• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,352 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Into Darkness

Twilight nodded and took a step back. “Alright, you are back to being invisible again, but just remember the spell doesn't muffle any sounds you may make.”

Applejack nodded, only to realize that she was no longer visible. “Right. I’ll hang back a little and watch your back.”

“I’ll be counting on you, Applejack,” Pinkie Pie declared with a small smile.

“Can you make me invisible too?” asked Scootaloo excitedly.

Twilight shrugged. “Yeah sure. But it won't last for more than an hour or so. I have to conserve my mana.”

Scootaloo grinned and pumped a hoof in the air. “Awesome!”

A second later the zergling hybrid shimmered out of existence, though everyone around could still hear her as she hopped around the room.

“Right, well. I will see you in a few minutes and don't worry, darling, I shan't tarry long,” Rarity proclaimed, gently touching Twilight’s shoulder as the templar passed the other unicorn.

“In that case I’ll see you girls shortly. Remember, don't tell anyone what we’re doing or repeat what I’ve told you,” Twilight sternly declared.

Rarity nodded, and Pinkie Pie gave the unicorn a brief salute. “You got it, boss lady,” exclaimed the pink pony.

With the two mares now behind her, Twilight turned to the rest of her friends. “Anything else?” she inquired.

Spike, Rainbow Dash, Silver Bulwark, and Fluttershy all shook their heads.

“Good, then let's go,” Twilight ordered.

“Relax, Twilight, they will come, you’ll see,” Spike softly stated, doing his best to reassure the pacing unicorn who walked back and forth in front of the entrance to the Everfree.

“I know they will, but I keep thinking about Celestia and how much she wants us to succeed. This may be the only chance to get Luna back, we have to give it our all,” Twilight replied before resuming her pacing.

“We totally got this,” Rainbow Dash announced with a grin. “I mean sure, we got a motley crew with us, but so long as I’m around, you got nothing to worry about.”

“Your confidence is so reassuring,” Twilight muttered bitterly.

Rainbow Dash didn't have time to give a response however, as the sound of incoming hooves made the small group turn to where Pinkie Pie was running towards them. The straight-maned pony now wore the same bulky suit and homemade battery that she had when Twilight first met her, though her usual grin was gone. Her expression was grim, and strapped on her shoulder was a long thin blade within easy reaching distance.

“You girls ready?” asked Pinkie Pie as she trotted up to the group.

“Woah, cool knife. Can I see?” inquired Rainbow Dash, who reached for the hilt of the earth pony’s dagger.

Pinkie Pie swatted the pegasus’ hoof away. “It is a dangerous weapon, not a toy,” she replied.

“Right. Sorry,” muttered Rainbow Dash.

“Now we just have to wait for Rarity,” Twilight exclaimed.

“You won't have to wait long,” interrupted Silver Bulwark, who peered intently from behind the shadows of her hood.

Following the other pony’s gaze, Twilight was able to see a floating shape that was approaching them from a distance. Rarity had removed her clothing in addition to the colored fabric that had been in her braided mane, which was now pulled further back. She also appeared far more serious then a few minutes ago, and though she remained unarmed, her eyes blazed like a bluish inferno.

Twilight remained silent, watching closely as the pony approached them at a good pace. “You made good timing,” Twilight remarked once Rarity was in ear shot.

“Yes, well. I would have made even better timing, but I was interrupted for a moment. Nothing to worry about though, I assure you,” Rarity hastily exclaimed.

Twilight’s gaze lingered on the floating unicorn for a moment before turning towards the rest of her group. “Remember. This is no walk in the park, the Everfree is dangerous, and though I am confident that we could overcome any foe, it's important to stick together,” Twilight stated.

“You got it, Twi!” Spike replied.

“Understood,” added Silver Bulwark.

Looking to the rest of her group revealed expressions of acknowledgement.

“Alright, so this is what's going to happen. Scootalooo will be at the front, and I’ll be right behind her. After that the rest of you will fill in the middle with Spike and Silver Bulwark on either side, and Applejack taking up the rear,” Twilight announced.

“Hey, I can totally take point,” Rainbow Dash declared with a stomp of her hoof. “I’ll have you know that I’m a black belt in-”

A sudden scream from somewhere in town caused the small group to turn in unison.

“What was that?” Applejack whispered.

Cries of confusion, followed by shouting, could be heard coming from the centre of Ponyville, setting everyone on edge.

“She’s here, and early too,” Twilight muttered. “Come on. We have to move. Haste is now more important than ever.”

“Wait, shouldn't we check on them? What if it's not Nightmare Moon?” Rarity questioned.

“Then it doesn't matter,” Twilight stated evenly.

“But-” Rainbow Dash began, only to be cut off by a firm glare from Twilight.

“Nothing else matters,” declared the unicorn. “Nightmare Moon can end all life on this planet, remember? Even if it's a fire, or a monster attack, it's nothing compared against the fate of our entire world.”

The screams died down suddenly, and a hush fell over the landscape.

“I’m not sure if I’m more relieved or terrified,” muttered Pinkie Pie grimly.

“We should move, it's already late,” Silver Bulwark interrupted.

Twilight turned. “Remember what I told you and we may very well end up saving the world before the day is out. Don't fall behind and don't get separated.”

One by one the group slowly fell into place, each pony settling into their prescribed positions with Twilight at the forefront. The mood was grim, the sudden scream having shattered any remnant of joy left over from the recent party. Even Pinkie Pie seemed utterly focused on the path ahead, a sight that made hope kindle in Twilight’s chest.

I won't let you down, Princess, Twilight thought to herself before plunging head first into the dark forest.

Twilight frowned as she looked over the thin ledge, which on one side was flanked by a tall wall of stone while the other went straight down for a considerable distance. The unicorn turned to their guide, or where Twilight knew Scootaloo was standing anyway, given that she was still invisible.

“Are you sure this is the fastest way to get to the castle? This seems unnecessarily risky,” Twilight remarked, gesturing to the ledge.

“Totally,” Scootaloo declared. “After that it's a straight shot through this dry ravine, over a river, and then bam, we’re there.”

“I assume there is a bridge over this river,” Silver Bulwark inquired.

Scootaloo nodded. “A great big stone one,” she proclaimed.

“I suppose I could levitate everyone across, but that would take quite a while as this ledge stretches for quite a while,” Rarity remarked, the mare floating over the side of the cliff and glancing further down the path.

“That would negate the time advantage we are getting from this route,” Twilight murmured.

Spike stepped forward onto the ledge and looked around. “It isn't too bad. Though I think Applejack might have some problems.”

“She’ll take up the rear, and I’ll keep my eye on her. Should anything happen, I’ll teleport both of us to safety,” Twilight quickly interrupted, the unicorn well aware of the worry already building in the hydralisk’s mind.

“And me and Rarity will fly beside and catch anyone if they should fall,” Rainbow Dash added.

“Excellent idea, darling,” Rarity declared.

“Alright then, Spike and Scootaloo should go first then. They are the lightest, and after that I would suggest that the order be Pinkie Pie, myself, Fluttershy, Twilight and finally Applejack,” Silver Bulwark explained.

“Distribute the weight at least a little more, I like it,” Twilight murmured.

“I don't know why you guys are spending so much time planning this all out. This is easy,” Spike declared before he and Scootaloo rounded the first bend in the path.

“Slow down, Spike!” Twilight shouted before gesturing to the group. “No point in waiting now, Pinkie Pie, you're up first.”

The earth pony nodded and slipped onto the ledge with ease, her surprisingly slim frame and dexterous hooves making it look easy despite her bulky armor. Silver Bulwark followed at a reasonable distance, her larger frame and bulky armor somehow not slowing her down one iota. The guard’s practice and years of training were evidently coming in clutch, as she strode confidently down the narrow path.

“Woah, she is good at that,” Applejack murmured.

“You're telling me,” Twilight replied.

“S-should I g-g-go now?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

“Just give her a few more feet,” Twilight said. “Alright, now you can go.”

Fluttershy gulped and walked out onto the ledge, her steps shaky and unsure, though her natural pegasus grace seemed to compensate at least somewhat. Her cloak thankfully didn't get in the way too much, but it still bothered Twilight, as she worried the mare may trip. When that didn't immediately happen, Twilight breathed a sigh of relief and stepped out onto the ledge, only to be stopped when Applejack coughed nervously.

“Are you sure about this?” whispered the mutated mare.

“I am,” Twilight declared, turning to the infested pony. “All you need to do is yell, and I’ll turn around and teleport both of us to the beginning of this path. Unfortunately I can't see the end of it, so it's not possible for me to skip straight there right now, but at least we won't be crushed by falling rocks or fall to our deaths.”

Applejack chuckled nervously. “You sure know how to calm a pony down.”

Twilight smirked and began to trot forward. “Your safety is assured, and I have a plan, that's pretty calming in my book.”

“I guess so,” Applejack mused.

After getting a good amount of distance between them, Applejack began to slither out onto the ledge, her enormous body and strange method of locomotion making things difficult for her. Still, she had just enough room to move, and with Twilight’s confidence bleeding through their link, she began to set out in earnest. Ahead of her, the train of ponies and dragon moved at a slow but steady pace, winding around the many bends.

Time passed by slowly, with each member of the group fixating completely on their own progress and little else. While this happened both Rainbow Dash and Rarity hovered nearby, ready to swoop in and help should the need arise. Twilight for her part had quickly gotten used to traversing the ledge, gaining a bit of Silver’s dexterity somehow.

Which meant Twilight had plenty of time to study the enormous boulders and piles of rocks hanging on the slope overhead. A sight that grew increasingly unpleasant the more Twilight observed it, though she did at least manage to tear her gaze away from it after a while. Just in time to see Fluttershy’s hoof slip and the pony tumble to the ground in a terrified, panicked heap.

Twilight lit her horn, but couldn't get a telekinetic grip on the mare before she was already on the ground, mere moments after slipping. It happened so fast that almost no one noticed what had happened before Fluttershy was lying there, panting hard with one of her legs hanging off the edge. Everyone who saw her slip collectively let out a sigh of relief, and the hybrid mare rose to an unsteady stand.

“S-s-sorry. I don't know what h-happened,” Fluttershy whispered. “It felt like my l-leg was pulled out from under me.”

“The rocks aren't even that slippery,” muttered Twilight, before a sudden noise brought her attention to the wall to her right.

A dark shape moved swiftly out of sight, but not before kicking a boulder down the side of the cliff. Twilight lit her horn once more, but by the time she was able to grab the boulder it had already started an enormous chain reaction.

With wide eyes, Twilight turned back to the ledge. “Run!” she screamed.

The rumbling of the rocks quickly grew to a great cacophony, and everyone began to sprint as fast as they could manage. Stones varying from the size of an apple all the way up to small homes tumbled down the side of the cliff face. A brief flash of images told Twilight that they were nearing the end though, as both Scootaloo and Spike were now safe and out of harm's way.

With that knowledge in mind, Twilight kept as close to the rock wall as she could manage while keeping an eye on the rest of her group. Silver Bulwark weathered the pelting stones with ease, the guard indomitable and utterly unshakable as she sprinted down the path. Pinkie Pie was the picture of grace, dodging around every obstacle that she faced with the ease of a trained dancer.

Fluttershy however was breathing hard and struggled to keep her hooves from getting tangled or from getting knocked off the side of the cliff by the rocks. A problem Applejack also shared, as her sheer size meant that the hydralisk was constantly assaulted with falling stones. Thankfully her chitinous exoskeleton protected her somewhat, unlike Fluttershy, who was one good hit away from plummeting over the side.

As the end neared, and the ledge began to widen, Twilight felt a brief burst of hope to flare in her chest. That hope was dashed the second she noticed an enormous misshapen boulder hurtling down the sloping cliff above them. The trajectory would put it directly on top of Fluttershy, who was too terrified to notice what was about to happen. Focusing on her magic, Twilight tried to run and cast at the same time, but she could barely budge the boulder given what little focus she could muster.

The unicorn didn't have time to try her psionic abilities however as the boulder was already mere feet away. Thankfully she wasn't the only one to notice this coming danger, and a prismatic blur swept in from behind, snatching Fluttershy out of danger. Twilight could tell that Rainbow Dash had been forced to take a few nasty hits, but the flood of relief from Fluttershy over their link told the unicorn that they had at least both reached safety.

Unlike her.

“Look out!” Applejack cried.

Twilight realized two things in that moment, one, that in her attempt to save Fluttershy, Twilight had inadvertently slowed down to a mere walk, and two, that it was suddenly very dark. The boulder never hit her however, as Applejack leapt overtop of the unicorn, using her larger bulk to shield Twilight from harm. Though not herself, as Applejack cried out in pain as the hunk of stone bounced off her back with a sickening thump.

Twilight wished she could heal her savior, but she didn't have time, and instead the infested unicorn made a snap decision and teleported her and Applejack away. She had only seen snippets of her destination in the eyes of the others, but it turned out to be enough information as they appeared safely out of harm’s way. Though they did both end up falling a half dozen feet, and ended up sprawled out on the ground, that was a small price to pay.

Silver Bulwark was the first to appear, the guard nervously checking Twilight over. “Are you injured? Where does it hurt?” shee asked.

Twilight winced and rolled onto her stomach. “I’m fine. Check on the others,” she muttered.

Silver Bulwark gave the infested mare a nervous look before doing just that, leaving Twilight standing there while trying to catch her breath. “You alright?” Spike asked nervously, the dragon followed closely by a nervous and still invisible Scootaloo.

“I’m fine. How are the others?” Twilight asked, the mare’s horn glowing as she assessed her own injuries.

“Rainbow’s wing doesn't look good and Applejack is a little banged up, but other than that, everyone is okay,” Spike hastily replied.

“I’m so sorry,” interrupted Scootaloo, who hugged Twilight’s leg tightly. “This is all my fault.”

“The decision was mine. Don't worry about it,” Twilight declared before gently brushing the zergling aside and observing her companions.

Sure enough, Rainbow Dash was indeed injured and though the pegasus was still standing, one wing hung limply at her side. Fluttershy was doing her best to help, but it was clear from even a glance that there wasn't much she could do. Turning to Applejack revealed that although she appeared bruised and battered, the hydralisk was relatively uninjured.

A spike of guilt still shot through Twilight’s heart though, and she walked over to the pony as she was slowly rising back into a stand. “Here, hold still,” Twilight whispered.

Applejack nodded and remained calm as Twilight channeled a bit of the strange energy she carried within her. Within moments, Applejack’s wounds began to heal, and the pained expression quickly left her face.

“Thanks,” Applejack murmured.

“No, thank you. That was really brave of you,” Twilight replied, touching the hydralisk’s shoulder.

The other infested mare blushed slightly. “Just returnin’ the favor, is all.”

Twilight was about to rebuff such a sentiment, only to be interrupted.

“Relax, I’m fine,” Rainbow Dash insisted.

“You are not fine,” Fluttershy hissed.

Twilight sighed and trotted over to the pair, the rest of the group checking themselves for injuries, all save for Rarity who was nowhere to be seen.

“How bad is it?” asked Twilight, who pushed her way next to Fluttershy.

“Possible broken bone, definitely some ligament damage, cast required,” Fluttershy muttered before shaking her head. “It's not good, b-b-but I c-can't do much.”

“It's fine,” Rainbow Dash insisted, only to wince immediately. “So I can't fly for a bit, it's no big deal.”

“Yes, it's a big deal. If left untreated or further aggravated, this could lead to permanent, irreparable damage,” Pinkie Pie interrupted.

“Exactly. If you take another big hit like that, your wing may never recover,” added Silver Bulwark.

Rainbow Dash paled, though she quickly shook her head. “So I just won't get hit again. Easy peasy,” she announced.

“This is serious,” hissed Fluttershy who quickly turned to Twilight. “Can you heal her like you did Applejack?”

“I’m afraid she's not like us,” Twilight replied sadly. “But I can at least ease her pain and use a low level healing spell.”

“Actually I think my triage spell will be a little more effective,” interrupted Silver Bulwark who stepped forward, horn glowing an odd mix of teal and orange.

Twilight nodded. “Do it.”

“Hey, wait, don't I get a say in--Oh, that's kinda nice,” Rainbow Dash murmured, the pegasus instantly relaxing as Silver Bulwark’s spell cascaded over her wing and upper back.

After the spell had run its course, Silver Bulwark sighed. “It's not much, but so long as it doesn't get hit again, it will heal completely, given time.”

Fluttershy let out a sigh. “Oh, thank goodness,” she whispered.

“So do we go back, or?” Pinkie Pie asked nervously.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “No way. We got this far, and I ain't giving up yet.”

“Then we should move soon,” Twilight urged, only to look around. “Wait, where's Rarity?”

“Right here, darling,” announced the mare as she levitated down from the cliff. “After you were safe, I gave chase to whomever was following us, but I fear they have managed to evade me.”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed, but despite her misgivings, Rarity didn't seem as though she was lying. “Then you saw it too,” Twilight muttered.

Rarity nodded grimly. “I did. Though unfortunately all I was able to see was a shadow. They were definitely strong though, that's for sure.”

“Am I missing something?” Spike asked while scratching his head.

“I’ll tell you on the way,” Twilight replied before turning to the path once more. “For now, we gotta keep going.”

The group crept slowly down the path, a looming wall of stone rising before them and blotting out the light of the moon. The wall was strangely smooth, though there was at least a narrow opening that would allow them to get past it relatively easily. Silver Bulwark, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity were up front while the others hung back with a pouting Scootaloo.

“Why can't I stay at the front?” Scootaloo whispered.

“Because it's dangerous. You heard what Fluttershy said, a manticore is in the area,” Twilight whispered back.

Fluttershy nodded. “And they are v-v-very t-territorial.”

“Is it just me or does it also smell a little funny?” Pinkie Pie asked suddenly.

Twilight sniffed the air, her nose scrunching up instantly. “You are right. Fluttershy, what is that?”

“I don't know…” Fluttershy muttered, her brow creased.

“Stop,” Silver Bulwark whispered.

Instantly the group stopped moving, save for Twilight who crept a little closer to the guard. “What is it?” whispered the unicorn.

“Look here,” Silver Bulwark exclaimed, pointing to the ground. “Something big went down.”

Twilight followed the mare’s hoof and found that such an assessment was indeed true, as the ground was rough and uneven. Footprints both large and small could be seen all over the place, and the dirt was torn up in some spots. Blood could also be seen splattering the now dry earth and though most looked old, there was some which appeared bright and fresh.

“At least two assailants, and… is that a manticore footprint?” Twilight murmured.

Fluttershy nodded. “It's likely injured and though it looks like it l-l-lost a lot of b-blood, it's still d-dangerous”

“Noted,” Twilight replied before nodding to Silver Bulwark. “Let's proceed slowly, I do not want to be surprised by some angry manticore out of nowhere.”

Silver Bulwark took point and slowly crept forward, while the rest of their companions fell in close behind. Compared to the rest of their adventures, a manticore didn't seem that scary to Twilight, though the waiting certainly wasn't helping matters. As time stretched on, the group grew increasingly nervous, save for Twilight and Silver Bulwark, who were able to keep their cool.

“Incoming, right side!” Silver Bulwark shouted a second before a crash alerted the entire group to something big coming from that direction.

Twilight, Silver Bulwark, and Applejack lined up, while Rarity and Rainbow Dash levitated just overhead. They had just enough time to get into position before a nearby tree toppled over and an enraged manticore emerged into view. It stood taller than even Applejack.Its paws were massive, its hide scarred from many, many battles. Its stinger was a blood red, while its large, voluminous mane was a deeper crimson color, like the skin between its wings. The beast landed before them and let out a great roar that filled the area, shaking everyone who heard it to their very core.

Even Silver Bulwark seemed a little unnerved, though it didn't stop her from charging forward, hoof raised. Twilight was also quick to act, casting a lightning bolt that ripped through the air and impacted the manticore’s thick hide to little effect. Even a hail of organic missiles from Applejack did little to stop the beast, though that may have been due to the hydralisk’s poor aim.

The creature, shocked by the sudden counterattack, roared one final time before leaping into the air and attempting to pounce on Silver Bulwark. The guard was too fast however, and she leapt to the side before stabbing forward with a long blade which extended from her hoof. The blade was sharp, but the manticore’s hide proved tougher once more, ensuring Silver Bulwark hardly left a scratch.

“Get some fire on those wings!” Twilight shouted.

Spike, now shaken from his stupor, charged forward and breathed a gout of purple flames onto the closest batlike wing while Applejack unleashed on the other one. This time their attacks seemed to do something, though that something was enraging the manticore even more. The beast backhanded Spike off of his feet before slashing Silver Bulwark across the chest with a clawed paw.

The guard was able to block in time, but she too was knocked aside by the force of the blow. Rainbow Dash and Rarity took advantage of this opening and leapt into action with the pegasus jumping onto the manticore’s back and punching it in the back of the head. While this happened, Rarity waved a glowing hoof at the manticore, causing the beast to suddenly stumble to the side, temporarily dazed.

Rainbow Dash’s punch landed squarely at the base of the creature’s spine, but the manticore’s hide seemed as adept at deflecting blunt objects as it was sharp ones. A second later and the pegasus was forced to leap aside when the manticore’s tail began to descend, the blunt part of its stinger aimed for Rainbow’s back. Rolling off the side of the creature, Rainbow Dash immediately kept running before leaping into the air and dodging another swipe.

“Stand back. I’ll finish this,” Twilight declared, a fireball spell building on her horn.

“Wait! Stop!” Fluttershy cried, the infested pegasus leaping to the forefront of the action and putting herself between Twilight and her target.

“Watch out, Fluttershy!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

The shy mare spun around just as the manticore’s stinger came down, putting the companions in an odd spot. Noone was in a position to do much of anything, even Pinkie Pie, who had spent her time sneaking up on the manticore and was still too far away. Twilight could unleash her spell, but it was as likely to hit Fluttershy as her target, leaving her in a strange position.

The stinger never hit her though, and the manticore’s eyes popped open, its body suddenly becoming rigid. Confused, Twilight turned to Rarity only to find that she and Silver Bulwark were just as perplexed. Noticing that the creature hadn't attacked, Twilight quickly gestured for Spike and Applejack to stand down.

A move that turned out to be the correct one, as Fluttershy somehow managed to make the manticore sit and then lay down. Twilight was tempted to use this moment to deliver a coordinated attack on the monster, but she could tell that her shy friend was onto something. Taking a cue from Fluttershy’s confident expression and calm mind, the infested unicorn silently took a step back, urging the rest of her friends to do similarly.

Though they were as nervous as Twilight was, they complied, leaving Fluttershy relatively alone with the creature. This increased space seemed to put the manticore even more at ease, and it settled its great head on the ground before Fluttershy. Immediately, the creature let out a low, pained moan, and turned slightly, as if trying to draw attention to its large mane.

Fluttershy nodded, and while still maintaining eye contact, trotted up to the manticore and began to slowly part its hair. The sound of nervous chewing made Twilight notice that not everyone was as calm as Fluttershy was. Rainbow Dash was biting on the tips of her hooves while staring intently at her friend, who was seemingly searching for something in the creature’s mane.

The shimmer of something metallic caught Twilight’s eye, and Fluttershy slowly parted the creature’s mane to reveal a dagger. The weapon was long and sharp, and stuck fast in the manticore’s thick hide, having somehow managed to pierce it just deep enough that the wound wasn't fatal but also didn't slip out. The manticore’s moan of pain made all but Fluttershy nervous, the pegasus’ gaze still focused on the creature.

Her hoof settled on the hilt of the blade, and while keeping her eyes locked with the manticore, Fluttershy ripped the weapon free. The beast roared in agony, rising to a stand and using its great paws to tear a deep furrow of earth. Twilight stood ready, a spell already formed, but Fluttershy remained confident, and so the infested unicorn waited patiently.

The manticore roared and tore at the ground for several more seconds before it seemingly burnt itself out and stood there, chest heaving as it stared down at Fluttershy. The shy pegasus smiled and tossed the dagger aside before nodding slowly to the great beast. An action the creature returned before backing a few feet away and then taking off into the woods.

Fluttershy remained in the same spot for several seconds before letting out a deep sigh. “Whew, that w-w-was c-c-lose,” she stuttered.

Twilight was the first to react with the unicorn rushing over to her friend and pulling her into a tight hug. “That was amazing!” Twilight declared.

“Yeah, Fluttershy, that was crazy,” Rainbow Dash remarked.

A small chorus of agreement made the shy pegasus’ blush grow to encompass nearly her entire face. “Oh it w-w-was n-nothing,” whispered the mare.

“I hate to interrupt, but I think you should see this,” exclaimed Silver Bulwark.

Twilight turned to see the guard holding the dagger aloft in her hoof. “What's so special about… Oh.”

“Well, that's not good,” Spike murmured.

Twilight nodded and took the blade, rolling it over so the symbol on the hilt could be seen by all. A symbol that most were able to recognize as one which belonged to the great houses, and the first empire. The sight made an angry flame ignite in Twilight’s belly, an anger shared by several of her companions.

“Let’s not jump to conclusions, maybe it was planted there by another group,” Rarity offered.

Twilight frowned. “It's not impossible, but we should be on the lookout for anymore of your kind.”

“Don't you think that's a bit mean?” offered Pinkie Pie.

“Mean or not, the great houses do not just give these things away,” Twilight retorted, hefting the finely honed and well-crafted dagger for all to see. “These are incredibly expensive to make, and from my understanding are given only to high ranking members of their cult.”

“Now that was just uncalled for. It is not a cult!” exclaimed Rarity.

Twilight snorted. “Debatable, but regardless, we need to move. This detour has wasted enough of our time already.”

The group eyed one another nervously before reluctantly falling in behind the infested mare and proceeding deeper into the dark, twisted forest.

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