• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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The Awesome Factor

“Haaaaaaughkkkt—nnnghh-Nnnngh! Beloved! Belovvvvvveddddd!

Bodies exploded left and right, ribboning outward in peeled leaves of black and white coats. Bellesmith crawled through the blood-hot filth of it all, sobbing as the world thudded around her. Pilate fell repeatedly, bursting into dark ink and nightmare song on either side of the mare's twitching ears. She clutched her head and spun skyward, only to have his body fall from the Steel Wing again, exploding atop of her, filling her gaping mouth with screams and entrails.

“Hnnghlllgh—Sppkktk-Mmmmffbeloveddddd...” She spun around and crawled pathetically over the bloodsoaked fields of black and white fur. Every time she caught a glance of the spiraling sky, more and more bodies fell, pelting her with dead and dying memories, and all of them clinging to her shivering flesh like broken glass.

All the while, a dark sihlouette stood. The visage of Madame Nightshade loomed above Belle like a monolith. Her frail coat and fine silks were utterly unblemished, untouched by the scarlet holocaust raining down all around her. She stared at the bawling unicorn with an unemotional expression. As Belle crawled closer, she flared her nostrils and spoke with the voice of a million thunders.

“No more charades. No more coaxing. You are going to tell me all you know about Austraeoh, Eljunbyro, and Innavedr, and you are going to tell me now.”

“I... I-I can't...” Belle crawled. Belle sobbed. Belle drowned in Pilate's juices, writhing and twitching all over. “I w-won't!” She reached a hoof up, floundering at the edges of Nightshade's fetlocks, entreating her. Begging. “Please... stop this... end this...” She whimpered pitifully, gargling up zebra blood. “It hurts... it hurts so m-much... please... please!

Nightshade's voice rang like cold metal. “The only way to stop this is to give me what I want.”

“The... the machine world...?” She hissed and wheezed, trying to find space to breathe through all of the blood and organs splashing around her from the falling bodies. “I... c-can't let you have it...”

“My little pony, I already have it,” Nightshade droned. “However, I am on a quest to learn how to use it. I need you to tell me, for the sake of this Confederacy, for the sake of the world.”

“Guhhh... mmmfff... c-can't...” Belle clutched her head and sobbed. “I can't I can't I can't I can't...”

Clenching her jaw, Nightshade finally bent over and made contact with the mare, but only to snap off her horn. As she did so, a pent-up blast of air evacuated from the unicorn's skull, and it carried with it the sound of screams and torment.

Belle howled in pain, clutching her skull and curling up into a fetal position. All of the earth brown mane peeled off her skull, so that her body once more became the emaciated, starving fugitive who had struggled to gallop her way through the streets of Blue Nova. As her blood-stained features tensed and untensed, Belle realized that not all the screams sounded like her own. The last of the air and blood evacuated her skull, and she suddenly registered the agonized tones.

“Phoenix!” The mare thrashed and sputtered, wide-eyed against the mists of blood. “He's... he's...”

“Still alive? That's putting it lightly,” Nightshade muttered. She grinded up what was left of Bellesmith's horn in the crook of her immaculate hoof. “The soldier's memories told me where to find you, so his flesh won't be around for long. It'd be easy to slit his throat and end it all in the real world. But since you're not making it easy for me, then why should I make it easy for him?” She released her grip of the horn, allowing the golden dust filaments to fly like pollen over the fields of black and white fur. “I'll trounce upon the mountains of his mind with the force of ten million psionic tidal waves. I'll ravage his brain, slowly, synapse after synapse, until meat pours out his eye sockets.” She gazed down at him, her eyes strobing purple like unfiltered manastreams. “You may not care much about yourself, doctor, and you may no longer have a beloved to cherish, but I assure you... I will carve the name of your cowardice the mercenary's heart, and I'll make his last sentient thought one of intense scathing hatred for the foolish mare who brought him to such a sickening fate.”

Belle panted and panted. Hugging herself, she gazed beyond the blood soaked zebra skin.

Twelve shadows gazed back, their tiny features obscured beyond the desolation of that threnody in motion.

“You!” Belle sputtered, reaching a hoof out through the bloody waterfalls as more bodies exploded around her. “You don't have to do what she says! She's only p-powerful because you let her be!” Sinewy chunks of zebra flesh splattered over her body. She writhed, swollowed down her vomit, and shouted towards the dimming horizon. “She can't hurt you if she has to use you! Can't you see! Help me, please! I beg you!”

One by one, the foalish figures bowed. They disappeared, like stars vanishing on the hazy curve of a black and white ocean.

“No! Come b-back!” She shrieked as she tried crawling after them, only to slip upon the puddles of scarlet. “She knows nothing of Austraeoh! She would only hurt her if she had her! Don't trust her! Trust me! Please!”

Nightshade's shadow rose up, solidifying into the Madame herself. “They will not listen to you,” the pony growled, looming like a black cloud over the mare. “They are a server, a database, a means to an end.” The tip of her ethereal horn glowed with violent purple light. “They learned long ago that my will is righteous, and my wrath is impenetrable.” As she spoke, a lance materialized out the end of her horn. She brought two hooves up, grabbed the spear, and hoisted it over her head. “And in this domain, that's the least I can say about your consciousness.”

With that, she thrusted the blade deep into Belle's gut. The mare's body contorted, tossing her bald, hornless head back as bolts of unbridled mana coursed through her golden body. Her belly undulated, and soon ropes of blood slithered up the staff, coalescing just inches from where Nightshade gripped it.

“I will drain you of all the truth that your life energy has to give me,” Nightshade snarled, her silken features shimmering against the blood and lightning. She leaned against the spear, applying more and more force on the penetrating weapon. “Give in, doctor. You are weak. You are alone. You cannot win this.”

“I...” Belle hissed, her eyes clenched as she shook her head left and right. “I... I am not alone... and... I will not lose...” She hissed and growled, her voice cracking, “I-I hate to lose!”

Nightshade's face contorted into a furious frown. “For Spark's sake, don't you see what you're doing to yourself?! Give up the fight! Give up this pointless chase! Don't you care for your well-being whatsoever?! You're being foolish... idiotic... asenine!”

“Wr-wrong...” Belle looked up at the unicorn. She gave a lasting hiss, and then my eyes opened, sharp and angry and red. “Wrong A-word...” A pair of blue wings burst out of my side.

Nightshade's whole body flinched. She was about to do more than that.

I gripped the spear in two hooves and shoved her off. With a single grunt, I bounced up into the air, hovering on sapphiric feathers. I yanked the pitiful weapon over my knee; it exploded into dust that then swarmed around my neck, coalescing into a golden pendant.

Nightshade stumbled backwards, her lips quivering. At last, she sputtered, “Doctor Bellesmith—”

”Raaaaaaaaaaaugh!” I plowed into her with a blue blur. Together, we bore a ravine through the black and white fields, sprouting flowers and grass and pond water on either side. Rain clouds spread overhead as I straddled her chest, tossing a prismatic mane back.

“Ding Dong isn't here, ya melon fudge,” I snarled, then shoved two of my hooves into her chest cavity. “And neither is your heart! Nnnngh!”

I ripped the mare's belly in half. As she screamed, a comet of guts roped its way towards the heavens, every square inch of it was covered with a wounded soldier's howling face. As Nightshade's screams turned into Novus' bellows, she writhed and thrashed in vain attempts to get away.

There was no getting away. I'd tried it myself.

“Yaaaaugh!” With a banshee scream, I picked her up and flung her across the muddy trenches. Bombshells and shrapnel exploded left and right as Xonan and Ledomaritan airships battled overhead.

Nightshade fell knee-deep into the mud and muck, struggling to close her chest up, but none of it could silence her brother's screams, nor mine.

I flew at her, swinging a right hoof. It connected hard, causing her to spit blood and mana-thought into the nebulous hellscape. I followed it with a left swing and a kneed to the chest. Each meaty impact caused the universe to shake and quiver. Zeppelins fell to the earth, burning in bright orange plumes. A wave of hot soot and gunpowder swarmed past us, through us, burning our skin. Nightshade whimpered. I only laughed.

“You thought... you th-thought you c-could actually use your own friends and family's pain against Belle?!” I smashed her through a wooden trench full of clattering weaponry and then lifted her by the neck. My wings engulfed us in a dark, dark embrace. “You're lamer than a pile of dead snakes, lady. If you don't get the point, then why have one?” Without wasting a second, I thrusted my head forward and bit over her horn. I twisted my teeth, and with a sickening crack, her skull split open, leaking the sound of her brother's wails by tenfold.

“Aaaaaaugh!” Nightshade stumbled back, hugging herself and quivering all over. Her head tossed to the side, melted, and then another protruded out her shoulders to replace it, likewise screaming. She pinwheeled through howling mouth after mouth as her body fogged over and flickered inside out like a candle in a baby's sob. “No! Spark alive! Disconnect! Disconnect—”

“Uh uh!” I reached into the faded after-image and yanked a solid, gasping mare out from the cloud. “No siree! Not that easy!” With a snarl, I swung us both around and flew us towards the edge of the trench. “This dance ain't over!”

We burst through the bloodied mud with a shatter of glass, plunging into sunlight over the streets of Blue Nova. Nightshade gasped and struggled to disentangle herself from me, but I wrestled for control of her body, ultimately swinging her like a mace from her tail.

“Fore!” I howled, chuckling like a demon. I flung her into the first thing I could see, a hulking aircraft with her name on it.

Nightshade flew through it like a missile shattering the streets below with manastones and burning lumber. When she landed on the ground, her body skipped like a stone against a pool of crystal blue water. She bounced, flailed, and landed in a patch of dry grass, surrounded by the burning woods of Foxtaur. The mare stood up, wincing all over, only to find herself devoured by my shrinking shadow.

“Haaaaaaugh!” I landed on her with a vicious drop-kick, plowing her through a fresh ravine of sundered earth and burning wood.

With a burst of mana-thought, she shoved me off of her, then materialized a pair of shiny scimitars from the plasma-spilling gash in her skull. Seething, she tried swinging the weapons at me. She tried.

All I saw was my devilish grin in the swishing metal. I juked to the left, to the right, and pirouetted until I was standing behind her. Gripping her belly, I roared and suplexed the two of us through a Searonese manaship. Metal and flame consumed us, all blurring into confused streaks of melting continents. Through the mess, I found her, repeatedly punching and pummeling her frame as I shoved the two of us towards a bright sun that was melting its way into the horizon. When I spoke, my voice was reverberating off the rocky precipices of Green Slope, then the concrete corridors of Blue Shift, and finally the wooden huts of Aridstone.

“You want pain?!” I snarled into her face, gripping her gaping skull until her jaw buckled under my hooves. “I will give you pain!” With a furious grunt, I tossed her like a rag doll onto the cave floor.

Nightshade rolled and rolled until she came to a bruised stop. She shuddered all over and tried to get up, only to have a huge and jagged dragonclaw sail down, puncturing her lower legs. “Aaaaugh!”

But Axan wasn't through. Lifting the mare's body, the dragon queen slammed her repeatedly against the walls and rockfaces of the place. Nightshade sputtered, leaking tears and blood into the dreamscape, so that they fell down on me, cold and useless, like snowflakes.

“Pain is more than a tool! It's fuel! Something you live with... something you learn from! And once you make friends, you learn to turn it into something else, something righteous! But you wouldn't know anything about righteousness, would you?!” I snarled up at her as I trotted over the mountain of Axan's gold. “How does it feel, Nightshade?! How does it feel to be nothing but pain?! You know, you could have moved on after your brother. You could have brought good to the world! But what's good about this?! What's good about any of this?!”

“You... You...” Nightshade wheezed and whimpered in the grip of Axan, flailing over me. “You are a m-monster... pl-plain and simple!” She shrieked as another claw pierced into her psionic self. “Nnnnngh—I only wanted to understand you... s-so that I could kn-know how to master your p-power for good!”

“But you were already using it!” I shouted, flying up to her on angry blue wings. “And ponies who use power without knowing a thing about it are totally uncool! You're as bad as Shell!” I kicked Axan's wrist away and caught Nightshade's ragged body before it could fall towards the Silvadelian rock below. “You want to know about monsters? Let me take you to where monsters are born.”

With a single flap of my wings, we flew into the ceiling and burst out of the burnt wasteland. Burning our way west, we scaled the desert, crossed the ravine, threaded our way through Darkstinians skyscrapers, and smashed through the looming body of Verdestone. As the gray dust and the white feathers of Whitemane cleared, we were blurring over mountains, swamps, more mountains, and forests. At last, when the color green couldn't bend anymore, it shrank, along with all the other colors, pooling into a warm and glistening navel in the center of everything.

That's where I dropped Nightshade. And that's where Nightshade stood up. And that's where she turned around just in time to get a face full of Twilight Sparkle.

With a shriek, the unicorn exploded, along with her crown. The dust of her body flew into Nightshade's space, filling her lungs and chasing out the screams. The mare stumbled up, struggling between chokes and sobs, only for Fluttershy's and Pinkie's ashes to rain on her. She fell over, rolled into a Ponyvillean lamppost, and hugged herself as Rarity's imploding screams added to the mix, bathing her.

“No... pl-please, no. Stop it. Just stop it all...”

I fell down, forming a grand crater in the middle of the tragedy. “You stop it!” I marched towards her on iron hooves. “You started this mess, so end it yourself!” I yanked her up by the neck, spun her around, and forced her to look up at the floating body of a sun-kissed farm mare. “Wake Belle up! Bring her out!”

Nightshade shivered and shook, her bright, teary eyes plastered on Applejack. “I... w-won't let her get away w-with what she knows... with wh-what she has yet to tell me—”

“Wake her!” I howled into her ear. Applejack's sobs filled the air, as did her flesh, dissolving in a dusty white ring around us, carrying the sobs of four hundred dawns, and all of them filled with wind and emptiness. “Wake her or I'll keep you here forever!”

“No... No...” Nightshade sobbed as the ashes surrounded us, closing in like a cocoon. The dizziness sprang forth from her with each cry. “This world needs me! This world needs the truth!”

“You c-can't be honest without harmony! Now wake her!” I suddenly reeled, almost losing my grip of the mare's dreamself. I panted, gazing off into the lengths of Ponyville beyond the ashes.

They stood in a line. Looking at me, their little mouths agape. All twelve of them stood speechless beyond the veil, losing their grip of the manastream just as they were losing their grip of their own fear.

“Wake her...” I snarled at them. I hissed as my eyes flickered to red on yellow. “Wake her up. Now.” Pain shot through me. I groaned and twitched as a horn burst out of one side of my head, and an antler out the other. When I spoke, it was with demonic resonance, growing as swiftly as the fur and claws did from my serpentine body. “Please. You've seen her nightmares. Snkkkt...” I growled at them through a sprouting fang. “You. Don't. Want. Mine.”

The twelve foals exchanged glances. They drew away, dissappearing beyond the whiteness. Soon, the world disappeared along with them. There was a flash of lavender, then all was gone. Nightshade and I were hugging, yet drifting away, lost in Applejack's ashes, like foals squinting into the glint of a blooming sunrise.

Then silence.

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