• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Chapter 23 - "Lessons"

Rarity woke up early to her doorbell ringing. She made her way down the stairs and slowly opened the door to find a grey pegasus holding brown bag.

"Morning, Rarity." Derpy said.

"Good morning, Derpy." Rarity yawned.

"I have some mail for you!" Derpy said.

Rarity smiled as the clumsy pegasus reached in her bag and pulled out a pile of letters and envelopes. Derpy handed all of them to Rarity and smiled.

"Have a good day Rarity!" Derpy said, slowly walking backwards.

"You too Derpy." Rarity said, smiling back.

Rarity then closed the door and started looking through all the mail, the majority of it belonging to somepony else. She sighed as she knows she will have to find who they belong to. Simmons then got up and yawned.

"Who was that?" Simmons asked.

"That was the mailmare. Apparently I have mail." Rarity said.

Simmons raised his eyes and saw Rarity holding nearly one hundred envelopes. "I would have never guessed." Simmons said.

"They're not all mine." Rarity said, putting them on a table. "In fact, there is a chance none of them belong to me."

"What a reliable mail service this place has." Simmons said sarcastically.

"Well, Derpy may not be the most reliable pony, but her heart is in the right place." Rarity said.

"Her name is Derpy?" Simmons laughed. "You're kidding right?"

"No, why?" Rarity said curiously.

"Well it's just that back where me and the others are from, Derpy is a..." Simmons started but then cleared his throat. "Nevermind, it doesn't matter. Need any help?"

"It would be much appreciated." Rarity said, pushing half the mail over to Simmons.

Simmons started shuffling through all the letters, all of which belonged to somepony else. He kept going and once he got to the last letter he stalled.

"Who is Fancypants?" Simmons asked.

"Fancypants is only the most important pony in Canterlot." Rarity gasped, snatching the letter away from Simmons. "Let me see that."

Rarity opened it and scanned it quickly, then looked up at Simmons with a huge grin plastered on her face.

"This is amazing news!" Rarity said.

"What is?" Simmons asked.

"Fancypants is sending over one of his friends to get a suit made in a few days." Rarity said. "Apparently he has a rather unique build, so I have to fit him. He said he remembers my work from a party I attended while back and figured I would be the best candidate for making him a fantastic suit."

"That's pretty cool, I guess." Simmons said.

"Do you think you could help me?" Rarity asked.

"How could I help?" Simmons said. "I'm not exactly the best choice of partners for making clothes."

"Well, I know of another way you could help." Rarity said.

"And what would that be?" Simmons asked, raising his brow.

"I could show you how to use the spell that would hold him in place while I get his measurements." Rarity said.

"Do you think I could really learn how to do it?" Simmons said. "I don't know how to use magic."

"You and I both know that is not true. Remember how you broke my spell when you saw that I was getting overworked?" Rarity asked. "I was surprised that you managed to do so and it shows that you have an aptitude for magic."

"Hey, yeah." Simmons said happily. "Okay, sure. Show me how to do it."

"Let's go upstairs." Rarity said, standing up. "You will need complete concentration and we don't want you to get interrupted."

Simmons nodded and followed Rarity up to her room.

"Okay." Rarity said, standing straight up. "To begin, you must clear your mind of everything."

"But I know so much." Simmons said, semi-sarcastically. Rarity looked at him and smiled sweetly. "Okay, clear my mind. What comes next?" Simmons asked.

"Now imagine yourself grabbing me and holding me down." Rarity said.

Simmons raised his brow for a second but shook it off and started concentrating. "Uh, alright." Simmons said. "Then what?"

"The next step is to use that mental image and, I guess, project it through your horn." Rarity said. "It is kind of hard to explain since it is an ability unicorns are born with. Here let me..."

Rarity tried to take a step towards Simmons but found herself unable to move. She then looked at Simmons and started to smile. Simmons shook his head, breaking concentration.

"Holy shit. It worked." Simmons said, a shocked expression spreading across his face. "I did it."

"You're a fast learner."

"You're a great teacher."

"You're far too kind." Rarity giggled. "Are you feeling hungry?"

"Sort of." Simmons said.

"How about we make our way to a cafe and grab something to eat." Rarity said. "My treat."

"Sounds good to me." Simmons said with a smile.

Rarity and Simmons made their way out the boutique and soon found themselves in front of a cafe. Rarity told the server to get a table for two and he led them to a small table inside. The server gave them menus and made his way to the kitchen. Simmons looked at the menu with an inquisitive eye.

"Not much of a selection..." Simmons said. "Just a couple sandwiches and the like."

"Yes, but what they lack in quantity they make up for in quality." Rarity said.

The server made his way back to their table with two glasses of water and stood at attention.

"What can I get you folks?" The server asked cheerfully.

"I will just have a daisy sandwich." Rarity said, handing the menu over to the server.

"I'll have one as well." Simmons said, doing the same.

The server nodded and trotted over to the kitchen and swiftly brought out two sandwiches and brought them over to their table. Simmons thanked him and took a bite out of it.

"You were right, this is delicious." Simmons said.

"I know I was right." Rarity said, winking playfully at Simmons. "So, tell me more about yourself."

"I'm not that interesting." Simmons said without a hint of humor.

"Even so, I would like to get to know you more." Rarity said.

"Alright then." Simmons said, quickly finishing off the sandwich.

He spent the next hour telling Rarity about himself, and after he was finished Rarity did the same. After they finished, Rarity paid the bill and the pair walked out of the restaurant, both clearly enjoying themselves.

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