• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,386 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Twilight jumped slightly, spinning to where Prince Blueblood leaned against the entrance to the room, a smirk on his face. “You know when auntie told you to go make friends, I don't think she meant literally,” Blueblood added.

“Relax, everybody. Blueblood is just being an ass, as usual,” Twilight remarked.

“I would prefer being called a smart ass at the bare minimum, though I suppose I deserved that,” Blueblood exclaimed, leaning down and extending a gauntleted hoof towards the zergling. “Did you decide on a name for the little guy?”

“Not yet, though he was only born a few seconds ago,” Applejack replied, the hydralisk lowering herself into a more relaxed posture.

My queen, are you sure it is wise to let this creature live after what he has seen? Zecora inquired. He may well use this information to turn the others against us. Furthermore, he knows of your only base of operations.

Blueblood may be insufferable, but he's not all bad. Though I am curious as to why you didn't call him a pony, Twilight replied, while also talking to the stallion in question and petting the curious zergling who was sniffing everyone as well as everything.

His mind is strange and unreadable. He emits a strange energy and his ability to conceal himself is unnatural, Zecora explained, the hybrid zebra donning her cloak once more. Whatever he is, it is not a pony. Not anymore at least.

Twilight thought back to all the times she had seen the prince and quickly concluded that he did appear to have changed over the years. His mane was now bound into thick braids which were in turn held together into one central mass by a silver circle etched with images of the moon in its various phases. Wisps of green energy could be seen occasionally emanating from the corners of his eyes, and both his skin and fur were noticeably darker.

The stallion’s weapons and cloak were also similarly alien, resembling the equipment of the great houses, only slightly different. Where theirs was bold and stuck out, Blueblood’s equipment was muted and slim, allowing him to remain stealthy. None of it appeared to be new either, but it also didn't appear to have been repurposed from any captured items he may have acquired.

“Your curiosity is getting the better of you,” Blueblood remarked without looking up, the stallion scratching the zergling behind an indent where one of its ears would be.

Twilight shook her head. “Sorry. I just realized how little I know about this club of yours.”

“Answers to those questions will come in time, for now we must move. For I sense that our companions are waking,” Blueblood replied, rising to a stand.

The zergling hopped up and down, trying to get the prince’s attention, to no avail.

“Right. I suppose we should discuss our plan then,” Twilight exclaimed, taking a step back.

The prince pulled his hood up, obscuring most of his face save for the corners of his eyes. “I have already formulated a route through the city. All we have to do is follow it, and we should reach our destination by mid-day.”

“Wait, why don't you just send those refugee folks through the sewers and out the way we came in?” Applejack inquired, slithering forward.

That does seem the most optimal solution, Zecora chimed in.

“Because we would just be putting them back into harm's way once again,” stated the prince. “If we get them to the castle, we can utilize the long range teleportation circle that Celestia established and send them somewhere they will be truly safe.”

“So that was one of her less than secret projects!” Twilight proclaimed excitedly. “You don't know how she managed to bypass the essence transfer limit, do you?”

“That's the point where teleporting something basically takes infinite energy, right?” Blueblood replied, scratching his head.

Twilight frowned. “Of course you wouldn't get it. I don't know why I thought otherwise.”

The stallion rolled his eyes. “I’m sorry, Twilight, but I’ve been kind of busy fighting a war.”

Would you two stop flirting long enough to ask the prince how he even knows of a route in the first place? Zecora intruded.

Twilight’s face went red, and she shot the hybrid a glare. I was not flirting!

Applejack slithered forward. “So uh, how exactly do you even know of a safe route anyhow?”

“Don't tell anyone, but we have an informant in Nightmare Moon’s army,” Blueblood explained. “They have been able to clear out a path in their patrols.”

“That is interesting. I just assumed that planting a spy would be impossible due to the whole mind control thing,” Twilight remarked.

“It took a lot of effort, but it certainly wasn't impossible,” Blueblood replied.

I do not like the added baggage of all those ponies, but I suppose our chances of survival are exceptionally good, Zecora exclaimed. In fact, now that I think about it, I even feel more rested than I have in years and feel ready to take on anyone.

“I don't like having to worry about a bunch of extra bodies either, but this is the hand we’ve been dealt,” Twilight reiterated. “As such, I would like you and Applejack to watch over them while Blueblood and I take the lead.”

“The extra assistance is unnecessary,” retorted Blueblood. “No offence, Twilight. You may be powerful, but you are not exactly adept at stealth.”

The zergling stuck out its tongue at the prince.

“I don't mind being on guard duty,” offered Applejack. “I ain't exactly sneaky anyhow.”

“And though I may not be either, I know I will be able to assist you,” Twilight stated firmly. “I insist.”

The prince sighed. “Fine, though while we are out there, you will have to do everything I say, when I say it without complaint.”

“That is acceptable,” Twilight conceded.

May I spit more spores at him now, my queen? Zecora offered, her distaste for the prince palpable even through her thoughts.

“Maybe later,” Twilight replied. “For now, join the others upstairs. After ensuring they are ready to go, we will move out.”

“Will do, my queen,” replied Applejack, giving the unicorn a salute before slithering through the entrance.

I will make sure they are ready to move, added Zecora, the zebra eyeing Blueblood closely as she passed him by, disappearing up the stairs along with Applejack.

“Queen, huh? I always assumed you’d go for princess myself,” Blueblood mused.

Twilight shrugged. “It wasn't exactly my first choice of honorific either.”


“Before we get moving, I have one final question,” Twilight leaned in, her glowing orange orbs boring into Blueblood’s green ones. “Who is this informant of yours?”

“Just a low level unicorn that we managed to turn to our side, nothing more,” Blueblood quickly replied, waving a hoof in the air. “They are only useful because their special talent is not being noticed.”

Twilight frowned, her psychic abilities unable to gleam anything from the stallion save for the vague fact that he was partially telling the truth. “If you think I’m working for her, then you should know she nearly killed all my friends, my son, and put me in a coma for a week,” Twilight exclaimed, eyes narrowing.

The prince snorted. “You are one of the most steadfast ponies I know. If she had gotten to you, we would already be dead.”

“I suppose you don't owe me that information,” Twilight admitted.

“The less people who know, the better.” Blueblood chuckled. “You know how secrets work, after all.”

“That I do,” muttered Twilight somberly.

Twilight peered out from the small alleyway her and her companions had been packed into. Before them lay a wide road, one that led from the main gates of Canterlot all the way to the castle. Broken carts, random pieces of debris, ten or so bodies, and even a few fallen chunks of masonry littered the grounds. Throughout it all wound several patrols of great houses’ soldiers, each six pony squad being led by one taller, more clear-eyed unicorn.

A partially collapsed gatehouse lay to her right further up the road while the street was mostly obstructed by a fallen building to the left. Which meant that there was at least some cover for them to hide behind in order to avoid sight, but they would have to move quickly after a gap presented itself. Glancing back down the row of zerg hybrids and ponies, Twilight knew they simply were not fast enough to make it.

“Are you sure this is the only way?” Twilight whispered.

Blueblood nodded. “We have a minute thirty until we are going to have to sprint to the alleyway across from us. After that we’ll have to run through a few side streets before going through an apartment building and a university.”

“Don't worry, miss, I can go real fast,” Sun Sprinkle exclaimed.

Applejack chuckled. “I don't think you’re one of the ponies she's worrying about.”

“And remember, no magic while out in the open,” Blueblood added. “They have established scanning locations all over the city in order to root out any remaining resistance. Thirty seconds.”

Twilight shuffled back towards the white-furred stallion who had surprisingly few injuries given that he was absolutely covered with bruises only a few hours earlier. “Willow, I’ll be carrying you over,” Twilight stated.

The stallion grunted. “I don't suppose I have a say in this, do I?”

“Not unless you want to get left behind,” countered Twilight.

Willow nodded slowly. “Go ahead, darlin’, I trust ya.”

Twilight deftly slung the stallion over her back, shifting his weight just enough that she could still run. Just as she got him settled into a decent spot, Blueblood turned back towards them.

“We move.”

As one the group began to sprint out from the alleyway, weaving through the destroyed carriages, carts, and other debris. With her injuries healed due to spending a night surrounded by the creep, Twilight was almost back to full strength. Meaning that even though she was carrying a fully grown stallion on her back, she managed to easily keep up with the prince.

Bounding around the obstacles was a little more difficult, but not so much that she had to slow down and in no time at all she was on the other side. Where she hastily deposited Willow and started a headcount beginning with the prince, herself, the stallion, and her hybrids. After that she counted up the ponies, only to find that they were short one young filly who was nowhere to be seen.

“Where’s Sun Sprinkle?” She demanded.

Behind us, she's still on the street! Zecora replied, extending a pointed limb to a downed cart.

Spinning around, Twilight quickly located the filly who was kneeling down and staring at a dead mare who lay half under a fruit stand. Activating her psychic abilities, Twilight reached out and grabbed the little girl, yanking her across the street. She caught the filly in her forehooves and quickly ducked back into the alleyway, a hoof covering her mouth.

Everyone remained silent for several seconds, all eyes on Blueblood who looked off into the distance. “They saw nothing,” he whispered after a long silence.

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief and looked down to the terrified filly in her hooves. “Why in Equestria did you stop? You know it's not safe!”

The unicorn sniffed, tears welling at the edges of her eyes. “I’m sorry, Miss Twilight. I just saw the nice lady who always gave me an apple when I went to school, and she was… she was…”

Blueblood stepped forward and waved a hoof over Sun Sprinkle’s forehead, causing the filly to suddenly relax. “Be calm, young one. There will be time for grief later,” he whispered.

Twilight nodded and positioned the girl on her back. “Hold on tight, okay?”

Sun Sprinkle sniffed. “Okay.”

“Can we keep movin’ now? That patrol is getting mighty close,” Applejack warned.

“Stay close, stay quiet, and keep an eye on another from here on out,” Blueblood exclaimed before running deeper into the alley.

Easy for you to say. Your hooves don't even make a sound when you walk, Twilight thought bitterly to herself.

“What are they doing down there?” Twilight muttered, the unicorn peering intently over the lip of what had once been a child’s bedroom.

Several stories below them lay a small courtyard that stood at the center of the large donut shaped apartment block. Though it now looked more like a child’s toy which its petulant owner had smashed with a long, thin stick. Both the east and west wings had been hit by something, collapsing inward while somehow not taking the rest of the structure with them.

The courtyard however remained relatively free of debris, as what had littered the area had been piled neatly to one side. Allowing the dozen or so Nightmare Moon’s soldiers to stand in one of two lines, with a few squad leaders away from the others.. One line stood in front of a table stolen from someone’s kitchen, which was covered with perfectly square packages of food and water. While the other group waited patiently in front of what looked like an outhouse, only with a door on either side.

“It appears as though they are dealing with the body's needs,” Blueblood remarked.

Twilight shook her head slowly as she watched the unicorns move at a quick, yet not hurried pace. “They move like golems. Taking exactly as much energy as each task requires and absolutely no more,” Twilight’s eyes narrowed. “I’m pretty sure they are taking the same number of bites out of that gruel they’ve been fed.”

“Nightmare Moon doesn't allow many to remain free,” Blueblood muttered bitterly. “Even the conversation the two squad leaders are having is the same one they had five minutes ago.”

Twilight frowned. “That's awful. Though it makes me wonder what Nightmare Moon actually wants. I mean, if it's not to rule over Equestria, could it be that she truly desires a dead world?”

“Her hatred is a vast ocean which many have lost themselves in, but I do not think it is quite large enough to swallow the world,” Blueblood replied. “She must have some manner of end goal or hidden agenda that she hasn't revealed.”

“You say that as if we are dealing with someone who is sane,” Twilight countered.

Blueblood turned to his companion and fixed her with a firm look. “She is terribly, horribly, sane. Let me make that abundantly clear.”

“I’ll take your word for it, but frankly, I just don't see it,” Twilight exclaimed. “If she wanted to freeze everyone else out and then emerge with her handpicked ponies to repopulate Equestria, then she has too few soldiers. Not only that, but her population’s genetic base is already limited due to the houses being made up mostly of family members.”

“True, though perhaps she has some way to make them immortal or at least unaging,” Blueblood shook his head. “Either way, it matters not, our moment has arrived and we must move.”

Twilight glanced back over the ledge one final time, watching as the dozen unicorn soldiers filed out of the courtyard in either direction. Their steps were perfectly timed, their equipment perfectly organized, and they were perfectly lockstep with one another.

“What the hell is going through your head?” Twilight murmured.

Twilight again peered out of what had once been someone’s room, only this time she was now in one of the most affluent neighborhoods in all of Canterlot. Even the rubble she was using as cover to watch the enemy had bits of gold sticking out of it at random angles. The street lamps that were still standing were a brilliant sterling silver color and had been fixed with expensive light crystals.

The building she was crouched in wasn't even someone’s home, but rather a half destroyed gatehouse which sat at the entrance to a rather large mansion. Behind her crouched the rest of her group, all save for Blueblood who had vanished a few minutes earlier. The shadowy stallion had mentioned something about things feeling off before disappearing, leaving Twilight with an unpleasant feeling at the pit of her stomach.

She didn't doubt that Blueblood was indeed on their side, but the sheer fact that she was now counting on someone else left Twilight uneasy. Furthermore, she was left in a relatively open area with only two halfway decent fighters and several ponies who couldn't even throw a punch. Even saying she had two warriors wasn't wholly true as neither hybrid was very good at close-range combat.

Making a note to remedy that when she could, Twilight was about to turn towards her allies when a sudden movement caught her eye. A second later the shadows in the corner of the room flickered, before rising to reveal Prince Blueblood. His hood was drawn back, and the stallion had an aggravated scowl on his face.

“I take it something was indeed wrong,” Twilight offered.

Blueblood nodded. “There is a squad of soldiers inside the premises, no doubt looking for the secret entrance we’ve been using to get into the castle grounds.”

“It still baffles me that Lord Fancy Pants built a tunnel right into the gardens,” muttered a light-colored mare. “He never struck me as the nefarious type.”

“He served as a spy for Celestia,” Twilight clarified.

“Though not a good one, I might add,” Blueblood remarked.

“Anywho…” interjected Applejack.

“Right. What do you plan to do about these no-good interlopers?” asked Willow.

“I don't suppose you can just ask them to go home, right?” whispered Sun Sprinkle.

Twilight winced and motioned towards the brown-coated mare. “She doesn't need to be here for this conversation,” remarked the zerg hybrid.

The unicorn nodded and leaned down. “Come on, honey, let's go see how Mister Boulder Dash is doing after that nasty slip he took.”

Sun Sprinkle seemed ready to argue, only to sigh and nod. “Okay,” she whispered.

When the two had left, Blueblood let out a sigh. “Frankly, I’m not sure. There is one last rather large group that needs to come through this way, but as it stands right now it's only a matter of time before they either find the tunnel or us.”

And we cannot let either of those things happen, Zecora added.

“And what's stopping us from, say… slaughtering this patrol and then simply waiting for the next group?” Twilight offered.

Blueblood quickly shook his head. “They would overwhelm us in no time, and that's even assuming we could take out an entire squad with only four fighters.”

“Hey, I can swing a sword,” interjected Moon Leaf.

“Which is why you will be guarding the rest of the group in the tunnels, waiting for the others,” Twilight exclaimed.

“No. It's too risky. We need to cut our losses and hope the other group can find some other way through Nightmare Moon’s blockade,” Blueblood stated.

I don't like agreeing with this strange one, but that seems to be our only option, Zecora remarked.

“How many of them are there?” Applejack whispered.

“Six. Unless you mean the refugees in which case about thirty,” Blueblood replied.

“I don't care if it's only me, but I’m staying back and fighting until the last,” Applejack stated firmly.

Zecora hesitated, her eyes shifting rapidly before she looked down. I wish to remain as well.

“Me too,” Moon Leaf added.

A small chorus of agreements came from the rest of the ponies.

“So are you going to leave us to fight on our own?” Twilight inquired, raising an eyebrow.

Blueblood looked out over the grim faces of his companions and sighed. “Fine, though I had never thought I would have been taught equinity from you of all people.”

“And I never thought I’d have to remind you of the value of life and freedom,” Twilight countered.

“Perhaps my time spent under her influence has had a more profound affect than I would have liked.” Blueblood shook his head. “Regardless, if we are going to do this, we should strike hard and fast. For if we meet them in battle before they discover the entrance, they will send far fewer soldiers than they would otherwise.”

“And the rest of them?” Applejack asked, gesturing to the non-combatants among them.

“Moon Leaf, do you remember what I told you about the tunnel and how to get down there?” Blueblood inquired, turning to the stallion in question.

Who nodded. “Right candlestick forward, left candlestick back, tap twice on the bust of Celestia, and request safe passage in old Equish.”

“Stay near the emergency release lever and if you hear me yell to open it, then-”

“Pull it and start running,” Moon Leaf finished.

“Excellent,” Blueblood exclaimed, turning to the rest of the group. “Twilight and I will engage them at the front of the house. Zecora and Applejack will guard the civilians and go around the side before entering through the covered lanai. After which they will meet us on the driveway.”

Applejack nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”

A sound strategy, Zecora added.

“So we’re all in agreement?” Twilight asked, looking around.

Everyone her eyes met nodded, all save for Blueblood who chuckled darkly. “If I die on the lawn of my family’s greatest business rival, I’m pretty sure my ancestors will kill me a second time.”

Twilight chuckled and patted the stallion on the back. “Then just don't die.”

Blueblood sighed. “Truly you are a fountain of wisdom.”

Twilight looked through the eyes of her zebra friend, noting that the group was now in position halfway down the block. With her psychic abilities, Twilight could tell there was absolutely no other minds in the immediate vicinity, save for her targets. That would change very soon, though not before they eliminated the final obstacle which stood between her and Celestia.

Opening her own eyes, Twilight looked to her shadowy companion. “They are ready, and so am I.”

“Good, I’ll focus on the leader, you keep the rest distracted. As soon as he is dead, there should be a slight delay as command shifts to someone else,” Blueblood explained. “Hopefully whoever the local commander is doesn't immediately inform Nightmare Moon.”

“If that doesn't happen, then we should have more than enough time to cut the rest down,” Twilight finished, gazing out over the bubble which covered the distant castle.

“And remember, while I walk the shadows, I am still with you and will strike when you do,” Blueblood added, the stallion drawing his hood.

Twilight lowered her head. “Right, let's do this.”

Two zealots stood stock-still outside of the relatively undamaged home, their postures straight and their eyes staring forward. Inside they could hear their allies as they tossed over tables, kicked down walls and smashed pottery. Though anyone else may assume that their search was random, in actuality they were being incredibly thorough and strikingly exact.

Much like the lamp post that skewered the right guard straight through his chest and all the way to his flank, his body getting carried along with the projectile into the wall. Now hanging limply from the side of the mansion, pain erupting through his empty mind, the soldier looked down. Laying eyes on his killer would be the final thing he would ever do, and with a ragged sigh, he released his last breath.

Twilight stepped onto the circular driveway, a grim look on her face. I may have put a bit too much power into that one, she thought as she looked at the zealot now impaled several feet off the ground.

By the time she reached the small circular patch of trees and flowers in the center of the roundabout, her second opponent was already upon her. With blade ignited and raised, the zealot leapt into the air, throwing himself at his enemy with a striking intensity. A little shocked by the stallion’s speed, Twilight snapped off a teleport, reappearing several feet behind where she had been a second earlier.

The zealot was unfazed by this trick however, and merely sprinted towards her, his steps light, eyes trained on Twilight’s horn.

Knowing full well that her opponent would likely know almost any spell she could throw at him, Twilight focused on using a different one of her skills. Reaching out with a psychic hand, Twilight grabbed the stallion’s forelegs and yanked him forward, nearly knocking him off his hooves. Confused and temporarily off-balance, the zealot attempted to ignite his second blade and bring his forehooves up into a crossguard.

It didn't matter however, as Twilight raised her hooves above her head, and the second he was in range, slammed them down atop his helmet. Metal buckled, bone shattered, and a second later the zealot lay dead on the ground, his head partially jammed into his chest cavity. The unicorn gave her defeated opponent a brief glance before stepping past him, her horn already glowing brightly.

We have crossed the street and entered the property, my queen. It won't be long now! Zecora exclaimed.

Twilight merely nodded and released her spell, which took the form of a lightning bolt that leapt towards the entryway.

A deep blue shield leapt out of nowhere, blocking the bolt and protecting the three zealots who were now sprinting towards her. The second her spell had been defeated, the barrier vanished, allowing Twilight to see that she had garnered the attention of most of the zealots. Two lower ranking enemies sprinted towards her, while a high ranking soldier strode confidently through the entryway, his horn alight with power.

Stomping her forehooves into the ground, Twilight pushed her magic into the driveway before conjuring her own shield. Which absorbed and then was shattered by a lance of blue magic which shot from the leader’s horn. As this happened, his guards flanked their target, trying to hit Twilight from both sides at the same time.

Exactly as Twilight assumed they would do, putting one of the guards directly into the path of her little surprise. Stone spikes burst out of the ground, nearly impaling the zealot, who managed to dodge the majority of the attack. One still struck his barrel with enough force to knock him airborne, though not enough to pierce his armor.

With one opponent out of the picture for the moment, Twilight turned to her next enemy, only to find he was already upon her. Dual blades ignited, the zealot jabbed both hooves directly at Twilight’s face, intending to finish the fight quickly and decisively. Thankfully Twilight wasn't quite as surprised the second time, and she gave a psychic shove before launching a dozen bolts of mana at her foe.

Every single one of which was dispelled in under a second by the squad leader who had reached the bottom of the stairs and was making his way toward her. Not liking the position this put her in, Twilight teleported back again, narrowly avoiding the first zealot who had managed to recover and press his attack once more. Their speed was incredible, and by the time Twilight had completed her next spell, they were already a dozen feet away.

The ball of fire which shot from her horn almost made it to her target before the leader dispelled it, or at least he thought he did. Unfortunately for him, Twilight had seen such a course of action coming, and had ensured that rather than be destroyed when countered, her spell would explode prematurely. Fire bathed her opponents’ polished armor, scorching their pristine exterior and making a set of defensive wards flare into existence.

Twilight knew it wasn't going to be enough to kill them, but it would give her enough time to enact a few enchantments of her own. As she cast a thin shell of magical armor over her, the pony also used her unique physiology to harden her flesh. By the time the smoke cleared, Twilight was ready for a long, protracted battle, only to find that only one opponent was still alive.

And he was in the middle of a desperate fight with Blueblood, their blue and green blades meeting repeatedly. Both of the lower ranking soldiers were dead, one of whom was missing his head while the other had a deep wound in his back, right below the neck. The squad leader was fighting well, but it was obvious even at a glance that the prince was a much more skilled combatant.

Every attack the gold-armored pony made was deflected with ease, while Blueblood’s own swipes usually got through. His armor sporting several holes and blood flowing from a multitude of wounds, the zealot’s movements grew more erratic by the second. Until in a fit of desperation, he reared back and summoned a storm of psychic energy, bathing the area in white lightning.

He only hit smoke, with Blueblood vanishing and reappearing behind the soldier, swiftly removing the zealot’s head with a single swipe. The prince deactivated his blades and took a step back, watching as the soldier’s body twitched several times before finally slumping over. Bowing his head, the unicorn uttered a quick prayer for the fallen soldier’s soul before sighing and facing Twilight.

“Apologies for leaving you alone. The last soldier was trying to continue the search while you fought,” Blueblood exclaimed.

Twilight shrugged. “It's fine. It wasn't like these jerks posed much of a threat.”

Blueblood smiled. “I had the utmost faith in you. Though we should move quickly and plant as many traps as we can. It won't be long until we get more company.”

Twilight frowned as she looked up at the large three-story mansion which loomed above them. “That would help to thin the herd so to speak, but what about the other group? If we attract too much attention, they will have to fight through house soldiers to get to us,” Twilight exclaimed.

Blueblood shook his head. “I’ve already sent word to adjust their approach. They will be coming from the right and will go straight to the tunnels while we will occupy them at the forefront of the house.”

Twilight nodded slowly, her gaze lingering on the horseshoe-shaped home and the two large garages on either side of her. One was half open and revealed a large carriage while the other was closed, the owner’s house insignia painted in vibrant blue upon it. A deck exited on top of one garage while the other had what appeared to be a library on it, though Twilight couldn't quite tell for sure due to her angle.

In the center were a dozen stairs which lead up to a covered entry flanked by flowers which had now died due to the lack of sun. Two sets of windows looked out onto the driveway from that first floor, while dozens upon dozens covered the second and third stories. Though it had far too many entry points to Twilight’s liking, at least the two garages created a narrow area at the front which they could funnel enemies into.

Two zerg hybrids emerging from the front doors made Twilight’s mind turn from plans to her followers.

“Is it over?” Applejack asked, looking around the area, her gaze lingering on the corpses.

Twilight chuckled. “Not by a long shot.”

Author's Note:

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