• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,366 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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True Colors Part 3

Twilight's squad readied themselves, aiming their rifles, priming their spells, and spreading out as quickly as they could. Quick Buck was the first to fire, his burst of rounds screaming across the room, only to stop dead in mid-air. An upraised hoof was the only indication they received that the queen had even been responsible for the sudden halt.

“Your weapons are useless,” she explained.

As if just to prove her point, the infested changeling stood perfectly still, allowing herself to be fired on from nearly all sides. The rounds stopped in the same exact place, hovering in mid-air before being dropped after the marines ceased firing.

“I was already more powerful than you before I was embraced by the swarm, now you are naught but toys to play with,” Pupa continued.

“Play with this!” Twilight spat, unleashing what she had thought was a bolt of lightning.

The deadly bolt of electricity turned out to be little more than a burst of sparks that sputtered uselessly across the ground.

“Funny how the brain works,” remarked the queen. “A simple tweak, and your body does one thing while your mind believes it did another.”

“How…” Twilight's eyes went wide.

The unicorn tried to erect another mental barrier around her thoughts, but found her powers out of her reach. Her attempts at casting another spell vanished a moment later, the mare’s mind unable to stay focused for more than a second. Each time she tried to cast something, anything, no matter how brief, it was disrupted with ease.

Not only did she keep Twilight dazed, confused, and unable to use her magic, but the changeling queen also held back the marines at the same time. The unseen wall of psionic energy blocked every bullet fired into it no matter the number or angle. With guns spent and empty, the soldiers hastily reloaded while Twilight struggled to even stay standing.

“You are strong, but your will is a blunt instrument, easily turned aside by an expert,” Pupa declared.

Twilight grunted and tried to use her own psionic powers in an effort to crush the changeling’s head. Yet just reaching out past her own body was impossible for the unicorn, and she abandoned the attempt within moments. The crushing weight of the changeling queen’s psionic power was just too much, leaving Twilight back at square one.

“Magic, psionics, and guns, all neutralized. Tell me, ponies. Do you have any more tricks?” Pupa taunted.

“This is bad, what do we do?” Quick Buck shouted.

“I don't know,” Pupa exclaimed, miming Twilight's voice perfectly. “Nothing I’ve ever fought has had such power before. That was what you were going to say, wasn't it?”

Twilight growled and clenched her jaw.

“Ahh, good. I didn't want to think my skills had dulled after being tested against such simpletons such as you,” declared the changeling queen. “Speaking of which, I should hurry and be rid of you. I have a city to take control of and a populace to infest.”

Pupa made a circle in the air with her hoof and twisted the guns from the backs of the six marines, tossing them aside. She then gripped one of the pony soldiers at random and lifted them into the air using only her psionic powers. Wriggling and twisting, the earth pony mare tried to draw her sidearm, but found herself unable to reach it.

“Dinner time, my pet,” Pupa called.

A moment later, she dropped the marine into the pit below, the pony making it only a foot or so before being grabbed. Long tentacles snaked around her midsection and dragged the soldier down into the unseen depths. A shot was heard, followed by a second and then a loud crunch, as her armor was crushed between a pair of enormous jaws.

“Ahh, what delicious biomass. And to think we had been forced to subsist on plant matter for these past months. Pathetic,” muttered the changeling queen.

Twilight tried to stand, to cast, to use her powers, or do anything at all, only to be stymied each time. Her legs barely seemed to work, her strength fled her, and any attempt to help her situation was negated. No matter how small the spell, how brief the application of psionic power, or how tiny the movement, Twilight couldn't manage it. She couldn't even use her telepathy, as the crushing fog caused her mind to recoil and a migraine to quickly set in.

Her panic was shared by the rest of her squad, with the marines either firing their sidearms or running for the door. The first to reach the exit was plucked from the ground and hovered over the pit to where Pupa stood waiting. The marine tried to raise his pistol, but his hoof didn't have the strength to resist the psionic weight keeping it down.

“Such cowardly behavior. Why, I bet you’d shoot your own just for a chance to escape. Isn't that right?” taunted the changeling queen.

The marine then found himself turned bodily in mid, his gun raising and pointing at his fleeing comrade. For a moment it seemed like he was going to be able to resist, to keep his weapon just barely off target. Then it jerked back to the stumbling form of his comrade before spitting the entire clip into the back of her head. The helmet did its job well, but it wasn't made to take so many rounds to the back of it and on the last shot it crumpled. The marine collapsed a split second later, a muffled cry being all that could be heard of her final, pained cries.

“My gosh, how dare you!” exclaimed the changeling, who chuckled at her own comment. “Such cowardice cannot be rewarded or encouraged!”

“N-no, please!” shouted the marine.

He screamed as his captor unhinged her jaw and bit down on his skull, the large fangs going clear through the metal. The armor held up for only a second before folding inward, killing the soldier it had been intended to protect. A single flex of her muscles was all it took to cleave the marine’s head clean in two, with the body falling into the pit. The rest of him was cooped out of his helmet by a long tongue and swallowed, the changeling queen sighing contentedly.

“There is nothing quite like a mid-fight snack,” Pupa remarked.

Twilight tore her gaze from the dominant creature, focusing on Quick Buck who had managed to pull out a grenade. Twilight shook her head while using all of her power just to obscure her thoughts for a moment or two. Though successful, they weren't any better off than they had been a moment earlier, but at least Twilight had options.

“You know, Twilight. You're strong, you have magic, psionics, and strange otherworldly armor, but I wonder how good you are at hoof-to-hoof fighting,” remarked the changeling queen.

Twilight looked up to find that another marine had been forcibly levitated above the chitin-clad creature. This time Pupa seemed intent on merely staring into the soldier’s eyes, but Twilight knew there was more to it. The infested unicorn could sense some mix of psionics and magic being used by the changeling queen.

Unfortunately, it wasn't enough of a distraction to let Twilight cast anything, the mare’s mind remaining muddy. Her faculties only returned after the marine had been dropped before her with a wet thump. Twilight immediately attempted to cast magic, but found that part of her cut off somehow like she no longer had access to it.

“Now that I’m certain she won't cheat, go, my champion!” Pupa exclaimed.

“For the swarm!” gurgled the marine, their expression glazed and distant.

They lurched forward and attempted to slug Twilight in the face, but were easily dodged by the agile unicorn. Caught between simply mercy killing the unfortunate soul, or trying to incapacitate them, Twilight continued backpedalling. It was only when her back hit the wall did she realize that she would have to choose, and choose quickly.

“Die!” shouted the mind-controlled marine.

Twilight watched as her opponent turned and attempted to buck her in the chest with all the strength they had. Not exactly interested in seeing if she could regrow her head, Twilight leaped to the side and shoved the pony hard. The marine fell onto their back and was immediately set upon by the larger unicorn, quickly getting pinned.

With quick, dexterous hooves, Twilight found the latch release of her opponent’s helmet and removed it. She was resisted at every turn, the furious marine fighting furiously to throw Twilight off of them. With Twilight's increased size and weight, the efforts of her opponent were wasted, and soon she was able to squeeze down on the soldier’s neck.

Their eyes went wide, and they battered Twilight with increased intensity, aiming for the other pony’s head. Each impact was significant, but Twilight's body had gone through considerable adaptation by then. So the bone-crunching impacts did little more than knock her about slightly, hurting, but not incapacitating her.

After a few seconds of increasingly weak attacks, the pony passed out, falling limp to the ground. Twilight tried to reach for the marine’s sidearm but found herself blasted back into the wall by a wave of psionic force.

“Tut tut. The game’s not over yet,” Pupa exclaimed. “You may have been able to avoid losing one of your soldiers, but I think this one has what I need to end you.”

As Twilight struggled to stand, she watched as the final marine other than Quick Buck was hauled over to the queen. He was the smallest of their squad, but Twilight didn't remember his name nor did she recall what he sounded like. The silent soldier hadn't said a word the entire time, merely following orders and staying at the back of the group.

“A grenade, now that should do the trick,” Pupa exclaimed, reaching into the stallion’s armored pockets and finding a familiar metal orb. “No, we’ll need more than one for you, now won't we?”

Twilight struggled valiantly, wrenching her hooves towards the door at a slow, ponderous pace. It would take several minutes at her current rate to reach the exit, but she was desperate enough to try anything. Across the room, Pupa dug through the simple pocket until she produced not another grenade, but a band of metal.

“What, how did you…” The changeling queen’s jaw fell open as she stared down.

The bangle was exactly as Twilight remembered, thick and sporting three small gems, one purple, one green, and the last one was yellow. Though it held no significance to Twilight, it evidently sparked some recognition in the eyes of the changeling. Whose head frills raised, muscles tensed, and scythe arms twitched, eager to rend flesh from bone.

“You!” she shouted loud enough to temporarily deafen the marine.

The scavenging soldier was dragged over to the changeling and forced to meet her gaze. Again Twilight felt that same flicker of recognition as Pupa used a mix of powers on her victim. Only this time she was so focused on the marine that Twilight was able to rise fully and brush off the mental fog.

As she worked to remove the mental block and fortify her mind, she looked over to see that Quick Buck was in a similar state. Able to rise and get his hooves under him again, the stallion was searching around for his dropped pistol. As he looked, and Twilight mustered her defenses, Pupa continued to stare into what seemed to be the marine’s very soul.

“You killed my husband!” Pupa yelled suddenly, grabbing the marine by the forehooves. “He wasn't even in a combat role, you monsters. I’ll kill you!”

With a scream of rage, she tore the forelimbs from the marine and tossed them aside. She then wrenched him up from the ground and used her psionic powers to cleave through his back limbs. It didn't stop there, as she quickly sealed up the injuries, healing him just enough to ensure that the limbs couldn't be sewn back on.

Twilight didn't care to watch the torture continue, and with a flash of her horn, she enacted a mental ward on herself. As she reinforced it, she nodded to Quick Buck.

Keep her distracted. I’ll finish this, Twilight mentally commanded.

Quick Buck nodded and leveled his firearm at the changeling queen, firing the moment his hoof stopped shaking. The bullet slammed home, blowing off a chunk of natural armor and stopping her just as she was about to remove the captive marine’s eyes. Looking around in confusion, the changeling queen only then seemed to realize how focused she had become on her prey.

She wasn't quick enough to stop herself from getting hit by the rest of the clip, however. Hunks of chitin, one of her scythe arms, and several teeth went flying, but the damage was minor. When the gun clicked empty, Quick Buck attempted to reload, but found the gun wrenched from his grip.

“The most foul creatures of Tartarus shall have nightmares when they think of what I’ve done to you!” Pupa screamed.

With a psionic heave, the changeling threw Quick Buck across the room, sending him through the wall. She then turned and was ready to unleash her full rage on Twilight when the grenade at her hooves detonated. Tossed bodily through the air, the changeling queen landed in a bleeding heap, still not seriously injured, but now thoroughly rattled.

“Go, my pet,” Pupa gurgled. “Save your mistress.”

Several bladed tentacles emerged from the pit and surged at Twilight, intent on skewering the unicorn. Still building her spell, Twilight split her focus between finishing her attack and using her psionics to maintain her defenses. A task she found unusually difficult, as Pupa’s mental assault had left Twilight's powers weakened.

Even still, she managed to hold back three, though that left two still surging right at her. One was aimed low at her heart while the other would surely plunge through her eye if she didn't move. Yet if she did, she would have to give up the spell, as it required her to stay rooted to the ground, unable to move.

Faced between certain death or certain death, Twilight was unsure of what to do. Her decision was made for her when Quick Buck appeared between them, the stallion blocking the attack with his body. The tentacles fell alongside the marine, though Twilight quickly pushed him out of her mind and focused on the spell.

A move Pupa didn't see coming, the changeling’s eyes going wide as she attempted to disrupt the magic. When her attack met Twilight's mental barrier and struggled to find purchase against the pony’s defenses, she shifted tactics. Charging her own horn, the changeling attempted to attack Twilight more directly, but was far too late.

With a bright flash, Twilight's spell was completed, and the entire room began to rapidly heat up. Pupa tried to complete her spell, but the moment she felt her body begin to lift into the air, she abandoned that completely. Realization had dawned on her, and she tried to scramble out of the way of the attack, though her efforts turned out to be largely wasted.

“Suck plasma, bitch,” Twilight muttered.

A lance of pure white energy slammed down through the ceiling, vaporizing the wood and timber that got in the way. Twilight didn't see what else it destroyed, as she was shielding her eyes from the blast, waiting out the spell. After two full seconds, the light died, and Twilight opened her eyes to find that a nearly fifteen-foot wide hole had been cut through the building.

Fires flickered and burned along the edges, including the deep pitfall that had been cut into the ground. It incinerated layers of zerg creep and strange organs Twilight could only guess the purpose of. She didn't care about all that, however, and instead looked down to where Pupa lay, or at least a good twenty-five percent of her anyway. Her head, neck, and a portion of her upper torso were all that remained, with the rest of her having been annihilated. Coughing and twitching, the changeling looked around, her eyes glazed over slightly.

“What did you say again? Oh right, your essence will make my army stronger than ever before,” Twilight gloated.

“Ha,” Pupa spat, blood flying from her lips. “I go now to Sweet Breeze triumphant.”

The changeling’s horn glowed briefly before what was left of her suddenly melted in the blink of an eye. The greenish puddle that was left behind then evaporated, leaving nothing behind but an ugly stain on the floor.

“Damn, it was worth a shot,” Twilight muttered.

“Gonna help your savior out now or what?” Quick Buck muttered.

Twilight turned and looked down at the stallion, quickly appraising his injuries. His right forehoof had been severed, and he had sustained a shot to the gut, though it wasn't life-threatening. A scan determined that a few less than important organs were damaged, but he wasn't at risk of bleeding out anytime soon.

“Oh shut up, you're fine,” Twilight muttered.

Quick Buck laughed, though it soon devolved into a fit of coughing. “Shit, that hurts,” he muttered.

Twilight ignored him for a moment, focusing instead on her own mental powers and assessing the damage. She would need time and meditation to repair everything, but Pupa had been remarkably precise with her attacks. Other than being weakened for a while, she was okay, and already she could feel her mind-expanding, brushing against the rest of her forces.

Opening her eyes, Twilight gazed down at Quick Buck, a soft smile on her face.

“So, how do you wanna do this?” Twilight asked. “I could infest and heal you right now, or let you suffer.”

“Suffering is fine,” Quick Buck interjected. “Having my mind palace infiltrated once was bad enough. Besides, then I can get a cool robot leg.”

“Mind palace? More like mind bar. That place is a dump,” Twilight exclaimed, removing the tentacle with her magic and sealing the hole with a simple first aid spell.

“Damn, that smarts,” Quick Buck muttered.

Twilight hefted the stallion across her back, pausing to shift his weight slightly so he didn't slide off.

“You alright back there?” Twilight asked.

“Err yeah, just dandy,” Quick Buck muttered.

“Don't get any ideas now,” Twilight warned.

Quick Buck chuckled. “Too late for that now.”

“Big Macintosh?” Applejack whispered aloud.

The hydralisk then ducked back around a large box, hiding out of sight before one of the sentries could see her. There she remained, holding her breath for several seconds until finally she felt confident enough to look around the corner. As assumed, the sentry who had nearly spotted her was looking elsewhere, a hoof hovering over the trigger of his gun.

The soldiers wore only the standard armor of the militia which was little more than a reinforced flak vest along with some other minor additions. The only difference from what most of the confederate soldiers wore was that the Daughters of Ironhall were completely black. Or at least their armor was, and their fur had been dyed a similar shade with their manes all being grey.

The sole exception amongst them was Big Macintosh himself, as the stallion clambered out of the APC and revealed his custom marine armor. With two standard rifles mounted to his back and a pair of rocket pods on his enormous shoulders, he stood almost as tall as Applejack.

At the moment his helmet was down, allowing Applejack to see that it was indeed her brother in there. He had a few new scars since last she had seen him, and he seemed older, more weathered, but it was indeed him. Like the other Daughters of Ironhall, his armor was black as pitch, and upon his pauldrons was the red stamp that marked the rebels.

It was blood red and composed of a foreleg holding a whip upright. The weapon curled around almost the entire circumference of the symbol, stopping a few inches from hitting the hoof that wielded it. Though the less armored soldiers had mere patches on their breast, Big Macintosh also had a golden stripe on his chest, marking him as their leader.

This sentiment was backed up by the way he ordered everyone around. He didn't use many words, merely gesturing and pointing where he wanted his underlings to go. About half of whom were ponies, while the other half were griffons. There were others, like a minotaur and a dragon, but they were in the clear minority.

As for their cargo, the machine was nearly loaded at that point, or at least Applejack assumed that it was the device she required. She couldn't quite remember what it was supposed to look like, given how brief her look at the picture had been. It was made primarily of four relatively small orbs connected by wires to a fifth, much larger one that sat atop a pedestal that put it above the others. Exposed segments and missing panels made it obvious that it was still incomplete, though was just about done.

Applejack glanced down the long rows of crates stacked high on the many pallet racks, spotting a soldier walking slowly nearby. Clearly relaxed despite the active warzone, he only lazily inspected his surroundings and let his weapon to dangle low around his neck. Applejack thought about taking him out quietly, but couldn't bring herself to kill the random pony.

Allowing the cloud seeder to fall into the hands of the Daughters was not something Twilight would approve of. But to stop them, Applejack would need to kill numerous other creatures, most of whom may be innocent. Her brother wouldn't take it lying down either, which meant conflict with him would be all but inevitable.

I could shoot the tires, but then they’d hear me, and even if they didn't, they’d come lookin’, Applejack thought to herself. That would likely mean this whole mission would be a wash, and we’d get nothing. Even with Zecora and Free Flier, it would be a messy fight.

The hydralisk sighed, shrinking back behind the crate and trying to think of some way out. In the end, she couldn't think of anything that didn't end up with her mission failing or her brother ending up dead. So she relaxed, allowing her natural weapons to fold away while she slipped back towards the exit.

There she paused and glanced back at her sibling one final time, wondering what had happened to him. Her ponderings were interrupted by the stallion turning and staring directly at her, a small smile on his face. He then nodded once and turned back to helping one of his soldiers fasten the machine down to the flatbed.

“Did he…” Applejack murmured. “It doesn't matter.”

Slithering away, Applejack slowly and gently pulled down the sliding metal door down over the entrance to the warehouse. With the exit locked, Applejack briefly wondered if she had made the right call, only to shake her head. Dismissing the worry that plagued her, Applejack made her way back to the office and peered inside.

Zecora stood back slightly, as did Free Flier, the pair watching as the metal door sizzled and sloughed away. Acid bubbled and popped as it worked away at the entrance to the panic room, quickly dissolving the barrier.

“Hey,” Applejack greeted.

Zecora raised an eyebrow. You seem… down.

“There was a complication, but it's been dealt with for now,” Applejack explained.

Zecora appraised the hydralisk slowly and carefully before nodding. I trust that what you say is correct. Though I am certain that Twilight will want a more detailed report than that.

“I’ll tell you about it later,” Applejack dismissed.

We should also get more information out of Jetstream later as well, Zecora added.

“What do you mean?” Applejack pressed.

Zecora raised an eyebrow and glanced up at Applejack. We already secured Ariel Hanson. She was one of the infested we crossed upon arriving after Sandhome.

“That's… right,” Applejack muttered.

I don't believe it is malice, mind you. Rather they wished to also secure whoever is trapped back here and thought that we wouldn't go along unless they told us it was the botanist, Zecora reasoned. Either way, we shall discover the truth of the matter soon enough.

The infested turned and watched as a hole became visible in the door, revealing the small room beyond. There was only a single occupant, that being a heavily injured griffon who was lying on the ground nearby. Her wing was broken, as were her back legs. Her eye had swollen shut, becoming a mass of bruised tissue. She wore the tattered outfit of a security guard, though she had no weapons on her person.

“Finally,” she croaked. “I thought for sure Ariel died out there. Good to see she got the message out.”

“Who are you?” Free Flier asked. “And what are you doing here?”

The griffon chuckled and raised her one good wing, revealing that its feathers were bright gold, unlike the others which were grey. “I used to be a racing star by the name of Bright Wing, for reasons which should be obvious,” she began, her voice low and hoarse. “Nowadays I’m just a lowly security guard, but more importantly, I’m supposed to be keepin’ an eye on my partner, Ariel Hason. Don't suppose you’ve seen her around, have ya?”

“We have,” Applejack muttered.

The griffon narrowed her one good eye and recoiled slightly, only to look to Free Flier and relax. “I also don't suppose you can prove you ain't one of them changey things that nearly killed me ‘bout an hour ago, huh?” Bright Wing asked.

“I don't really have any magic or nothing, but I have lived here quite a while,” Free Flier exclaimed.

Bright Wing peered intently at the pony for several seconds, only to sigh. “Well, that doesn't prove a thing, but the fact that you haven't killed or dragged me away yet sure does. Now have ya seen my better half? That girl insisted on finding help for me and took off before I could drag her back here. Even sabotaged the door to keep me from chasing after her, the right git.”

Free Flier, Zecora, and Applejack exchanged a look, the infested clearly not wanting to broach the subject.

“Uh, right, about that,” Free Flier began.

“She’s dead, ain't she?” Bright Wing asked.

“No,” Applejack replied. “Just infested.”

“Just infested, just infested?” Bright Wing shouted. “That's worse than dying! I know you're okay for whatever reason, but they ain't turning folk ‘round here into thinkin’, feelin’ people. Just mindless monsters ready to chew their neighbor’s head off.”

She is agitating her wounds. Any more, and I fear she may end up bleeding out, Zecora remarked.

“Relax, she’s okay. We put her to sleep, and my queen, Twilight Sparkle, has the power to break the hold the swarm has on her and can undo some of the mutations,” Applejack quickly interjected.

Bright Wing seemed ready to argue for a moment before falling back. “I’m gonna choose to believe you. Now unless one of y'all is ready to give me a blood transfusion, I think we should get moving. Everything’s starting to get a bit blurry.”

I will render what aid I can. You should make her ready to transport while our guide carries her, Zecora ordered.

“Right, Free Flier, can you carry her? Zecora’s gonna help out as much as she can,” Applejack offered.

The pegasus nodded. “Sure thing.”

“Don't suppose I get a say in this, eh?” Bright Wing asked, gazing up at the infested zebra looming over her.

Zecora shook her head.

“Well damn, make it quick, I guess,” Bright Wing muttered.

Soon the griffon was sedated and had a cocktail of chemicals coursing through her, which helped to speed up her natural healing. With that done, she was hauled onto Free Flier's back with great pains done to ensure her wounds weren't made worse. The second she was in place, the group began to make their way back towards the exit they had already put in the back wall.

“So what outfit are you all with? Can't be the regular army. I ain't heard of no infested signing up, nor any having the rank of queen for that matter,” muttered Bright Wing.

“We’re irregulars, I guess you could call us,” Applejack remarked. “We still work with the confederacy, but we are in essence our own army under the command of our queen.”

“Like a volunteer force,” Bright Wing murmured absently. “Interesting, and you?”

Free Flier blinked. “Oh uh, I seem to have been drafted into their ranks, though I’m no infested.”

“Shh, I think I hear a pack of zerg up ahead,” Applejack interjected.

Zecora raised a tentacle and waved the rest of the squad back before slipping ahead. Down the narrow alleyway she went, sticking to the shadows until finally reaching the end and peering out. She cast a hasty glance through the crack they had made, her mood falling the moment she laid eyes on what was waiting for her.

A whole pack of zerglings, a couple of hydralisks, and even a few infested citizens, Zecora informed. They don't seem to know we are here, but do know that something is wrong.

“We got company, a lot of company,” Applejack whispered. “We might have to double back or find another way through.”

Free Flier cursed under her breath. “I knew we shoulda gone back to grab some explosives. If we took out that plant, we coulda gone around ‘em.”

“Might have to leave me,” Bright Wing exclaimed. “I can't fight at the moment, and at this rate, I’m just gonna get y'all killed.”

“We ain't leavin’ ya behind,” Applejack stated.

Free Flier nodded. “If we have to set ya down for a moment, then so be it, but we’ll be back.”

Zecora was about to add her own thoughts to their predicament, only to stop when a psychic wave rolled over her. A moment later Applejack shuddered as well, the two infested turning in unison and glancing to where the community center lay. The two uninfested didn't feel anything quite so potent as the full body twitch the other two received, getting only a faint tickle that ran up their spines.

“What the hay was that?” Free Flier muttered.

“Whoever was controlling the zerg around here just wound up dead,” Applejack muttered. “And I think it was our queen who did the deed.”

I can feel her mind, but it is distant, quiet, Zecora thought, her mental voice filled with worry. We should hurry back.

Applejack was ready to agree when they were interrupted by an alien scream followed by the sounds of conflict. Outside on the street, the zerg split off into groups and attacked one another, went mad, or simply fell over unconscious. It seemed to be a roll of the dice over what happened to them, but regardless of their fate, it was chaos out there.

They are slaughtering one another, Zecora reported. The infested are mostly unconscious, but a few have gone feral. I think… I think we have an opening.

“We gotta move,” Applejack exclaimed. “They’ve gone crazy, and Zecora thinks we have a way out of here.”

“Well, what are we waitin’ fer? Lead the way!” Free Flier declared.

Applejack nodded. “Right, follow me.”

Twilight pointed back to the row of APCs and civilian vehicles that had been set out alongside the outside of the gate. “Once sedated, get the infested back to the trucks. Hurry it up, people, my spells won't last forever!”

Ponies and other creatures scuttled about with increased fervor, moving the various infested which had been placed in stasis. Shots rang out every once in a while, the soldiers going about the grim business of executing those zerg who had fallen unconscious upon Pupa’s death. Twilight paid close attention to each one of these shots, ensuring that the trigger-happy soldiers didn't kill one of her infested.

“You know, technically I’m the highest ranking officer here,” exclaimed Jetstream.

Twilight didn't look away from the impromptu field hospital slash killing field. “Are you saying you will stand in the way of me helping these people?” Twilight asked.

“‘Course not,” Jetstream replied immediately. “I doubt such an order would even be heeded anyway. Seems like you’ve got these Sandhome folk firmly under your hoof.”

“They owe me after nearly killing me,” Twilight declared.

“So I’ve heard,” Jetstream muttered.

The two stood in silence for several seconds before Jetstream sighed suddenly.

“You did good back there. Real good. I doubt we woulda survived if you hadn't taken out that changeling,” Jetstream offered.

Twilight raised an eyebrow and glanced at the mare. “What is this? An apology?”

“It's a blank cheque,” Jetstream answered. “Do whatever it is you want with the remaining zerg and infested. I expect a report later, but until then you have my authority to do whatever it is you think is best for these people.”

“I appreciate it,” Twilight exclaimed, extending a hoof.

The other mare returned the gesture, clopping their hooves together. “I’m going to get back to mop up detail. Good luck, commander.”

Twilight nodded and was about to go back to inspecting the various creatures moving about the street, only to detect the familiar sensation of friendlies approaching. She turned towards the two infested hybrids. Immediately Twilight's mood lifted, and a smile crossed her face as she trotted up to Applejack, then opened her hooves wide.

“You’re back, and I assume you are victorious,” Twilight exclaimed.

Applejack awkwardly hugged her queen. “That we are, though it turns out we were lied to, sort of.”

We were told to acquire Ariel Hanson after we had already done so. Turns out they wanted to secure her less than secret lover and bodyguard, Bright Wing, Zecora explained.

“We were also sent to check on the cloud seeder, but there were… complications,” Applejack added.

Twilight took a step back and nodded. “I had some complications of my own.”

I assume that is why the mindscape feels so… damaged, Zecora guessed.

“It is,” Twilight admitted. “I was bested by a leader of the swarm and only made it out through luck.”

“But you’re so powerful!” Applejack declared aloud.

Twilight sighed. “All strength has a lynchpin, and it seems as though mine is my poor training of psionics. My defences are strong, but crumble the moment they are assailed by a skilled enough enemy.”

I assume you have a plan to remedy this shortfall? Zecora pressed.

“Of course, but it will take time,” Twilight answered. “For now we just need to round up who we can and secure as many zerg as possible. Oh, and make sure that Bright Wing individual comes back with us. I would hate to separate them.”

“We are yours to command,” Applejack intoned, bowing her head.

“See to it, you two. I’ll send word ahead that you act with my full authority while I remain here in order to coordinate our extraction,” Twilight finished.

An excellent plan, my queen, Zecora added.

Twilight nodded. “You had better get moving. The soldiers are already antsy, and I don't want anyone getting trigger-happy. There has been enough death already today.”

“Of course,” Applejack declared.

The hybrid then turned, and along with Zecora, made her way back down the street. Once out of earshot, Applejack leaned over.

“Are we gonna talk about how much she was thinking about that Quick Buck fella?” Applejack whispered.

Zecora thought about it for a few seconds before replying with a simple, No.

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