• Published 9th Mar 2013
  • 9,222 Views, 10,169 Comments

Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Connecting the Dots

"Blue Shelf?" Phoenix stammered while pacing about the room. "Isn't that the place where you were before you met up with Miss Dash?"

"It's a very long story, and I know I've only told you some of it," Bellesmith said, rummaging through the notes and files spread across the tables. "Basically, the Council of Ledo was running a secret operation deep underground..."

"Where... one of those doors to the 'machine world' was, right...?"

"Good memory."

"Machine world?" Kera made a face. She was sitting atop a stool, looking at transparent sheets hung up before a lit board, depicting multiple quadrupeds in various states of augmentation. "You mean like a factory or something?"

"Er, no, Kera," Belle said, fidgeting. "More like a gigantic foundation comprised of ancient machinery that comprises the bowels of the unknown world."

"Cooooool..." Kera grinned wide. "What I wouldn't give to dig my horn into that!"

"But what connection could Nightshade Industries have had with Blue Shelf?" Phoenix asked. "The Council of Ledo was after something secret, right?"

"They wanted to open the door into the machine levels," Belle said. "Enforcer Shell was spearheading the operation for him. But they couldn't get the door to open. But they found the body of Rainbow Dash—a pegasus—and somehow presumed she may have been capable of opening the door. But she was terribly injured, not to mention mutated by her curse. So they sealed her up in a coffin of chaos metal and attached her to sphere sequencing technology, of which I was a reluctant participant."

"Sphere... sequencing... technology...?"

Belle sighed and said, "It's the means by which living unicorns can junction their synaptic pathways with those of other ponies—living or dead—so that we might re-experience their memories."

"Pffft!" Kera stuck her tongue out, rocking back and forth on her stool. "That's not real!"

"It was real enough," Belle said. "I became one with Rainbow Dash's consciousness on several occasions. They thought that I might be a means of opening the door for the Council. Instead, I went about waking up Rainbow Dash, and she single-hoofedly brought us this far east."

"What became of Blue Shelf?" Phoenix asked.

Belle gulped. "Razed to the ground. The activation of the machine world beneath it—courtesy of Rainbow Dash—destroyed most if not all the complex. Thankfully, though, we were able to get many of the enslaved ponies out of there..."

"Enslaved ponies...?" Kera remarked, blinking.

"Yes," Belle said with a nod. "When the ponies, rams, gazelles, and other creatures who worked there outlived their usefulness, they were forced to work the tunnels that were carved in excavating the door to the machine realm."

"What became of them?" Phoenix asked.

"They fled west on riverboats... presumably to safety..." Belle sighed. "Rainbow Dash had agreed to safely escort myself and..." She grimaced, then relaxed. "Anyways, Rainbow Dash had agreed to protect us. But then... y'know... Foxtaur h-happened..."

Phoenix hung his head guiltily.

"So... you ran into this kind of junk before?" Kera asked.

"A lot of it is familiar," Belle said. "Experimentations on citizens... secretive bureaucracy...."

"But why the connection to Blue Shelf?" Phoenix nervously asked.

"The name is highly confidential, and yet it's written right here!" Belle exclaimed, shaking the papers around. "I mean, it makes sense that Nightshade would have potentially built the materials that the Ledomaritan Military installed underground in Blue Shelf, but I can't imagine the Council having unveiled the truth behind what they were using the technology for, much less to any of the big corporations located in Blue Nova."

"What if..." Phoenix murmured, hoofing through a pile of files atop a desk. "...there was a spy seeded within Blue Shelf, working for Nightshade the whole time?"

Belle flashed him a look. "Huh?"

Phoenix hoofed her a stack of missives. "Does a name on this look familiar?"

Belle shifted through the sheets in her grasp. Suddenly, her eyes widened. "Blessed Spark, no..."

"What?" Kera leaned forward on her stool. "What is it?"

Belle ran a hoof over her mouth as she shuddered. "It's... it's a series of letters... all received here, at Nightshade's headquarters."

"Who's the sender?" Phoenix asked.

Belle gulped and stated, "Professor Glaze Garnet." She gazed up, her mouth hanging open in thought. "Professor Garnet... all the while, he was in duplicity with Nightshade Industries." She bit her lip. "No wonder he didn't struggle when Enforcer Shell had him thrown into the mines with the other slaves. He accepted his fate, because to confess his connections to Nightshade, he would have suffered a far greater punishment at the hooves of the enforcers..."

"What ever happened to him?"

"He went west with the other laborers on board those river boats..."

"You mean Rainbow Dash set him free?"

"We did..." Bellesmith muttered. "Colletively..."

"Well, good for that guy, then! He gets to live long and make spy babies! Heeheehee—" Kera leaned back too far on her stool. "Whoah!" She fell through an exploding stack of papers atop a desk.

The adults winced. Phoenix learned in and said, "What would have motivated a pony like Garnet to work for Nightshade while surrounded by soldiers and those loyal to the Council?"

"I... I'm not sure." Belle shrugged. "It could have been anything. Money? Family insurance? Exploitation?"

"Maybe his role was simply to relay information?"

"He was very meticulous. He could have supplied Nightshade with anything they wanted to know about their technology," she said. "About where it was being situated... about how it was being used..."

"Maybe enough information to duplicate Blue Shelf elsewhere?" Phoenix asked.

Belle flashed him a numb look. She blinked and said, "Deep Ridge. Could it be..."

"A copy of what the Council did?"

"But to what end?" Belle remarked. "What would Nightshade want that the Council already had?"

Phoenix's brow furrowed. He gazed left and right across the metal grated platform, the pointed straight through the porous material. "Or what if it's something that Nightshade already had...?"

"Hmmm?" Belle turned around and glanced straight through the floor. Her eyes blinked, then squinted. Slowly, she shuffled out of the office and what turned out to be a two-story, cylindrical chamber surrounded by metal catwalks and platforms.

"What is it now?" Kera stammered, burrowing her petite way out of a hill of sheets. Phoenix helped her down as the two of them followed Belle's sluggish gait. "Unngh! This better get unboring pretty soon!"

"Shhh..." Phoenix muttered. "Not now, kid..."

Belle was walking down a curved set of metal stairs. She eventually landed on the dimly-lit bottom floor of the round chamber. Several coils of wires ran from the walls and into a central dome located in the center. A deep hum came out of the sphere that was encased in black metal. But her interest was piqued by something else. Trotting forward, she approached six containers of silver metal.

"Is... is that...?" Phoenix mumbled.

Belle nodded. "Chaos metal." She shivered. "The first day I stumbled upon the substance is engrained in my memory. I still see the blood in my sleep..."

"Blood?" Kera gasped. "Coooooooooool—Mmmf!" The stallion's hoof was planted over her mouth.

"Then..." Phoenix craned his neck. "What's inside...?"

Belle looked right... then left. She saw a level resting on a metal instrument panel. Without hesitating, she pulled on it. A loud grinding noise filled the room as the front halves to each of the six silver containers rolled up. Amber light filled the room from the objects' interiors. A collective gasp escaped everypony's lips.

Inside all six containers housed a skeleton. A pony skeleton. A pony skeleton with wings.

"By the spark..." Phoenix stammered. "They're all... like Rainbow Dash..."

Belle winced as she said, "They were..." She gulped. "A long time ago."

"How long?"

Belle had no answer.

"Then..." Phoenix spun about and looked at the great black dome. "This...?"

Belle turned as well. She followed the cables that were fused to the containers that housed the winged skeletons. Half of them ran into the floor, but the other half were coiled into the central dome. Pausing, she reached into her saddlebag and pulled out the ancient tome. The symbol on the cover lit up, but only when it pointed straight at the black metal sphere. She waved it around a few times just to be sure.

"This is it..." Belle murmured.

"This is what?" Phoenix asked.

Belle circled the dome until she found another instrument panel. With two tugging hooves, she pulled a lever. The air filled up with ruby light as the dome opened like a black metal flower. A flickering sound lit the room, for in the center of the chamber—housed in a gyroscopic cage of curved silver beams—was a dancing plume of unearthly red flame.

Belle gulped. "The fuel of the machine," she said.


The two adults stood in petrified awe.

"Borrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiing," Kera sing-songed.

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