• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 29,853 Views, 1,399 Comments

A Dark Knight for Equestria - Onomonopia

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All Aboard the Pain Train

Batman's Reality; Dr. Fate's Tower.

Seated in Dr. Fate’s innermost chamber, Etrigan had just finished telling Dr. Fate about what had happened a few hours before. Fate, one of the most powerful sorcerers known to Etrigan, was quietly contemplating what he’d heard. Finally, Fate spoke,

"So, Etrigan, what you’re telling me is that during your battle with Morgaine le Fay, the portal that was originally supposed to unleash the demons of hell had a...malfunction, sucking both Batman and Morgaine into some unknown dimension. Is that the entire story?"

"Yes. While I was temporarily...indisposed, it seems Batman managed to close the portal," replied Etrigan grimly. "Unfortunately, I have no idea where or to what dimension they were sent. I hoped you would be able to use your mystic powers to help me find them."

Fate got up and went over to his collection of magical artifacts. Among them were talismans, seeing orbs, rune-stones and other items, but there was only one that he was interested in. An ancient book with knowledge of nearly every dimension ever recorded--dimensions where the entire world had been consumed by death; some, where vampires reigned supreme; even records of heroes that call themselves "Avengers." The book was ever expanding. New pages constantly wrote themselves every day. This was the book Fate needed.

"This book," Fate said as he showed it to Etrigan, "has record of nearly every alternate reality and dimension known to Nabu. While we have the information, there are infinite universes he could be in. I will begin scanning universes, but to find him could take anywhere between a few days, to a few years."

"If I can help in any way..." Etrigan began.

But Fate cut him off by raising a hand, “No there is nothing you can do to help me here, but in Batman's absence; you must help to protect his city. Gotham will be vulnerable without him there, so you must defend it." Fate began his incantations to begin searching the infinite universes." I will contact you if I find anything."

Seeing that he was no longer needed, Etrigan turned to head for Gotham. His thoughts were constantly on Batman. Had Morgaine managed to capture him? What if he was in a dimension that was not suitable for human life? Many similar thoughts raced through the demon's mind. After a while Etrigan shook his head free of such thoughts. This was Batman, a human that has taken more punishment than any other being like him and survived. It would take a hell of a lot more than an evil sorceress and a trip to another reality to bring him down. Hope now in Etrigan's heart, he picked up speed as he ran towards Gotham. Before he arrived, one last thought crossed his mind.

"Please don't get into TOO much trouble," he said with a dry chuckle.


Manehatten, back alley.

Ducking under the horse’s swing at his head, Batman crouched down before exploding upwards with a palm strike to the guard’s jaw. The blow sent the guard sprawling a few feet back as two of the other guards advanced, charging the Dark Knight. Spinning around, Batman swung his cape in a wide arc, stunning the two advancing horses. Using one as a springboard, he launched himself into the air over the horse and came crashing back down, both fists connecting with its skull, collapsing the guard. Quickly letting loose another cape stun on the other guard, who had almost recovered, the Dark Knight let loose a ‘beat down.’ Body blow after body blow connected with the horse, his armor doing little to protect him, before Batman finished him with a roundhouse to the head. Three down, one to go. Before Batman could turn, though, he heard the sound of a horn. Spinning to the last guard, he saw that the officer had just called for backup.

‘Great, just what I needed,’ Batman thought in annoyance.

Within a few seconds, two more guards showed up. One was a fairly built pegasus, while the other looked like she just got out of the academy. The younger one gasped when she saw what the guards had been fighting.

"What is that thing?" she asked her partner in complete shock.

"Whatever it is, I'm bringing it down," responded the pegasus, before spreading his wings and rushing at Batman.

The Dark Knight waited until the pegasus was almost on top of him before he purposely tripped himself, falling backwards while at the same time grabbing the guard’s two front legs, placing his own foot on its stomach. The result was a Sutemi Waza, or sacrifice throw, launching the pegasus into a wall. The guard got back to his hooves and once again flew towards Batman. This time Batman sidestepped the horse and grabbed its wing as he passed. Bringing his elbow down on the limb, he heard the satisfying SNAP of a broken bone. The pegasus managed to cry out before a blow to the sternum laid him flat.

Turning back to the other two, Batman stood there, waiting for either to make a move. The officer, seeing his entire team defeated, turned to the rookie and said,

"We can't win this fight. You have to go to the princess and tell them what happened." The young guard could only nod her head at the superior’s order. "Hurry and go. I'll buy you time."

With that, the young pony turned and took off to alert the princess while the officer charged at Batman who dove under the horse, grabbed his armor with both hands, and with a yell threw him into a wall. The guard looked up from the floor dazed to see the creature standing above him. He could only watch as the creature brought his arm back before punching him in the head.


"Come on, the ponies said that the guards chased the creature this way," the officer of another group yelled running to the location. When they arrived at the scene, the only sight to greet their eyes was the unconscious bodies of their fellow guards. The creature was gone.


‘Well, that was a nice waste of time,’ mused the Dark Knight.

Batman had grappled up to a rooftop and begun to move to the city’s edge. As he got outskirts, he saw that his fears had been confirmed. The number of guards had increased and they were guarding nearly every exit in and out of the city. Scowling, Batman chose to go towards the heart of the city. That would be the last place the guards would look. While racing across rooftops, he began to think of his plan of attack. While he could easily take out the guards stationed at any of the exits, he did not know if he could get away before the others showed up. If all the guards were on foot it would be no problem, but with the pegasi and unicorn guards, he might be fighting an entire city. As he continued to think, a sound reached his ears, an old but very familiar sound.

‘Was that a train whistle? Could the horses actually have trains?’

Staying on the rooftops, he started in the direction of the whistle. Looking down, Batman let a small smile cross his face. Right there, in the center of the city, was a train station. The train he had heard had apparently just arrived. It, like the horses, was many different colors and looked like a drawing he had made as a little boy, but it was a train nonetheless. He now knew how to escape the city. Scanning the area, he took note of the guards around the station. If he could get rid of them, getting on board would be easy. The caboose was apparently were the luggage went, which would make it a good hiding place. Turning his head to the sky, he smiled again as he saw the sun was beginning to set. Soon, he would be in his element. Activating zoom on his cowl, Batman looked at the departure times. This train was set to leave in about sixty minutes. With a plan now in place, he took cover next to a gargoyle and waited for darkness.


Night had fallen. The train guards were nervous. Batman couldn't blame them. First, they had heard there was a giant bat-like creature running around in the city. Next, the news had been that the creature had brought down six guards, apparently members of a highly-skilled division. They weren’t skilled enough. Finally, the train guards had to stand out in the dark, with no idea if the mysterious creature would come after them or not. If he was in their situation, he'd probably feel the same way. The train was about to leave. Batman got into position.

"ALL ABOARD!" the conductor yelled. As the last of the horses got on the train, Batman put his plan into action. Aiming a batarang at an alleyway, he thought to himself,

‘If this works, I take back what I said about them being intelligent.’

Letting the batarang fly, it connected with a stack of trashcans someone stacked on top of each other. The resulting crash caused the guards to jump a few feet in the air.

"The sound came from over there! Hurry, this way!"

As all the guards headed towards the alley, had any of them turned around, they would have seen a large bat-like creature land on the caboose and quietly slip inside. But, since that was not the case, they all ran into the alley, looking around everywhere for the source of the noise. The train began to move, picking up speed until it eventually left the station. After confirming that no one had seen him, Batman looked back at the alley where the guards had run into the dark. He shook his head in disbelief.


Now that he was temporarily out of danger, Batman allowed himself a chance to rest. He was tired from the fight with Morgaine, and the brawl with the horses hadn't helped. Sitting himself on the floor, he began to piece together what had happened. He was certain that Morgaine's portal had transported him to another world, but a world that he never would have thought existed. Semi-intellectual horses were apparently the dominate species, but other animals had the same role here as with his earth. Dogs were still house pets as well as cats. He hadn't seen any other four legged herbivores, though he wondered if they would be equally as sentient.

Taking a look outside, Batman watched as the train left the city and headed towards its destination. Looking around the compartment, he began to go through some of the luggage. The horses with the fancy suitcases also had fancy clothes in them. This confused him. Most horses seemed fine going around without any covering, so why did these ones need clothes? To feel superior? Parties or gatherings? Putting the clothes aside, he continued to dig. Each horse apparently had a name, albeit a stupid one at that. This suitcase belonged to a horse called "Fancy Pants?" He hoped all the names weren't this bad.

Another thing that bothered him was when the officer told his subordinate to leave. He had ordered her to get "Princess Celestia." Was she the ruler of this land or were there kings and queens? And if the guard believed this princess could defeat Batman, then the horses must believe she is powerful. But was she a regular horse? Unlikely; if regular guards couldn't beat him then he doubted a princess could do better. Pegasus? While the idea of a winged ruler would be likely for humans, the likelihood of one being a ruler here was small, especially when every other horse had wings. A unicorn seemed the more logical choice for a powerful ruler. If she had very potent magic, she would be the best candidate to rule.

What was eating at the Dark Knight the most was that he was in a foreign land, cut off from the other members of the League. More importantly, he could not communicate with the cave, which meant he couldn't pull up any information on this place. Knowing that he'd be in this land for a while, he emptied the contents of his belt to take inventory. He had a few batarangs, multiple freeze-grenades given to him by Mr. Freeze, his cryptographic sequencer which could act like a mini-Bat Computer, his grapple gun, his line launcher, a decent number of smoke pellets, his explosive gel, the remote controlled batarang, now with a jet propulsion so it could grab objects, the sonic batarang, the remote electrical charge gun, small microphones he could use to listen in on private conversations and finally, the anti-rangs he used on Morgaine. With all the magical creatures, these would be the most helpful.

Placing all the items back in the belt, Batman turned his thoughts to where he was heading. When he had glanced at the arrival and departure time, he had managed to catch a glimpse of the train’s destination. Another place with a stupid name.

The destination was a town called Ponyville.


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