• Published 18th Aug 2018
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The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Deeper Still

“Did you really have to break that dagger, Twi?” Spike whispered.

Twilight snorted, her gaze lingering on the rest of her little troop which marched before her. “None of us save for Rarity could have even used it with any degree of skill, and I will not hand her another weapon,” stated the mare.

Spike frowned, his gaze lingering on the aforementioned unicorn’s backside, as did Twilight’s. “You know I’m as leery of them as you are, but even you gotta admit that she seems different,” he pointed out.

“She may be different, but that may also be due to her planning on winning us over before stabbing us in the back.” Twilight raised a hoof, silencing Spike’s retort. “And before you say anything, I will grant that there is the possibility of her truly being on our side, but you must remember that anyone could be looking through her eyes. They share their every thought and emotion, which includes our location and what she’s currently doing.”

“But we also know that they can learn to subdue that part, only sharing what they want to share. Like with Blueblood,” Spike remarked.

“If they have the right motivation and training,” Twilight replied. “Neither of which I believe she has.”

“Fine, I suppose you have me there,” Spike murmured.

Twilight glanced down at her slouching companion and sighed. “One way or the other, we’ll see where her loyalties lie soon enough.”

“And hopefully you're wrong,” Spike added.

“And hopefully I’m wrong,” Twilight admitted.

If it makes you feel any better, I think you're both wrong, exclaimed the voice of Silver Bulwark, echoing in the minds of the infested. She's too naive for all that. If anything, they are likely using her because she's so good-natured.

I want to say that would be mean even for them, but I think they are well past that, remarked Spike.

True, agreed Twilight.

Well I think she's nice, and wait, what was that? Fluttershy thought, the pegasus stopping suddenly and spinning around, staring with wide fearful eyes at a seemingly random tree.

Twilight lit her horn, eyes scanning the darkness. “What did you see?” she shouted.

“It l-l-looked like a p-pony,” Fluttershy murmured.

Silver Bulwark frowned and moved her hoof away from the hilt of her blade. “I don't see anything-”

“It's above us! It's got great big wings and huge red eyes!” Scootaloo shouted, jabbing a hoof straight up before scuttling under Fluttershy, the invisibility field surrounding her sputtering and dying suddenly.

Twilight’s horn blazed with life, and she stared up at the spot Scootaloo had pointed to, while at the same time Spike stood ready, as did Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. For a moment, noone moved, and the troop merely stood there, staring into the darkness and waiting for something to happen. Then a shriek, and Rarity let loose a storm of electricity which ripped apart the earth, decimated several trees and incinerated a dozen bushes.

“Eek, kill it!” she shouted, before flying up into the air and conjuring a shield around herself.

Twilight readied another spell, but by the time she was facing the spot Rarity had already destroyed there was nothing there other than shattered wood and chunks of dirt. “What did you see?” Twilight shouted.

“It was huge, bigger than an oak, but it was super--There it is again!” Rarity shouted before unleashing a bolt of lightning from her hooves.

Twilight followed the path of her attack, only to see nothing but trees, shadows, and a now smoking stump. “Silver, what's out there?” Twilight called.

“I don't know, it's like something is scrambling my senses,” retorted the mare, who had drawn her blade and now eyed the forest cautiously.

“I don't know what you guys are talking about. I don't see anything,” Rainbow Dash declared, only to gasp. “Wait, what in the hell is that huge ugly thing over there?”

Twilight spun around to face whatever monster had managed to sneak up on them, only to find that there was nothing but more trees, bushes, and darkness. “What in the hell is wrong with you guys?” bellowed the infested unicorn.

Spike suddenly grabbed hold of her coat, clinging tightly to the mare, his eyes wide and filled with terror. “Can't you see them? They are all around us, just waiting to strike!” he shouted before collapsing to the ground and cowering in fear.

Twilight closed her eyes and focused inwardly, trying to use their connection to force the fear from Spike’s mind. The second she entered the dragon’s psyche that plan was dashed, as the sheer weight of the terror he felt forced Twilight to close herself off lest she too be washed away in a sea of panic. Clutching her head, Twilight tried again to fight back against this strange, unnatural fear, but found that she was unable to make any headway. Worse yet, the sheer amount of despair felt by the other infested beings was beginning to take its toll on her as well, grinding down her willpower.

Twilight forced her eyes open, only to find a screaming Rainbow Dash heading straight for her. “They are right behind me!” she shouted.

Twilight rolled out of the way, narrowly avoiding getting knocked over by the panicked pegasus. Grabbing hold of her draconic assistant, Twilight roughly hefted the teenager to his feet and glared into his eyes.

“Snap out of it, Spike, it's not real!” shouted the mare.

The dragon didn't even seem to hear her and merely curled into a ball, rocking back and forth as he was held aloft by Twilight.

“Snap out of it, Jacky, you're scaring me,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, prodding the hybrid who lay on her back, eyes wide and body twitching.

Upon recognizing that Pinkie Pie was also unaffected, Twilight ran up to her, grabbing the earth pony by the front of her homemade stealth suit. “Pinkie Pie, you have to do something! I won't be able to hold out much longer, their fear is too much!” cried Twilight.

“I don't know what to do though!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Twilight was about to reply, only for a sudden movement to catch her eye and she dove to the side, firing off a trio of mana bolts into the forest. Leaving a confused pink pony to stand there amidst the chaos that was now all around her. Magic whizzed past her head, dirt went flying, and a prismatic pegasus ran screaming through the forest.

“Wait, I know what to do, this reminds me of a song!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

The earth pony took a comically deep breath before rising onto her back legs. “Oh, when I was a little filly and the sun was going down,” she sang as she dodged, ducked, and otherwise avoided the various projectiles flying about the area. “The darkness and the shadows would always make me frown.”

She hopped over to a spot of dirt and rammed her hoof shoulder deep into it, retrieving a terrified looking Scootaloo. “I’d hide under my pillow, from what I thought I saw, but Granny Pie said that wasn't the way to deal with fears at all,” continued Pinkie, before tossing the still terrified and now utterly confused zergling hybrid onto her back.

“She said, Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall, learn to face your fears. You’ll see they can't hurt you, just laugh and make them disappear,” Pinkie Pie sang, instruments springing from nowhere and adding a bouncy melody to the pony’s impromptu song.

“Ha, ha ha,” Pinkie Pie laughed.

Scootaloo’s eyes went wide, and in an instant all traces of the unnatural fear fled, leaving behind a deep well of joy that quickly spilled past her lips in the form of furious laughter.

The earth pony picked up the catatonic Applejack around the shoulders and held her upright. “So giggle at the ghostly. Guffaw at the grossly,” she continued to sing.

Applejack laughed suddenly, as if she were being forced to do so, though it became more and more natural as the fear was replaced with confusion and, finally, relief.

“Crack up at the creepy, whoop it up with the weepy,” Pinkie Pie shouted, plucking Rainbow Dash mid-sprint and holding her tightly.

Again, the pony reluctantly began to chuckle, until she collapsed to the ground, laughing so hard that tears spilled down her face.

“Chortle at the kooky. Snortle at the spooky,” Pinkie Pie sang, face plastered against the outside of Rarity’s bubble.

Inside, the fashionista found herself unable to continue lashing out as she was too transfixed by the pink pony staring at her. A moment later and she too found her fear giving way to joy, laughter springing unbidden to her lips. Her defences fell a second before the pony herself did, landing in a heap along with Applejack and Rainbow Dash who were still giggling uncontrollably.

Pinkie Pie appeared before Fluttershy, who had retreated into her hood and was now shivering violently while lying curled up on the ground. “So let’s tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave us alone!” she exclaimed.

Fluttershy’s wide eyes shrunk slightly, and a second later she too found herself unable to resist the urge to laugh aloud.

Grinning from ear to ear, Pinkie Pie leapt atop a nearby stump which Spike was hiding behind and raised her hooves to the heavens. “And if they think they can scare us, then they've got another thing coming, and the very idea of such a thing just makes me wanna-” Pinkie Pie continued, her voice becoming twice as fast before stopping completely and devolving into half-stifled giggling, “laaaaaaaaaaaaaugh!”

The music rose to a crescendo as the pink pony held the final note for several long seconds. Until finally, it broke, and the forest was silent once more, the haze which had fallen over Twilight and Silver Bulwark dissipating as their friends’ fear fell away completely. The group sat in silence, slowly catching their breath as they gathered their bearings and came to grips with what had just occurred.

“What the hell was that?” Spike muttered, the dragon slowly rising from the ground and dusting himself off.

“A very powerful fear enchantment placed on a very powerful illusion,” Twilight exclaimed whilst frowning. “Likely tied to a perception filter and a few other less than pleasant little surprises.”

“Who would cast such a nasty thing?” Rarity asked while pulling leaves from her mane.

“Someone who wanted to keep us from reaching the castle and defeating Nightmare Moon,” Silver Bulwark exclaimed, shrugging. “Either that or someone got really bored and wanted to fuck with the animals.”

“Either w-w-way, they are a m-mean,” Fluttershy stammered angrily.

“You said it, Flutters,” Rainbow Dash added.

Twilight plucked a branch from the pegasus’ mane and tossed it aside. “You girls go on ahead, I just need to talk to Pinkie Pie for a moment.”

“Sure thing,” Silver Bulwark replied. “Alright, you heard the mare, let's get moving.”

Most of the group’s members complied without question, though Fluttershy’s gaze lingered on the pink pony for several seconds before she too turned and left.

“I didn't do anything wrong, did I?” Pinkie Pie asked, cocking her head.

“No, you did not do anything wrong. I just wanted to check something, if you don't mind,” Twilight replied.

“Oh, uh sure. Is it about the song thing?” Pinkie Pie continued.

Twilight nodded and stepped forward, placing a hoof on Pinkie Pie’s forehead. “Something like that.”

Closing her eyes, Twilight mentally poked and prodded at the other mare’s mind, scanning it for any irregularities and trying to compare what she found to what she already knew. Which admittedly wasn't much, given her own poor experience with psionic abilities, though even then she was able to figure at least something out. Namely that whatever part of Pinkie Pie’s brain that controlled her psionic powers didn't have very many connections with the part of her that controlled empathy.

“It feels like you don't have the connections necessary to properly access your powers,” Twilight exclaimed, withdrawing her mind and taking a step back. “My knowledge isn't complete, but it feels like if you were to get in touch with your empathetic side and perhaps spent more time among other ponies, that you could wield those abilities with greater control.”

Pinkie Pie frowned. “I guess that makes sense, I did grow up on a rock farm after all. It still kind of freaks me out that anyone else has this kind of power to be honest. The only other pony I knew who could do stuff like that was my Granny Pie.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “So you're saying it might be genetic?”

The inventor shrugged. “I have it, Granny Pie did, and apparently her grandma did too. So I think so? But then again, that ain't the biggest sample size.”

“True, but it is consistent.” Twilight shook her head. “Regardless, we are getting off track again. We better catch up with the others.”

Pinkie Pie caught Twilight by the shoulder just as she was about to pass her by. “Wait, I just wanted to thank you. Everyone else who has found out about my abilities has treated me like a freak because of what I could do.”

Twilight chuckled. “That would be a lot like the pot calling the kettle black, don't you think?”

The pony giggled. “True. We are all a little strange, it's just if it's on the outside or not.”

“Exactly, now come on. I don't want to make them wait.”

“Right behind you, Twi.”

The group had continued their march through the woods at a steady pace, the moon hanging over them the entire time, bathing the land in its eerie glow. Interruptions from the wildlife were few, infrequent and easily dealt with, unlike the terrain itself which was as chaotic as ever. Thankfully no one was so out of shape that they had to stop, though it was becoming apparent that doing such a thing may become necessary sooner rather than later.

“Are we there yet?” Scootaloo whined.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “No, and I swear if you ask me that again, I’ll-”

“Wait, do you hear that?” Spike muttered, holding up a hand.

“Sounds like waves,” Rainbow Dash remarked. “But there shouldn't be any lakes around here.”

“There is a r-r-river around h-here,” Fluttershy offered.

“Hmm, we better check it out. Stay close and quiet,” Twilight urged.

Her friends all nodded, and together the cadre of misfits crept slowly along the winding and slightly descending path. The trees parted, revealing the supposedly calm river was anything but, as the water churned in a violent and chaotic manner.

The sound of the waves was incredibly loud, and the aroma of the forest was washed away by the mist which surrounded the banks. As Twilight stared, the sense of strangeness only grew more prevalent when she realized that the water wasn't even flowing normally. The waves seemed to emerge from the center of the river, as if some great beast writhed in agony just below the surface.

“What do we do now?” Rainbow Dash asked, the pegasus stepping nervously from hoof to hoof. “I mean I could normally ferry you each across, but even without a busted wing I couldn't help much.”

“I thought you said you were the best flier in Equestria,” Scootaloo remarked.

Rainbow Dash waved a hoof dismissively. “Nah, I’m the fastest. Plenty of ponies can carry more or fly further than me.”

“I could teleport us across or simply use telekinesis,” Twilight began, pursing her lips. “Though that might drain my magic quite a bit, considering just how wide it is.”

“Hmm, between us, I don't think that would be difficult, though I am curious as to what manner of creature may be causing such a disturbance in the first place,” Rarity offered, the templar floating several feet up and staring intently at the raging water.

“True…” Twilight turned to Silver Bulwark suddenly. “Do you have any idea what may be causing this?”

The guard shrugged. “I got a couple ideas, but nothing solid. You want me to try figuring it out?”

“Yeah, and then we can tell them off for destroying the bridge thats supposed to be here,” Pinkie Pie added with an irritated snort.

“D-d-don't rush to c-c-conclusions,” Fluttershy warned.

“Yeah, it might have been someone else,” Applejack remarked.

Silver Bulwark placed a hoof against the side of her head and closed her eyes, focusing intently on the river. “They seem intelligent, and--Wait, hold on. Here they come.” Silver Bulwark took a step back and drew her sword.

All around her weapons were drawn and fighting stances taken, all save for Fluttershy, who ducked behind a nearby tree. A second later the water calmed, only for a massive serpentine shape to emerge from the surf, towering over the gathered ponies. Though the creature didn't have any legs, it did have a pair of long, spindly arms and a body that was easily dozens of metres long.

The creature’s scales were a vibrant purple, quite thick and polished to a resplendent shine. Despite the monster’s enormous size, its face was surprisingly expressive, with bushy orange eyebrows, a long snout, and a pair of fins on either side of its head. It also had an enormous well-coiffed mane, as well as half a moustache, which had been enough to convince Twilight that it was indeed male.

“And who are you? Come to destroy another bridge and rob me of the other half of my moustache, hmmm?” boomed the great serpent, his voice warbling slightly and sounding vaguely like a fashion designer Twilight had met when she was much younger.

“Uh, no?” Rainbow Dash remarked, shrugging her shoulders. “Unless one of you girls went ahead and somehow blew up a bridge.”

“Now how would we even go about doin’ something like that? We’ve been together pretty much no-stop since we left Ponyville,” Applejack deadpanned.

“I dunno,” muttered the pegasus.

Twilight took a step forward. “Mister Serpent, we were hoping to cross the river, if at all possible.”

The serpent blinked. “Well, at least this bunch of ponies have some manners.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Unlike the last bunch of brutes who came through here.”

“Could you m-m-maybe t-tell us about them?” Fluttershy asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The serpent leaned down until his huge head was level with the small group. “What was that, dear? I didn't catch what you said.”

“She asked if you knew anything about the last group,” Spike offered.

“I don't know much I’m afraid, but I’ll do my best to paint the scene as it were.” The serpent sighed. “There I was relaxing underneath my favorite bridge when all of a sudden it started falling apart! I narrowly avoided getting crushed, however in the chaos I lost half of my amazing moustache.”

“It is quite fitting,” Rarity offered.

The serpent smiled and batted his eyelashes. “You're too kind.”

“Where was the bridge anyway? I don't see anything left.” Scootaloo pondered aloud.

“Looks like it was over here,” Rainbow Dash answered.

Twilight frowned when she saw the handful of stones still stuck into the earth. “Well, that's unfortunate,” she muttered.

“Yes indeed. Now, however, will I get any company in this place?” bemoaned the serpent.

“Have you thought about moving closer to a town or city perhaps?” Rarity offered.

“I have, but I do so enjoy the calmer waters,” replied the serpent who suddenly perked up. “Oh, and the name is Steven Magnet, and you all are?”

The group introduced themselves one after another, ending with Twilight.

“--and were here to reach the Castle of the Two Sisters,” exclaimed the infested unicorn.

“Then you will need to get across this river,” Steven Magnet stated, scratching his chin. “I don't suppose you know a spell to give me back my moustache perhaps? You ponies are ever so good with magic.”

“If that is what is necessary to acquire your aid, then I suppose I could come up with something.” Twilight turned towards the group. “I don't actually know a spell capable of doing something like that, so I’ll need a minute to invent one.”

“No need, darling,” declared Rarity who levitated into the air until she was face to face with Steven. “I know just the thing.”

Steven Magnet clapped his hands excitedly. “Oh, that is just fabulous, thank you, dear.”

“Just hold still and…. voila!” Rarity exclaimed as Steven Magnet suddenly regained the missing half of his moustache in a flash of magic. “Good as new.”

The serpent looked down into the water, marveling at his facial hair. “Oh, my goodness, it really is as good as new!” he exclaimed.

“Not quite as good, I’m afraid,” Rarity warned. “Though it is a complicated illusion that should stick long enough for your real moustache to grow back.”

“Good thinking, Rarity,” shouted Spike.

“Yeah, that’s some real fancy spell slingin’,” Applejack added.

“Thank you, darlings. Now, Steven, if you wouldn't mind,” Rarity exclaimed.

The serpent bowed slightly. “Of course.”

Steven extended his body from one side of the river to the other, creating an impromptu bridge which Twilight gingerly began to walk across. Her friends soon joined her, and in no time at all they were on the other side, and Steven Magnet pulled his body beneath the waves once more.

“There we are. Right as rain,” he announced with a smile.

“Thank you again, M-m-mister M-magnet,” Fluttershy announced, her voice rising above a whisper.

“It was my pleasure, ta ta now. Do come back for tea sometime!” Steven exclaimed before slipping back beneath the water’s surface.

Twilight gestured to her right. “The path should pick back up where the other side of the bridge would be.”

“Right, and remember the marching order, ladies,” Silver Bulwark declared before slipping her sword away and taking point.

Spike snorted bitterly and crossed his arms. “Were not all ladies, you know.”

“So where did you learn that spell from?” Twilight inquired, turning to Rarity.

Who shrugged and continued to float along the water’s edge. “Just an acquaintance of mine who knows quite a bit about illusion magic. They even pioneered a method of blending psionics and magic, creating some quite amazing and unique spells.”

“Oh really?” Twilight replied, raising an eyebrow. “Like ones capable of making all who gaze upon it to become terrified?”

The templar turned and cocked her head at the other unicorn. “I suppose that is possible. You don't think they had anything to do with that little trap, do you?”

“It certainly is possible,” Twilight murmured. Keep a close eye on, Rarity. It's likely that she personally knows who set the last trap, as well as the one that was sprung on myself and Spike all those years ago.

Twilight set her jaw and continued walking, ignoring the chorus of mental affirmations she received to her order. Around her, the rest of the companions had already done the same, trotting or floating deeper into the forest.

Some more conflicted than others.

“Well, this is annoying,” Twilight muttered as she gazed over the misty crevice separating them from the castle which lay just beyond.

“Too bad the ropes were cut, otherwise we could just walk across,” Scootaloo exclaimed, brushing a foreleg against the dangling bit of frayed rope which hung from a pole half-buried in the rocky earth.

“It l-l-looks r-recent,” Fluttershy added.

“Wonderful, those jerks put another obstacle in our way, and I can't just fly over there and grab the bridge,” Rainbow Dash muttered, kicking a stone into the crevice.

“How do you know it's not destroyed?” asked Spike.

“It's never destroyed in the movies,” Rainbow Dash retorted.

Silver Bulwark chuckled and gently patted the pegasus on the back. “Well, if you didn't already notice, this isn't a movie. Otherwise you’d be hotter, and I’d be played by Silver Star.”

“Really, Silver Star?” Rarity replied. “You look more like a Red Letter type of girl.”

The guard cocked her head. “Like, pre-Beach Watch Red Letter, or post-Beach Watch Red Letter?”

“Need I remind you girls that we are on a tight schedule,” Twilight interrupted, stepping forward. “Besides, if Silver Bulwark was going to be played by someone, it would be Steel Girder.”

“Oh yeah, she's got the pipes to pull that off,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Regardless. I think I may have a solution,” offered Rarity who levitated into the air. “I will simply cover the distance and ascertain if the bridge is still functional. If it is, then I shall recover it, and we can rebind it to its moorings as it were.”

“Out of all the days to be grounded,” Rainbow Dash murmured.

“Good thinking, any other possible solution would just end up wasting too much magic.” Twilight nodded. “Alright, Rarity, go ahead. We’ll wait here.”

“I shan't be long, darlings,” Rarity exclaimed before floating out over the chasm.

“B-b-be c-careful,” Fluttershy half-whispered, half shouted.

The fashionista merely gave the infested mare a brief wave before continuing on, disappearing into the mist, leaving behind her newfound friends and passing over the deep expanse without looking down even once. The sound of rushing water from somewhere below her was unnerving enough as is, and that was without the mist which obscured her destination from view.

“Come on, Rarity, you can do this,” she muttered to herself. “Oh, thank goodness, the other side.”

The mists parted and a landing was suddenly made visible, as well as a pair of poles from which hung an entire, mostly intact bridge. Though clearly damaged from the fall and the ravages of time, a quick inspection told Rarity that it would likely still function as intended. All she had to do was grab the bridge in her magic and then lift it back up for her friends to secure it.

“Going to need to focus for this one,” Rarity whispered aloud.

Landing on the other side, she closed her eyes and focused on her levitation ability, crafting it in such a manner that she gripped the entirety of the bridge in her power. She had nearly done so when she heard the clop of hooves from behind her, though she hadn't sensed anyone approach her. Reacting quickly, she abandoned the bridge, rose into the air, and spun around, ready to deal with any potential attacker with a bolt of psionic lightning.

“Oh, zealots. What are you three doing here?” Rarity asked, cocking her head slightly. “And why can't I feel your thoughts?”

The three identical white unicorns stood several feet away, eying Rarity curiously. Their golden armor was resplendent and shimmered in the light of the moon, as did their weapons, which for the moment remained unignited. The arms and armament of the trio was fairly standard, and though not quite as fancy as the ones created by house Blueblood, were leagues ahead of what a civilian should be capable of acquiring.

The centermost unicorn stepped forward suddenly. “It doesn't matter. We have an important mission, one that you will be required to complete,” they commanded, their voice sounding almost as if it were actually a mix of several other ponies all whispering in unison.

“I’m sorry, but do I know you?” Rarity inquired.

“We spoke briefly through the khala back when you stopped at the boutique,” offered the zealot to the right.

“Oh, of course. Your assistance was most welcome,” Rarity exclaimed.

“Yes, everything is proceeding exactly as planned.”

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