• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 29,806 Views, 1,399 Comments

A Dark Knight for Equestria - Onomonopia

  • ...

Bat Glaring at the Sun

Location Unknown.

"Well," said Morgaine, feeling Grundy's energies vanish, "it seems that Grundy has failed me. I should have expected as much from a mindless brute."

"Master, I again apologize for failing with the portal. If I had been able to open it, we could have used your army to destroy the bat and take Equestria." It took a second for Trixie to realize that Morgaine wasn't listening to her, instead she was deep in thought. The unicorn waited for her teacher to answer, but when she didn't, Trixie asked a question.

"What bothers you, my Master?"

"Oh, nothing much. I just realized that in order to complete my master plan I will need another dimensional stone. The one I previously owned was most likely destroyed or taken by Batman. Well, Trixie, do you have any ideas to where we might find another one?" Morgaine asked, casting a questioning glance at her pupil.

Trixie racked her brain, trying desperately to think of if there was another stone. Morgaine was giving her a chance to redeem herself and she couldn't fail. Then she remembered an old tale about how Star-Swirl the Bearded was able to travel through multiple dimensions. It was just a legend, but that story was all she had.

"There is a story about how the greatest unicorn who ever lived, Star-Swirl the Bearded, used an ancient artifact that enabled him to travel to many different universes. Unfortunately, most of the details have been lost to history."

"Is there any place where we could refresh your memory on the story?" Morgaine asked. She was certain that this legend was real; it would explain why unicorns had been seen in the past. All she needed was more information.

"I believe there are a few books on the story at the Stalliongrad library, but the security there is impressive."

Morgaine began to laugh, causing Trixie to back up a little. Security? More like extra minions for her "pony army." Stalliongrad would be a good opportunity to add more minions to her ranks and for trixie to practice her magic.

"I knew I picked you for a reason. You have been a most useful assistant," Morgaine said to Trixie, who began to smile at her Master's words, unable to recall the last time someone praised her, "Now come, we have to pay a visit to Stalliongrad."

"Yes, Master," Trixie said, smiling to herself.


Batman looked around for all possible escape routes. He could try to push past the guards and escape into the castle. He could dive out the window and try to glide to safety. Those all seemed like good options. However, he was curious to see what Celestia wanted to talk to him about, so he stared up at her, waiting for the princess to speak.

"I have heard from my student the events that went down in Ponyville," Princess Celestia began, eyeing Batman with a questioning glance, "Would you like to explain your actions and how you seemed to know the beast called Grundy?" Instead of responding, Batman went with his strong suit and remained silent. The princess had a voice like honey, a voice that could get answers out of people, the kind of voice he hated. When he didn't answer, Celestia moved on to her next question.

"Well then, would you at least tell me your name?"

Once again, silence was what the princess received for an answer. Batman saw that his silence was beginning to get to her, something he let himself smile a little at. Celestia realized she wasn't going to get any answers out of the bat, so she turned to her sister.

"Luna, you fought with the bat. Is there anything you can tell me?"

"Well, sister, we can say that it is extremely powerful. It nearly defeated us and that was after its battle with the creature called Grundy," Luna said, remembering her fight, "It even managed to pierce our most powerful barrier. It is nothing short of dangerous."

"Thank you, sister." Celestia turned back to look at Batman, "I know you are the creature that was spotted in Manehatten. Why did you save that foal from the burning building and get yourself spotted when you could have easily escaped? Not going to answer? Alright, why did you attack my guards and vanish into the night?"

With each question he refused to answer, Celestia's patience wore thinner and thinner. Turning to the Elements of Harmony, she asked them a tough question.

"How would you six describe the bat?"

The six friends began to look at each other nervously before Twilight spoke up.

"I-I believe it is dangerous and unpredictable, but not necessarily evil," she said with some hesitation, remebering how it had saved her and Shining Armor from Grundy.

"I think it's lucky I don't go over there and pound it," Rainbow said, looking at Batman.

"I don't know what to make of it," Applejack said with a shrug, "I don't like its attitude though."

"I think that no form of torture is too harsh for it," Rarity said with venom in her voice. Batman made a mental note not to cut off any more horse manes while he was here, "Such crimes against fashion cannot go unpunished."

"Okay," Celestia said, not sure what to make of Rarity, "Pinkie, how about you?"

"I got a new snack idea from it, but it's still a meany for hurting my friends," Pinkie said with a frown.

"And what about you, Fluttershy? What do you think of the bat?" Celestia asked. Fluttershy looked at her friends, then the Princess, then anything else in the room she could look at before looking at Batman. It was a full minute before she finally spoke.

"I-I think he's actually has a good heart."

All heads in the room, including Batman's, turned to look at Fluttershy, who hid behind her mane at the sudden interest in her. Her friends couldn't believe what she was saying.

"Fluttershy, he took us all down, remember? He beat us," Twilight asked in disbelief.

"Yes, but-" Fluttershy began.

"He made you cry and hogtied me with my own rope, remember?" Applejack said to her.

"Yes, but-"

"He froze me and Pinkie in a block of ice after insulting my flying skills! Did you forget that?" Rainbow practically shouted at her.


"He sliced off my mane. My beautiful, one of a kind mane. That was an act of pure evil," Rarity said flatly, looking directly into Fluttershy’s eyes.

YES, BUT!" she screamed, causing her friends to back away from her. Realizing she had shouted, Fluttershy's turned red and she continued talking in her normal voice.

"Yes, but what I was going to say was I think we were lucky that the bat was here," she said softly. Her friends, the guards, even Batman looked at her in disbelief.

"But, Fluttershy, after everything that it's done to us," Twilight began, until a look from Fluttershy shut her up.

"Yes, I know that it beat us and that we were pretty banged up. But then I stopped to think, why did it let us go? It would have made more sense for it to freeze all of us or...kill us so that we couldn't tell others where it was. But it didn't. He simply let us go. Then there's Scootaloo's story that you told me. Now that we know she was telling the truth that means that he fought off twenty Timberwolves and a manticore to protect her. If was really all bad, why would he do that? Finally, there's what happened in Ponyville. Grundy would've...killed you and Shining Armor if he hadn't intervened. In fact, the entire town would've probably been destroyed if he hadn't help. Not to mention Princess Celestia just told us he saved a foal in Manehatten from a burning building."

"Also," she whispered, turning to face Luna, "I was watching your battle with the bat and I saw what you didn't. Right before you fired your most powerful spell at him, he had a chance to dodge. So why didn't he? Because standing maybe fifteen feet behind him were the CMC. That's right," Fluttershy emphasized, turning to face Applejack and Rarity, "If had moved out of the way, your sister's would have been...killed." Everypony in the room gasped at her words.

"There...there were foals behind it? "Luna asked, dumbstruck. Fluttershy nodded before continuing.

"But the bat took the blast head on, even though he probably knew it be to much for him, so that Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle would be alright. If he is so bad, why would he risk himself to save them?" Fluttershy said with emotion, looking around the room for somepony to answer. Nopony did.

She paused to take a breath and to study the other pony’s faces. Everypony there, including the Princesses, were deep in thought at what she had said. Batman was curios as to why the pegasus was standing up for him, but chose to stay silent. Twilight had one last question for Fluttershy.

"Then why did it attack us in the forest?"

"Maybe because somepony tossed a rope around his neck and another threatened to rough him up," Fluttershy said, looking at AJ and Rainbow, who both blushed and gave an awkward smile.

"Besides," Fluttershy muttered to herself as she walked over to Batman and looked him in the eyes, "I think there's more to the bat than he's shown us." Batman didn't like the way she looked into his eyes. It was like she was trying to see into his soul.

Princess Celestia had been listening to Fluttershy's argument with interest, weighing her opinion. Yes, the bat had attacked a group of guards, but it had rescued a foal from a burning building moments earlier. According to Fluttershy, it had also rescued a filly from an astounding number of Timberwolves and a manticore. She also made a good point about the battle in Ponyville. Shining Armor had reported that his guards had been no match for Grundy, only the bat seemed to be able to hurt it. That meant the bat seemed to be on the ponies side, but for the sake of her nation, she had to make sure.

"I have made a decision," she said to all in attendance, rising from her throne to speak, "I have decided the bat is free to go, IF it remains in Ponyville to learn and respect the meaning of friendship until I deem it can go. Twilight, is it alright if it stays with you?"

Twilight nearly jumped out of her hooves at her offer. "Um, Princess, no offense but I'm not sure I'm ready to let him into my house."

"But this will give you a chance to study a never before seen species before," Celestia baited. At the thought of getting to study a whole new type of species, all of Twilight's fear melted away. She vigorously nodded at Celestia's offer.

"Then it's settled, the bat shall stay with Twilight until-"


All heads turned to Batman, who spoke for the first time since arriving in the throne room.

"Excuse me?" Asked Celestia in disbelief. "I am giving you a second chance. Don't you understand-"

"No, you don't understand," Batman replied, taking a few steps towards her, not intimmidated by her stature, "I've wasted enough of my time humoring you and your "ponies." Every second I spend listening to you talk is another second that Morgaine could be using to complete whatever it is she's doing, and if that happens, even I may not be enough to protect you. So if you excuse me, I have work to do." Batman turned and head for the doors, only to see the guards and Luna block his path.

"Walk away. Right now," was all he said to them, but he knew he'd have to fight. To intimidate them a little, a snapped the
handcuffs off his wrists, which shocked the guards.

"Bring it, bat. We beat you once, we can do it again," Luna taunted, unfazed by his strength.

"Yes, you did exactly as I wanted," Batman lied, "I must thank you for bringing me all the way to your stronghold. It would have been difficult to get in other-wise."

Luna's face turned red once again and she snarled at Batman, but before their battle could start again, Celestia asked him another question, her voice a whisper.

"Morgaine? Is that the other creature that share's your appearance."

Batman slowly turned to look at Celestia, who had a slightly worried look on her face. How could she know about Morgaine? Batman had to find out.

"How do you know about Morgaine?" he asked.

"Morgaine is the creature that wiped one of the towns off the face of Equestria," she began grimly, "what I want to know is how YOU know of her."

Batman didn't want to tell her anything useful, but these ponies were already pretty helpless , so any bit of information might be a lifesaver to them. Slowly, he told them how he arrived.

"Before I arrived here, Morgaine tried to open a portal to hell in my world, wanting to unlease thousands of demons and conquere it," he said, stunning the princess as he continued, "I managed to stop her and destroy the portal, but the result was an explosion that brought the both of us to...Equestria."

"She can open portals to hades? And what is Morgaine, exactly?"

"She is one of the most powerful sorceresses known to my race and many others. She is a master of death and destruction. If I know her, and I do, she will try to locate another stone to try and re-open her portal, except this time she’ll bring her army here."

That scared Celestia. Her guards couldn't even defeat Morgaine, how would they be able to stop her entire army? And what of the bat? Was he going to fight Morgaine again or did he simply want to get home?

"And what about you? Do you wish to return to your world or-"

"Until I have stopped Morgaine, I don't plan to go anywhere," Batman said gruffly, looking around the room," and from the looks of things you will need my help if you want to stop her."

Celestia pondered what he had told her, considering her options. As much as she hated to admit it, Morgaine sounded stronger than both her and Luna. If the bat was telling the truth, then he might be the only one who could stop her. He had proven himself to have her ponies best intrest at heart, even if he was excessivly dark. She turned her thoughts to his suggestion of another dimensional stone, a stone she might know something about.

"Guards, please leave us." The guards left the room, each of them glancing at Batman before they left. When it was just the princesses, the mane six and Batman, did Celestia begin to speak.

"What I'm about to tell you is highly classified information. There is a story about one of our most powerful unicorns, Star-Swirl the Bearded, which said that he had an ancient artifact which enabled him to travel between dimensions."

"I've read about it," Twilight piped up, eager to prove her knowledge, "It said that with his Staff of Destiny, as well as the Tome of the Worlds, he was able to travel to other worlds. I was told it was just a tale for foals though."

"We call it a tale for foals, but in reality the stories are all true. However, after seeing the chaos and darkness of the other worlds he visited, Star-Swirl sealed his three artifacts away in three separate locations, fearing any of the other creatures from crossing over and destroying our world. His notes are believed to hold the answer as to where the relics are hidden, but it could take weeks of studying them to get an exact whereabouts. The artifacts were, as Twilight said, the Staff of Destiny, the Tome of the Worlds, and the Stone of Reality."

"Do you have these notes here?" Batman asked, realizing these artifacts were probably his best chance to find Morgaine.

"Yes, the only other copy of the notes is in Stalliongrad."

Batman stood there, lost in his own thoughts. It was a few minutes before he spoke.

"Those artifacts will probably be what Morgaine's after, as they're her only chance of opening another portal. We need to find their locations before she does and once we have them, we can lay a trap for her. Then I'll bring her down."

"Are you willing to work with us now?" Celestia asked him.

"Yes, as long as it's to stop Morgaine," he replied, turning his head to look at everyone in the room, "And to be clear, I'm the ONLY one with the knowledge and experience to bring Morgaine down. No one else is to try. Understand?" Everypony nodded.

"Very well, my scholars and I will begin study of the scrolls immediately. You will need to stay close to Canterlot if you wish to be informed of our progress. Will you accept my previous offer to have you stay in Ponyville?"

Batman considered her offer again. He would be surronded day and night by these bothersome creatures, who had so far been annoyances. But he needed to know about Morgaine and the relics. The mission won out.

"Fine, as long as the locals don't bother me."

"Good," Celestia said, her horn beginning to glow, "I will teleport you to Ponyville now. Also, please try to refrain from attacking any more ponies."

"No promises."

The magic began to cover him and the mane six. Before they were sent away, Celestia asked one last question.

"Also, your name would be very helpful."

Again with the name. Was it really so important to them?

"Batman," he muttered.

The spell finished with a flash, teleporting him and the ponies out of the room. Once they were gone, Luna asked her sister a question she had been holding for a while.

"Can we really trust him Celestia?" she asked.

Celestia gave a small sigh before answering, thinking about all the death and destruction these creatures had brought. As much as she didn't want to, Batman seemed like the only one who knew how to handle Morgaine, even though he was dangerous himself.

'As the old saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend,' Celestia thought, a small smile on her lips.

"I'm afraid we don't have a choice." Celestia replied.