• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter fifty eight, Off The Map: Blackest night.

Author's Note:

Wrote this chapter while listening to Burly Brawl for inspiration.

Don't honestly know what to think about the announced 'Pony Life' or Pinkie suddenly being an alchemist or buying crazy potions from Zecora.

It's not going to be canon as far as I'm concerned and it looks like a Teen Titans Go style rip off. I already dislike Teen Titans Go, this just makes it worse.

-Embeds don't last, so aforementioned Burly Brawl -Juno Reactor- Don Davis-

-The Plains, Oleander-

“We’re more than close enough Ollie, ALSO I’M TAPPED OUT!” Those were not the words I wanted to hear as Fred’s skull and body was sucked entirely back into the book.

“Everyone cover me, I need all of my concentration to do this!” Having called that out, I started to read Fred’s pages to build up power and prepared to cast the spell while facing the seal in the distance.

I idly noticed Tianhuo setting more of the plains on fire by creating a large burning ring of fire around us all to hold the shadow horde back.

I’d be quite drained after doing this. I hoped Fred and the others could keep me safe when this inevitably knocks me out.

-Shadow Fighters versus Hollow Heart-

Tianhuo watched as the shadow monsters still within the circle were quickly taken out through various means and then she narrowed her eyes at something that was coming down at her from the sky. She flapped backwards and avoided a left wing slicing through the air where she had been.

Within seconds Tianhuo was deflecting multiple blows from four hooves moving almost faster than she could follow. She barely managed to knock the thestral back with a hard left in the exchange, she only took a second to glance into his blood red eyes and the horrible darkness surrounding him.

They shot towards each other and their four limbs flew at one another at blazing speeds. They clashed pushing away from one another several times and then flew back at each other again, time after time until Hallow went for a high kick.

Each blow Tianhuo landed up to the point had burned Hollow slightly, but a few seconds enshrouded in darkness away from the light of her fire healed him almost immediately. Tianhuo, having deflected the kick aimed for her head, threw a harsh right hoof straight into his left shoulder.

Upon taking the blow, Hollow spun with it and swirled around to build momentum and slammed both his forelegs down between her neck and left shoulder. With a loud cracking noise, Tianhuo went spiraling towards the ground.

Tianhuo bounced once and flipped to land on her back, a diving Hollow Heart spread his right wing as he aimed for her neck.

As Hollow got closer to taking out one of the most dangerous of the six fighters with a malicious smile on his face, he was blindsided by an left hoof uppercut to the chin coming from his right that flipped him and forced him to land on his hind legs.

Hollow quickly started deflecting the absurdly strong blows coming from Arizona, while Pom moved forward to drag Tianhuo back and away from him.

Arizona’s blows were actually injuring Hollow as their raw ferocity pierced through the darkness protecting Hollow Heart.

The wild bashing match between them continued on for a short moment as they hit each other with thunderous force, the cow matching the vile thestral blow for blow. The blows they were trading seemed to even be in Arizona’s favor for each hit she landed and blocked.

Hollow looked to be on the losing end, even if his injuries were fading away in seconds. Things changed when he swept his right wing forward.

Having forgotten that he had more limbs to fight with than just his hooves, it surprised Arizona and she was launched away from him to tumble across the ground with a large bleeding gash across her chest.

Taking flight towards the book reading unicorn, Hollow didn’t get very far when he was grounded once more by two shards of ice flew that flew forward and started to circle around him while firing icicles at intense speeds.

Hollow started to quickly, and even successfully, evade the rapid fire onslaught.

Velvet charged the icicle evading Hollow and stabbed at him with a spear of ice created along her right leg, he leaned to the side and grabbed her right leg with her left hoof and thrust his right hoof into her face dazing her.

The floating ice shards ceased firing, but moved to point at Hollow Heart’s back.

The dizzy looking Velvet stomped her left hind leg before Hollow could capitalize on her dazed form. He took a quickly formed reindeer shaped ice statue to stomach that launched him upwards.

Several icicles rained down on Hollow’s spine and wings, peppering his back and impaling him with multiple chunks of ice. One even exploded out through his chest in a shower of gore.

This barely seemed to slow Hollow Heart down at all as he landed, and despite the continually firing icicles quickly turning him into a pincushion, simply grunted and exploded all the ice out of his body in a shower of darkness that destroyed the hovering shards of ice.

Hollow then charged Velvet, who deflected his flurry of attacks and tried to put some distance between the thestral and herself. Hollow missed an upwards swing for Velvet’s floof and received several high speed slaps across the face.

Velvet soon took several painful blows to the chest and face when Hollow blocked and rushed her with bone crunching force, but she was at least far more wary of his wings after what happened to Arizona and managed to avoid having her belly sliced open while leaping backwards.

Hollow chased her down and he rammed his right hoof into Velvet’s nose, breaking it. He launched another powerful blow at her, but Tinsel quickly interposed himself in front of the incoming hoof and generated a snowflake barrier.

Tinsel and Velvet were still sent rolling backwards towards Oleander in a shower of shattered ice bits. Velvet wasn’t too terribly injured by that last blow, but Tinsel was otherwise both badly hurt and seriously exhausted due to the sudden huge magical expenditure on his part to generate a full snowflake barrier by himself.

Velvet struggled to stand up, tears were in her eyes as she looked down at a weakly smiling Tinsel that slowly closed his eyes. Both her nose and floof were a mess, but she was more worried about her familiar.

“Do you seriously think you can stop the endless tide? The darkness will consume you all.” Hollow stalked forward his eyes filling with glee as he came towards her. “I recognize you. The Order of Dark Dreams may have been destroyed, but I will get my final victory with the destruction of this world!”

Hollow lunged forward and missed hitting Velvet when a mass of fur gently shifted her and Tinsel out of the way. He took two rapid painful hits to the face from a blur that staggered him. He lashed out at said fluffy blur, only to be confused when both his hooves and wings met air.

The thestral took four hooves to the back of the head, knocking his face straight into the dirt. He got up and turned to the weakly smiling alpaca that had kicked off of him.

He lunged for her and swung both his wings forward, but his eyes slowly tracked Paprika as she leapt into a ridiculous aerial cartwheel over his head and then bounced off of him with her rear legs stomping his darkness covered backside into the ground.

He rolled and tried to sweep her legs out from under her, she hopped back and he quickly lunged upwards leading with his left hoof.

His left hoof was deflected and his following right hoof grazed Paprika’s neck. She kicked him in the throat with her left hind leg and then turned to harshly slam the right side of her butt into his face while he was gagging and sent him spinning away.

While he was on the ground, Pom’s puppies pounced on him. This was a bad idea for them as Hollow quickly shrugged them off by spreading his wings and slinging his hooves forward, he sent all of them flying and yelping.

He charged forward and started to throw feinting attack to trying and confuse Paprika who frantically defended herself, he eventually scored a direct hit on her chest. Only Paprika wavered backwards and then slammed her chin forward and down into the top of his skull dazing him with a vicious counter.

Paprika frowned at him and launched two large tendrils of fur from her forelegs to try and grapple the thestral, only for him gain his senses and miss being entrapped as he ducked forward to strike her roughly in the belly.

When Paprika was doubled over, he hopped up and performed a forward buck right into her exposed face sending her flopping backwards just to the left of a still concentrating Ollie.

Oleander was still flipping pages and quietly mumbling to herself.

This is when Pom’s four puppies started harassing Hollow Heart with fervor. They bit, barked and nipped at him whenever they could and they didn’t stay still or on him long enough for him to actively hit them with a solid attack.

One of the puppies came down from above to bite his neck, he swatted at the puppy only for it to spin its tail and kick off and hitting his right eye. Another went or his right rear leg, he simply kicked it off only for it to spin its tail and to stop its momentum and come back at him with twice the speed. A third puppy rammed him in the stomach from below and another slammed into his left side going full speed.

The staggered Hollow eventually growled and exploded with darkness freezing all the puppies with fright, he lashed out first knocking the two puppies in the air away from himself and then he kicked the other two sending them sprawling.

All the yelping and whimpering puppies were knocked past Pom who was busy bandaging a distraught Velvet’s nose. The lambkin gave Hollow a furious glare, but she continued to patch up her friend.

Big Mama and the other canines, who had been busy covering for Pom, immediately started moving the four puppies closer to the Ollie and relative safety. They were all scared, but still quite willing to fight to defend the unicorn as it was what Pom needed them to do.

Arizona, with a now bandaged chest, was still catching her breath as she looked at their surroundings with fear. Hollow Heart started stalking toward them as the ring of fire protecting them suddenly snuffed out and the world started turning black.

“Say you’re prayers, for you will soon be consumed by the darkness.” As Hollow said this, the shadows started to surge towards them from all sides.

The only light in the area was that given off by a groaning Tianhuo whose left foreleg was completely limp and in a sling, she was trying to stand up to get back into the fight with various bruises, on top of a broken collar and shoulder from the vicious blow she took.

Pom’s tenko familiar, who had yet to actually do anything productive throughout all this, seemingly did as Hollow asked. The fox moved behind Oleander and put its paws up in prayer and started chanting.

“Kyuu, kyuu, kyuu…” The results of the little two tailed fox sudden chanting were staggering when a pillar of light erupted outwards from it and surrounded the heroes, the pillar held back all the lesser shadows and even some of the larger ones flooding towards them were stopped or slowed down.

“No, I will not lose to some paltry tricks of the light like this again!” The darkness around Hollow evaporated inside the pillar of light. He looked exceptionally stark raving mad about it as he started to march towards Olleander with his sharp wings spread wide open.

It didn’t stop all the shadow monsters though. For instance, a large shadow bear was quickly pushing its way into pillar of light surrounding the fighters.

The fighters all looked at the small two tailed fox with clear surprise and then formed an outward facing circle around Ollie.

The Cerberus among Pom’s menagerie inhaled and let loose three jets of flames at the shadow to their rear. The orthrus and coyote started to fend off shadows from the left. The timber and dire wolves went protected the right side of the barrier. The Cu Sith, Grimm and Canis Major stayed next to Ollie, the puppies and Tinsel.

“We need to give Ollie more time!” Arizona shouted as she started towards Hollow, only to be blindsided as the bear finally forcing its way through the light barrier the little tenko was making.

It forced Arizona to the ground start trying to tear at her with its large claws.

“Almost there…” Ollie muttered not looking up from the book even for a second. Her horn started glowing brightly, looking to hurt and even burn her with the force of the spell she was building up to completion.

Tianhuo surged on to her two rear hooves and used her wings to balance as she attacked Hollow who shot towards the unicorn. She only managed to slow him down for a second, before she spun away from one of his attacks to send out a wave of fire from her right hoof to Ollie’s left to push the shadows back and to help the beleaguered canines.

Hollow tried to go forward now that the longma was otherwise occupied, but was soon met with a twirling bandaged reindeer that was launching a tornado at him. He quickly managed to surpass it, but the aiding shadows behind him weren’t so lucky.

Velvet avoided his next hoof, looked to Oleander’s left and then started to focus on a surge of shadows slowly taking down Pom’s dogs on their right. Pom was actively protecting their rear personally and Arizona was still preoccupied with the large shadow bear. Even all the capable canines were occupied with shadow monsters to some degree.

In the center of it all was Oleander reading the book line by line, flipping the pages as soon as she could comprehend the dark power flowing through the text.

Taking to the air, Hollow performed a shuttle loop and then swept forward towards Ollie at high speeds. There was nothing that could stop him now…

Hollow thrusted both his hooves forward. He suddenly came to a sudden dead stop five feet from his target, as Paprika had popped up in front of him and grappled both of his hooves with her own. He flapped his wings pressuring the alpaca and sliding her back two feet as she dug in her rear hooves and stood her ground.

Where the thestral expected to see some delicious anger or hatred, all he saw was a frown and the alpaca’s pitying eyes.

“I don’t like you.” Paprika stated quite clearly, she lifted her rear right leg back and then brought it forward harshly into Hollow Heart’s chest and punted him up into the air towards the leak.

Hollow caught himself with his wings and was going to attack Paprika to get her out of the way.

Unfortunately for him, he was suddenly hit by the massive beam of energy erupting from Oleander’s horn and that forced him straight into the Shadow Horde’s leak that quickly became sealed off.


“Ollie… get up… PLEASE!” Fred?

My head hurts… I… when had I fallen over?

My vision was blurry.

I could see something huge coming.

Someone landed in front of me.... was that Pom? She looked at me with worry, then leapt forward at the shadow monster while pulling back her left hoof.

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