• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Playing Their Part

“Bring it on!” Josho hung out the side of the manaship, waving his rifle and shaking a hoof. “You inside out robot uterus mules—Gah!” He flailed as the ship veered wildly. Crimson snaked in from behind and steadied him as their vessel took a sharp turn, banking around airship after airship that exploded as the Searonese weaponfire flew into them.

“Do not... taunt... the high blades!” Roarke grunted, pulling hard against the controls.

“Fat load of good your advice is, lady lumps!” Josho spat over his shoulder as the world outside spun with explosions. “Bet you twenty bloodsoaked bits that they're only here because of your rusted ass!”

“Will you put a sock in it?!” Crimson growled. “Turning on each other is not going to make them go away any more swiftly! We still gotta get to Rainbow Dash and the others!”

“And how do you expect to do that?!” Josho yelled. The manafire streaked closer, forcing Roarke to thread her way narrowly through flammable hovercraft. “The skies aren't exactly friendly places to park our flanks anywhere at the moment!”

“Just give me a moment to shake them...” Roarke grunted as the ship shook and jolted from weaponfire. “Ungh!”

“Roarke, be reasonable!” Crimson shouted. “There's no way in the spark's green earth that you'll just shake them off! You can't keep running forever! There's a fight that's gotta happen!”

Roarke's lense-eyes pistoned out. “For some of us, maybe...” She jerked the controls hard to the side.

Josho's brow furrowed. “What did she mean by that—Whoah!”

“Aaaaugh!” Crimson and Josho found themselves flying into infinite space. The manaship had spun upside completely, and the two helpless stallions plunged out the open door. “Roarrrrrrke—Oof!” Crimson and Josho flinched, for they had landed on a flimsy wooden hull on either side of a twitching, prismatic body. They sat up, realizing that Roarke had just deposited them on Rainbow's out-of-control hovercraft with insanely swift precision.

The glistening manaship continued banking around the dense swarm of ships. The three Searonese vessels continued their sharp pursuit without faltering.

“She... sh-she ditched us!” Josho sweatily exclaimed. “And the last time I had wings of my one was n-never!”

“Don't you get it, idiot?!” Crimson stood up, rocking the ship slightly. “She just saved our hides! Heck, she may have saved all our hides!” He rushed over and shook Rainbow's limp figure. “Rainbow! Rainbow Dash!”

“Unnngh... B-Belle... Eljunbyro...”

“Rainbow Dash, you have to get up! We're going to be toast any second—!”

Rainbow's eyes flashed wide as she flinched, gripping two hooves tightly to Crimson's metal prosthetic. “I sensed her! By Celestia's mane, sh-she's alive! And she's nearby!”

“Wonderful,” Josho grumbled, pensively eying the close proximity of the three hulking battlecruisers. “The dizziness is strong with this one.”

“Rainbow Dash, what are you talking about?! Remember Pilate? Imre? Tweak and the others? We got to get them out of here!” Crimson said.

“Nnngh...” Rainbow Dash stood up, leaning left and right as she fought off the fogginess. “Something... turned on inside Blue Nova, Crimson.”

“What do you mean 'turned on?'”

“Now's a really suicidal time to get one's wingtips wet,” Josho said, receiving a metal hoof to the chest. “Ow!”

“Who's this loser?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Somepony who's about to lose the skull his body craps in.” Crimson grumbled as he turned back to Rainbow. “Rainbow, I think your illness has overtaken you again. You're speaking nonsense—”

“No, it's d-different this time!”

“Rainbow Dash—”

“Look, I know what it looks like, but I swear! It's completely different this time!” Rainbow Dash pointed west/southwest. “Something popped up in Blue Nova, and it felt just like a flame from inside the machine world! But that's not all! I feel as if... as if it was somehow talking to me. I feel it in my gut! In... in m-my heart!” her voice cracked.

“You're gonna feel it in the burning stubs of your forelimbs once they blow us sky high!” Josho growled. He pointed at the trio of warships. “Or did you not notice the big friggin' cannon wielders ready to destroy every sexy atom of our bodies?!”

“Rainbow Dash, there's so much relying on you and what you do this very moment!” Crimson exclaimed. “Now, are you sure about what you're sensing?! I mean... you know what this could mean, right?!”

Rainbow nodded fervently. “The flame is moving south of here!” she shouted above the high winds as flak exploded and Searonese engines throttled in the distance. “I don't know why, but I think Belle was in the city and she's heading further away! I can sense her and what she's got like a lavender candle growing fainter and fainter!”

“I'd love to go and investigate that, Rainbow, but we can't really afford to do so right now!” Crimson flinched as cannon-shells whizzed by. “For spark's sake! Will you look around you?! This plan is collapsing like a house of cards, and Roarke is putting her metal body on the line so that we can help you pull off your next trick!”

Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped. “That... that was her, just now?!”

“She has friends in high places!” Josho exclaimed. “And they're all trying to dive bomb us!”

Rainbow blinked, then frowned. “Terra... Dang it all!” She looked at the chasing manaships, at the armada, and then at the distant cluster of ships hovering below. “Crud!” She stomped her metal hooves repeatedly. “Crud crud crud crud crud crud!

“Rainbow, I have to ask you...” Crimson gritted his teeth. “What's next?”

“Uhm...” Josho gulped and glanced at the others as explosions went off closer. “Flee, maybe?”

Rainbow took a deep breath. “I still have a job to do. Roarke's doing her part, and now we gotta do ours. Regardless of whether or not that's really Belle, I know that Pilate's here and we gotta get him and the others away to safety!”

“Then what do you propose?!” Crimson asked. An airship less than forty yards away exploded. He flinched, ducking bits of shrapnel. “You'd better make it quick!”

Rainbow Dash spun around, then motioned to the tiny ship's cockpit. “Any of you good at... y'know... yanking a joystick around?!”

At that precise moment, several hundred meters ahead...

A modicum of order was returning to the battlecruisers. The soldiers on deck grew less and less frenzied as their escort ships drew away the incoming vessels, discovering that most if not all of them were abandoned.

“They're all empty, sir!” Said one officer behind Evans back. “Every single one of them! We've yet to find a single manned vessel!”

“And what of the Searonese interceptors?” Evans asked, pointing at the silver shapes streaking through the dense cloud of airships. “Are they quite so empty?

“We have no information on that, sir. Should we send the escort ships into the cluster to investigate?”

“Are you kidding?! Those metal mares would blow them out of the sky!” Evans shook his head and turned towards the bow. “Arm all cannons, destroy every vessel in sight! There's something hiding within the core of all this, and intend to look at it face to—”

“The marines are here!” Josho's fat face grinned as it levitated over the ship's side, followed by a hot red manarifle. He fired blindly into the crowd, sending several gasping bodies smoking to the deck.

Evans let loose a shriek that was far too high pitched for his own good. Many fellow officers whipped out their pistols and returned fire, only for their bullets to ricochet off the thick body of a tiny hovercraft. As it roared over the deck, brushing against the wooden railing, three bodies leapt down and engaged the enforcers with merciless force.

“Raaaaugh!” Crimson came down, his metal forelimb whining as it let loose a sonic burst. Bodies spread left and right like butter, carving him a path that he galloped down, headbutting a witless group of flustered soldiers.

“Woooo boy!” Josho squatted, squinting as he fired shot after shot that ricocheted off the horns of nearly half-a-dozen equines in the span of five seconds. “Now this is what I call a stupid plan!”

“Try not to focus too much on the stupid part!” Rainbow Dash landed, grinded her hooves, and fired her thrusters. “That's my job!” The deck burned as she throttled forward, aimed her forehead like a battering ram, and slammed directly into Evans' chest. “Yaaaaaugh!”

The battlecruiser's crew was lost in the bedlam. The other two pivoted about so that the stallions on board could lend assistance to the beleaguered vessel. As the Searonese ships screamed in the distance, all was chaos and confusion.

The Noble Jury had received its “distraction.”

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