• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter Nine, Exercises In Utility: Zecora's here!


I was still afraid of being abandoned, even though I logically knew I was loved.

Though I feared waking up from the dream I was living, I managed to enjoy the party.

My sleep was going to be uneasy dreams… or they could just be of me sitting under a tree in comfort with my friends.

They were all so close to me now, I just needed to get my anxiety under control.

I truly wanted to ask Jade out on a date after she gave me an open invitation to, but I couldn’t do it any time soon if I’m going just to doubt myself among other things. I wanted to be of a completely sound mind when I asked Jade out.

Aside from the anxiety, I think I can get through this evening just fine.

-The next day, Zecora-

I have been traveling for a while, it’s been far more than a single mile.

I really don’t need to think in rhyme, but it helps me gather my thoughts. I shoved a bush out of my way and tried to find the way towards the place of a rumored alchemist or witch. The zebras I spoke to couldn’t agree on what she was talented in, but they said her food was magical at the very least.

Apparently this witch of good taste lived out here in a little know place, it is something I wished to see for myself with the eyes in my face.

Pushing another bush out of my way, I came upon a sight rather queer. It was quite unusual an empty place with signs of a party having been here. There was a large amount of destruction, what had happened?

I stayed in the bush and looked about. Nearby I could see farm lands, two boats turned into buildings and a flying boat that looked alright and untouched.

None of the buildings were damaged, but the ground had the prints of wild elephants around. Also marking of tentacles, humongous feathered wings and several other curious things. Elephants weren’t even native to this region or at least I didn’t think they were, well I did see a giraffe or two. Whatever made those markings on the ground, it was no elephant.

“Something terrible must have happened here! Hello, is any pony near?” I looked through the destroyed party stuff and eventually found something moving under a banner next to the fire.

I quickly hurried over to it to see, if someone was in need of me. Lifting the banner, the reaction wasn’t what I sought, much less the appearance beneath the banner was not someone injured that I thought.

“Excuse me, I’m trying to rest here after a one eyed flying purple pony eater attacked last night.” The pony before me had purple blunt cut hair, judging by her clothing she looked to have been roughed up by something larger than a simple mare. On the whole she looked perfectly healthy. “It tried to eat one of my sisters, one of the friends I made here and a resident at the nearby farm. I was displeased with that state of events.”

“It seems like the creature was truly quite massive, also why do you seem so passive?” Especially after an attack from a creature as large as the one that made the tracks through this area. There were a few other curious things around here and quite amazing to me, because how did I not notice that pyramid until I got this close? Also the fire had a powerful magic surrounding it, more than needed for a camp where marshmallows will toast. I took note of the foot prints and the markings in the ground not moving anywhere close to the fire. “Furthermore tell me about this place I have found, why is there no one around?”

“Well my sisters all went home and are safe, but I stayed here to help clean up the mess I made. I should get on that. Also the creature clearly chose the wrong place to attack, especially when the goddess got involved.” She was really quite bland, especially for a mare of the land. “My name is Maud Pie. This is my pet Boulder. This place is called Airship Mauled. I’m going to start cleaning up now, my sister overdid it on setting up this party and I think all of this might be salvageable.”

“Maud do not make me pout, what was the party about?” It certainly seemed as if she was the only one around and I just stumbled across her sleeping on the ground. Also her pet was a rock, an admittedly old one with about six hundred years of history to it. “Where are the people who live here? What has happened to them, I ask in fear?”

“It was to celebrate the one year anniversary of this hamlet being formed. Everyone who lives here is okay, most of them are just off dealing with a pukwudgie attack. The ponies who live at the farm and the inn keeper are still here.” What pukwudgie attack was Maud talking about? I didn’t see any of those dangerous creatures around, but they are native and could be found everywhere in the nearby forests. “Saying the word ‘highland’ around here is taboo because they keep attacking whenever someone says highland pukwudgie or pukwudgies.”

A single pukwudgie charged out of the bush I had been in, much to my very shock as it was the only bush around there and it was open ground all around. Where had the pukwudgie been hiding? It hadn’t been big enough for the both of us.

Maud didn’t react too much to the creature’s single minded aggressive charge. We just watched as it slammed into an invisible wall of some sort a good distance away to fall onto its back. She calmly walked over to it and turned around once close enough.

With a one hoofed buck, she sent the pukwudgie screaming for the horizon as she picked something up off the ground and moved it over to the building pile of damaged party supplies.

She was so calm, and she hadn’t exactly reacted wrong. At least I knew now not to say highland pukwudgie around here.

“Do you know when they’ll be back, at least a place I can have a snack?” After I asked that an answer was swiftly given for free, Maud just pointed out The Witch’s Fare to me.

“You can wait in there or go talk to the inn keeper.” After she said that she continued to pick up the remains of the surroundings. “I’m going to stay here another day and take soil samples myself, I’ll see you around I guess. My sister could still use all the shredded stuff for Nightmare Night parties.”

“Thank you Maud for your time, hopefully the inn keeper has some thyme.” This is where I proceed for the Helping Hoof Inn, hopefully a bit of thyme tea will slake my thirst.

Upon entering the inn I was met with a counter and yet another strange sight, a turtle with wings carrying little orange ball back to a blonde furred cow.

Said adult cow was sitting cross legged behind a desk, she held out her hoof and the flying turtle dropped the ball into the peaceful looking cows hoof.

“Thank you Snickers, do you want me to throw it again?” She had a rather gentle voice and I cleared my throat to get her attention. “Oh hello there, do you want throw the ball too? You can give it a go if you want, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind chasing after it again.”

The turtle landed on the desk and sent me a questioning gaze, she looked to be an intelligent being that was not easy to phase.

“I am not here for the ball, much less throwing it against the nearest wall.” I figured I was addressing the owner of this inn, I hoped to get a room here. “I am Zecora maiden of a mother’s love, is that creature a turtle dove? I would like a room here if you will, also a snack that can fill.”

“Yes, but don’t get to excited about it. She doesn’t like anyone fawning over her because of what she is. Thank you for noticing that my mother was a lovely person.” After stating that she leaned forward against the counter. “Also my name is not Will, it’s Grace. Would you like some already chewed cud?”

“I would like to decline that offer so kind, do you have anything else in mind?” I did not want to tell her what I really thought, a sickness in my stomach is what that brought. “Something a little more to my taste, I do not want your cud to go into the nearest receptacle of waste.

“Well we do have milk and cookies for paying customers, I even made them myself.” Honestly, was this cow as strange as she sounded? I’m beginning to notice she has an airy way of speaking and as gentle as she is, she doesn’t sound like she has much going on upstairs. “Until Arizona made it a rule to not eat more than three cookies a day.”

“Can you tell me from your seat, are the cookies safe to eat?” My words made her look thoughtful for a moment.

“Well I baked some oatmeal cookies and they are completely safe as far as I know, there are no ingredients in them that a pony wouldn’t use.” That sounded okay enough to me cow named Grace. “You don’t mind organic cookies right?”

“Cookies like those I would certainly take, but tea is something I’d rather make.” I don’t think I’d want to drink her milk.

“Tea? Sure, that’s fine by me, just share some with me and Snickers.” Grace seemed quite pleasant and I wouldn’t mind sharing a cup of tea. “You can use the kitchen. Here, let me sign you in Ms. Zecora!”

I was given the clipboard, there were not many names on the paper. Clypeus, Labrum, Labium, Tarsus, Kevin and… is some pony out there seriously named Big Mclarge Huge? I shook my head and just signed my name.

“I must ask how much do I pay?” I queried quite flatly. “As in how much will it cost to stay?”

“For free, only pay what you feel like if you want to.” Really, that sounds a little too nice, Grace didn’t seem to be hiding any ulterior motives. “It’s not like Arizona and I have that much need of money at the moment, we're a completely friendly operation here at Airship Mauled.”

“I believe together we will drink, while having an intriguing discussion I think.” It’s been a while since I exercised some of my knowledge. There is more than one use for my shamanistic practices and alchemy. “I will fix us a nice herbal brew, then we’ll have tea for more than two.”

It seems Snickers the flying turtle approved of my plan to make tea, it should be quite safe for her to consume.


“Okay Fizzy, now that we’re back after that bit of trauma. I’ve got something to do to stop you from moping about me having to rescue you from the monster last night.” I could hear Fizzle grumbling that she wasn’t moping. We were all covered in scratches and nicks from having to deal with puckwudgies… again. “You’re also moping about the fear that you’re not important to me. Well guess what, I’m not going to stop caring about you Fizzle and you shouldn’t be afraid! In fact, mom… I’m going for a highly volatile friendship moment. Jacky help mom prevent anyone from interfering in our moment. Also stay out this Maries, this is between me and Fizzy!”

Maries had been about to say something before I told her off, she obediently sat down. Cheerilee looked worried, she had held up pretty well for having been dragged into a pukwudgie fight with the rest of us. Even Fresh Start got in a few good hits in that fight. We all walked away with minor injuries to show for it, but all the pukwudgies would hopefully stay in traction for a while.

“Really Jade? Fine, my daughter just can’t do things by half or let you mope in peace Fizzle.” Mom absolutely had Fizzle confused. “Give me your stuff, then do it to get it out of your system my little tom cat.”

I gave my griffon feather, knife, the new sheath for the knife and my fish scale necklace all to mom. I proceeded to walk up to Fizzle with only my clothes, my claws and absolutely no magical alchemy. Unless I wanted to use my clothes and I didn’t.

“Fizzle do you really think you’re not strong enough to be my friend, do you think I’ll stop caring about and for you?” I wouldn’t and never will, but what I was about to do would horrify some of the group that helped us stave off another pukwudgie incursion. “Is your anxiety and the resulting sleeping problems really that bad?”

“Yes, it is that bad.” She stated quite clearly.

“I don’t think it is.” I walked forward crouched down so that my eyes met Fizzle’s and I pulled back my hand and slapped her hard across the face. “Fight me!”

“Wha… what are you…” She was crying and I slapped her again, she quickly grew angry and retaliated with a hoof to my chin. Knocking me onto my back, she looked like she immediately regretted it. “Jade… I…”

“Fizzle, you are going to fight and hurt me.” I pounced for her and she rolled away looking at me with the general wide-eyed deer look. “Whether you like it or not, I will make you kick my ass!”

“Why would I ever want to do that?!” I kicked her chin, flipping her back. I jumped on top of her to start hitting her. She knocked me off with a right hook to the face and she bucked me in the stomach, I grunted as I folded around her hooves. “Please stop Jade, I don’t want to…”

I charged for Fizzle and leapt onto her back and she started bucking wildly as I punched her in the barrel repeatedly. She eventually slammed me into the ground by rolling over on top of me and after pinning me to the ground she gave me a split lip with her next hit.

Fizzle then did something particularly brutal to me, in her anger she grabbed both my arms while I was dazed and pulled. She reeled back her head and butted me hard. She dislocated both my arms in a sickening manner and I almost blacked out from the pain. She hit me one more time and was about to again, only stopping once she realized I was helpless.

“Why Jade?!” She was quite angry with me. So I explained myself quite succinctly.

“You can’t be sad and moody… if you’re angry." I smiled at her horrified face. Forcing my left shoulder back into it's socket, I quickly propped myself up to kiss Fizzle on the lips, I held that kiss for a short while. "You’re a beautiful and strong pony Fizzy, also a rather silly one.”

I lifted my arm and poked her nose gently.

"See, you're stronger than me, if only you could see how I see you." I smiled to her. “Fizzy... I know I could wait an eternity for you.”

Author's Note:

I don't know whethter to take this story seriously or not... I'm conflicted about the one eye purple pony eater part and the end of this chapter.

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