• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 29,805 Views, 1,399 Comments

A Dark Knight for Equestria - Onomonopia

  • ...

A Universal Catastrophe


"Oh, hurry up girls. Twilight and Spike will be back from Canterlot at any given moment." An excited pink pony hopped up and down in place at the Ponyville Railway Station," and I Pinkie promised them that we'd be here to welcome them home."

"Geez, Pinkie, can't you sit still for even a minute?" A blue pegasus with a rainbow mane groaned. Rainbow Dashes’ patience with Pinkie Pie was beginning to wear thin. "We've been standing here for forty minutes. When is the train going to arrive? Fluttershy, you have any idea?"

Turning towards her friend, the light yellow pegasus hid behind her mane." N-no, I r-really don't remember when the train was supposed to arrive. Sorry," she responded meekly.

"Well, this is just great. Applejack is off delivering apples to the Cakes, and Rarity is off making a whole new line of dresses for Fancy Pants. And what do I get stuck doing? Waiting for a train that's never gon-"


All three friends turned towards the sound of the whistle. A train was making its way into the station. “Finally," muttered Rainbow. As the train came to a stop, a purple unicorn stepped out onto the platform. Her name was Twilight Sparkle, and she was Princess Celestia's number one student. Beside her was a little purple dragon, named Spike, who was Twilight's self-proclaimed number one assistant. The unicorn barely had time to take in a breath before a wall of pink slammed into her.

"TWILIGHT!" yelled Pinkie Pie in delight at her friend's return. Placing Twilight in one of her bear hugs, she proceeded to find out all that happened..."Ohmygoshimissedyousomuchdidyoumissme?"

"YES...Pinkie...I...missed...you..." Twilight gasped out. Pinkie, taking the hint, released her hug. Twilight fell to the floor breathing heavily. "It’s good to see you all again. Wait, where's Applejack and Rarity?"

"Meh, those two are off working as usual," Rainbow responded.

"G-good to see you again Twilight. How are you and Spike?" Fluttershy asked.

"We're doing fine, but Spike has been a bit difficult."

"Difficult how?"

"Well, when we were at the Canterlot Royal Library, I took upon myself to help alphabetize the place. So naturally, a few minutes in, Spike starts complaining about how bored he is. So I told him to go find a book to read, and so he did," Twilight groaned.

"That doesn't seem all that bad," commented Rainbow.

"Yes, but the problem is he hasn't put it down all weekend," Twilight sighed, “He’s read that thing cover to cover at least three times. He's even reading it right now!"

As all four ponies turned to look at Spike, who had his nose buried in the book's pages, he took no notice of them. His eyes hungrily devoured each word. When he looked up for a second, he was surprised to see the ponies staring at him.

"What? It's a good book!" he offered.

"So, mister bookworm, what's it about?" poked Rainbow.

"It's incredible! Lyra just released it. It's a continuation of her other stories, but in this one, some of the humans have incredible powers. Some fly, others have super strength. I'm pretty sure one of them can wipe out an entire planet if he gets mad enough. All the characters are awesome!" Spike let out a little laugh at the end, clutching the book to his chest.

"Um, Spike, there are no such things as super beings," lectured Twilight, "They’re just creations from the mind of a pony, nothing more than stories designed to tell a good tale."

"Unless you count me as one," Rainbow proclaimed, jumping into the air, posing.

"OH, is there a hero who creates parties? How about one that has cupcake vision? What about one that eats a cake and goes super-fast? We can call him 'Sugar Rush'," Pinkie would have gone on for hours if Twilight hadn't interrupted.

"Girls, I know you like this idea, but believe me, there are no creatures that put on a cape and tights, and fly around fighting crime. It's just a story. Now let's go home."

As the ponies turned to leave, a certain dragon stopped for a second. Looking at the book, he sighed, and then gazed up at the sky, a smile crossing his face.

"I know it's not real, but still, I’d like to meet a hero, maybe the greatest of them all. Twilight, wait for me!"

Unknown to Spike however, his wish would come true very soon.

In another universe.

Batman barely managed to throw himself out of the way of the dark sorceress' magical blast. Going from somersault to handstand, he recovered by landing on his feet. Spinning around, he turned to face his adversary. The sorceress was Morgaine Le Fay, one of the most powerful magical beings in the universe and owner of one portal to hell. Batman quickly threw three batarangs from his hand aimed straight for the sorceress. She chuckled as a magical barrier sprung up between her and the projectiles, knocking them away. Snarling, Batman tossed a batarang left and a freeze grenade high. Morgaine simply teleported herself back a few feet to dodge the two projectiles. Scoffing at his efforts, she began to taunt the Dark Knight.

"Batman, I'm disappointed in you. I was hoping you'd actually be a challenge, but by yourself, you are nothing."

"Morgaine!" Batman yelled, "Either close the portal yourself or I'll make you!"

"How, Dark Knight?" she replied, "My portal is almost complete. And when it is, I will be able to pull the greatest warriors who ever lived from the depths of hell and use their might to conquer this and any other world. How do plan on stopping me alone?"

"Who said I'm alone?"

Just as Batman said this, a blast of fire hit Morgaine in the back. Screaming as her magic struggled to heal the wound, she looked behind her in an attempt to find her attacker. Then she saw the demon standing on one of the gargoyles. He was a demon she knew well.

"So, Etrigan is with you, is he? No matter, neither of you can stop me!" Morgaine lifted both hands into the air, causing bolts of magic to attack her opponents. Etrigan got out of the way of all of them, but one managed to hit Batman squarely in the chest. Etrigan watched in horror as magical energy surged through Batman, but to his surprise, Batman began moving. Raising both arms over his head, he swung them to his side, forcing the magic to dispel.

"How?" Morgaine mouthed in confusion.

"Do you honestly think I'd go after one of the most powerful sorceresses in the multiverse without some trump card?" Batman replied dryly, "My suit channels magical energy through it and then releases it in a small burst. And I also have these."

Batman whipped out two more batarangs and threw them at Morgan. This time when her shields went up, the batarangs sliced through the magical barrier, catching her on the side of the head. Etrigan stared in awe as the 'rangs returned to their owner.

"Of course," he stated, "You made batarangs out of anti-source. That is one of the few items that..."

"...can disrupt the magic of any magical being for a time," Batman responded with a thin smile. Before he could prepare his next move, the entire temple began to shake as the portal began nearing completion.

"YOU'RE TOO LATE!" Morgaine shrieked in triumph, staggering to her feet, "The portal is open. Now the demons of hell shall conquer your land."

Etrigan and Batman charged at the sorceress, who in return fired two pulses of magic at them. This time Batman got out of the way, whereas Etrigan took a blast to the face. Batman closed the distance and began using his years of martial arts training on the sorceress--punches, kicks, chops, roundhouses. Slowly but surely, Batman pushed Morgaine Le Fay towards the portal entrance. Then he noticed what was powering the whole portal--a dimensional stone. Stones, according to Dr. Fate, that could open portals to almost anywhere and anywhen.

'So that's the source of this chaos', he thought, tossing a smoke pellet at their feet. With Morgaine temporarily blinded, he then let loose one of the anti-rangs towards the stone.

"NO!" Morgaine shouted, unleashing her magic to try and stop it. But as the device sliced through each of her defense spells, it connected with the stone. The resulting effect caused the stone to crack and the portal began to waver. The entire temple began coming down around them as the sorceress and Dark Knight continued battling.

"YOU FOOL!" She cried, "The portal is now unstable! If I do not fix it, we could both be sucked into any dimension in the multiverse!"

"And let you summon your army of darkness on the world? I'll take my chances with the multiverse," Batman retorted.

Morgaine screamed as she lunged at Batman, who responded by bringing his fist back, cocking it for an uppercut. Before either connected, the portal gave way, shrouding the two in a brilliant light. An incredible white flash filled the room covering the stone, Batman, and Le Fay. After the blinding flash died down, Etrigan slowly woke up. Rubbing his head, he looked around at the now empty chamber.



Batman slowly began to wake up, slowly becoming aware of his surroundings. As feeling began to flow throughout his body, he tried to collect his thoughts. "Ugh, what happened? I remember fighting Morgaine Le Fay, the stone going out of control, the white flash and then..." Batman tried to get to his feet when he realized something. He had hooves. Looking quickly at the rest of his body, he realized he was a small horse.

"No," he muttered. "NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

With a start, Batman woke up again. Quickly examining himself, he saw his body was the way it should be. Hands with five fingers, feet, and most importantly, he still had his bat suit and gadgets on him. With a sigh of relief, the Dark Knight looked around. He was in a green field with a city off in the distance. All around him was grass and rolling hills, with a worn path to the side. Looking up he noticed the sun was just about to rise for the morning. Turning his head the other way, he was surprised when he saw the moon in a different location. It was still high in the sky. Batman just shook his head.

"I must've hit my head," he muttered.

Picking himself up, he began to walk towards the city. When he was within two miles of it, he saw a sign. Looking at it, he shook his head again and continued walking.

"Yep, I really did hit my head."

The sign read, "Welcome to Manehatten."


First try at a crossover fic. Please rate and review.
Again this is based on the Arkham Batman with a few personal designs for the suit and gadgets.
Thank for reading.