• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Simmons slowly made his way through Ponyville, saying a quick greeting to each pony he passed, becoming more known throughout the town. Simmons was warming up to the community, almost everyone he saw he knew, be they friends with Rarity or past customers. Once he neared the Carousel Boutique, he started humming a small tune. He walked up to the door to the boutique and reached to open it.

"What are you humming?" A high pitched voice asked from behind him.

"Huh?" Simmons asked, immediately stopping the tune. He turned around and saw no one behind him. "Who said that?"

"Down here." Said the voice.

"Oh." Simmons said, looking down to see Sweetie Belle looking up to him. "I was just humming a bolivian orchestral mashup. You've probably never heard of it."

"It sounded really good." Sweetie Belle smiled.

"Really? Not a lot of people like that sort of stuff." Simmons said thoughtfully. "Hey, I could teach you some if you'd like."

"Maybe later." Sweetie Belle nodded. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

"You were? Where's Applebloom and Scootaloo?" Simmons asked.

"They're at the club house right now, now come on, we need your help!"

"Uh, sure, what do you need?"

"We need your help organizing us. We figured we should start making a list of what we've done in the past to make sure we don't do it again."

"Okay, just give me a minute, I have to give this book to Rarity, then I'll see if she needs anything else." Simmons said as he opened the door to the boutique.

"Okay." Sweetie Belle said impatiently. "Just don't be too long, okay?"

"I'll try to not keep you waiting." Simmons said sincerely as he walked into the boutique.

Rarity was inside, scrawling on a piece of paper, trying to finish up another design, when Simmons coughed discreetly. Rarity continued working on the design, focus completely set on the paper. Simmons coughed again, this time extremely loudly.

"Ah, there you are. Sorry about that, I just get so wrapped up in my work that I sort of lose track of everything else." Rarity said with a smile.

"So I've noticed." Simmons smirked.

"Did Twilight have any books on the subject?"

Simmons nodded and placed the book next to Rarity.

"Perfect!" Rarity exclaimed as she began flipping through the pages. "This will serve as a great reference, thank you for doing this Simmons. I simply didn't have the time what with this being prime design season."

"Don't mention it." Simmons dismissed. "Need anything else?"

"Er, no, not right now, why?"

"Your sister wants me to help organize her club a bit to make them work more efficiently."

"Why didn't she ask me?" Rarity asked. Simmons looked at the stacks of paper next to Rarity, causing her to look at it as well. She grinned sheepishly and nodded at Simmons. "That is a valid point. No, I do not need anything else at the moment."

"Okay." Simmons said hesitantly. "Are you sure you don't need any help? I mean, that is a lot of work you have piling up."

"Nonsense, go help my sister." Rarity snickered, waving her hoof at the door.

Simmons nodded and walked out the door to go talk to Sweetie Belle and Rarity resumed her work. Rarity continued looking at the references, trying to get the outfit just right, when something tapped on her shoulder.

"I'm a little busy at the moment right now." Rarity said, erasing a bit of the dress she was working on.

"I'm sure you can make the time." Twilight said, pulling Rarity's attention away from the dress once again.

"Hello Twilight." Rarity said with a shaky smile.

"Hello Rarity." Spike coughed.

"Oh, hello Spike. How's my favorite dragon doing?"

"Good." Spike said, puffing his chest to make him look larger.

"My, look how strong you're getting." Rarity said sweetly.

"Are you too busy to talk right now?" Twilight asked as her eyes set on the pile of paper next to Rarity.

"Nonsense, it will be nice to have someone to have a nice mare to mare conversation with."

"What about Simmons?"

"Don't get me wrong, Simmons is a dear, but he simply isn't that much for conversation when it comes to certain things."

"What do you mean certain things?" Spike asked curiously.

"Well, when it comes to organization he talks quite a bit, and he is one of the few people who agrees with organized chaos, but there are certain topics where he falls flat."

"Such as?"

"Well, when I talk about dresses he simply nods and barely talks." Rarity huffed as she took a piece of paper and made a rough sketch of a dress on it. "Too be honest, I think he may not particularily like his talent."

"Don't take it personally. You have to remember that the two ponies he spent most of his time with was Sarge and Grif. Church told me about that Donut friend of theirs, and while I think he sounds nice, they treated him rather poorly."

"That is true." Rarity tutted as she shook her head. "Poor dear, having to have spent so much time with those brutes, wasting his talents."

"He didn't really seem to mind that fact though, he gets along pretty well with the others."

"Well he would have to. I can't imagine being forced to live with them and not trying to at least pretend to like them. I mean really now, as much as I like the others, Sarge seems too violent and Grif seems too lazy. I'm surprised after all that time he is still as refined and well spoken as he is." Rarity said as she dropped the pencil and looked at her drawing with a large smile. She used her magic and placed the paper next to Twilight. "What do you think?"

Twilight picked up the sketch and began looking it over. It was a classically simple strapless gown made out of an embroidered material, which Twilight believed would be silk. The underskirt was less-heavily embroidered with an asymmetrical overpanel. There was a tall, feathered hat on the ponies head, the rim of which extended out several inches, and along tip of the rim hundreds of threads hung down, masking the ponies face.

"Well?" Rarity asked as Twilight placed it on the table.

"It's beautiful." Twilight smiled. "How many of these do you have to make?"

"Half a dozen dresses and half a dozen suits, each one with an accompanying hat." Rarity said, looking at the drawing once again, before erasing the hat completely off of the sketch. "This is going to take a while. Thank Celestia they had the decency to give me more than a few weeks notice."

"That's a lot of work." Spike noted. "Are you sure you can handle it?"

"It is, isn't it?" Rarity giggled. "But don't you worry Spikey, Simmons will be a great help with that."

Spike huffed and crossed his arms, falling silent as he began to think.

"You don't seem to worried." Twilight said, ignoring Spike's attitude.

"I suppose having someone to help relieves a lot of the tension off of the work."

"Didn't you say that Simmons didn't like making dresses?"

"He doesn't like talking about it, but I see a bit of creative flair in his eyes when he is working, which makes me sad that he doesn't get verbal with it. I would really love to hear his ideas." Rarity said, then gasped. "Oh no."

"What's wrong?"

"I think the reason he does not like to talk about dresses is that he thinks I'll get angry at him."

"Why would he think that?" Twilight asked with a smile.

"Last time he did something on one of my works, I was rather rude to him." Rarity said sadly, shaking her head at herself. "I really should have apologized to him more thoroughly."

"I don't think-"

"What if he thinks I'm a beast?" Rarity pouted.

"Come on Rarity-"

"Oh dear, I am a beast! What if he doesn't want to help me anymore?" Rarity asked, eyes shooting wide with horror. "What if he doesn't help with the order? I won't be able to design and create a dozen articles on my own! I simply won't have the time to do it! And if i don't get it done, word will spread that I don't finish my work!"

Rarity continued babbling, until eventually she stood on her hind legs, rose her right hoof to her head and brought a couch away from the wall, intending to fall back on it. Twilight rolled her eyes and used her magic to push the couch back up against the wall, causing Rarity to fall to the ground with a yelp. Rarity stared at Twilight as she got up and began rubbing her neck, pouting heavily.

"I'm sure the reason he doesn't talk about dresses is because the others would chastise him for it." Twilight said simply.

"That makes sense too." Rarity said in agreement.

"Where is Simmons anyways?" Twilight asked, looking around.

"He's helping Sweetie Belle and her friends right now."

"That doesn't sound like too much work."

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