• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Break On Through

“Hmmmm...” Roarke droned under her mask.

Rainbow Dash leaned into the bounty hunter's cockpit, her ruby eyes bright beneath an open helmet. “'Hmmmm' what?!”

“It frightens me whenever Roarke gets thoughtful,” Imre said in a dull tone. “It's like an orphanage is exploding somewhere and she's figuring out what to do with the building's leftover foundation.”

“Why would you care about dying foals, hack job?” Tweak asked.

Imre glared at him. “Don't you have a bunch of crystals somewhere to huff?”

“I would if you'd stop sticking your horn up my butt.”

“Then try moving your butt away from your face.”

“Ponies! Please!” Crimson grunted. He muscled his way towards the cockpit and said, “What is it, Roarke? Trouble in our destination?”

Roarke tapped the edge of her helmet with a metal-laced hoof. “Hmmmm...”

“For Celestia's sake!” Rainbow's voice cracked as she tossed her forelimbs. “Stop preparing for the national anthem and just tell us what's up!”

“There's definitely a blockade surrounding Blue Nova,” Roarke said. “I can sense hundred of managliders circling the city from here.”

“Well, that's to be expected,” Crimson said, bracing himself against a bulkhead of the speeding, swaying vehicle. “We are in a state of war, after all.”

“I know a thing or two about Ledomaritan security tactics,” Imre said in a dull yet antsy voice. “Even when the Xonans are knocking on the front door, this level of activity is pretty... well... stupid.”

“Huh?” Tweak remarked.

“I've flown into Blue Nova on countless occasions,” Roarke tossed in. She pointed at the beeping light on her console. “I've never witnessed this kind of crap. It's like a rattled hornet's nest there.”

“So?!” Tweak growled. “Whip out the bug killer and let's get to work!”

Imre cast him a bored glance. “You just want nothing more than to use that gun of yours. Don't you?”

“Well, I'd use your face if I didn't know it'd shatter on impact.”

“Do they know we're coming?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“They will soon,” Roarke said. “I have a fast vessel, and it's heavily armed. But no single Searonese manacraft is armed to take on an entire armada.” She sighed, leaning back in her chair. “Besides, the battery reserves are low, and I very seriously doubt that there'll be ponies in Blue Nova willing to resupply a metal mare, two fugitives, and a translucent sapphire farmer.”

“I can't tell if that's an insult or not but I don't like it anyways,” Tweak grumbled.

“What could have gotten them so freaked out?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Perhaps there's been a Xonan incursion while we've been on the run?” Crimson remarked.

“Roarke, is the zebra's manasphere still located in the city?” Imre asked.

Roarke glanced back at the mare, then swiveled back to her instruments. She twirled a valve, produced the map of burning pens, and zeroed in on the eastern district of the city. “Hmmmm...”

“Oh come on!” Rainbow Dash growled.

“At least she's consistent,” Tweak said with a smirk.

“What is it now?!” Rainbow Dash leaned forward with a frown.

“It's located deep underground,” Roarke thought aloud. “Heading due east.”

“Why in the heck would Pilate be underground?!” Rainbow Dash asked.

“It could that he's being held in one of Ledo's many, many facilities?” Crimson proposed.

Imre shook her head. “No. There's no facility within the body of Blue Nova, and I very seriously doubt they would have somehow built one during the time I've been in Xonan and Searonese company.” She looked at the others. “Something wicked crazy has gone down in this town, and I'm guessing Rainbow's buddy is fleeing from it.”

“But, like, is he alone?” Rainbow Dash's face stretched with concern. She gnawed on her lip and fidgeted in her armor. “It can't be pleasant wandering enemy territory blind.”

“I thought his manasphere was capable of giving him an alternative form of 'sight,'” Imre remarked.

“Still, it sucks. Where is he anyways? The sewers?”

“I don't know of any sewers that run that deep,” Crimson said, pointing at the map.

“This is a Ledomaritan city we're talking about,” Tweak muttered. “Filth runs deep.”

“For once, he has a point,” Roarke said. “It's worth investigating, if nothing else.”

“But what of the blockade?” Crimson asked.

“What of them?” Roarke pointed towards a glowing panel on her dashboard. “I think we're about to have that question answered.”

“Huh?” Tweak blinked.

Just then, an array of soundstones crackled to life across the instruments.

“Hooo boy,” Imre's ears drooped.

”Scrkkkt—Incoming manaship. You are approaching a security zone. Slow down your vessel and identify yourself—Snkkkt.”

The ponies exchanged fitful glances.

“This won't end well,” Crimson uttered bluntly.

“Reckon now would be a good time for some fancy spitballin'?” Tweak remarked.

“You can keep your spit as well as your balls,” Imre droned. “I say we turn around, ascend to a higher altitude, and approach from the middle of the city.”

“What's that gonna solve?!” Tweak grumbled.

Roarke spoke. “If there's been an incident in a Ledomaritan city, then undoubtedly they will be in possession of anti-air artillery. We'll be in supreme danger of being shot to burning ribbons if we try a steep descent.”

“And what of up close, huh?!” Imre asked.

Roarke shrugged. “I'm quite confident I could evade their targeting.”

“Are you, now?”

“I wouldn't be able to do it forever, mind you,” Roarke said. She gestured towards a metal rig at the rear of the cabin. “And it would help to have another pony mind the gun turrets so I could shake of the dozens of potential bogeys I'll undoubtedly attract.”

“So, what you're saying, basically, is that you can provide one hell of a huge distraction?” Tweak remarked.

Roarke nodded. “I'd provide more, but this is hardly an even playing field.” She pointed at the map. “See those shapes to the far east? Those are A-Class Ledomaritan battlecruisers. The same sort of things that razed Foxtaur to the ground. I might be able to survive a single swift flyby, like how I nabbed Rainbow Dash, but they'd definitely get me on the second or third glide. The element of surprise would be gone, after all.”

“And here I was thinkin' this was some sort of super ship you were flyin'!” Tweak said with a grin.

“Oh, it's a good ship, but still tinfoil compared to Ledomaritan shelling.” She pointed at her head. “It's what's in here that's 'super.'”

“At least she's flippin' modest.”

“Why are all of those battleships located to the east?” Crimson asked. “They seem to be congregating even thicker.”

“Not to mention that Pilate's heading towards them,” Rainbow Dash added, trembling slightly.

“That's not really my damn concern,” Roarke grumbled. “If we're going to do anything, we'd better do it quick. We've gone on for nearly two minutes without a response. Knowing Ledomaritans, they're going to start firing on us, thinking we only understand Xonan language or some other crud.”

“So long as you don't approach the battlecruisers, you think you can last against the managliders?” Crimson asked.

“If I have to.” Roarke looked at everypony as one. “Are we going to come up with a damn plan or what?!”

“I thought you were the brains of this outfit!”

“I lost that when I gave my entire culture the proverbial middle fetlock,” Roarke growled. “Now, let's come up with something before I lose my patience. I've already lost enough fuel for this thing.”

“If the best you can do is distract the blockade...” Rainbow Dash thought aloud. “...then we could... sp-split up!”

“Ew, really?” Tweak made a face.

“Yeah! Totally!” Rainbow Dash pointed. “Half of us shake off the managliders, the other half go in and find Pilate.”

“Go in where?”

“The sewers. The basement. The dungeons—whatever the McFuzz this place is hiding!” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Maybe you don't know me, but mark my words: a cave is a cave is a cave.”

Tweak sat back, rubbing his shiny forehead. “Aye yai yai...”

“'Middle... fetlock...'” Imre was busy repeating under her breath.

“I'm not sure we can afford to split our party up anymore than it already is,” Crimson said.

“Oh, and Pilate can afford to flounce around on his lonesome in some Luna-forsaken labyrinthe?!” Rainbow Dash frowned. “We've gotten as far as we have by taking risks! This is just another one we gotta do if we wanna see Pilate out of this mess! And Belle out of hers!”

”Snkkkt—Approaching vessel. This is the Ledomaritan Defense Force. Slow down your vehicle and prepare to be searched. This is your final warning.”

“They friggin' serious?” Tweak remarked, squinting out the cockpit window.

A line of silver, glinting vessels could be seen from afar, forming a straight line against the hazy gray splotch that was Blue Nova against the horizon.

“It's now or never,” Roarke droned. “Are we gonna give them the run for their bits?”

“Hold up.” Rainbow Dash leaned forward. “Lemme try something.” She cleared her throat and spoke into a cold metal nozzle. “Uh... Ledomaritan Vessels! This is... uh... the South Medical Detachment of... erm... Blue... Bush! Yes, Blue Bush! We have wounded soldiers on board. Please allow us safe passage to the city hospital!”

“Uhm... Rainbow Dash?” Imre fidgeted.

Roarke pointed at the nozzle beneath Rainbow's mouth. “That's the primary weapon discharge trigger.”

The pegasus blinked. She looked at the nozzle, at the distant line of ships, then sighed. “I'd give a friggin' fortune to fly without a single scrap of metal between me and the clouds. I swear...” She followed Roarke's directions to a microphone and spoke into it. “Ahem. Ledomaritan... uh... Vessels! This is—”

”Scrkkkt—Come to a full stop! Now! You are about to be boarded!”

The other ponies winced.

Rainbow Dash looked at them, bit her lip, and leaned into the mic once more. “Ahem... Uhhh... ScrkkkkKKKkkk! I can't—SNnkkkt—make out your—SCRKKK—words! Snnnkkkt—You're breaking up! Could you—snkkkkt—pull that soundstone—snkkkt—out of your flank, please?! Uhm... Over.”

Imre looked at Tweak. “I didn't know it was possible to make those sounds with your mouth.”

“Don't pretend you're not an expert on using your mouth.”

“At least I didn't have livestock in Searo's Hold.”

“Ha. Funny.”

”Come to a full stop or we will fire.” Was all the returning transmission said.

“Uhhhh...” Rainbow Dash sweated. “Uhhhhh...” Rainbow Dash gulped. She looked at Roarke. “Which one is the throttle?”

Roarke pointed without thinking. “This right here—”

Rainbow Dash slammed the lever at full tilt. Everypony in the cockpit lunged as the ship burned forward, streaking past the managliders like they were the edge of a crescent moon. The air heated up with burning engines, and soon every single vessel of the blockade tore after the manaship in angry pusuit.

“By Searo's womb!” Roarke hissed through her helmet, knocking Rainbow's hoof off the throttle so she could regain control of the ship. “You'll blow our engines out!”

“Nice of you for taking the hint!” Rainbow growled.

“Are you out of your sapphire chipping mind?!” Tweak cackled.

“Look. We're doing this, okay?” Rainbow Dash gazed at the other ponies breathlessly. “I know it's not comfortable; I know it sucks, but I find that the best things in life come when you don't think but simply do.”

“It's not like we had many options anyway,” Crimson said, flinching as streams of manaburst flew past the cockpit window. “This is it, my little ponies. There's no turning back.”

“Nnnngh...” Tweak sat back, twirling his gun. “I didn't sign up for this crap.”

Imre gave him a side glance. “Actually, you did.”

Tweak blinked. “Oh, right.” A pause. “Damn.”

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