• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 29,853 Views, 1,399 Comments

A Dark Knight for Equestria - Onomonopia

  • ...

Wolves and Manticores and Bats, Oh My!

Everfree Forest.

Batman was still in a shocked state. The pink horse had seen him hiding in the shadow-- HIM of all people. Not even Superman could see him most of the time when he chose to vanish. How had the pink one done it? There were no goggles on its face—nothing high tech. Besides, technology didn't seem that advanced in this world. And why the pink horse? Did she possess some form of super sight? A sixth-sense?

Batman was upset, not just from the earlier incident, but because he had no leads on Morgaine's whereabouts. He had set his cowl to detect her magic and the cryptographic sequencer to mark any-place she might be hiding, but it was all in vain. Growling, he vented some frustration by delivering a heavy blow to the side of a tree. The impact startled a few birds, which took off in all directions. Regaining control, he sat down and began to meditate. Slowing his breathing and heart rate, he felt himself begin to relax. He would not let his anger get the better of him. If he lost control of his anger, he'd get sloppy. If he got sloppy, he'd then make mistakes. If he made mistakes, people would die.

Now back in control of his emotions, he allowed himself the chance to scope the area thoroughly. Looking around, he noticed a pair of eyes in the bushes. The eyes were green and looked like those of a predator, remarkably similar to that of the earth wolf. Activating detective vision, he raised an eyebrow at the creature. It was similar to a wolf, same skeletal structure, same height, but it was covered in what seemed like wood. Some form of exoskeleton? It hadn't attacked, so he assumed that it didn't intend to bother him, but in his mind he marked its location.

Continuing to travel through the forest, Batman had two priorities; shelter and water. He had heard earlier what he believed to be a stream. Upon finding it, he then followed the stream to a waterfall. Seeing the fall, Batman walked over to the edge and re-engaged detective vision. In a few minutes he had found both water and a cave. Using the grapple gun, he lowered himself to the ground, right in front of the cave entrance.

Walking inside, Batman took note of the surroundings. It was a fairly large cave, tall enough for him to stand in, without signs of any predatory or intellectual inhabitants. When he was half-way into the cave, hundreds of his friends greeted him. Bats came down from the ceiling and began to fly out into the now night sky. Looking around, Batman decided that this would do for a temporary location.

Then he sat down with his dilemma. He knew that finding Morgaine was his number one priority, but he was unsure of how to go about finding her. If he was constantly hiding, he would probably never find her. According to what he had heard on the train, she was already putting some other plan into action. He could try to talk to the horses. They might have the information he needed to find and stop her, but considering his previous experience with the guards, it was obvious they had never seen a human before.

Walking back outside the cave, he decided to roam the forest. Gliding sometimes helped him think and he needed to scout the surrounding area anyway. Grappling back up to the top of the waterfall, he spread his cape and jumped.


"For the tenth time, Scootaloo, we're lost," an upset Applebloom told her friend.

The three fillies had started off to Zecora's on the usual path. After about an hour of walking, they weren't sure which way to go. Applebloom had said to go back while Scootaloo told them Zecora’s hut wasn't too far. All Sweetie Belle could think about was how angry Rarity would be when they got back so late.

Scootaloo had run ahead, prompting the other two to follow their friend. They had headed deeper into the forest before Scootaloo finally gave up and admitted that they were lost. Now with no sure way to know which way was home, the three had begun walking again...and arguing.

"If you had taken time to look at the map, this wouldn't have happened," Applebloom muttered.

"Ha. Ponies like me and Rainbow Dash don't need maps. We naturally know where we're going," Scootaloo retorted.

"Oh yeah? So where are we now?"

"Easy, we're lost."

Sweetie sighed to herself as the other two continued to bicker. She just wanted to go home and see her sister and parents again. She wondered what they were up to.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY LEFT!?" Twilight screamed, her mane practically on fire. A purple dragon was huddled in the corner, trying to avoid looking the enraged pony in the eyes.

"I-I mean, they were here one minute and gone the next," He stammered, trying to deflect some of Twilight's wrath. "On the plus side, I overheard where they were going."

"And where is that?"

"T-the E-E-Everfree Forest? To Z-Zecora's?"

The ponies outside the library were shocked when they saw a blast of fire go through the roof of the building, followed by the shrieks of one very angry pony.


The onlookers didn't know what was happening, but what they did know was that the little dragon was as good as dead.

Twilight would have loved nothing more than to scold the scales of Spike, but there were more urgent matters to attend to.

"Spike," Twilight said, venom dripping in her voice, "You go and tell Rarity what's happened and I'll go get Applejack. We'll meet on the edge of the Everfree Forest."

"R-Rarity?" Spike stammered. "If she hears about this I'm double dead."

Twilight stopped in front of the door and turned to look at her assistant.



The three foals had made no progress in finding a way out. Applebloom and Scootaloo had finally given up fighting and decided just to grumble to themselves. Sweetie just kept her thoughts to herself. If this went on for much longer they might have to-


Sweetie Belle spun around, instantly alert. The other two had heard the noise as well, looking in every direction to see the source of the noise. Then they saw the eyes, eyes of a predatory beast, one that Applebloom’s grandma had warned them about.


Screaming, all three of them galloped off into the forest. The Timberwolf let out a long howl, which was followed by similar howls, as more and more Timberwolves came out of the woodwork. The wolves then began to chase the three fillies through the forest, slowly gaining on the terrified foals. One jumped out right in front of the fleeing fillies at a fork in the road, which had a bridge to the left and more forest to the right. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle went left, but Scootaloo made the wrong choice and went right. As Sweetie and Applebloom raced across the bridge, the wolves chasing them stopped, knowing the bridge wouldn't hold their weight. Slowly, those wolves turned their heads to the direction Scootaloo had run and continued the chase.

Poor Scootaloo was terrified. She ran blindly through the forest, without any knowledge of where she was going. Looking over her shoulder, she gasped as the wolves chasing Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were now coming after her instead.

'How can this get any worse?' She thought to herself.

By uttering those forbidden words, Scootaloo turned a corner and ran smack into a sleeping manticore. The creature raised its head, smacked its lips, and then looked down at the pony. Its eyes instantly widened upon seeing an intruder on its territory. With a roar, the manticore swung a paw at Scootaloo, who just managed to duck out of the way, running like crazy. The manticore began to chase her as the Timberwolves ran through the trees out of the manticore's field of vision.

"Somepony HELP ME!" she screamed.


Applejack, Twilight and Rarity were racing through the Everfree Forest, trying desperately to find the three fillies before anything happened to them.

"What if they've been eatin?" asked Applejack, voice full of fear.

"Applejack, trust me, they haven't been eaten," Twilight said, trying to comfort her friend, even though she didn't believe her own words.

"Of all the things to happen, this is THE WORST POSSIBLE THING!" exclaimed Rarity, nearly fainting.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Sweetie Belle and Applebloom screamed as they burst out of the brush, running headlong to their sisters.

"Applebloom, yer alright!" Applejack cried, hugging her sister. Rarity and Sweetie Belle were having the same emotional moment.

"Oh thank goodness the two of you are alright. What were you thinking entering the forest at this time of night?" Rarity asked through tears.

"Idea...Zecora's...heroes...cutie marks..." Applebloom panted.

"Wait a minute, where's Scootaloo?" asked Twilight.

"HELP ME!" all five of them heard the scream echo through the forest.



Batman, who had been gliding about a mile away, heard the cry. Immediately adjusting his course, he turned in the direction of the plea. Unable to see what was happening from the air, he landed with a roll and took off running. Still unable to find out what was happening, he grappled to the top of a tree and activated zoom as well as detective vision. What he saw was a small pegasus running like hell with about twenty of the wolves from earlier following her as well as one angry lion with bat wings and a scorpion’s tail. They were called manticore’s and were myths on earth. Here apparently, they were predators.

He watched as the foal ran out of the forest straight to the edge of a cliff. Looking around desperately, it spun to face the manticore as it came out of the forest, stopping just outside the clearing. The wolves quickly followed, bursting through the brush. Seeing their prey trapped, the wolves slowly began to circle, until one was swatted away by the manticore. The beast roared at the wolves, essentially telling them the pony was his, slowly walking towards her. The pegasus desperately flapped her wings, which made a small buzzing sound, but didn't achieve liftoff. She looked up with tears in her eyes at the manticore, which raised back one massive paw, poised to strike. The pegasus closed her eyes, waiting for the blow.

It never came.

Instead, there was a roar of pain from the manticore, as three batarangs embedded themselves into its side. Batman then descend onto its head, planting both boots into the beasts face. The manticore backed up with a howl of pain, eyes glowing with rage at this new figure. Batman then rose to his full height, standing on eye level with the manticore, with all eyes were now on him. Looking back at the terrified horse, he saw awe and wonder, but surprisingly there was no fear, at least of him. Trying to keep her calm, he simply said,

"Don't worry. You're safe now."

Scootallo's jaw dropped upon hearing Batman speak. Batman then turned back to the wolves and the manticore, which were all watching him carefully. Smiling to himself, Batman walked out into the middle of the predators. Then the real action started.

A wolf lunged at him from behind with a snarl. Batman quickly ducked under its attack, waiting until it was directly overhead before standing up straight, delivering a bark-shattering shoulder to the wolf. As it collapsed, two more attacked, one going low, the other high. When they were close enough, he placed his boot one's head and brought his fist into the other one's jaw. The result was a curb stomp uppercut combo, flattening both wolves.

With a ferocious roar, the manticore joined in the fray. Charging straight at Batman, it didn't notice him whip out his Remote Electrical Charge until he shot it directly into its maw. With electricity coursing through its body, the beast swung its arms in every direction, knocking away a few Timberwolves, howling in pain. Batman quickly closed the distance and started to deliver hammer like blows to its chest and head. When it was stunned, he jumped on to its back, before launching himself into the air over it. He came back down with a bone-shattering elbow to its skull. The manticore crashed to the forest floor, skull fractured and unconscious. Looking up at the rest of the wolves, Batman taunted,

"Who’s next?"


Scootaloo had to rub her eyes three times to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She had been chased through the forest by two of the most dangerous predators known to pony kind only to end up at a cliff. Cornered, she braced herself for the end, when a giant bat creature showed up. The bat was at least six feet and had muscle on top of muscles. Then the creature had then actually talked to her.

"Don't worry. You're safe now."

Scootaloo didn't know what to do. She just stood dumbfounded as the bat walked into the middle of the beasts, before proceeding to kick the crap out of them. It had brought down three wolves with ease in a manner of seconds. When the manticore charged it, the bat fired electricity from its hand, stunning the beast, before finishing it off with a sickening blow to the back of the head. Eyes still glued to the scene, Scootaloo watched as the bat finished of the last two timberwolves, grabbing them each by the throat, then smashing their heads together. The pack leader ran off, with the rest of the wolves running for their lives. The manticore had awoken and stumbled off back into the forest as well. It was now just her and the bat.

Looking up at her protector, she finally got a good look at its face. It had a pinkish lower half, while the top was black and eyebrows in a permanent stare. Its eyes were in a weird position on its even weirder face. It was similar to Spike's face, but without scales. She also looked at its body. The bat's hands were covered by some weird glove-like armor and it had five fingers. Its lower legs were also covered by the same material, with feet instead of hooves. It had a belt on its waist that was gold with a small black item on the side. Finally, looking on the center of its chest, she saw a single black bat.

"Um," she began shakily after a few moments, "I-I would like to th-"

"Scootaloo, you there?" Twilight's voice rang through the forest. The sound of her voice to Scootaloo was better than the bell for summer vacation at the end of the school year. Turning towards the sound of her voice, she yelled,

"Yeah, I'm over here!"

Hearing the crashing sound of Twilight coming through the brush, Scootaloo turned again to the bat, who was gone. Scootaloo's eyes widened and she started to look around for where it went.

"Scootaloo!" Applebloom and Sweetie Belle yelled, tackling their friend. "We're so glad you’re alright. How did you get away from the Timberwolves?"

"Now hold on," Applejack interrupted before Scootaloo had a chance to speak. "I'm sure ya'll want to know, but it's really late and we should be getting home."

"Yes, I desperately need my beauty sleep," Rarity added. "And you can expect us to have a talk in the morning Sweetie Belle."

"That goes double fer you, Applebloom."

The group began heading out of the forest, except Scootaloo who continued to stare at the spot the bat had stood. Why had it come to her defense, only to vanish when the others showed up?

"Is there a problem, Scootaloo?" Twilight asked.

Breaking free of her thoughts, she trotted over to Twilights side.

"Nope, just...thinking," she answered, as they caught back up with the group.


Batman watched as the group of horses left. He was glad to see the orange one was back in the hands (hooves?) of horses she trusted. What had him interested though was what she had tried to say. Was she going to thank him? So far his only good deed got him chased by guards. As accustomed to that as he was, he hadn't expected a thank you. While he had to reveal himself to the pegasus to protect her, he wasn't ready to meet anybody else. He already had one fight with the horses; he didn't want to make it a habit.

Turning away from the group, he spread his cape and sailed back to his cave.