• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 29,853 Views, 1,399 Comments

A Dark Knight for Equestria - Onomonopia

  • ...

Mans Best Friend

Ponyville, one week later.

It had been a very interesting week for Batman. Since Twilight had put him in charge of the library, there had been a lot less ponies picking up books. The first two times he answered the door, the pony standing there had fainted. As the week went on, less and less ponies came to the library. Spike was enjoying the break, saying how Twilight would make him reorganize the library on slow days. Batman had asked Spike not to ask him any questions about himself, a request that Spike had agreed to. For Spike, just being around Batman was enough. So far, the only pony to even come into the library was Applebloom, who had stopped by to return Spike's book.

Batman had found a book on dimensional theory and had spent most the week learning what he could about multi-dimensional travel. Spike had started reading comic books, something Batman would probably never find interest in. After a while, Spike sat up and stretched.

"Alright, time to drop this book off at Rarity's," he said with a smile, holding up a book called, "Unusual Fashions." He started to climb out of his chair when a knock came from the door. Frowning, he walked over and opened it. Rainbow Dash was standing there, impatiently tapping her hoof.

"Hey Rainbow, what can I do for you?" Spike asked.

"I heard the new Daring Doo book came out. I must have it," she replied, looking into Spike's eyes.

"But, I-"

"Must. Have. It."

Batman stood up from his studies and walked over to Spike and Rainbow, taking the book from Spike. "You help her find the book; I'll drop this off at Rarity's. I need to stretch my legs"

"But-" Spike began.

"Thanks, Batman. Now, where would Twilight have put it?" Rainbow muttered, pushing Spike inside despite his protests. Batman closed the door and headed into town, expecting the worse. Every time he went into the town, he ended up getting cold stares and looks. No one ever bothered him; they were much too afraid, but that didn't stop them from eyeing him. He walked silently, eyes ahead, until a grey pegasus slammed into him. The force of the impact knocked the both of them over. He sat up, ready to fight. Until he realized that the pegasus was the same yellow haired mare from the Grundy attack a week ago. She shook her head and looked up at him. Much to Batman's surprise, she smiled at the sight of him. She got to her feet and reached inside the mailbag she was carrying. She pulled out a letter and handed it to him, indicating for him to take it. When he did, she took off into the air and flew straight into a wall. Rubbing her head, she then flew off.

Batman watched her fly away before beginning to open to letter. He was aware of every pony in the area watching him, giving him the same look of loathing as before. He looked at the letter and instantly was shocked. The letter simply said "Thanks for saving us." Not all the ponies distrusted him apparently. Batman felt a small smile pull at his mouth again as he reached Rarity's shop. He knocked and waited. Nothing. He knocked again, starting to feel uneasy.

"Batman!" yelled Rarity, running up to him. She stopped and began to pant, trying to tell Batman something. She was covered in dirt and her cloak had been torn off.

"Sweetie Belle...edge of town...Diamond Dogs...taken," she managed to say in between gasps. Batman instantly realized what she had said.

"Where was your sister taken?" he asked, dropping the book.

"The edge of town, where we gather our gems."

"I'll get her back."

"Right, but we should get the others first," Rarity said, turning towards Pinkie's and racing off, not noticing that Batman had already vanished.


Batman reached the area that Rarity to describe. There were a lot of holes dug into the ground and a cart had been overturned by one of them. That collaborated with Rarity's story, showing Batman that Sweetie Belle had been taken by that hole. He knew very little about Diamond Dogs, but he knew that someone was in danger and that was enough for him. He walked over to the hole and looked down. It seemed bottomless.

'Which means that I'm in for a very long drop.' he mused.

Taking a deep breath, Batman dove into the hole. The light instantly vanished as he fell deeper and deeper into the hole. With a tap, he activated detective vision. And not a moment too soon. He spread his cape and slowed his descent, coming to a stop right before he hit bottom. He looked up at the massive underground tunnel that he was now in. Somewhere in this underground labyrinth was Sweetie Belle. He began to walk.

The tunnels were unstable, as if they were dug hastily. One nearly collapsed on him and it was thanks to his grapple gun that he got away. The deeper he went, the more signs of life there were. He found a section of a wall that had been dug at with claws, as well as a lantern that was probably used by the dogs. He found the exit to the tunnel he was in to walk into what he would call the main hub. Multiple tunnels went off in every direction. At least thirty Diamond Dogs were mulling about, talking to each other. He noted that they were as tall as him and could talk, even if it was broken speech. Batman hid in the shadows and decided to listen in.

"Soon, we have all diamonds we can has," one said.

"Yes, as soon as the pony starts speakings," another said.

"It will not speak. We trade its for gems."

"Yes, gems," all the Diamond dogs said together.

Batman growled to himself. Listening to these imbeciles was getting him nowhere. All they could talk about was their gems, they weren't going to give him any information this way. But there were other ways of making these dogs talk. Batman stepped out of the shadows and walked to the center of the room. Every Diamond Dog there snarled when they saw him and formed a circle around him.

"Intruder," they snarled to each other. "Intruder here for our preciouses."

"Where is the pony?" Batman asked in a menacing voice. The Diamond Dogs, the slow creatures that they were, completely missed the threat in his tone.

"Alright, we can do this two ways," Batman said, cracking his knuckles. "The easy way or the hard way," he said very quietly.

"Gets him," one yelled as all the Diamond Dogs rushed at Batman.

"Hard way it is then!" Batman caught one of the dogs under the chin with a side kick. Another he caught with a strong punch to the gut, collapsing the dog. Three attacked at once, trying to surround Batman. He grabbed one of the dog’s arms and swung it around, knocking the other dogs out of the air. Whipping out his grappling hook, he pulled one of the dogs into a monstrous clothesline. A particularly large dog tried to grab Batman, who rolled out of the way and stunned him with his cape. Then the beat down commenced. Punches and kicks devastated the Diamond Dog, before a head-butt finished it off.

The dogs weren't done though. One grabbed a rope and tossed it around Batman's arm. Batman laughed at his attempt and after planting both feet, grabbed the rope and swung it with all his might. The dog was yanked off its feet and swung around like a mace, smashing into the other Diamond Dogs. Any Diamond Dog that could still stand fled. Batman grabbed one of the ones that was still conscious and held it up by the neck.

"Where is the pony?" he growled.

"W-we were promised gems-"

"WHERE?!" Batman roared, tightening his grip.

"Left tunnel! Left tunnel! Don't eat me!" the Diamond Dog yelled, starting to cry. Batman tossed it aside and headed for the tunnel that the dog had pointed to, thinking about how he would handle the situation. He could easily scare the dogs off and get Sweetie Belle out, but these dogs had kidnapped a child. They deserved a much harsher punishment. Batman despised all criminals equally, but for those who hurt children he had a special place for them. His fist clenched in rage as he headed for Sweetie.


Sweetie Belle was in the center of a large chamber, tied to a chair with six Diamond dogs around her. She was scared, but she was doing her best not to show it. The dogs talked amongst themselves, arguing with each other about what they were going to do.

"I says we keep her and makes her look for gemsy," one snarled.

"Quite, Claw. If you grabbed the right pony, none of this be happenings," snarled another one.

"So whats we do with hers," the one called Claw asked.

"We should lets her goes," another one spoke up. "She's no use to us and she's scareds. Let's let her goes."

"Silence, Fang. We no let hers goes. We uses her to get gems." Claw snarled at the younger dog. "Isn't that right, Growl?"

"I agrees. She whiney ponies sister. Shes can find us gemsy," Growl said with a grin.

"When my friends and sister get here, your all in big trouble!" Sweetie yelled. The Diamond Dogs turned to face Sweetie Belle.

"We's should gag her," Claw said, snarling at Sweetie, who shrunk back into the chair. "Don't you agrees, Scarr? Scarr?"

Claw looked around the room and realized that one of the other dogs was missing.

"Scarr? Wheres are yous?" Claw asked, slowly looking around the room. Suddenly, five of the six light stones lighting the room shattered, leaving only Sweetie, Claw and Fang with any light.

"No...NO! Stays bac-" a voice cried out before being silenced.

"Sniff?" Claw asked, looking around terrified. Fang and Sweetie Belle were also scared now, the both of them wondering what was going on.

"Help m-" another voice cried out, before being cut off.

"Scratch?" Claw whispered.

"NOOOoooo..." the fourth dog cried. Claw didn't know what to do. He looked into the darkness, trying to see what was out there.

"And then there were two," a deep voice echoed through the chamber. Sweetie immediately recognized Batman's voice, but she chose to stay silent, waiting to see what Batman would do next.

"Where ares you?!" Claw yelled, looking around wildly.


Claw spun around to face Batman, who had appeared right in the middle of the three. Claw swung wildly, an attack which Batman blocked with ease and retaliated with a strong fist to the gut, which sent Claw sprawling. Fang had hidden behind a column holding up the chamber, watching the fight.

"N-no, STAY BACK!" Claw yelled, scrambling away from a very angry Batman. Batman was walking towards Claw very slowly, not making a single sound. Claw began to look around for anything to scare off Batman, when his eyes fell on one of the support columns. He rushed over to it, and with all his might, toppled it. The entire chamber began to shake and rubble began to fall from the ceiling.

"You wills be buried!" Claw scream as he made it to the other end of the room. "Yous have no escape!" He kicked over a stone, causing an even larger one to slide in front of the exit. Batman growled and ran to the former exit. He braced his shoulder against the stone and pushed, but it refused to budged. With a snarl, Batman looked around the room for another way out. Then he saw a large stalactite hanging from the ceiling over Sweetie Belle crack and begin to fall. Batman raced towards her, knowing he would get to her just in time to push her out of the way, even though he'd be impaled.

Right before he reached Sweetie Belle. the other Diamond Dog that had been hiding raced by and pulled Sweetie out of the way. The stalactite fell right where she had been. The dog sliced the ropes holding Sweetie to the chair, which she instantly jumped off of it and ran over to Batman.

"Hurries, we haves another way outs!" the dog yelled and pointed to a side passage. With no choice but to trust him, Batman picked up Sweetie Belle and bolted through the side passage. The Diamond dog tried to follow, but a pice of rubble hit him in the side of the head, knocking him over. Batman looked back and saw the dog struggling to get up and his conscience took over. Batman tossed Sweetie through the opening and raced back to drag the dog through the passage. The moment the two of them exited the passage, the room on the other side collapsed. The Diamond dog let out a sigh of relief and then felt a hand close around his throat. Batman lifted him into the air and growled. He was angry at him for taking a filly, but he also had a question for the dog.

"Why did you save Sweetie Belle?" he asked very quietly.

"Me save pony b-because mes no wants to see anyponies hurt," he whimpered, trying to avoid looking Batman in the eyes. Batman thought about what he said and then dropped him to the floor.

"Then why did you kidnap Sweetie?"

"W-we tried to takes her sister, the one who can sense gems," he stammered. "Me no mean to take little pony, me's just wants gemses. When me discovered mistake, me tried to returns pony, but leader Claw no's allows it."

Batman looked into the dogs eyes, who flinched and looked away.

"Me's sorry," he whispered.

"Fine. Just don't do it again," Batman said before picking up Sweetie Belle and walking away. Sweetie bell struggled out from under his arm and waved at Fang.

"Thanks for the rescue!" she yelled. Fang looked at her with surprise before waving back, a small smile on his face.

"And thanks you for savings me's. Me repay you one days."

"You could've been nicer to him," Sweetie said to Batman as the two headed back towards the surface.

"I was nice. I didn't break his limbs." Batman responded dryly. Sweetie had no idea how restrained Batman had actually been back there. The dog wasn't one of the nastier one's. He didn't deserve what Batman would have done to the one called Claw if he found him.

"Hey, I think I see light!" Sweetie exclaimed, pointing up. Batman saw that they had arrived at a hole that was fairly short and light was filtering down. He pulled out his grapple and fired, hooking on to the edge of the hole. The hook caught and the two ascended into the light.


Batman had dropped Sweetie Belle off to a very grateful Rarity, who he had met on his return to Ponyville. Rarity had gathered the others and were just now arriving at the scene. Sweetie Belle and Rarity had a tearful reunion, while Batman walked over to the others. Much to his surprise, he found that Twilight was with them.

"Aren't you supposed to be at Canterlot?" he asked.

"No time for small talk. I'm glad you got Sweetie Belle; It'll save us some time," Twilight said. Batman knew what she was talking about.

"They found another temple?"

"Yes, but we need to hurry. As I told the others, I'll explain everything on the ship. But we have to go, now."


Using her magic, Twilight brought the ship down in front of the ponies. They all climbed onboard, except for Rarity, who was giving some last minute instructions to Sweetie Belle.

"Now you'll be staying with Applebloom while I'm gone, so be on your best behavior. Okay, darling?"

"Yes, Rarity. Promise you'll be safe?"

"I promise."

Both waved goodbye to each other as Rarity climbed onto the ship. Twilight quickly raised the ship to the right altitude and sped off towards the next temple. Twilight put the ship into auto-pilot and walked over to the group.

"Alright girls and Batman, Celestia and I found that the next temple is Mount Brimstone."

"What, no stupid pony pun for a name?" Batman asked. Twilight ignored him.

"This temple is called the Temple of Reflection. That's all we know about it for the time being. So we are going in with absolutely no idea what we're getting into," Twilight said with a grim face.

"So with that," she continued, walking up to the helm, "we'll be there in about twenty minutes." The ponies began to talk to each other or head below deck. Batman was once again sitting by the rails of the ship, when Rarity walked over.

"I'd like to...thank you," she began, looking like she was trying to force the words out. "For saving Sweetie Belle, of course...and for helping all of us beat Grundy."

"You're welcome," Batman replied, eye Rarity suspiciously.

"So the way I see it is you cut off my amazing, fabulous mane and the go on to save my sister and my home. That makes us even," Rarity said with a smile.


"So, I've been wanting to ask you for a while, why do you wear that abomination?" Rarity asked, casting a disgusted look at his bat suit. "It is a crime against fashion."


"I wear the suit to strike terror into the hearts of my opponents, not to look...fashionable," Batman replied dryly.

"That belt with those boots? It's no wonder they fear you." Ouch.

"Anything else you want to say or do you just want to insult my outfit some more?"

"Oh, I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean to insult you, I was just...thinking out loud," Rarity quickly said with a grin. She hastily walked off, leaving Batman to his thoughts. The Diamond Dogs had kidnapped Sweetie Belle and planned to hold her for ransom. That he was used to. One of them had also tried to kill him by bringing a cavern down on his head. That he was also used to. What was different was that one of the dogs had saved him and Sweetie Belle, claiming that it didn't want anyone to be hurt. Was he really telling the truth? Were there really criminals with a heart here? Batman wasn't sure what to make of this world.

"Heads up everypony. We're almost there!" Twilight called out. Batman looked over the side of the ship and saw lava. Lots and lots of lava. batman figured that since the last temple was hidden in the trees, then this one would have to be in the lava somewhere. Turning on detective vision, he proceeded to scan the area the same way he had at the last temple. Sure enough, a section of the lava flow was actually a magical coverage, hiding the temple. Batman yelled at Twilight where to land and she lowered the ship. Everypony onboard began preparing themselves for the next challenge.