• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 4,914 Views, 1,866 Comments

House that Heartbreak Rebuilt - Jet_Black1980

This month Heartbreak and Rarity go head to head while trying to get her a house. A surprise visitor or two or three will show up along the way.

  • ...

Three Little Fillies From School Are We

Chapter 34

Three Little Fillies From School Are We

The questioning, ‘you can’t be serious,’ look hasn’t left Rarity’s face the whole time we have looked at this place. This... place... I almost don’t want to think of this place as my, ‘home,’ yet. Sure, it’s my house? But right now? We’re still getting used to each other. We’re strangers. Hello House, my name is Heartbreak. I would like it if you called me, ‘H.B.’ I’ll be living in you for at least a year.

“Well...” Rarity is looking apprehensive about the prospect of actually going inside the house. And I can’t blame her. The whole of this house seems like one big death trap. Then again, maybe I’m exaggerating. Maybe the house looks more of a mess on the outside than it does the inside. But there’s only one way to find out. She lets out a long sigh. “I suppose that a quick look on the inside wouldn’t hurt. It can’t be any more beastly than the outside.”

Gee, thanks Rarity. I haven’t moved in and already you’re complaining about the state of my house.
“You mind getting the door? I’m not sure if it’s locked or not,” I tap on the door again. This time, it slowly opens with a wide disturbing, ‘creeeeeeak.’ Oh yeah. There’s another cliché on the list. “Oh, never mind! We’ll have to add, ‘locks,’ on the list of things that need to be checked I suppose.”

Rarity looks at me with a frightened expression. “Are you sure you want to check the inside now, dar-”

“Rarity, you’re doing that over use of, ‘darling,’ again. I get that it’s your, ‘thing,’ but it’s almost as bad as when Rainbow Dash overuses the word, ‘awesome.’” I say, peering through the doorway. There isn’t much sunlight coming into the house from this angle. I’m not terribly sure which way the face of the house is pointed, direction was never my strong suit, but it seems to be pointed toward the sun currently. “And unless there really are, ‘pony-ghosts,’ lurking around? I’m pretty sure that we are safe, m’kay?” I look at her.

“Well, one never knows what could be lurking in strange houses at the edge of the Everfree Forest, H.B.” Rarity replies, looking around her hooves clattering nervously on the back door patio.

I roll my eyes and walk through the doorway. “Well, I’m going in to explore my new house. I’m sure you can stay out in the backyard,” I perk my head back through the doorway. “All by your lonesome self.” I duck back through the doorway before ducking right back out. “With whatever else has crept its way from the Everfree Forest.” I duck in and out of the house again. “You know the one that is-”

“Alright! Alright! You’ve made your point already!” She follows me in. “There really wasn’t any need to hammer it in like that!”

“Maybe not, but I didn’t want you just hanging in the backyard...” I half expect the doorway to slam shut behind us. Wait for it... Wait for it... Wait... for... it? House; I am disappoint. I turn around and start looking at what’s all here. I quickly turn and look at the backdoor. It still hasn’t slammed shut.

“Dar- Uhm, I mean, H.B, what are you doing?” Rarity asks me.

“Another thing to add to the list... The hinges either need oiling or replacing. That door should have slammed shut and startled us by now,” I sigh. Oh well. Straight in front of us is a long hallway that leads directly to the front door. And just to the left is a stairway leading upstairs. There are small tables and pictures hanging on the walls that are covered in dusty white sheets. An over all musty smell permeates the air.

I peek my head through the hallway that is to my left. There are two doors here, one looks like it is leading to a bedroom and the other looks like it might be the bathroom.

“Ugh, the first thing this place needs is a good dusting,” Rarity says as she walks behind me.

“Yeah... But all that can wait...” I decide to take a stroll down that hallway. Old pictures and and a table with several oddities litter this area too. I tap the bathroom door. It stubbornly stays closed. “Hmmm...”

“Here, allow me,”Rarity says, turning the knob with her magic.

“Another thing to replace. Doorknobs. I want something more lever like...” I say absent mindedly. “And... thank you, Rarity.”

Walking into the dark bathroom, it looks like nothing special; particularly with there being a lack of light here. I reach my hoof around the corner and search around for any form of lightswitch. After a few second of fumbling, I hit something that I think is one. The lights turn on and start flickering.

“Oh good, this place has electrical power still,” I quip in surprise. The light flickers and strobes a bit. “Sort of...”

“For this place being as old as it is, that’s quite impressive,” Rarity pulls the shower curtain away and suddenly lets out an ear piercing scream.


Heartbreak jumped back and ran into the bathroom sink. “Gaaaah! Rarity! What the Fet!?”

Rarity looked at Heartbreak in fright. “T-t-there was a rat in the tub!” She stammered out.

Heartbreak’s face drooped. “Really? A rat?” She looked over into the tub. “I don’t see a rat, Rarity. All I see is a rather dirty bathtub.”

“It was there! Maybe it scurried into that crack in the wall!” Rarity protested. “Can’t we wait till the inspector gets here to look around?” She looked at Heartbreak pleadingly.

Heartbreak frowned and sighed before rubbing her temple.

“H.B, I know you want to look around,” Rarity turned to Heartbreak. “But don’t you think would be safer if we waited for the inspector to arrive?”

Heartbreak took a deep breath. “And here I was going on about you pushing me out of my comfort zone...”

“Beg your pardon?” Rarity asked confused.

“Right, I was starting in the middle of a thought, you’re going to have to forgive me. I do that sometimes. Get it from my grandfather,” Heartbreak looked at the crack in the wall. “You told me that I don’t pay enough attention to body language, I’m paraphrasing mind you, but I have been watching everything you have been doing from the moment we arrived here.” She looked directly at Rarity. “And everything you have been doing says, ‘I don’t want to be here.’”

Rarity pulled back. “It’s not that, H.B. Dar-”

“It’s ok, Rarity. If you don’t want to be here, then you don’t have to be,” She made a double check down that small crack in the wall over. “It’s creepy, kooky, mysterious and spooky...” She snickered and face hoofed. “Covered in cobwebs, dust and what have you. Hmmm,” she looked thoughtful. “When I get the chance, I think I am going to rename this place, ‘Addams Family Manor...”

“Bwha? Is that some sort of joke? Because you’re neither an, ‘Addams,’ nor do you have a family...” Heartbreak shrugged at Rarity’s question. “Though that’s beside the point! This place is most likely dangerous! Darling, why don’t we-” Just then, an old grandfather clock started to chime sending Rarity into another fit of shrieks, one for each sounding of the hour.

“Well, at least the clock still works,” Heartbreak said rubbing her ears. “Ouch...”

Rarity giggled nervously. “Sorry, but-”

“It’s ok, Rarity. If you don’t want to be here, you don’t have to be. We’ve spent several days together and maybe you should head back to Ponyville to unwind...” Heartbreak said sighing a bit.

“B-b-but you were so insistent on me helping you get here! What if something happens?” Rarity asked fretted.

“Rarity...” Heartbreak gave Rarity a patient but tenuous look that said, ‘you’re starting to push it, marshmallow.’

Rarity’s ears drooped. “I’m only looking out for your safety and well being, dar- H.B. And it seems odd that you would want me to walk you all the way here, only to have me leave so-”

Heartbreak smiled a little bit and put a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder. She jumped in surprise at the gesture. “And that’s very kind of you to be thinking of me. But, I’ll be fine. I just want to look around more, explore what’s here. Get used to the place, maybe even nap on one of the beds here. I’m sure you have things to do at your shop, and I don’t want to keep you. Look, if you’re really worried about just leaving me here, you can come back at noon and we can go have lunch.”

Rarity looked stunned at the display of affection and adult like suggestion. “I-if you think that’s best... and you’re sure that you’ll be alright.”

“Come on Rarity, it’s not like I’m going to fall off of the face of Equestria or anything.” Heartbreak replied.


“An then what happened?” Applejack asked.

“Well,” Rarity took a deep breath as she folded her arms on the kitchen table before she laid her head down. “I left her there, promised to be back at noon, went back to my shop, saw that Spike had neatly organized my belongings and then came to the library. I would have gone to the spa to talk things out, but...”

“You just didn’t feel like it?” Twilight blinked as she pulled a bottle of apple juice from the refrigerator. “Wow, it must be serious if you’re turning down an opportunity to go to the spa...” She floated the drink over to her friend while popping the cap. “But no, ‘long goodbyes?’ Awkward conversations? Continued arguments?”

“None whatsoever! I dare say that while I was walking back? I was both relieved and worried at the same time! I half expected her to come screaming out of the house with some terrible swarm of something chasing after her!” Rarity said, her mane starting to look frazzled. “There’s no telling what else could be currently occupying that house. As I said, there are broken windows and a hole in the roof!”

Applejack chuckled. “Hole in the roof...”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Yes, H.B. found that rather amusing also...” She shook her head. “But I must confess to you both, I haven’t the slightest clue how you were able to handle, let alone, get her to learn a lesson! She’s so hard to predict! First she’s hot and then cold. Yes, and then no. Up and then down... She can’t make up her mind whether she’s in or out!”

Twilight flicked her mane and sat down at the table. “This is H.B. we’re talking about here, Rarity.”

“Yeah,” Applejack looked at her apple juice and took a long drink off it. “Ya didn't think it was gonna be that easy, did ya?

Rarity looked up, blinked and then chuckled. “You know, for a second there, yes, I almost did. Especially when she saw her new house. I know that we all thought that the small house that was in the middle of Ponyville and close to the library was perfect-”

“Ah didn’t,” Applejack interrupted. “Then again, ah wasn’t part of that fancy little dream shindig that ya’ll were havin’ with Princess Luna. An’ even if ah was, ah’m not sure that it would have been either.”

Rarity chuckled. “Right, but still... The lesson was practically right there in front of her! Granted that I could have prompted her and asked what she had learned from all this, but I am not sure how these things work... How did you two ever get anything through that thick skull of hers!?”

Twilight and Applejack looked at each other with a bit of concern.

“What is it?” Rarity asked.

“Well...” Twilight began.

“Yes?” Rarity asked, leaning on the table with her eyes growing wide.

“Funny ya should ask that, Rarity,” Applejack continued. “Cause ya see...”

“We were just talking about that before you got here,” Twilight said tapping her hoof on her chin. “And we’re not quite sure how we did it either.”

Rarity looked at her friends pleadingly. Twilight and Applejack only continued their questioning look. Rarity blinked.

“Oh come now! Surely you have some idea upon how you both were able to get a lesson across without just spelling it out to her!” Rarity cried in desperation.

“Well there was one thing that I noticed,” Twilight tapped her chin. “And I hate to admit this but... I didn’t actually do anything.”

“Ah kinda had the same problem there Twi’. Ah mean she came ta the farm, Ah had her doin’ things, an’ then out of the blue she learns a lesson!” Applejack said. “Shoot! Crab Apple was more of a help than ah was with ma, ‘ya need ta remember ta be honest with yerself,’ yammer!”

“Come to think about it,” Twilight blinked and raised an eyebrow. “Spike was more help than I really was.”

Rarity shook her head. “So... What you’re both saying is that I have to let her come to whatever lesson she is meant to learn on her own?”

Applejack could see the apprehension on Rarity’s face. “More like... well... When Ah was listenin’ ta what yer time with H.B? Ah was seein’ a lot of, ‘Ah think ya oughta do this,’ an ‘Ah wanta give ya that’,” She rubbed the back of her neck before looking at Rarity again. “Why not try a different approach? Instead of goin’ out an full forcin’ her ta do things, why not ask her what she wants ta do?”

“Darling! I already did that with her, ‘can you please give me options,’ thing.” Rarity sighed. “I tell you, And in the end of all this? She still blew up at me! Well almost blew up at me.” She shook her head. “And then like I told you both, Ditzy Doo showed up.”

Twilight nodded. “I told you about how she raced off just to get Ditzy’s autograph, right?”

“Yes you did, darling.” Rarity replied nodding before slamming her hoof on the table. “Ugh!”

“Hey! Rarity!” Applejack nearly shouted, protecting her apple juice. “Now what’s got yer knickers in a knot?”

“It’s just that I can’t believe that I am playing second fiddle to somepony like...” Rarity threw her hooves in the air. “Derpy! I don’t mean to sound... whiny, but it just feels...”

“It is what works for her, Rarity. Try not to take it personally,” Twilight said putting a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “For whatever reasons that not even I’m comprehending, she really likes Derpy. But, Applejack does have a point. Offering her a dress was a very generous thing to do, though maybe you should try to offer her some other article of clothing.”

“She’ll most likely reject anything I try to offer her,” Rarity replied, frumping, Twilight gave her a sympathetic look. “Alright, I suppose asking her if there is any other sort of clothing that she would be more comfortable with would have been a much more logical thing to do. Still-”

Just then, Sweetie Belle peeked her head into the kitchen. “Rarity!!” She nearly dove into the kitchen and hugged her sister. "There you are!”

Rarity jumped and looked at her little sister. A moment of absolute joy passed through her. “Oh! Sweetie Belle! It feels like ages since last I saw you!”

Sweetie Belle smiled and continued to hug her sister. “Longest two months I’ve ever lived!” She pulled back. “I heard that you went to Whinneapolis! Did you bring me anything?”

Applejack coughed. “Whelp, lookin’ at the time, ah got ta get maself back ta the farm. Cider season is going ta be just around the corner and we need ta make sure the trees are in good shape.”

Twilight put a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, you’re a very resourceful pony. You have my utmost confidence that you’ll figure something out. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a few more books to go through...”

“I suppose you’re right, Twilight. And Twilight?” Rarity smiled. “Thank you.” Even though there weren’t any good solutions put up on the table, at least her friends listened to her. She turned her attention to Sweetie Belle and walked out of the kitchen.


With Rarity gone, I find myself feeling a bit freer in exploring this place. Well, the first floor anyhow.
I’ve found that there is a dumbwaiter that has the tantalizing possibility of turning into a pony sized elevator. I took a look at the bedroom on this floor and found an empty dresser, some bookshelves with one or two books, and a trunk that I can’t get into.

Well, not yet anyhow.

The study has a very comfortable looking chair and more bookshelves, a globe of the known Equestrian world, a few hanging objects and a mirror behind the chair. The wallpaper looks like it has been done up several times and has been layered with prior layers peeling off each other.

The kitchen has the bare necessities, a stove, a sink, and running water. Which is good because I was thirsty. I had to tap the knob a few dozen times but then the water started to run. First brown, then dirty and finally clear after about six or seven minutes.

The living room has several couches. Geez when the owners of this place passed away, they must have been loaded or just had a bunch of stuff that they couldn’t take with them. I end my tour of this floor by going back to the hallway with the bathroom in it. At the end of this hall there is a third door, that if I remember correctly, leads to the storage area.
I pull out the blueprints to this place and do a double check. “Yup, that’s the storage area.” Looking at the knob, I sigh. “I can’t wait to replace all the knobs here.” I tap the door, just in case it-

The door opens as easy as a knife going through butter. Peering my head in I look around. There are more boxes and covered objects. The dust is scattering the light and everything seems... quiet. Walking past a few of the boxes, I take a sheet off of one of them. Inside are the flash frozen memories of lives forgotten... I wonder if there are any photographs of me back home. Fuck, these thoughts are depressing. I shake my head in an attempt to clear my mind.
I could use a break from all this...

Just then, I see a blue glimmer out of the corner of my left eye. Looking over, I see a door that looks like it would lead outside. Walking over to it, I blink.

“Wait a second,” I take the blueprints out again. “That door isn’t here...” I tap on it to see if it will open...


Sweetie Belle looked heartbroken. “What do you mean you’re not sure about this month!?”

“Well, you see, Sweetie Bell, I’m currently busy with helping a pony named, ‘Heartbreak,’ get used to Ponyville! She is quite the hoof full and-”

“But I didn’t get to see you for a whole two months! And the first one was because I was traveling to Vanhoover with mom and dad!” Sweetie Belle cried as she began to stomp her hooves in the grass in front of the Library. “At the Sisterhooves Social, you said that you’d always have time for me!”

Rarity felt herself crumple a bit. “Now see here, Sweetie Belle, I will have time for you. It’s just that-”
Sweetie Belle turned her head and frumped. “That you would rather spend time with somepony else than me...” She sniffled and ran back into the library.

“Sweetie Belle! It isn’t like that at-” Rarity felt the door closing in her face. “All...” she frumped and raised a hoof to open the door when she heard somepony’s soft voice enter her ears.

“Oh! Rarity! There you are! I have been looking everywhere for you!” Fluttershy exclaimed in the quiet gentle manner that she was known for.

Rarity sighed and looked at her friend. “Oh hello, Fluttershy...”

“Is there something wrong?” Fluttershy asked tilting her head. “I haven’t interrupted something important have I? If I have, I’m sorry...”

“Oh, no... You haven’t. It just seems that I can’t please anypony today...” Rarity tilted her head. “Trouble with Sweetie Belle: she wanted to spend the day together, but I already promised H.B. that I would meet her back at her house come noon.”

“Oh my,” Fluttershy looked into the window. “Is she going to be alright?”

“Yes, but I will have to apologize. You know how Sweetie Belle can be sometimes,” Rarity said sighing. “But you were looking for me, darling? What about?”

“Well, the colts and fillies from the Summer Reading Program were really wondering when or if H.B. could be reading at the library next,” Fluttershy replied smiling.

“They really enjoyed her reading to them that much?” Rarity asked.

“Oh yes, they especially liked how she would do the voices for each character,” Fluttershy replied, nodding. “Though the darling things really tuckered her out. She kept reading and reading! I almost think that if I didn’t remind them that they had to get home or their parents would be concerned about where they were, that H.B. just wouldn’t stop! One look from their adorable little faces and it was like she just couldn’t say no!”

Rarity blinked. “You don’t say...”

“Oh, but I do say! Not only that, but I think that she was much more well behaved around them. I don’t know much about her, but Twilight says that she swears a lot and says the word... uhm... well,” Fluttershy looked around and then looked down before quietly whispering “‘fet’ every other sentence!”

“Yes, she does tend to use that word quite a bit,” Rarity looked thoughtful. Did Heartbreak have a tender spot for young colts and fillies? “It would make sense, seeing her reaction to fillies like Cream Puff. And if she is better behaved, it could keep her mind calmer, thus keeping her thinking and perhaps more open to helpful suggestions. Not to mention, maybe, just maybe realizing those little lessons that she could be writing to the Princess...

“But if she’s busy with her new house-” Fluttershy said quietly. “Then I guess we can bother her another time-”

“Oh pish-posh! She’s expecting me back there at noon and I can pass the word back to her that you were looking for her. I’m sure she’ll be delighted to hear that her favorite audience missed her and are wanting to hear her read again!” Rarity replied, waving a hoof at Fluttershy.

“Oh! You would? That would be just wonderful. Cream Puff was especially wanting to see her again. Even Mars Orange admitted that she was a much better reader than many of the other readers they’ve had.” Fluttershy said, smiling and looking pleased. “I better go tell them about this right away!”

“Yes...” Rarity tapped on her chin thoughtfully. “You go do that, I have a few things, a few errands I need to attend to before returning to H.B.’s ‘Addam’s Family Manor,’ as she’s decided to call it.”

Fluttershy blinked. “What a strange name for a house... She’s not an Addam’s nor does she have a family yet...”

“That’s what I was thinking! But...” Rarity took a deep breath and sighed. “That’s what makes her happy and it isn’t hurting anypony that she’s calling it that. Though she is going to have to tell the mail office and fill out some paperwork. Anyhow, thank you for telling me about the colts and fillies from the library, Fluttershy darling. I’ll make sure that your message is passed along!”

“Oh thank you Rarity! The Summer Reading Group will be delighted to hear it!” Fluttershy turned and went on her way.

Rarity smiled as a little plan formed in her mind about this all.


Sweetie Belle sighed and collapsed to the floor. “She hasn’t had time for me for a whole month! And now that she has time, she says that she has to spend it with that new pony in town! What was her name?”

“Heartbreak,” Apple Bloom replied. “Last month she spent some time on the farm doin’ chores and such ta earn some bits. Crab Apple wrote a letter ta me askin’ if she was alright. She apparently said that they could be pen-pals and that he wanted ta be called, ‘Dib,’ from now on.”

“Dib?” Scootaloo asked, turning her attention away from the section of books labeled, ‘History of Pony Sports.’ “I swear, that cousin of yours gets weirder and weirder every year.”

“Apparently it was somethin’ that Heartbreak labeled him with, an’ he liked it so much that he wanted ta keep it!” Apple Bloom replied rolling her eyes. “Anyway, seein’ that yer sister just wants to spend time with Heartbreak, what should we do taday Crusaders?”

“Maybe we should try earning our cutie marks in sports!” Scootaloo suggested enthusiastically.

“I’m not sure I’m up for any crusading today...” Sweetie Belle said distraughtly. “Besides, haven’t we done that already?”

“Ah, come on, Sweetie Belle! Just because your sister wants to spend time with that weird, creepy mare doesn’t mean we shouldn’t continue looking for our cutie marks!” Scootaloo said, cheerfully patting her on the back.

“H.B. isn’t that creepy, Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom said frowning.

“Apple Bloom, she has a hole drilled in her hoof. Or at least that’s what Mars told me. What kind of pony gets a hole drilled in her hoof?” Scootaloo asked, a disgusted look upon her face.

“I heard that she got it drilled at the dentist!” Sweetie Belle squeaked in astonishment.

“Where did ya hear that from?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Strawberry Sweets! Apparently the day it happened? Heartbreak came into Dr. Bright White’s office and she did something to him. Or that’s what I heard Rarity say. Then she had him drill a hole right through her hoof!” Sweetie Belle looked at her own hoof. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have that done to oneself. But it still left a weird unpleasant tingle in her hoof when she tried to.

“You know what I heard?” Scootaloo asked.

“What’s that?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I heard that she actually went to the dentist ‘cause her hoof actually had teeth!” Scootaloo said waggling her hoof at her friends.

“Now that’s just silly, Scoots. How could a hoof have teeth in it?” Apple Bloom asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Well, she’s apparently from that weird colony up north that’s been isolated for years. There’s no telling what strange creepy deformed ponies are up there,” Scootaloo replied.

“Ah seriously doubt that there are a bunch of mutant ponies livin’ up north in... dern it, what was it called again? Minnei- uhm... Minnei?” Apple Bloom looked at her friends.

“I think it was, Minneighsoder or something like that,” Scootaloo replied. “Either way, how do you know! They have been living in isolation for a really long time! There has to be a reason that they haven’t come out looking for help!”

Apple Bloom gave Scootaloo a, ‘are you serious?’ face. “Come on now, Scootaloo. There has ta be a better explanation than-”

“Hello girls!” Interrupted a musical voice as Rarity stepped back into the library.

“Rarity! You came back!” Almost instantly, Sweetie Belle jumped up and trotted to her sister before hugging her tightly. And almost as quickly as she was overjoyed to see her sister, she realized that she was still upset with her and promptly turned around before crossing her hoofs. “I mean. You came back. Hmph!”

Rarity took a deep breath. “Of course I came back, why wouldn’t I come back?”

“Because you have to spend time with Heartbreak and make sure she’s alright! After all, ‘ I’m currently busy with helping a pony named, ‘Heartbreak,’ get used to Ponyville!’” Sweetie Belle mocked the way that Rarity talked

Rarity looked down sadly. “I didn’t mean to make it sound like she was more important than you, Sweetie Belle. But I promised that I would meet up with her at noon, and it’s almost that time. You wouldn’t want me to go breaking any promises, now would you?” She asked fluttering her eyes.

Sweetie Belle looked at Rarity from the corner of her eye and her arms started to uncross. “I guess not... But still! I haven’t seen you for nearly two months! Traveling with mom and dad was soooo boring! And when I came to visit you in your shop... It was like you weren’t happy to see me...”

Rarity covered her mouth and sniffled. “Oh, Sweetie Belle... Don’t ever think that I don’t have time for you... I’m so sorry that wasn’t more enthusiastic... I’ve just had a lot that has been weighing on my mind as of late. Helping a foreigner around is a rather big responsibility. But I think know how I can make it up to you...”

Sweetie Belle looked at her sister slyly. “Does it involve cake or chocolate?”

“Well, it can! I was thinking more along the lines of you helping me out with H.B!” Rarity said, smiling widely and giving a pleading expression.

“Oh...” Sweetie Belle replied crossing her hooves. “I don’t know about that... Me and the Crusaders-”

“The Crusaders and I,” Rarity corrected. Sweetie Belle gave her sister a sharp look. “Sorry, please continue...”

“The Crusaders and I had a lot of things planned for today...” Sweetie Belle said, looking at her friends.

“We did?” Scootaloo asked before Sweetie Belle elbowed her. “Oh yeah! Totally! We’re going to try to earn our cutie marks in... uhm..” She looked around the library. “Macrame!”

Sweetie Belle mentally face hoofed.

Rarity chuckled. “Well, I am sure that you could earn your cutie marks in specialized knot tying, or-” She paused.

“Or?” Scootaloo asked.

“You all three could come with me and be my assistants while we look over H.B’s new home!” Rarity replied, smiling rather wide.

Sweetie Belle rubbed the side of her face. “I don’t know... I need to talk it over with my constituents.” She had the girls huddle around her. “What do you all think?”

“Why are you asking us? She’s your sister,” Scootaloo replied.

“Ah think it could be fun. Crab Apple said that she was a nice enough pony once ya got ta know her, I think we ought ta give this a chance,” Apple Bloom replied. “Besides, Rarity seems really sorry fer the way she treated you before...”

“Yeah... I guess you’re right,” Sweetie Belle replied. “Alright, let’s do it!”
The three little fillies broke from the group.

“After much deliberation, we, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, have decided to take your offer,” Sweetie Belle said to her sister in a rather business like manner.

“Well, that’s just splendid!” Rarity replied, smirking at her sister. It was almost always adorable when she tried to act like a grown-up.

“As long as there is going to be cake!” Scootaloo interjected.

“Well, of course, there will be,” Rarity put a hoof on her chest. “But first we must go talk to H.B. and then there will be cake.”

“Alright!” Scootaloo cheered. “Lead the way!”

Rarity smiled. Surely, any plans she had to get Heartbreak to learn a lesson would succeed! There would be no way that she could resist the charms of these three fillies!

Author's Note:

Tumblr Room Will be coming back on line tomorrow from those who feel that it doesn't detract from the story.

Artwork link down below. Copy Paste!
