• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Chapter Seventy Four, Honey Moon’d: From Dusk to Dawn.

-Las Pegasus, Hotel Room, Jade-

“So are we going to get out of bed or…” I asked slowly with my eyes closed, the warmth of two bodies pressing up against me, one a little bit bigger than the other. I could feel Fizzy rubbing her face against my fur.

“No Jade, we’re not getting up for a while.” Having said this, Fizzy sighed audibly in a manner that spoke of complete and utter contentment. “Too comfortable.”

“You might want to let go of me eventually.” There was a good reason for them to let me go.

“We are never letting go of you Jade, not again.” Lazily murmured Fizzy. “Not after what happened the last time we lost you.”

“No seriously, you might want to wake Maries up a bit and get them to let go of me.” Keeping quiet, I still said it and it would provoke an immediate reaction. “I need to use the kitty litter…”

Fizzy reacted immediately and Maries groaned, but the tiger paw lifted off me and the hooves wrapping around my torso left me as if they were on fire.

“My bladder thanks you.” I yawned, getting up off the bed I quickly ran to the bathroom, I did a sun salutation and apologized for not saying hello as often lately.

Once I was done, I just clambered back into bed and my herd clamped back on to me.

“So, are you going to do the security consultant thing?” Asked Fizzy. “You know, just so I can use you as an example for the guards I will eventually be training.”

“Eh, if you have need of a security consultant Fizzy, then you know who to talk to. So long as I can get away with stealing things in a semi-legal fashion.” For example, let’s say I was called in on commission to help train Royal Guards. Would I be paid by how much I can steal off of them or would I be paid by their lack of merit in catching me? It mattered because I’m pretty sure I can steal their paychecks off them without any of them being the wiser, unless Fizzy can actually beat some alertness into them. “Do you want them to always be paranoid or extremely paranoid?”

“First one, then the other.” The bland sarcastic tone says it all, Fizzy was such a sweetheart.

“What else will you be doing with your time Jade?” Maries would always be busier as they have their own law firm in the works.

“Traveling with Jacky, spending time working for mom, there is no end to the kind of job options I have…” There is always somebody who would try to target or blackmail a lawyer, I’d like to see them try with our beloved lawyers. Whoever they are would get on the wrong end of Fizzy and me, which is if Maries didn’t get to them first just for trying. “Provided it’s not math intensive, cash registers aren’t too difficult for me to work so long as they act as calculators for me.”

“Don’t worry Jade, we’ll take care of you and make sure you never have to do finances.” That was probably the best part about being married to Maries, I would never tire of hearing their three voices speaking as one.

“Eh, we’re all set on that front and our marriage looks fairly stable, but why for the life of me do I feel like I’m forgetting something?” Good question Fizzy.

“Do we want to keep living out of The Witch’s Fare?” I asked knowing what Fizzy forgot.

“Ah, well… not forever. Don’t want to impugn or impose on mom’s loving nature and good will.” Feeling Fizzy flick her tail over mine I slowly move my tail to slowly rub against her flank in a teasing manner. I could hear her let out a soft moan. “There’s also how we’re going to get to work and back, Maries can do most of their filing work at home and don’t need to travel to Canterlot and back nearly as often as I would.”

“Heard about the Durable Dinghy?” I queried softly. “It’s pretty fast and Jacky’s working on another lifeboat for travel purposes, a bit of magical alchemy will make the wood tough enough to survive anything that’s not a high powered magical attack.”

“Okay, I actually wouldn’t mind flying to work every day.” Hummed out Fizzy. “I kind of miss flying an airship and that would certainly scratch an itch. How fast can it get me from Airship Mauled to Canterlot?”

“At full power, anywhere between forty five minutes to an hour. Easy enough morning and evening commute unless you plan to run double shifts. Jacky is working on making this one fuel efficient and it can be pedal powered for a good workout. Neither of you would have to wait on the train at all.” Okay, I just had an awful idea. “Speaking of, maybe we should teach Maries how to fly.”

“If we had wings, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” Stated Marie purely for the obviousness of it.

“You know what Jade meant.” Fizzy was a good pilot, I was a decent pilot and Maries were the only ones of us untested in the air. “Maybe we should get two flying dinghies for convenience.”

“Change of topic, what are we doing today besides trying to entice each other in bed and being lazy?” I personally had a few suspicions as to what Luna was currently doing, but I didn’t want to go find out.

“We have something nice planned for this evening Jade.” Feeling Fizzy’s hooves gently stroking my head, I began to purr audibly. “It’s something Luna or Puks can’t possibly ruin, our honeymoon hasn’t been all bad.”

“I guess, but it could have been better.” We certainly didn’t need blankets for the winter months as far as I’m concerned, we had each other hot and bothered enough as it is. “Wait… what happened to all those puks anyway? We didn’t exactly clean them up once we were done beating off a few thousand of them.”

“That phrasing sounded somewhat horrible Jade.” Kissed Fizzy on the nose for saying that and she nuzzled me back in return. “I’m not complaining though, also don’t worry about the puks. Someone obviously took the time to clean them up.”

“Beating off a thousand puks would have been interesting, if completely disgusting.” The giggling goat noises of Maria was music to our ears. I felt a paw grasp at my belly and I blushed.

“Maria that was horrible, but I agree that that would have been rather disgusting.” I pressed my back against Maries’ chest and pulled Fizzy in closer to myself.

We were already teasing one another quite badly, when would we take this up a notch?

-Later that evening-

“Do I really need to be blindfolded for this?” I couldn’t see anything, if only I had a mirror on me at all times like mom does.

“Yes, we wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise.” Fizzy stated somewhere from my left. I was currently on Maries back and I could hardly feel any movement going on.

“Don’t worry Jade, with us here, we’re not going to let anything happen to you.” The feeling of Marie’s tongue caressing my cheek softly with a hissing noise made me smile. “I also don’t see any danger or problems with this.”

“I would like to profusely apologize again for my actions these last few days….” Luna, of the moon, was also here with us.

At least Luna finally understood where she went wrong when she looked up the word honeymoon, she also realized that she hadn’t been partying with us. It’s more sufficient to say she’s been partying around us in an entirely destructive manner.

“For the last time Luna, we forgive you!” Even I said this alongside Maries and Fizzy in exasperated tones.

“Yes, but I have performed many an error against you.” Once Luna found out about all the stuff she had done to ruin many other’s fun, not to mention our own, she was really quite upset with herself. “At least let me make things right by making this night the best that I can for you.”

“Which is why we allowed you to follow us here, just don’t do anything special and make the night sky shine like you usually do.” That was Fizzy putting her hoof down on any more shenanigans, our nights so far have been great and this one was going to be a good one too. “We just want a nice night after watching the sun set, until it rises again in them morning.”

“This night will sparkle calmly. After looking into this, it seems more Cadence’s domain given it is a vacation named for lovers… but it’s a time for lovers at night as well.” Sounded like Luna was trying to figure out her place on this.

“Just take it as a shared domain and call it a day Luna.” I could feel all of Maries back muscles flexing and yet I couldn’t hear the sounds of their paws or hooves striking the ground. “Also you may want to talk to Cadence about this.”

“I will leave you to your night of joy and thank you for not being too upset with me… would you mind if I gave you happy dreams upon going to sleep?” Hearing Luna ask this, I smiled in her general direction. “Twilight might have some control of the sun and moon now, but I am still of the domain of dreams.”

“Thanks for the offer Luna, just make sure no nightmares touch us and we’ll be fine.” Fizzy move and she softly patted Luna on the back. “Maybe you’ll experience your own honeymoon someday when you find a nice stallion or mare, but for now this is our honeymoon and the sun is about to go down.”

“Ah yes, you wish to watch the sunset, I shall leave you to it.” Once Luna was gone and a few minutes later of sitting in silence upon Maries back. I felt Fizzy tug off my blindfold and I blinked the spots out of my eyes to see a beautiful pastel sunset filled with pinks, oranges and purples in the cloudy sky from atop a hill nearby the Las Pegasus Resort.

Maries dropped me off onto a picnic blanket where Fizzy snuggled up to me on my left and Maries came up behind us to watch the sun set.

“So ends a long journey, so begins some new lives.” Fizzy quietly stated as she rested her head against the crook of my neck and we leaned back against Maries together. “Through all the coming turmoil and strife, I am happy to be here with my wives.”

“All our mates’ hearts will be heard, to become together a loving herd.” Maries finished off the statement.

I sniffed the air and blinked.

“Is that potato stew I smell? Garlic, chives, cheese, butter, salt, maybe a sprinkling of pepper. Aw you guys… you know me too well!” I started to sniffle as Fizzy scooped out a portion of potatoes for me and Mara pulled out some fish jerky to chew on.

Other odds and ends were brought out like a coleslaw sandwich with ranch dressing for Fizzy. We all shared some pomegranate juice and we were having a very good evening. The so far unused whipped cream was a promise that things were going to get messy soon.

We watched the sun set together and ate our food upon the hill until the stars came out that night.

“There is a chimera tradition we thought you’d might want to try… we’re doing it wild tonight and we’re going to be quite carnal about it.” Mara growled into my ear making it twitch and my face went red.

“Under the stars, a romantic gesture if I ever heard of one.” Fizzy said calmly as we sat their huddled together eating some food. “If we ever have any problems, then we’re all going to face them together. You have no idea how long it took me to get this potato stew just right.”

“It tasted great Fizzy, but I wouldn’t expect anyone to try and match mom when it comes to cooking.” I could feel all our heartbeats aligning for this one night. “It tastes fresh too and it is definitely a good imitation. I love you.”

“Told you Jade would notice the difference.” It was nice to hear Fizzy giggle. “We love you too.”

“She is the daughter to the one of good tastes.” I felt Maria lick the back of one of my ears.

“Whipped cream sundae?” Maria queried with some excitement.

“You read our minds, time for dessert!” The next few hours would be glorious, far more so than the nights we spent in the hotel room.

-A few days later, Cruise Liner Hospital, Dr. Bones-

“Well… we can certainly say that we saw this coming. Maries is pregnant, you girls kicked off their parthenogenesis. You’ll be expecting a little chimera soon enough.” I watched as Jade and Fizzy clamp onto Maries with bright smiles. “I would like to state that Maries should not magically separate their body under any circumstance, at least until they’ve had their cub, kit or whatever you’ll call them.”

“Cravings?” Jade asked me with worried looked.

“The whole of everything you can expect from a pregnancy, yes. Only this might go much faster than a normal pregnancy. I’ll need Maries to come back to me in a week to make sure things are running smoothly. They’ll probably gain some weight, but it won’t be too noticeable given they are a chimera.” As a doctor, I wasn’t going to fail them and I would see the wee little nipper come into this world with six bright eyes. “As for that cross gender spell you are working on, you might want to settle in with your child before attempting for more.”

“Of course, I’ll be careful with my research. Thank you Zen.” Fizzle told us that Twilight and Cadence were close to a breakthrough and were using Flotsam’s given biology to help with making the spell work. “We’re just going to do some testing with Arizona and Velvet, they are both up for it as Paprika is kind of killing them in bed, she wants some cria of her own.”

They’ve already successfully rediscovered the cross species spell and got it working for a happy shrew and a changeling, now all they needed to do is make it work on the same gender.

I was going to be witness to this bundle of joy they had instilled in Maries.

-A few months later, Jade-

“Maries... paw… crushing… bones…” I was trying to stay calm, but this was really painful. I looked over the sweating and roaring body of Maries to see Fizzy’s hoof slowly being mangled under their paw.

“GET, THEM, OUT!” They screamed.

“Just… keep pushing… it’ll... okay…” A minute later, the child came out and we blinked at its odd appearance.

“Did they... come out alright.” Mara whined as their body fell over.

Dr. Bones was holding a female chimera, they were barely making any noise aside from some loud mewling, neighing and grumbling.

It had a Unicorn head with tufts of colorful hair of a very familiar color that would by their mane, an Abyssinian head and a dragon headed tail that. It had a panther like body with tufts of silver fur over it's many green scales, the hind legs were pony hooves and the front were Abyssinian paws. I was moderately terrified of the dragon wings on their back, as that would eventually be a problem when they learned to fly. They were going to be a little terror in the coming years... our little terror no less.

“They’re absolutely beautiful Maries.” They were fairly adorable, but I was curious as to why they had Fizzy and my features included in their odd biology, I could guess the dragon is a carry over from Maries' Father. I wasn't going to question it too much, their our daughters and I simply loved them already out of maternal queen instincts that most female Abyssinians are well known for.

Hopefully Icky Dress wouldn't be jealous of their little sister. I needed to visit my tree more often, she was probably watching this right now and was positively smiling like only a giant goddess tree that was bigger than several planets could.

"Now I need to take care of your wives before they bleed out... because of course I do!" What did Dr. Bones mean by... oh... so all that blood wasn't from Maries giving birth to our cute little three headed kid. Some of it was mine and Fizzy's blood too. "Nothing is ever truly simple with you lot now is it! If I end up a drunkard within a few years, I'm blaming my liver problems on every single one of you!"

So Maries might have accidentally clawed us up a bit, I had wondered why I was feeling so lightheaded.

I passed out as our Diamond Dog doctor hurried over to me first, most likely making sure that I survived Maries giving birth to at least hear the names of our daughters.

Author's Note:

Next up, the epilogue begins, starting with Jade's favorite pastime.

(Character Sheet # 3 Unlocked.)

Six pages left.

I would also like to ask, who would you like to see a character sheet of? I'm only going to want to do one more, they are mostly for the fun of it anyway. So who is Character Sheet # 4 going to be about?

I've already done Jade, Jacky and Kuril.

Can't do Maries or Fizzlepop Berrytwist, otherwise choose a character you really want to see a character sheet of.

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