• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Blood Blood Blood

"Nnnngh!" Rainbow Dash winced, her left side being tugged a little harder than her right as she was dragged along a dark, dark corridor. "Easy, there! How can all of my snazziness be put to the test if there's nothing left to be tested!"

"Hmmff..." One of the three metal mares grunted as they strolled down granite steps and approached a long, curved hallway.. "You speak as if there's anything to begin with!"

Rainbow frowned. "Yeah, like you're something special—" She received a swift slap to the helmet. "Gaah! Quit it!"

"What a whiny runt you are!" another mare hissed. A deep rumbling noise was pulsing through the walls of the place as they pulled Rainbow Dash towards an array of doors facing the inner side of the curve hall. "What Roarke ever saw in you, I can't fathom!"

"And we never will!" One of the metal mares said, followed with a metallic guffaw.

Rainbow Dash blinked under her helmets. "The hay are you going on about?! What do you have against Roarke anyways?" She shuddered, then said, "Well, I suppose one would have to get in line..."

"She's nothing. You are nothing!" One mare lifted Rainbow Dash up by the shoulders as she hissed through her helmet. "The daughters of Searo have been playing games for far too long! It's high time we had a leader who isn't cowardly or infirmed or dulled by the pretense of diplomacy! Roarke bleeds out tonight, and it starts with her apprentice's blood! Your blood!"

"Uhhh..." Rainbow Dash fidgeted as the iron door slid open behind her. The air filled with the rank smell of raw meat and equine refuse. "Is it too late to confess that I kind of hate Roarke too?"

"You had better pray to the murderous spirit of Searo for an ounce of strength, you insipid flea!"

Rainbow Dash's hooves dangled as she said, "Er... so is that a 'no' or..."

She was bucked mercilessly into the chamber.


The mares slammed the door shut and chuckled amongst themselves. "Glory to the High Blade! We will all bathe in your pulp tonight!" Their insidious laughter was drowned out by the sound of a rusted, metal panel sliding down over the doorframe, completely sealing off the room from the hallway that Rainbow had entered from.

"Unnngh..." Rainbow Dash stood up, wincing in her metal armor. "Friggin' battletanks with hooves, I swear to Celestia..." She slowly pivoted about. "I almost wish now that I had hung out more with Gilda—Whoah!" she did a double-take at her surroundings.

The cramped cell was utterly filthy. The ground shook from an incessant chant of hundreds upon hundreds of ravenous voices outside. The noise appeared not to affect the occupants: about five ponies total were sharing the chamber with Rainbow Dash, and they all looked horribly emaciated, weak, even starving. Three were stallions in progressively leprotic states of bodily decay. One was a diamond dog with his bruised face buried helplessly in his paws. Finally, in the corner, was a young mare in a rattling set of apprentice armor. She held a helmet in her hooves and was trying her best not to sob.

"Blessed Searo, please forgive me," she muttered. "I tried to be strong. I tried so hard. Bloody my spear for glory, oh goddess. Bloody my spear so that I m-may be honorable in your sight..."

Rainbow Dash grimaced, gazing at the twitching stallions, the spasming canine, and the sobbing mare.

"Yeesh... This... This is..." She gulped, her ears twitching to the chanting sound. Her eyes traveled past the mare as she found a series of thin, barred grates acting as a window to a torch-lit chamber beyond. "Somehow I doubt this is a Wonderbolts show."

The diamond dog whimpered while the mare continued to rock back and forth and chant.

"Hey, uhm..." Rainbow Dash stepped over the suffering stallions and tapped the young mare on the shoulder. "Sorry to bother your moment of intense existential crisis, but can you tell me what's going on here?"

The mare merely murmured forth, "Blessed Searo, forgive me and give me strength. I will k-kill for you. I will bleed for you. Just let m-me live. Let me live so th-that I may impress m-my mentor, pl-please!" She sobbed into her forelimbs.

Rainbow Dash gulped. "Oooookay." She trotted nervously towards the barred window, her helmeted eyes squinting in the slitted bands of light.

As she approached, the chanting became more and more distinct. One word and one word alone was being shouted by multiple Searonese, all in one accord, all in one spirit.

"Blood... Blood... Blood... Blood... Blood!"

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