instead of just resorting to such base and passive sarcasm with aggressive undertones.”

Heartbreak let out another long satisfied gasp and smacked her lips after draining her glass of its contents a bit more. “Yeah, because some of us aren’t obsessed socialites who like to press every little detail like one of their dresses. And besides, body language can mean different things in different places.” Both Spike and Rarity frowned at Heartbreak. “What?”

“Well! If you are going to be that way about this,” Rarity picked up her drink from the table. “Perhaps I should go elsewhere.”

Spike raised a claw to say something, only to find himself interrupted by Heartbreak. “I was just being honest,” she replied rubbing her ankle.

“Well there’s honest, and there’s just plain rude!” Rarity said scooting out of the booth.

“What? And you weren’t being rude with your comment about my passive aggressiveness?” Heartbreak said defensively.

“I most certainly was not! I was merely trying to give a helpful suggestion, but-” Rarity shook her head.

“But what?” Heartbreak asked.

“But nothing. I swear, I’m starting to think it impossible for you to hold up a civil conversation, let alone a normal one, with anypony who is trying to give you any sort of advice!” Rarity said with a disappointed glint to her voice as she walked to the adjoining door.

“Hey! I can so have a normal conversation with anyp-p-pony if I wanted to!” Heartbreak protested a hoof slamming down on the table.

Rarity pressed the square door pad. “Humph, I’ll believe that when I see it darling. Now if you’ll excuse me, I am going to the little fillies room to freshen up.” The door almost slid shut with a stifling shutter.

Heartbreak lay on the table for a little bit. Spike licked the bottom of his cup and then set it down intently before crossing his arms and giving a stern glare to the pony across the way. Heartbreak opened her mouth and attempted to speak only to see that Spike was getting up.

“Don’t bother... I’m going to the dining cart to see if I can get something to eat. You might want to think about getting something to eat as well. I would ask you to join me right now, but,” He pressed the panel to the other adjoining train car, “I see that you have plenty to chew on as it is.”


It’s official. I’m a ...jerk... or a bitch... or something. Rarity was trying to help me understand something and I blew it out of proportion.

She’s right, I might have watched the fucking show, but H.B.? You know jack about pony communication. I always assumed that the ponies of the show were so human like that they didn’t really -need- body language to communicate ideas, thoughts and feelings.” I sigh and flop my face back down on the table. Spike's comment has so much truth in it that it hurts. I am hungry. “And I do have a lot to chew over... Feels like after graduation all over again. I spent so much time being a good student in high school, fuck, throughout middle school too, of just studying and being caught in my own little worlds, that I never thought to think of what I would have to do about the big world outside of my head.

I look around the car. The gryphon is gone and so is that mother and her little herd of foals. “Good job, H.B. With your power of whining and drama, you’ve scared off all the others...” Darn it! Shut up! I don’t need an inner monologue right now. I don’t need to whine about what just happened. What did just happen anyway? What did I do wrong? “How about calling Rarity an obsessed socialite who likes to press every little detail right in front of Spike?” Come on. That comment wasn’t that biting or offensive was it? “It doesn’t matter if you think it wasn’t, she thought it was. Then she told you that you couldn’t have a normal conversation with another pony.

Alright, up to that point, Rarity had good points. I could use a better understanding of how these fucking miniature horses talk to one another. I am going to be here for the rest of my natural life as far as I know. I don’t see any wonderful portals opening up for me. Well, none that would lead back to my home and not some weird fucked up technicolor version of this place. Fuck, not thinking about that. Still the last thing that Rarity said is starting to burn at me. “Can’t have a normal conversation my ass! I so can have a normal conversation with a random stranger if I wanted to!

Just then, I hear a harsh snoring sound and a series of coughs come from the other side of the booth. Peering over the booth, I see a mare with a snowy white coat and an ebony black mane. Her mouth is hanging open just as awkwardly as she is sitting in her booth. A pair of glasses are perched on her muzzle and a scattering of books, scrolls, inks and what have you are strewn across the table.

I look around and frown. “Can’t have a normal conversation with a random pony can’t I? I’ll show her...” Seriously, why is this bothering me so? It shouldn’t but it is. I think it’s because it’s Rarity who said it.

I slither out of my booth and walk up to the sleeping pony. I cough to see if she’ll wake up, however I am only met with a, ‘murgle.’ Alright, cough and shoulder poke. Still nothing... My eyes dart back and forth again. I cough and give a light shoulder punch.

“Bwah?!” Comes the confused response. Along with a wing poomph that smacks me square in the face.

Pro-tip, feathers smacking you across the nose really hurts! “Ouch!”

“Oh geez! I must have fallen asleep and you startled me!” She says almost instantly attempting to make sure that I’m alright. I guess that’s karma working it’s magic. Wake a pony abruptly and get a face full of hard feathers. “I’m so sorry!”

I shake off the dizzy, painful feeling and then check my head to make sure that my hat is still on. Good, don’t need to be sending out ear signals. “Uhm... it’s alright. I didn’t mean to startle you. I was just wondering if you had the time.”

She adjusts her glasses and then looks over my shoulder. “The clock on that wall says that it is - Dear Celestia! Ten forty?” She blinks with a rather worried expression lighting on her face. “Don’t tell me that I missed my stop in Ponyville!” Her ears droop and her wings refold themselves.

I give a light chuckle. “Afraid so.”

“That’s going to put a damper on house hunting with the sales pony...” She says her ears drooping. Alright, ear droop. I know that, is there anything else I am not seeing? Fuck. I better not start over analyzing anything she is saying. Uhm, fuck I have been standing here for a little bit and she’s looking at me funny. What do I do? Fuck! What-

“Oh how terribly rude of me, I didn’t introduce myself,” She says worriedly.

Right! Introductions! Seriously, why didn’t I think of that? I’ve done it before! I’ve done it before with little foals, other ponies around Ponyville and most recently with Popfizz. What’s my glitch!? Take a deep breath.


“Actually, I should have introduced myself first. I’m terribly uhm, apologetic for being rude.” The tan pony replied about to introduce herself.

“Oh, no, no, no. It was I who was being rude. A Canterlot pony should always introduce themselves first. That way any co-” The snow white pony caught herself. “Eeep! No! I can’t call somepony that I just hit in the face with my wings a commoner! That would be even worse than not introducing myself!” “Coooanterlot non-natives know whom they are speaking to!” “Yes! Good save!

“Well,” she adjusted her hat slightly. “If you insist.”

“Oh I do insist!”

The mare waggled her hoof and then chuckled awkwardly. “Then by all means...”

“Oh! right! My name is Starchaser. And whom might you be?”

Starchaser watched the sparkling blue eyed pony take a deep breath, before looking directly at her. “My name is Heartbreak. Uhm, pleased to meet you.”

Starchaser found herself slightly entranced by those pretty blue eyes. All shades of the rainbow could be present in anypony’s eyes all over Equestria. But there was something... off, or strange or something about them. They were almost like diamonds. But hearing this pony’s name caused her to feel a terrible sadness. “Heart-break?” Why in the great world of Equestria would any parent name their filly that?

“Please call me H.B.,” Heartbreak squeaked out rubbing her ankles awkwardly

Starchaser smiled and pushed her glasses up. "Well, It is a pleasure to meet you, H.B."