• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,387 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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The Classroom

The small group made their way out of the former rink in silence, the women eying Twilight hesitantly. Twilight herself barely noticed the looks she was receiving, as she was busy massaging her temples with an unarmored hand. The dull pressure at the back of her mind had become difficult to suppress, though thankfully not debilitating.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” inquired Fluttershy, a hand on her medpack.

Twilight grunted. “Unless you’re volunteering to bring down the field, then no. There isn't.”

“Why would ya want that?” Applejack asked.

“I don't,” Twilight growled. “I’m just saying that's the only thing that would help at this point.”

“Let’s hurry things up. The next target is just on the other side of the building,” Sunset Shimmer interrupted, stepping forward.

Twilight grunted and double-timed it across the hall, her gaze lingering on the central pillar holding up the ceiling. Though the strength of its defences had been dulled with the capture of the first infested human, Twilight could tell it was still quite strong. She also felt as if she were being watched the entire time she was out in the open, though she couldn't pinpoint the source.

By the time they reached the half dozen doors which barred their entry from the concert hall, a prismatic blur rejoined them.

“The target is secure, Sunset,” declared Rainbow Dash.

“Good. Now let's acquire the second one so we can crack that barrier and get out of here,” Sunset Shimmer replied and turned to Twilight. “What do you sense?”

Twilight sent out another psionic pulse. “Dozens of minds, each one sleeping. All save for one who has somehow managed to mask their presence from me.”

“How is that possible?” questioned Rarity.

Twilight frowned. “I don't know. Her thoughts are… slippery, for lack of a better word.”

“We hitting this place or what?” Rainbow Dash pressed.

“No breaching charges. We may have civilians in there,” Sunset Shimmer replied.

“Allow me,” offered Applejack.

Sunset nodded. “Go ahead. Everyone else fan out. I don't know what we’re walking into, but it can't be good.”

Applejack slung her weapon over her shoulder and stepped up to the door. “Let’s see what we got here.”

Slowly turning the knob, Applejack expected to find it locked or barred, but the door opened easily and without resistance. The entrance simply swung open to reveal a large, poorly lit room filled with rows upon rows of glowing green pods. The walls, floor, and ceiling were all covered in zerg growth, as were the stage entrances on the other side of the room.

The lavatories and changing rooms were similarly obscured, the entrances engulfed by twisted purple flesh, leaving only a single large space. One illuminated only by the dull orange glow that came from the base of each of the seven-foot-tall green pods. This light also emanated from the floor where many twisting, pulsating veins joined into a central bundle that disappeared beneath the stage.

“What the hell?” muttered Applejack.

“So this is where they’ve been making their officers,” Sunset Shimmer muttered.

“Are those people?” Fluttershy whispered in horror.

Rainbow Dash slipped between Applejack and the door, making her way over to the nearest of the pods. Wiping a hand across the strange surface, she cleared away the green residue which had gathered upon it, revealing the unconscious face of a yellow-skinned and blue-haired young man that seemed vaguely familiar to Twilight.

“Flash?” Sunset Shimmer muttered.

Walking up to the front of the group, Sunset quickly wiped away the rest of the slime, further showing the former highschooler. Including the extra limbs that had been grafted onto his body, and the chitinous flesh growing from his midsection. More disturbing than even the added claws and tentacles was the mass of thick veins which connected to his back.

The male was left with only his underwear to conceal his dignity. Though that was a small consolation, given that most of his humanity had been stripped away and replaced with alien flesh. Though an unpleasant sight to the rest of her group, Twilight found herself intrigued by the strange process playing out before her.

She knew from experience that simple infestation would require only a handful of spores and time. It didn't require a safe environment, a warm temperature or what looked like a nutrient bath to sustain the process as it completed. Though the end result was usually little more than a mindless, ravenous husk, while this human seemed to still have all his faculties.

Brushing up against his mind revealed that was indeed true, though his consciousness had been partially rewritten at a base level. Delving deeper, Twilight found that he contained a spark that the other humans he had encountered had not. More than that, his mind was also sharper than the others, and Twilight could tell that he was psionically active.

“Fascinating. This other version of me has found a way to bring out the latent psionic spark in your genes,” Twilight muttered. “Though his mind will remain intact, he will be utterly devoted to his queen.”

“How ghastly,” Rarity murmured.

“Can we save him?” Sunset Shimmer asked, a hint of desperation audible in her tone.

“I don't know,” Twilight admitted.

“What do you mean you don't know?” Rainbow Dash demanded.

“Just that. I don't know,” Twilight reiterated. “This is not something I’ve ever seen before.”

“Preliminary analyses?” Fluttershy pressed.

Twilight shrugged. “I would need to unhook him slowly and monitor both his vitals as well as his mind. A process I don't think we have the time for.”

Sunset Shimmer cursed under her breath and stomped angrily. “Godamnit.”

“Is there any way we can sabotage the infestation process without endangering them?” Fluttershy continued.

Twilight hummed thoughtfully, her hand glowing faintly as she scanned the encased human. “It seems possible. If we stop the flow of nutrients, the process should stop, and the individuals themselves will enter a sort of hibernation.”

“Giving us time to come back and bust ‘em out after we woop the black queen’s butt,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Sunset Shimmer sighed. “I don't like leaving them here like this, but we don't have the space even if we could save them.”

“Follow the veiny things, then?” Rainbow Dash inquired, kicking the lump of organic cables in emphasis.

“Slowly,” Sunset Shimmer warned. “There hasn't been any defences yet, and it isn't like her to leave something so important unguarded.”

“Got it,” stated Applejack who stepped to the front of the group and unslung her shotgun.

“Wait,” Fluttershy interrupted. “Shouldn't we avoid the use of guns? We may injure one of the civilians.”

Twilight tapped her armored knuckle over one of the pods, causing it to jiggle slightly, its occupant grimacing in response. “Seems likely.”

“How unfortunate,” Rarity remarked as she slung her shotgun over her shoulder and pulled out a long, serrated blade. “Melee combat always gets so… messy.”

“It's better than the alternative,” Applejack replied, following her friend’s lead and unlatching her axe.

“Speak for yourself. I’ve been dying to try these babies out for a while,” Rainbow Dash added as she slipped a pair of spiked knuckle dusters over her gloved hands.

Sunset Shimmer unsheathed a long narrow blade from a hidden pocket. “Right, let’s go.”

Together they slowly made their way towards the distant stage, each one keeping an eye out for danger. Twilight quickly grew annoyed that her psionic abilities weren’t as reliable as she would like, so she switched tactics. The quick scanning spell she cast didn't make it far before it dissipated into nothing, disrupted by the field placed over the building.

Just great, Twilight thought to herself. The only thing I learned was the temperature of the room.

With little else to do but watch and wait, Twilight readied a concussive spell, her gaze sweeping over the rows of pods. Around her, the rest of their little squad was doing the same, each one gripping their weapon tightly. All save for Fluttershy, who was holding a flash bang closer to her face than what was likely advisable.

No ambush came, and the only sound was the clomp squish of their boots treading through the unpleasant ground. That was until they neared the stage itself, then a dull thumping noise, not unlike the beating of a heart, could be heard emanating from within.

“What is that?” Rarity muttered in disgust.

“It sounds like a heart,” offered Applejack.

“Whatever it is, it's under the stage,” Sunset Shimmer offered.

“I got it,” declared Rainbow Dash who leaned down and lifted open the flap at the base of the stage.

A space previously occupied by hundreds of chairs was now completely filled by a pulsating black organ. Deep veins extended from the organic mass and into the walls as well as the floor. With each pulse a thick sludge was pumped up from somewhere far below and then contained within several thin pustules growing off the side of the heart-shaped object.

“That is downright nasty,” Applejack remarked.

“How disturbing,” muttered Rarity.

“So this must be the linchpin of their conversion process,” Sunset remarked.

“I think so,” added Twilight. “If we destroy it, we should be able to stave off the infestation long enough for you to return at a later date.”

“Right. Rainbow Dash, grab the charges. We need something relatively low yield, but focused,” Sunset Shimmer exclaimed.

“Hell yeah. It's about time I get to blow something up,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, plucking a trio of flat explosives from her belt.

“Hold on, something isn't right,” Fluttershy whispered. “Do any of you hear that?”

“I think-” was all Sunset Shimmer managed to utter before a foot-long spike embedded itself in the lower section of her left arm.

Sunset’s sentence turned into a scream of pain, her weapon clattering to the ground. Thankfully for the rest of them, Rarity reacted quickly, conjuring a shield above them and blocking three more spikes. Each one of which was fired with enough force that it caused a spiderweb of cracks to form on the barrier.

“Get its attention, I can’t hold it for long!” Rarity exclaimed, her voice cracking under the strain.

“I got this!” shouted Rainbow Dash a second before she was replaced by a prismatic blur.

The rest of the squad separated, grabbing their weapons and scanning for any sign of their unseen attacker. All save for Fluttershy and Twilight who were moving to help the screaming girl now lying in agony on the ground.

The injury was brutal, and it was remarkable that the limb hadn't been cleanly removed due to the sheer amount of damage done to it.

While Fluttershy scrambled to open her medical kit, Twilight knelt down and grabbed the other woman’s shoulder, holding her still. In an instant a dozen plans were considered and quickly tossed aside, discarded due to the most pressing matter at hand. Sunset Shimmer’s suit had been breached, not only that, but her heart was likely sending spore-filled blood to every part of the girl’s body.

Even if Twilight could save her friend’s arm and heal the damage dealt, it would mean allowing her to be infested. A fate that would likely result in the poor girl becoming a mindless slave to Twilight’s darker reflection. This couldn't be allowed to happen, not while Twilight still had magic and more psionic power than she knew what to do with.

“Treat the wound. I’ll handle the spores,” Twilight stated.

“But I have to inject the stims. Without them, her body won't be able to fight it off!” Fluttershy yelled back.

“It's too late for that. If I don't move now, she’ll lose more than just her arm,” Twilight exclaimed.

“Trust her,” Sunset Shimmer muttered through gritted teeth.

Fluttershy seemed hesitant, but reluctantly put away the needle and pulled out a form of medical gel that Twilight had never seen before. Ignoring what Fluttershy was doing, Twilight focused on Sunset and the zerg presence she could feel rising within her. It took only a moment of calculation, but Twilight quickly surmised that she would need to divide her magic and psionic power in order to stop the spread.

The first thing Twilight did was enact a low grade healing and sterilizing spell around the other girl’s arm, bathing it in a soft golden light. Within seconds the source of the infection had been neutralized, though it would quickly become a problem again if she stopped. Worse still, the strain of the spell would quickly grow over time, but Twilight knew she could handle it. She just needed to hurry.

Reaching out with her mind, Twilight tried to order the individual zerg spores to self-destruct, but there were too many. Like trying to grab a handful of sand, Twilight couldn't hold onto them all long enough to kill them. She would need to change her approach, which meant starting with the most important part, Sunset’s mind.

Gripping the other girl’s helmet with her armored hand, Twilight ignored the continued sounds of fighting and focused only on Sunset Shimmer. Extending her senses into her head, Twilight wrapped a psionic glove around a newly formed mass of zerg cells and issued a self-destruct order.

For a moment, Twilight worried that they might be too different from her own harmonized cells for the command to be effective. Thankfully a moment later she felt a chunk of the infested cells die off suddenly. Though not a significant number, the process was a success, proving that Twilight could win if she moved quickly.

Sunset shimmer groaned, the sedatives pumping through her veins no doubt dulling the pain to the point that it was manageable. Around them Twilight could hear shouting punctuated by the dull thwump of a spike flying through the air. Though there weren't any more screams, Twilight could hear Rarity grunt in pain every few seconds, blocking another wayward shot with a conjured shield.

Please don't let me get turned into one of those things. I would rather die, Sunset Shimmer thought, squeezing her eyes shut.

I won’t let that happen, Twilight declared, quickly getting to work.

Hunting down groups of infected cells felt a lot like playing some horrible version of whack-a-mole, but Twilight quickly gained the upper hand. Though successful, clearing Sunset’s brain of infested tissue took considerable effort, and Twilight could already feel her migraine returning. Pushing such minor considerations away, Twilight continued on, clearing out more and more of the wayward spores.

Vast swathes of tissue needed to be purged, but in time Twilight managed to remove the vast majority of the infestation. Right before she was about to shift her attention to the other girl’s extremities, Twilight felt something strange. Behind and to the left of the girl’s heart was an organ Twilight hadn't expected to find within a human.

A bundle of nerves joined together to create a wellspring capable of gathering mana, and stranger still, Twilight could tell it was pure. Even then, it was barely enough to cast a simple light spell and was roughly comparable to that of a child. Yet despite the presence of it and several secondary wells, her body seemed unconnected to the source of Sunset’s magic.

It neither reached up into her skull like in a unicorn or to the ends of her limbs like in an earth pony. The entire series of organs felt half constructed, as if they were meant to be better connected, yet weren't for some reason. Twilight was tempted to inspect this strange set of circumstances closer, but Sunset Shimmer wasn't out of the woods yet.

Whatever Fluttershy was doing must have been working, Though Twilight could tell that Sunset had already lost a lot of blood at this point. Not only that, but they couldn't remove the spike, nor could Twilight afford to stop her search for more of the infested tissue.

By then the constant flow of magic was beginning to make the larger of Twilight’s hands start to glow brightly. Heat began to bloom from within the distorted limb, burning the infested woman’s limb from the inside out. Despite the pain and increasingly wavering focus, Twilight continued on, determined not to lose anyone.

While she continued her hunt for the last remnants of infestation, the battle with their mysterious opponent raged on unabated. Unknown to Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Applejack had been locked in a heated fight for several minutes. A struggle which had begun with Rainbow Dash pulling out her submachine gun and aiming up at the ceiling with one hand.

“Come on out so I can fill you with lead!” shouted the girl as she sprinted between the many podded humans.

“Yeah, come on down here, you varmint!” added Applejack.

“I would love nothing more than for you to get your wish,” replied a strange, reverberating voice similar to the other infested.

Though there was one part of the creature’s words that was different, namely the soft undertones the pair found oddly familiar. The gentle, educated way the creature spoke reminded them of a person they had both seen many times over the years. So poignant was this familiarity that the pair quickly slid to a halt and exchanged a nervous, knowing glance.

“It can't be,” muttered Rainbow Dash.

“Cheerilee, is that you?” Applejack asked, her axe hanging slack in her grip.

A sudden whoosh of air drew their attention above the row of pods, to where the twisted form of their former teacher waited for them. Her arms had become hideously long, deformed to the point that they had become large leathery wings. The woman’s torso had narrowed, her legs having fused into a long segmented tail that ended in a strange, toothy orifice.

Cheerilee had a strangely peaceful expression on her partially plated face, though the spines which sprouted from her back twitched angrily. Gone was the older woman’s soft pink skin, replaced almost completely by a mass of brown chitinous plates.

“What the hell happened to you?” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“What do you think happened to me?” Cheerilee shouted before a long spine shot from the end of her tail.

The attack only narrowly missed the girl, thudding into the ground where she had been standing a second before she rolled out of the way. Three more attacks followed after the first, the long spines all burying themselves in the fleshy ground. Unable to hit her target, Cheerilee dipped to the left, lining up a shot on Applejack and releasing another salvo of spines.

Applejack quickly raised her shotgun like a shield. The first spike bounced off, but not before denting the barrel while the second tore off the stock and the third shattered the weapon completely. Now stuck out in the open with little cover, Applejack hesitated briefly before ducking behind one of the podded humans.

She expected to hear a gurgled scream as the unfortunate soul was killed in the crossfire, but thankfully that didn't happen. Instead she heard the sound of leathery wings beating hastily as the infested creature tried to get a better line on her target. Applejack tapped the pod and noted that it certainly wouldn't have stopped such an attack, but before she could contemplate her next move, she was forced into motion once again.

Rolling further down the line, Applejack took a glancing blow to the shoulder and tumbled into an undignified heap. Before the infested human could capitalize on this, however, Rainbow Dash returned, her submachine gun spraying wildly. Barely able to control the weapon while moving so quickly, Rainbow Dash kept her spread high in order to ensure no pods got caught in the crossfire.

Forced to dodge out of the way of the counterattack, Cheerilee gained altitude before swooping away once again. Leaving just enough time for Applejack to pick herself back up, and for Rainbow Dash to get beside her.

“We can't let her near Sunset, but we can't take her down with guns. What are we supposed to do?” Rainbow Dash half asked, half stated.

“Well, she won't hit the pods, so it's safe to use them as cover,” Applejack replied.

“But how do we fight back?” demanded Rainbow Dash.

Applejack grunted. “I got an idea. You lead her off, then hide. I’ll create an opening for you.”

“Right!” Rainbow Dash replied.

Leaping out from behind cover, Rainbow Dash was forced to jump, duck, and roll out of the way of a trio of attacks. Even with her speed, it was close, with each one of the projectiles missing by mere inches. Now more than a little startled by the surprising accuracy of her enemy, Rainbow Dash quickly broke into a sprint.

Pouring on the speed and abandoning her gun, the girl gripped her knuckle dusters tightly as she wove in and out of the rows. Numerous spines thudded into the ground behind her, growing closer by the second, all while leathery wings flapped hard overhead. Despite how close the enemy’s attacks were getting, Rainbow Dash remained confident she could keep dodging for as long as she needed to.

That was until she turned back down a row she had already ran down a second earlier and found that it wouldn't be quite so easy. With dozens of foot-long spikes now sticking out of the ground, It was hard not to trip on the many hazards. Forced to move in a more predictable pattern, Rainbow Dash had to duck under a shot which would have gone straight through her skull.

With time the paths available to her were growing narrower, decreasing the amount of room she had to dodge. A fact that would only become more apparent as time passed and additional spikes were fired, leaving Rainbow Dash with even fewer options. With death now breathing down her neck, Rainbow Dash felt her heart begin to pound noisily in her chest.

You better hurry up, Applejack, 'cause I can't keep this up forever! Rainbow Dash thought.

Zipping around a corner, Rainbow Dash nearly stumbled to a halt when she saw Applejack had shed a layer of armor. Though still adorned with her heavy black suit, and helmet, the girl had discarded her most potent protection. Not only that, but she was standing directly in front of a pod, her axe raised and ready to kill the podded individual she stood in front of.

“Hey, over here!” Applejack shouted.

“What do you hope to accomplish by being so foolish?” Cheerilee demanded.

“If you shoot me, you’ll kill the person behind me, but if you don't fight me, I’ll kill them myself!” Applejack shouted.

The second she heard those leathery wings stop, Rainbow Dash rolled out of the way, running down a side row.

Cheerilee didn't notice this, however, as she was busy glaring down at Applejack. “You wouldn't.”

“You wanna bet?” Applejack replied, raising her arm slightly higher.

For a second the pair faced off in silence, then with a grunt, Cheerilee surged forward. Wings flapping hard, the infested human seemed intent on using her spiked lower appendage in melee. In an instant the zerg had nearly reached her target, only for a prismatic blur to burst from the shadows and collide with her in midair.

A desperate scramble ensued as Rainbow Dash tried to pin Cheerilee’s wings with minimal success. Unfortunately for the infested human, Rainbow Dash was more than heavy enough to weigh her down. Once she hit the ground, a flurry of blows knocked the sense out of Cheerilee, leaving her dazed, bloody, and confused.

Though she scratched and scrambled, the infested human could barely offer a counterattack before something much heavier landed atop her. It took only a few seconds until Applejack had the ex teacher face down on the ground, wings pinned securely. Cheerilee’s continued struggles quickly turned into a wasted effort as the young woman was simply far too strong.

And so with a sigh, she fell slack. “Well, you did it. Now finish this,” she muttered bitterly.

“We’re going to save you, Miss Cheerilee. You don't have to fight us anymore,” Rainbow Dash stated.

“The eggheads have been working on a way of fixin’ people like you,” Applejack added.

“Living like this for even a moment longer would be a fate worse than death,” Cheerilee angrily spat. “Even without her presence, I can't escape the orders she programmed into my head. The second you let me go, I’ll be forced to attack you again.”

“I know it sucks right now, but we got ways of helpin’ ya,” Applejack exclaimed. “We can even help get yer arms and legs back.”

“I don't care about my body,” Cheerilee shouted. “I’ve done horrible things to the children I was supposed to protect. Things I can't live with.”

“It couldn't have been that bad,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

Cheerilee’s glowing gaze fixed firmly on the athletic young woman, making her flinch. “I was the one who figured out how to secure their loyalty while keeping their intelligence. I am the only reason this damned war has gone on as long as it has!”

“N-no. It can't be,” Applejack murmured.

“It’s the truth, and you know it! So unless you have a time machine in those rubber pants, there isn't anything you can do to help me,” Cheerilee muttered.

“There's gotta be something…” Rainbow Dash’s voice trailed off.

“There isn't,” Cheerilee whispered. “Please, just end this.”

Rainbow Dash exchanged a look with her companion, and though they could not see each other’s eyes, they knew what needed to be done.

“I’ll hold her, you grab my axe,” Applejack whispered.

“I don't like this,” Rainbow Dash muttered, picking the weapon from the ground.

Cheerilee smiled. “Thank you, girls. I always knew you’d grow up to become-”

The ex teacher never finished her statement as her head was suddenly removed from the rest of her. Cheerilee’s wings twitched vigorously, as if her body had yet to realize it was dead. It didn't last long before it fell still, and a small, somber smile crossed Cheerilee’s face.

Applejack dropped the limp form and quickly rose, snatching the axe out of Rainbow Dash’s hand. “What the heck was that? You can't even let a poor woman utter her final words in peace?”

Rainbow Dash sniffed. “I knew if she did, I wouldn't be able to do it.”

Applejack sighed. “Just… just grab your gun. We still got a mission to do.”

“Right,” Rainbow Dash murmured.

After gathering themselves once more, the duo made their way over to the front of the room at a slow, steady pace. Rainbow Dash reloaded her weapon, tucked her knuckle dusters away, and did everything she could to distract herself. Applejack was hastily piecing her armor back together and fitting it in place one plate at a time.

When they reached the front of the room once again, they found that Rarity was kneeling on the ground and breathing hard. Though clearly exhausted, the fashionista was uninjured, as were Twilight and Fluttershy. Sunset was a different story entirely, as the long spike still stuck from her arm.

Bandages and gel covered the wound, and the entire arm now hung in a sling across Sunset Shimmer’s chest. She had long since lost the strength to stand and was now being cradled like a child by the towering infested woman.

“Is she okay?” Applejack inquired, gesturing to Sunset.

“She’ll live,” Twilight replied.

“Is she going to turn?” Rainbow Dash added, a hand on the butt of her gun.

Fluttershy quickly shook her head. “Twilight managed to stop it with magic, but she’s going to be out for a while.”

“Status?” Sunset Shimmer asked weakly.

“Sunset, you're supposed to be resting!” Fluttershy admonished.

“I can rest when I know what happened,” Sunset Shimmer murmured, turning her head to Applejack. “Report.”

The farm girl sighed and hung her head in defeat. “We failed.”

“Failed?” Rarity inquired, the girl struggling to stay upright.

“We couldn't take her alive,” Rainbow Dash elaborated.

“Was that what she wanted?” Sunset Shimmer gently inquired.

Rainbow Dash nodded slowly.

Sunset sighed. “Then it's an unfortunate, though acceptable outcome.”

“What now?” asked Applejack.

“You all proceed on without Rarity and I,” Sunset answered. “We’re either too exhausted or too injured to be much help at this point.”

“Who’s in charge then?” inquired Rainbow Dash.

“I am,” Twilight stated confidently.

“Bullshit you are!” Rainbow Dash spat. “Who's to say you didn't mind freak Sunset while we weren't looking!”

Sunset Shimmer raised a hand weakly. “You both know that neither of you understand what you are about to walk into. Only Twilight has even the foggiest idea as to what we’re up against.”

“I don't like it, but it makes sense,” Applejack admitted.

“You’ll need to follow her lead if we are going to make it out alive,” Fluttershy added.

Rainbow Dash angrily kicked the fleshy ground. “Fine, but after you’re all fixed up, we are having a long talk about who’s number two around here.”

Sunset Shimmer chuckled, the laugh coming out more like a dry heave. “So long as we all make it out of here, I’ll accept any punishment you see fit, now set those charges already.”

“Whatever,” Rainbow Dash muttered, brushing past Twilight.

“Are you sure about this, Sunset?” Twilight asked.

Sunset Shimmer shrugged as best as she could manage. “Not even a little bit, but I have a feeling they are going to need you.”

Rarity conjured a long shield in front of her. “I’m ready for her, Twilight.”

The infested woman gently laid the other girl on the makeshift stretcher. “Don't worry. I’ll bring them all home.”

“You better, ‘cause they’re all I got left,” Sunset whispered.

“Oh, Sunny,” whispered Fluttershy.

“Get us out of here, Rarity. Crying in this suit sucks,” Sunset Shimmer remarked.

“Don't I know it, darling,” Rarity murmured.

A trio of dull thuds could be heard a second before a tidal wave of black goo gushed out around their boots. Thankfully the sticky mass of unpleasant liquid quickly drained into the floor, leaving behind only an unpleasant residue.

A second later Rainbow Dash returned, though the bounce had yet to return to her step. “It's done,” she declared.

“Good, now let's get this over with,” Applejack muttered, shouldering her axe.

“Right, stay behind me,” Twilight commanded.

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