• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter thirty one, All Good Things: Caring.


Well I now knew about the organization that was after me, they were called GODLESS.

Not very inventive, but it at least told everyone in the know what their goals were about.

I don’t mind that they were atheistic, but did they really have to actively go after the gods? What did a god do to the mysterious leader to want them all destroyed? Was it a dark god that did something horrible? Did this organization really need to target all gods?

Not all of the gods were bad, plus they really couldn’t target mortals unless they somehow actively involved themselves with said gods in the first place.

My best bet was that someone got burned backing the wrong god and then wanted disproportionate revenge on all of them. Either that or a god couldn’t do something for a worshipper and they were now seeking obscene amounts of revenge after having been loyal to that god for so long. Some gods did have limitations on what they could do for mortals without becoming avatars.

If GODLESS somehow successfully went after Perun, then I might look the other way as I liked Veles more. Veles may be an annoying confusion god, a god capable of resurrecting if killed thanks to how his pantheon worked, but he was a god of the people and would actually prevent a war from happening if it would hurt too many merchants or the lower class.

If a choice between saving Discord of Chaos or Veles of Confusion popped up, then I’d choose Veles paws down simply because he annoys Sekhet and doesn’t, and wouldn’t, use his powers to hurt the little people. Discord was neutral chaotic, at least Veles was somewhat chaotic lawful.

There was a lot I couldn’t find out about GODLESS, mostly because Top Snide was now spewing colorful bubbles from his mouth after barfing up rainbows for the fourth time and his mind was a complete mess by the time I was done with him.

Shining Amor would be tearing apart Snide’s personal crime syndicate now thanks to the information I pulled from the guy, just like he and the royal guard tore up Billion Karats version in Canterlot.

The royal guard had only taken out the visible portions of the organization so far, which they were only capable of doing thanks to my actions. Thankless job being a hero, but I wasn’t exactly one of those now was I? No… but did want to be a hero somewhat.

I never even got the leaders name, but at least I got what Top Snide does in Manehattan and his section of GODLESS was going to be gone when Shining was done. The poor guy does a lot work, between dealing with my annoying habits and trying to get some dates with Cadence off the ground without work interfering. Shining Armor certainly had his plate full of adventure as a guardian to ponies everywhere.

I probably would have run afoul of Snide anyway, had me and mom came here like we originally planned. I might have even gone Power Ponies on this city had we ended up here first. Just think, me running around as a costumed maniac taking the law into my own claws and in general making everything worse for myself and everyone else around me.

That might not have ended as well as what was currently going on in my life, for one I would have never met my little buddy Snickers, my girlfriends Maries and Fizzy or wouldn’t have gone on some amazing adventures.

I would have also avoided all the serious injuries on said adventures as well, but not all things could be perfect in life and it was impossible for them to be. It didn’t mean I couldn’t be happy or content with life as it was right now.

One would think I cared what GODLESS was doing, mostly because it seemed like they were trying to involve themselves in my life. I would have gone on entirely clueless to their existence and probably wouldn’t have interfered in any of their plans, had they just left me entirely alone.

No seriously, they were actively trying to make me come after them and be their problem. It’s seem really highly stupid to antagonize someone you don’t want to interfere in your plans or that you think would interfere if they knew about them.

At best it would have been better if they ignored me and now I destroyed two, to possibly three thanks to Billion and Top being connected, large portions of their organization. All of that done mostly by accident and because they couldn’t leave well enough alone when it came to me!

Also I now knew that there was absoultuely more than one Alicorn Amulet drifting around out there, because the one we destroyed was definitely mostly blown to tiny little pieces that lacked any magic in them.

That was a horrifying thought, there being more than one of those things that could make a pony 'insanely' powerful. Thankfully Sugar breaking the barrier, and making that glass shattering noise when she did, made things a lot easier for us in taking down Top Snide.

Apparently GODLESS’s leader couldn’t ignore me because I was a sun priest, one that hasn’t done anything even remotely actively related to a job that a priestess would do.

I really seriously wanted nothing to do with them or GODLESS. This was despite the assassins, attempted manipulation of my trial to get a worse result for me and now this Manehattan menace that had come out of nowhere to ruin my…

That’s right, its Mom’s birthday! It had passed midnight some time ago, not like we could have a birthday party thanks to all the injuries.

I could still give mom her present though… switching to happy mother loving little kitten mode! I was about to make my way out of the circus tent when Traveling Neko stepped into my path with a smile.

“Good job kid, you saved your mother and all those poor ponies.” Wondered what Traveling Neko wanted, he was nice when gave me a large discount on those cupcakes. “Heard it’s your queen’s birthday, sorry to hear it started off on a sour note. Loved my queen too, mom didn’t care if I was a runt or short. Knowing a queens love is one of the greatest thing a kitten can ever have. I’m still short to this day, but that doesn’t matter much to me given my success and being a legendary merchant among our people. My mom is undoubtedly proud of me, as I’m sure yours is of you! Also I run a lucrative enough business that I can help out a few fellow felines and their families without losing much.”

Four bits for each large cupcake, when normally they’d cost fifty apiece because they were specially made and hard to acquire thanks to the recipe being very unique. It explains why the effects of the cupcakes were even nastier than that time I used one during the Ponyville pukwudgie invasion, that or we had concentrated the effects of the cupcakes all onto one target instead of spreading it out and diluting it over multiple targets.

“So what did you need Neko… oh and thanks for the help!” I was quite polite with him, also quite surprised he didn’t jack up the prices on me because I was walking straight into danger. He was said to be worse than a griffon while remaining completely amiable to talk to.

“You’re welcome! Though next time, you get the full Traveler Neko experience where my prices are concerned.” The purple furred feline was a friendly, if completely ruthless, merchant. I could definitely see it in his eyes now. “Just came to say that I heard about your plans and that double stack large cheesecake you ordered will be delivered here soon.”

“Really, you have that kind of pull here?” I was a little surprised that he would even use some strings for me or that he even had strings in Manehattan at all. Neko was pretty cool and I wanted to idolize him somewhat for his help.

“Hey, don’t underestimate the infamous Traveling Neko kid! Your mother’s magical dumplings are absolutely delicious. I’m sure she could make them without those nifty magical side effects, but where would the fun be in that? Life’s no fun without a little surprise every now and then.” With that he readjusted his huge sack of stuff up on his back and the dwarf Abyssinian smiled at me before walking off. “Enjoy your queen’s birthday and take care!”

“I will, thanks again Mr. Neko!” I waved as he walked off with a friendly smile on his face.

I soon made my way straight into the medical tent to see what my friends were going through.

Upon walking into the tent I noticed another doctor and he seemed to be cowed by something Dr. Bones did. I walked up to Cadence.

“Hey Cadence, sorry you had to see that.” My ears were wilting as I addressed her.

“No, you warned everyone fair and square. I actually thought I could handle… yeah... that...” The love princess was turning a little green just thinking about it. “I don’t think I can touch a cupcake for years without thinking about it.”

“Again I’m quite sorry about that. So how is everyone doing?” I asked, knowing Cadence had turned to assisting Zen because she couldn’t stomach what mom and I had done to Snide… multiple times.

“Well most of your friends are fine. The reindeer and cow, not so much.” She pointed to Dr. Bones turning to check over Arizona with the other doctor following her with a look of wonder in his eyes. “Your sister is okay for the most part.”

She smiled at me as she turned me towards Jacky who was awake and was staring at her removed appendix in a jar. As I approached, she turned to me and the corners of her beak turned upwards.

“Hey sis, how are you feeling?” We were sisters, though I didn’t act as such as much as I should have.

“I’m alright Captain, just didn’t think this would be the first part of me I’d lose.” She poked at the jar with the floating removed appendix in it. “Now I really don’t want to lose any of my limbs, not when it feels this bad to see a part of me that’s now separate from me.”

“Hey, an appendix is vestigial at the best of times.” After a moment of silence I decided to ask. “So… are you keeping it?”

“Of course I am Captain, it’s kind of awesome to look at!” Jacky proceeded to chuckle then grunt while gently putting her talons over her bandages. “I probably shouldn’t laugh.”

“Yeah, anyway, we got incoming cheesecake for mom’s birthday. Most of my plans are down the drain, but we can still celebrate.” I received a smile from Jacky. “Speaking of, I need to go to the hotel room Fizzy, Maries and I were occupying to pick up mom’s present. Do you want me to grab anything for you while I’m there Jacky?”

“Yeah, can you grab my birthday present for mom?” Leaning forward and raising an ear to her beak, she whispered into it. After a moment I nodded.

“Okay, got it! Now I just need to ask Fizzy if she had anything planned.” I looked over to Fizzle and saw that her leg was currently splinted. She looked like she needed a cast, but a splint would do in a pinch for broken limbs.

Maries was still waiting to have their wounds attended to, but they didn’t look to be poor off in comparison to Arizona or Velvet. I made my way over to Fizzy. I ignored Cadence following me with a smile or the love blooming in my heart as I approached one of my girlfriends.

“Hey Fizzy, feeling okay?” I nuzzled my face against her neck, she giggled and whined bit.

“Ow, watch it with those whiskers Jade, they tickle. I’m still feeling sore.” I purred as she lifted her good hoof to start petting me. “You’re always the weird one and that’s while we’re dating a chimera.”

“I know, right? Anyway I’m picking up Jacky and my birthday presents for mom, did you get her anything?” I glanced over to mom who was listening to Dr. Bones about something with a frown as the good doctor pointed to a pained looking Arizona. “Oh and Neko took care of the birthday cheesecake order, he redirected it here.”

“So the merchant has a bit of gold in there after all. I did get one… if you could grab it for me that would be helpful.” I moved my ear close and grinned as I flicked it against her nostril making her sneeze, I giggled until she grabbed my ear in her teeth began gnawing lightly on it. She eventually let go with a small smile as my face was feeling rather hot. “Very cute Jade, now here’s where my present is…”

One more whispered round of locations to look for birthday presents, I dragged my tongue against Fizzy’s cheek affectionately and then set off.


“Despite your injuries I can feel the love practically flooding off all of you, not just between you, Jade and the chimera. Every single being here is connected by a powerful bond of friendship.” I must have had a wondrous look on my face, because the one Jade calls Fizzy smiled at me.

“You have no idea.” Fizzle looked content, even with her broken leg.

“I just wish Twilight could feel this.” I sighed as I thought about Celestia taking Twilight on as a personal student. “My little lady bug, Shining’s younger sister, she’s just so shut in sometimes. I wish she can have friends like you guys.”

“Oh no you don’t, we’re constantly getting into trouble!” She assured me with a bright smile, her eyes were quite beautiful and I could see why Jade was quite smitten with this pony. “You’re better off if that pony doesn’t have friends as insane as the ones I currently have, we get into all kinds of crazy and problematic situations. It’s even safe to say weird things happen to us every other week.”

“Even so, you all lead some very interesting and charmed lives.” I turned and walked towards the entrance of the tent and looked to the moon in the night sky.

The moon was in decline and I could see the mare in it like usual. I looked to one of the stars in the sky, a particularly bright sparkling one that reminded me of Twilight’s cutie mark.

“I wish Twilight had friends like these.” The star then shot off and disappeared, I blinked in confusion. Did my wish just get granted?

If it did, I didn’t seriously think it would ever come true any time soon, mostly because Twilight only had a few friends right now. Spike the little dragon was one of them and beginning to grow up, he was a very talkative little guy when you listened.

It was unfortunate that I didn’t know just what exactly I had asked for when I wanted Twilight to have friends like the ones Jade has.

It was an eventuality that Twilight would become friends with all of them. The magic wish was cast and it was too late to save the Twilight of the far flung future.

Author's Note:

Jade could care less about GODLESS, their goals just don't sound very feasible.

She cares more about her mother alongside her friends, family and loves ones in the here and now.

Just deal with things one day at a time.

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