• Published 19th Oct 2023
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My new Changeling life - Leonedavis

Imprisoned in a life marked by solitude and monotony, he sees his existence shift into a surreal strangeness. A new opportunity to become someone better and happier ?

  • ...

3 The Queen's Plan

I had guessed it right. The queen had asked me, along with other elite members, to quickly train as many soldiers as possible without giving any specific reasons.

I had observed the queen's preparations, and alongside my brother Pharynx, we were ready to dive into intensive training for the new recruits. Even though I was physically on par with Pharynx, we had never really measured ourselves against each other, and I still kept my secret weapon in reserve.

Pharynx, impressive with his red crest and distinctive eyes, shared my sense of urgency. "The queen insists that we work together to speed up the training of the new recruits. Do you have any ideas on how to proceed?" My question was more intended to break the ice than to solicit his opinion.

Pharynx stared at me intently, his red crest standing out in the surrounding darkness. "I think pushing them to their limits, confronting them with particularly challenging situations from the start would be beneficial."

"You're right," I nodded. "Our future opponents may not be particularly impressive fighters, but we also need to prepare them for better teamwork to reduce risks."

Our plan was set: intense and realistic training for the recruits. We would push them beyond their limits, preparing them for any eventuality on the battlefield. I did my best to focus on urban combat and simulate what I knew about Equestria's cities.

Pharynx and I immediately began implementing our program. Every day was a challenge, every training session a test. The young ones learned quickly, discovering their own strengths and weaknesses. They also learned to work as a team, to rely on each other. I must say, military movies from my world gave me a lot of ideas for training soldiers... Well, mostly goofy stuff.

Injuries were multiplying rapidly among the recruits. It was clear that they were not prepared for the intensity of our training. We were elite soldiers, accustomed to much tougher challenges.

Pharynx shook his head, looking exasperated. "They're far from ready for real combat. We need to adjust the training, make it more progressive."

I nodded, realizing that we might have been too ambitious. "Perhaps we could divide the groups based on their skills and let them progress at their own pace."

Pharynx seemed to consider this idea. "Yes, that could be more effective. This way, we can target the specific needs of each group."

"That would be a great idea if there were more than just two of us," I pointed out, suddenly struck by inspiration. "But maybe I have a solution."

Pharynx scrutinized me, his piercing eyes clearly awaiting an explanation.

A smile stretched across my lips, revealing my sharp teeth. "Why not delegate? We could select the most resilient soldiers to take charge of groups, with the mission of gradually bringing them up to their level."

Pharynx nodded in agreement. "That could work. The fittest soldiers will be responsible for training and leading the groups, gradually bringing them up to their level."

It was a pragmatic solution that would optimize the training of the new recruits. Each group would be supervised by an experienced soldier, making it easier to tailor the training to their specific needs.

This system worked well enough to reduce injuries and even gave me some free time, which I used wisely.

The queen's decision to entrust me with the temporary leadership of the hive and to prepare the troops for the attack on Canterlot was now in our hooves. My mother had announced her conquest plan, but her prolonged absence raised questions and concerns.

Pharynx and I, as seasoned royal guards, were tasked with coordinating the operations. It was a demanding role, but we were determined to ensure that everything went according to plan.

We continued to train the troops with a more flexible approach, adapting our training program based on each individual's needs and progress. The weeks passed quickly, and we noticed significant improvements among the soldiers.

Meanwhile, we were eagerly awaiting news from my mother. Her absence weighed on us, but we had to stay focused on our mission. The conquest of Canterlot would be a major turning point for our hive, and we needed to be ready to face this challenge.

Feeding on the emotions of harmless ponies wasn't a problem in itself, it was our nature after all. But enslaving souls for sustenance, that was an entirely different matter. My heart was torn between my duty to the hive and the ethical questions that plagued me.

Pharynx and the other changelings I knew didn't share my concerns. Perhaps my human nature tormented me more, but even I couldn't ignore that glimmer of morality...

The question tore at my mind. It was too heavy, too haunting. Yet, I couldn't afford to share it with my kin.

The battle was fast approaching. It wasn't the time to falter, yet I felt increasingly desperate. I had to move forward, for my queen, for my kind...

The news from the queen finally arrived, bringing with it the promise of sustenance and the assurance of our rightful place in this world... However, despite her words, her face remained devoid of joy, marked by a cold anger that chilled me to the bone.

Her green eyes seemed to scrutinize my soul, and when she took on the appearance of a young mare with light pink fur and a mane composed of three colors: pale yellow, bright pink, and violet, she pierced through my heart. I had never been particularly sensitive to the suffering of others.

Yet, this time, something had changed within me. The sight of this young mare, so innocent yet so vulnerable, awakened a compassion in me that I had never felt before. Her image haunted me, and I felt overwhelmed by a mixture of empathy and profound sadness.

The queen's words still echoed in my head, cruelly contrasting with the pain I felt. She spoke of our "rightful" place in this world, but what did that truly mean?

I hadn't always been a Changeling, and the hive was the only thing I knew. What if the queen had been lying to us since our birth?

I close my eyes, anxious. I had a job to do, and I would do it...

I found myself in a sunlit meadow, surrounded by a sea of colorful wildflowers. Birds sang melodies that seemed to harmonize with the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. As I walked through the meadow, a feeling of pure contentment washed over me. In the distance, I spotted a cozy cottage nestled beneath a tall, ancient oak tree.

Approaching the cottage, I could smell the sweet aroma of freshly baked bread and hear laughter from within. I pushed open the door to find faceless pony, all gathered around a long, rustic table. The room was filled with warmth and the soft glow of golden sunlight streaming through the windows.

Suddenly, their heads turned towards me, their expressions shifting to terror. The bread began to emit a putrid smell, and the walls seemed to ooze with mold as I entered.

Conversations morphed into unintelligible, chilling murmurs, resonating in my ears like whispers from the beyond. An atmosphere of horror permeated every corner of the room.

As twilight approached, the darkness seemed to thicken, swallowing any hope of light. Hunger consumed me, my fangs bared, and I hissed, trying to restrain myself.

I woke up with a start, breathless, tears in my eyes, my heart pounding as if trying to escape my chest.

I whispered to myself, "I am not this monster."