• Published 3rd Mar 2013
  • 4,913 Views, 1,866 Comments

House that Heartbreak Rebuilt - Jet_Black1980

This month Heartbreak and Rarity go head to head while trying to get her a house. A surprise visitor or two or three will show up along the way.

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Teacher's Meeting

Chapter One

Teacher’s Meeting

“Alright girls, we all know why we’re here.” Twilight took a pointing stick and rapped it on the large paper notepad. “But a quick review wouldn’t hurt.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Twilight, is this just pointless fluff to pad your schedule of how long you want this meeting to last?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “No Rainbow.” She flipped the large paper over and drew up a diagram. “This is an exercise to make sure that the six of us are still on the same page about the issues surrounding H.B. What we’ve learned about her, what we need to do for her, what we have done for her and of course, most importantly, what we will do for her.”

“Uhm, no offense Sugarcube, but this here meeting won’t take too long now will it? Ah still have business back on the farm ta take care of,” Applejack said.

“I shouldn’t leave the animals alone for too long,” Fluttershy interrupted quietly. “They tend to get moody if they don’t get their afternoon snacks.”

Rarity sipped on her apple juice. “And I have several dresses to get done before the days’ end!”

Twilight tapped on the paper. “I understand that everypony has other plans,” she rolled her eyes, “And places that they would rather be. However, all of this is important. Initially when H.B. arrived to our world and-” Twilight grasped for the words to fit the situation that the poor pony was in. “Shook things up, none of us were prepared, nor did we expect the repercussions. The Princess has charged us with the duty of rehabilitating H.B.-”

“More like she thrust the duty upon us,” Rarity commented disapprovingly. Looking around she saw the seething looks being shot her way. “What? Am I the only one here who finds this whole predicament a bit questionable?”

“Princess Celestia is ruler of all of Equestria. And while the act of what she was going to do is deplorable, it isn’t out of the question for a leader who is trying to protect her country and those who live in it from a destructive force that could rip our world into pieces,” Twilight explained glowering.

The room was filled with an awkward silence. After all, everypony here had talked about Heartbreak herself. What kind of pony she came off as, what her personality was like, how she seemed to be almost outright fighting Twilight at every turn. Almost refusing to adapt, refusing to give. However, the past two months showed that she was willing to learn-that there was a semblance of hope for a return to harmony for this strange pony that wasn’t a pony. But nopony had the gall to point out the truly horrifying aspect of all of this.

The terrible realization that had the six of them not been there, had Twilight not sent the letter to Princess Luna telling her about Heartbreak, had things gone differently: Heartbreak wouldn’t most likely even exist to be talked about. She would most likely have been locked away in a Canterlot mental ward, staring blankly at a wall and drooling slightly.

And there wouldn’t have been anypony in all of Equestria, save Princess Celestia herself, that would have known any different.

Twilight sighed. “There is plenty to dislike about what we have to do here, girls. And we can either spend this entire meeting questioning the motives of Princess Celestia in the matter,” She turned over another page in the sketch pad. A picture of Heartbreak stared blankly at the group, “Or we can talk about what we are going to do for this pony. Because despite the circumstances of her arrival, and whether she will admit to it or not, she needs us.”

Rarity looked down at the table. “I’m just saying that none of this seems fair. Neither to us or her...”

“I know Rarity. But it is the situation that we have to deal with. Maybe one day we can all see what was going through the Princess’s mind at that moment.” Twilight turned and faced her sketch pad. She sighed and shook off a momentary twinge of emotional angst that had been nagging her the moment that Rarity had brought this issue up. “But for now, we need to focus.” She sternly smacked the sketch pad. “Each of us has been charged with the task of, ‘returning H.B. back to harmony.’ And when we first got that task, none of us really knew what to do. Our world had just been shaken up and everything that we thought was true, crumbled around our hooves. I’ve had time to reflect on the situation as a whole and have decided that, for all this to work, for us to succeed in this mission, and for H.B. to retain her memories: We need have set goals in all this.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Is there something you want to share with the rest of us Rainbow?”

Rainbow’s eyes shot back and forth. “Nope! I’m good.”

Twilight sighed. “Right, the first of these goals is rather simple, each of us should choose a month that we are going to work with her. None of you have to commit right away, but seeing that a new month has arrived...I will need at least one volunteer to step forward at least by week’s end.” All but Pinkie Pie looked a little unnerved by the near demand that Twilight was giving them.

Rarity reluctantly raised her hoof slightly. “I’m not volunteering, Twilight, but I would just like to point out that this is rather sudden and-”

Twilight sighed. “I know it is rather sudden and I am sure that all of you do have plans for what you want to do for this month. However, all I am asking is that one of you take a little time out for H.B. and attempt to teach her about your element.”

Rarity frowned upon being interrupted. “And if she doesn’t learn anything?”

“Ah, reckon that ya’ll have ta either try again there Rar, or pass her off ta one of us ta see if we can do the job that ya didn’t,” Applejack said with a smug air.

“She might surprise you, Rarity. After all she has sent two letters so far. Two letters that have been accepted by the Princess. And there is the fact that I think last month did give her quite the shake up. I think she might be waking up to the idea that she has to contribute to all this if she wants to succeed,” Twilight added.

“I would have thought that she would have realized that was a given from the beginning,” Rarity interjected.

Twilight frowned and glared at Rarity, her mouth was about to open when Pinkie’s hoof shot up into the air. The normally bright and cheerful pony was dressed up in something that was strikingly contrasted to her personality: A pinstriped teacher’s suit attire, complete with horn rimmed glasses and her mane done up in the best bun style she could muster. “Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Pick me! Pick me!”

Twilight turned her attention away from Rarity. “Yes Pinkie?”

Pinkie’s hooves slammed down on the table. “I demand to have October! That’s when Nightmare Night is happening and that’s one of the best and biggest Parties of the year!”

Rainbow Dash snorted. “You really think that you can actually wait that long, Pinkie? Isn’t October like six-”
“Five,” Fluttershy corrected quietly.

“Right, Five months away?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“H.B. told me to think of the best party I could think of and I choose that month to teach her!” Pinkie looked at Rainbow Dash with a flare of determination in her eyes. “And Nightmare Night is the Perfect night for her! Think about it! Everypony is dressed up as something else, she can completely be whatever she wants to be, even her Aaaalien self and nopony would even know! Plus! Plus! Princess Luna will be there!”

“Pinkie, darling, what does that have to do with anything?” Rarity asked.

“Cha! Come on, Rar-bear! H.B. is totally grateful to the Princess for the save!” Pinkie grinned from ear to ear. “Plus have you seen how flustered she gets when you make mention of Princess Luna?”

Rarity blinked. “I don’t follow.”

Rainbow Dash frowned. “That makes two of us. I think Pinkie is just being Pinkie.”

“Ugh! You ponies don’t know anything! I demand the month of October, Twilight!” Pinkie shouted, banging a gavel on the table.

Twilight promptly took the gavel from Pinkie and gave her a look. Pinkie smiled sheepishly and gave an apologetic squee. “I appreciate your enthusiastic nature about this, Pinkie Pie. And I will make sure you get October. Now as far as the rest of you-”

Applejack put up a hoof. “Twi’ ah already know where yer going as far as bullet points go, ya mind if ah go and deliver them drinks ta the next room? It’ll give ya a chance ta get everypony here caught up with what ya planned and me a chance ta see how things are going over there.”

“That’s actually a good idea,” Twilight replied nodding. “Go right ahead.”

Applejack smiled and pushed the cart of apple juice through the door leading to the rest of the library. As the door opened, a cacophony of sound entered the kitchen. It was much like the sound of an active school yard.

Pinkie’s ears perked up and her eyes went wide as she tried to spy what was going on in the room next door. “Ooooo! Twilight! What’s happening over there?”

Twilight smiled a little smile. “Just something that H.B. suggested to me about how we could get more youngsters interested in reading. It’s being handled. Right now I would like to address the next goal that I have in mind for H.B.” Twilight flipped the paper on her sketch pad. “As some of you know, I have been having H.B. doing odd jobs around Ponyville so that she can earn up a little capital of her own. But if we can pool our resources along with hers, then I think that we can get H.B. something that she desperately needs.”

“You mean other than a good hooficure, a currycomb and her mane and tail attended to?” Rarity asked nonchalantly. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “What? Am I the only one that thinks that she needs these things?”

Twilight sighed. “While a bit of sprucing up wouldn’t hurt, I am talking about an actual place to live.” Twilight drew up a small drawing of a little house. “We need to get H.B. her very own home.”

Rainbow Dash raised her hoof. “No offense Twilight, but that seems easy enough. I mean why don’t we just open a newspaper and look at the local listings for apartments. Isn’t that what she lived in before?”

“I wish it were that easy, Rainbow.” Twilight frowned. “But apartments require that you have money prior to leasing and most importantly, a job.”

“Neither of which she really has, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity interjected. “But still, how do propose that we go about getting her her own house? Even those cost money.”

Pinkie raised her hoof. “Why not just ask the Princess?”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Pinkie, do you honestly think that Princess Celestia just loans out money to anypony who asks?”

Pinkie rolled her eyes back at Rarity. “Well, Cha-no! Princess Celestia isn’t a bank! And I wasn’t talking about Princess Celestia! That would be the last pony we should ask to help us in this matter!”

Fluttershy coughed and spoke up. “But it would be a really...uhm...nice thing for her to do, don’t you think? It could, well, I don’t know...uhm...nevermind, everypony else was talking and I just wanted to..” Fluttershy slowly tried to drop behind the table.

“Fluttershy, everypony’s opinion and thoughts are important here. Please if you have something to say regarding any matter that has been brought up,” Twilight looked down and bit her lower lip. It just felt so wrong saying bad things about Princess Celestia! “Including something you think the Princess could or should do, then by all means say it.”

Fluttershy looked around from her eye-level position with the table. “Well..uhm, it’s just that H.B. doesn’t really trust the Princess, and well, if she was able or-” she paused for a moment,”-willing to help, it could help in her overall progress to harmony?” Fluttershy finished her thought and sentence in a quick and quiet manner.

“Fluttershy does have a valid point, Twilight. After all, Celestia wasn’t acting very, ‘princessly,’ upon Heartbre-” Rarity started.

“H.B.’s,” Fluttershy interjected.

Rarity gave an annoyed laugh. “Upon H.B.’s arrival. Such actions could warrant restitution?”

Twilight frowned and bit on her lip. Her friends had a point in all this, but it just felt so wrong! Despite what had happened back in Canterlot, it was hard to see Celestia in a bad light. Making demands of her, forcing her to provide for another pony, or even just writing her a letter regarding any of this! It felt like she was somehow failing in her mission, failing herself, failing her teacher.

Pinkie Pie slammed her hoof down on the table. “I’m not talking about rest or tuition! And it wasn’t Princess Celestia I was talking about! Getting H.B. to accept money from her would like getting the holes out of swiss cheese! Just no doing it! The holes are what makes swiss cheese swiss! I was talking about Princess Luna! Doesn’t she have a say in all this!?”

Twilight gave Pinkie a funny look. The swiss cheese part seemed totally nonsensical but she did have a point about Princess Luna. “I’m not sure if she can help either, Pinkie.” Pinkie gave Twilight a pleading look. Twilight let out a sigh. “But it wouldn’t hurt to write Princess Luna a letter explaining the situation.” Pinkie clapped her hooves together and squeed.

“How much capital has she earned thus far, Twilight?” Rarity asked looking concerned.

“Well, with the odd jobs I have given her,” Twilight started to write down a few numbers on the sketch pad. “These being delivering newspapers, more work on Applejack’s farm, helping the Cakes move flour...” She paused and looked disappointedly at her result. “One hundred and fifty bits.”

Rainbow Dash snirked. “Gee, by this rate she’ll get that house in about ten years!”

“Rainbow!” Twilight said frowning.

“Hey, I’m just saying,” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Twilight, darling, she does have a point. Even if we all were to pool our resources, a decent house can cost anywhere from one thousand to ten thousand bits.” a worried expression accompanied Rarity’s statement.

Twilight bowed her head. “I know that Rarity, however I really think that if we work-”

Just then, Heartbreak nearly came barreling through the kitchen door. With a wide eyed panicked expression, she slammed the door behind her and leaned up against it.

Her left eye twitched as her gaze narrowed in on one pony in the room. “Twilight. Sparkle.” She hissed. “A word?”

“Well...” Twilight began apprehensively. “We’re kind of in the midd-”

Twilight swore that she could see the curls in H.B.’s mane grow tighter as her brow furrowed ever deeper. “A word. Now!”