• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter twenty three, Hayburger Helpers: When Fizzle’s Attack!


Today we have the Jerkus Atrocious, also known as Sell Hard, who wanted disproportionate revenge for being called out on his crude and rude behavior. As well as attempting to scam a beloved iconic restaurant in Ponyvile.

This means his retribution isn’t exactly warranted or even correct and he was trying to get the place shut down through means both legal and somewhat illegal.

Chasing behind him was an Animalia Paradoxa Manticora, specifically known a Manticore or a lion with bat wings and a scorpion tail. It seems that Jerkus Atrocious had attracted its attention and led it to the Hayburger to carry out his revenge for a slight against the restaurant that he failed to perpetrate correctly.

It is very apparent that Jerkus Atrocious was a very petty creature, who was also very frightened by the Manticore that he had attracted the attention of. Upon entering the restaurant the Manticore scared all the Equinous Magicus, otherwise known as ponies, and they all started screaming until one particular member of Equinous Magicus made her presence very well known.

The brave Equinous Magicus leapt forward to meet the threat head on, but it was not to protect everyone. This particular Equinous Magicus is known as Waning Bombus Fructus Torquent or more commonly known as the cat cuddling equine, but we’ll simply call her Fizzle.

It seems Fizzle is very aggravated by the boredom of her efforts this day and was likely to snap or become unhinged if something interesting didn’t happen, this sudden invasion of her current territory by the Manticore was a breath of fresh air for her.

The Manticore seeing an actual threat stops paying attention to Jerkus Atrocious and launched the arthropoda portion of its body, it was a stretchy segmented scorpion tail, at Fizzle.

With a deft leap Fizzle dodges to the left and avoids being stabbed with the poisonous paralytics in the tip of the harsh red tail. Said paralytics when injected leave the prey of a manticore completely helpless for consumption.

It is unknown if Fizzle knows of the poison or not, but she is going to fight this Manticore anyway as it could hurt her friends or family. She apparently needed the stress relief from dealing with so many other Equinous Magicus of varying low or even possibly dim intellects.

The tail reared up again and Fizzle seems to be eyeing it and the monsters face and claws, she was prepared for any movement. The Manticore comes to a decision to try its tail again, this will be a large mistake on the Manticore’s part.

It has absolutely no idea that this Equinous Magicus is far more dangerous than the usual variety of pansies she was surrounded by at the moment. All of which were screaming their heads off in fear at the predatory monster suddenly appearing in their midst in what should have been a safe place.

It was just unfortunate for the Manticore that it chose to attack a more predatory version of Equinous Magicus. One that would proceed to alleviate their boredom all over this Manticore.

Leaping to the right, Fizzle dodges the second attack and the darts forward to grab the tail before the Manticore can pull it out of the tiled floor of the Equinous Magicus gathering spot known as ‘Hayburger, home of’.

The Manticore tries to tug the tail back and out of the grip of the hooves, it gains a surprised look on its face as it realized it has just attacked something that is possibly stronger, smarter and faster than it was.

Sure the Manticore had some bulk working for him, but that only meant more Manticore to injure for Fizzle who is giving him a clearly predatory look as she tightens her hooves around his tail.

Given that the Manticore could not pull its tail from the mare’s strong grasp, it barely had the time to register that it was in for a world of pain or that pain would even be forthcoming in its future.

With an impressive show of strength Fizzle pulls on the tail and lifts the mass of the manticore off the floor to slam it down on its back. All the Equinous Magicus in the Hayburger stopped screaming and waited with baited breathing to see what would happen next.

In the food preparation area of the place ‘Hayburger, home of’, there were the two closest beings to the stalwart and strong Fizzle’s heart. It was a Felidae Sapien and Chimerous Subvertus Barbaricum, they weren’t worried about their fighting beloved companion and were continuing with their work in feeding the herds of hungry mouths without pause.

The other two that obviously weren’t worried were Draconis Magna Naptha and Chiroptera Subvertus Dorsus Impetus. They could see that Fizzle had things covered with her next action, they continued food preparation alongside the Felidae Sapien. Though they would assist if thing got out of hoof, who they would be assisting was a question left up in the air as they might have to save the Manticore from Fizzle.

Fizzle, swinging the Manticore around by the tail twice in a circle in a clockwise manner, released the beast in a well-executed hammer throw that sent it sailing back out through the doors. She then proceeded to charge after the poor Manticore and leapt on top of its downed form to continue attacking him, hoping to bring him to submission quickly.

The Manticore was now horribly confused about its lot in life and the fact that what was once considered prey was actively attacking him and doing so in a manner most successful at that.

Said prey now had the Manticore in a head lock and was bashing his face in thoroughly with a hoof. Not only was he confused, he was now too dazed to fend off the aggressive and quite excited Equinous Magicus that was giving him numerous minor head injuries.

After giving Manducare Pomum her food, Chimerous, who shall now be known as Maries, moved to the counter to start performing the services Fizzle was providing less than a minute ago.

“Uh, shouldn’t someone help?” Pomum asked from the window in a worried manner as she took the two bags filled with food for her family back home, it would be a quite a trek and her family would likely be displeased if the food came back cold.

Even then Pomum thought about getting out her rope out to assist in Fizzle’s continuing overly violent beat down of what was once known as a proud predator.

“Yeah, we should, that poor manticore...” Maries stated as she watched as the Manticore started crying and tried to crawl away. Only for the Manticore to be dragged back by it’s tail into some more pummeling by the rather vicious Fizzle.

“I was talking about helping the pony.” Giving her food provider a flat look, Pomum, more commonly known as Applejack, sighed. She stared at the carnage going on in front of Hayburger. After one particularly nasty right hook from Fizzle, Applejack had this to say about the events going on. “Never mind, I can tie up the varmint after she’s done with him.”

Fizzle now had the most meticulously mangled manticore in a rear leg lock and he was pounding his curled up front two paws against the ground while crying out for mercy. He was also whining about the fact that Equinous Magicus shouldn’t be nearly this aggressive in a language that Fizzle likely didn’t understand at all because it was guttural.

The Manticore was both horrified and completely scared of this new discovery about how capable and strong some prey could actually be. Hidden among the weaker of its species only to pounce when a predator least expected it.

Later on the Manticore would come to associate the color purple or darker colored Equinous Magicus with pain and suffering, especially during a certain event when a night lasted longer than it should have and would be completely traumatized from both that and this incident.

Unlike the Purple Equinous Magicus Eater, this Manticore would go completely out of his way to start avoiding any Equinous Magicus with even a hint of the color purple on them.

The Manticore yelped in pain when Fizzle, who was getting quite excessive now, stomped down on his poor spine with both her front hooves at a point between his wings.

Hitting something akin to a pressure point, The Manticore’s wings went entirely limp and wouldn’t be able to aid him in his escape. He was now clearly at the mercy of the violent Equinous Magicus and she didn’t seem to be in a very forgiving mood today since he was the most entertaining thing to come along.

The Manticore tried rolled over onto his back while swiping at Fizzle with a paw, only this opened him up for a painful move in the near future as Fizzle backed off slightly while crouching down.

Leaping up and forward to quickly perform a right hoofed elbow drop, Fizzle seemed to have earned some applause from the nearby Equinous Magicus that were watching this fight in earnest.

They were clearly amazed at the battle prowess of one among them, someone who not minutes ago who had been lazily working a cash register. The Manticore had come across what amounts to a sleeping dragon, one who it woke up with its very presence.

The Manticore rolled to its feet and growled in challenge, after a moment it stopped and wondered what had it exactly been thinking in doing that? He started backing up slowly when the mare returned his weak challenging growl with a loud roar, it seemed as if Fizzle’s frustrations weren’t entirely out of her system quite yet.

Remembering that Fizzle hasn’t even been struck once throughout this fight, The Manticore realized that challenging her again to get her to leave him alone might not been one of his brighter ideas. Not when he was already badly battered and bruised beyond all measure by said overly aggressive Equinous Magicus.

It was sad, but this would not end well for the Manticore and it would lose any fighting spirit it had for a while after this.


I always felt something kind of niggling at the back of my head around Bon-Bon, yet I could never figure out what that is. All I knew for certain was that she was possibly the best friend that I have ever had.

She offered to take me out to eat today and I chose Hayburger. She just rolled her eyes at me and agreed, then stated that the food here was at least relatively cheap unlike the Savoir and Savor’s cafe where my favorite pie was a bit costly.

I decided to take it easy on her today. So here we were, approaching the restaurant when we heard a roar of some indistinct and alien creature. Could it have been what I was seeking for so long… nope, it was just a crazy pony wrestling with a Manticore with every else gawking at the two.

I ignored them and the fight to go into the restaurant while Bon-Bon gave the fight a wide eyed look, she soon turned to me.

“Do Manticores attack often?” There was a far off look in Bon-Bon’s eyes as if she were reliving something horrible. I heard the muttering of insects and possible a bear, yeah a bear enraged by bees would be pretty bad.

“To be fair I don’t think the Manticore is attacking, I think it’s the mare that’s attacking him.” We came up to the counter where there was a chimera at the cash register…. that’s kind of cool.

“Welcome to Haybuger. Home of the hayburger. May we take your order?” I clapped my hooves at them, these three were neat in how they each said one part of the motto at a time.

“Uh Lyra… that’s uh, that’s a chimera.” Why did Bon-Bon look so upset? It was just a three headed intelligent killing machine, I’d be more worried about the predator outside the doors if it wasn’t losing thar fight so badly.

“Yes they are, and it’s rude to be racist or stare Bon-Bon, I thought better of you.” Looking to the cat that spoke, I wondered what an Abyssinian was doing here and how did she know Bonnie?

“You…” Bon-Bon looked angry for a second before she sent a glance to me, she then seemed to relax way too quickly to be normal. “Ugh, what are you doing here?”

“Um, exactly what it looks like I’m doing here… speaking of which… Maries we should put Fizzle on the fryer next week, I think running the register might be making her a little bit nuts.” The cat pointed out the door to the mare slamming the Manticore’s face into a manure cart.

I’m starting to feel really sorry for what that Manticore is going through, but I wasn’t about to try and help it though.

“A little? She’s mare handling the Manticore its butt in more ways than one… did you train her?” Train her, was Bonnie implying she this cat could teach karate?

“No, but she is our girlfriend.” The cat hugged the Chimera right next to her affectionately and all three head smiled brightly at her.

“Aw, that’s so sweet… and kind of weird… I like it!” I thought it was neat that an Abyssinian, a chimera and a pony were in a relationship.

“I’m beginning to understand how that mare is frustrated enough to beat a manticore into the ground.” Bon-Bon stated dryly only to get a nasty look from the cat.

“Do you really want to start something here Bonnie?” I could almost imagine the lightning flying between them. Still though, how did Bon-Bon know this cat? “Anyway I’m Jade, nice to meet you.”

“I’m Lyra, nice meet you too!” Well today was certainly a chipper round of weirdness, then again I liked weird more than the average pony.

Jade went to say something to Bon-Bon only to be stopped by one of the chimera’s paws being gently pressed against her face.

“Get back to work Jade and no fighting with the customers.” The cat rolled her eyes at them and the tiger headed one that told her that, she turned around and walked into the kitchen area waving back at us lazily.

“Right anyway, I’ll have two Ponyville Pounders well done with extra pickles fried, fries, lemonade and some barbecue sauce if you have any.” The chimera nodded and turned to Bon-Bon.

“I’ll have a Special, mild, iceberg lettuce and edam.” Bon-bon always made weird orders like that, it’s almost like something Pinkie Pie would do, spelling everything with SMILE.

“And to drink?” The goat asked in a friendly tone, this has got to be the nicest chimera I’ve ever seen.

“As for a drink I’ll have some apple juice.” Sometimes Bon-Bon made me wonder what goes on in her head, was she thinking about the one sided massacre going on outside?


In the end the Manticore bared its throat in the hopes that Fizzle would make its end quick, it was just not meant to be and it found its legs tied up with rope by another Equinous Magicus that was orange.

“Thanks, now we just need someone to haul this guy back to where he belongs.” Fizzle dusted off her hooves at a fight well won, now she had some unfinished business with Jerkus Atrocious to take care of and will do so immediately.

Author's Note:

Blind fired this chapter.

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