• Published 19th Oct 2023
  • 2,088 Views, 102 Comments

My new Changeling life - Leonedavis

Imprisoned in a life marked by solitude and monotony, he sees his existence shift into a surreal strangeness. A new opportunity to become someone better and happier ?

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2 Yes my queen ...

I found myself once again pacing around the room, occasionally checking if the guard had fallen back asleep. Unfortunately, my movements had indeed awakened him, and he grabbed me as soon as I approached the corridor.

I leaned against the back wall, waiting like a prisoner, my gaze fixed on the ceiling, focusing on the light I could emit from my horn.

My yellow eyes scanned the room, my thoughts returning to the secretions I had produced myself to create my cocoon. I tried to spit, expelling a green, sticky liquid. I took some and formed it into a ball, bouncing it against the opposite wall...

Before I could come up with a fun idea, I started secreting that substance again. Approaching the corridor stealthily, I was once again lifted by the guard before throwing the viscous liquid at his face and calmly walking away from the corridor amidst his angry and surprised shouts.

"See you later," I said in a voice as childish as possible, quickly fleeing out of sight.

I entered a long, curved, organic corridor that offered ample and spacious room. I could observe my kin moving swiftly, paying me no mind. Beams of soft and mysterious green light illuminated the passage, creating a serene ambiance.

At times, I noticed the walls opening to allow a group of my kin to pass, almost giving the impression that the hive itself was alive.

This world already presented so many possibilities. My yellow eyes scrutinized every detail. I tried to acclimate myself to this architecture as I walked through the corridors. I even attempted to move my wings, but unfortunately, nothing happened.

Time seemed elastic, and I innocently strolled through the hive, absorbed in the exploration of this new environment. However, this was interrupted by a sharp pain at the base of my skull.

Turning around, I saw the guard, a furious expression adorning his face, his hoof still raised.

"You have no right to leave!" he roared, his voice filled with anger. He grabbed my carapace and pulled me away from the corridor I had ventured into. I tried to resist, but he was much stronger than me. My escapade had been short-lived, and it seemed that my previous actions had not been forgotten. I even had to endure a few slaps that he called 'slaps of good functioning'

Knowing it was futile to protest, I chose to remain silent, crossing my forelegs as he dragged me across the floor. My intelligence advised me not to escalate the situation further. Even though it would be funny...

"Where is Thunder!" a voice roared as I was being dragged on the floor. I recognized this voice, and I understood that I had probably committed my first mischief, and it wouldn't be the last.

"I found I'm, my queen!" the guard proudly announced... I had managed to escape his watchful eye, and he was now about to deal with a little troublemaker.

"Thunder, how did you manage to get out?" My mother's voice was filled with anger and curiosity. I knew that I had just put an end to the guard's career.

"He was sleeping at his post. I woke him up, and I spit in his face to go for a walk, my queen," I replied, feeling the pressure from the guard on my carapace increase. The queen, on the other hand, stared at the guard with a look that seemed to have redirected her anger towards him.

I had won. My mother had shifted her anger onto someone else.

My mother stared at the guard, her eyes shining with an intensity that could have made anyone back away. "You have seriously violated discipline, soldier. The safety of the hive must never be compromised," she declared in a cold voice, " I'll think about your punishment later". The guard lowered his head, clearly terrified by the queen's anger.

She then turned her green eyes towards me. "I know you want to explore the world around you, but there are rules you must follow. You will receive the appropriate training to channel your energy and curiosity." She paused for a moment. "Thunder, you will be trained to become a royal guard."

A mixture of relief, gratitude, and apprehension washed over me. I had won my mother over to my cause, but being a soldier didn't really appeal to me.

In the following days, I received special training led by experienced instructors, before my brothers and sisters emerged from their cocoons. It was both an advantage and a drawback. I had personalized lessons, but it also meant I was far too closely monitored.

I had to wait for two weeks for my brothers and sisters to finally emerge from their cocoons. At least, I was already a head taller than them, which made me smile inwardly. Sort of like a big brother.

I understood why my mother was so impressed with me. Most of them couldn't light their horns or speak properly. And the best part was, I was already able to transform somewhat... Although my attempt to revert to my old appearance hadn't worked yet.

I was aware of my luck and early abilities, even though memories of my previous life helped me a lot in progressing. Serving the hive wasn't really a calling for me. In this new life, I didn't seem to have much of a choice but to move forward. The big difference was that people respected me.

Days went by, and my knowledge of this world expanded. Unfortunately for me, we were in some sort of Cold War with the other peoples. The reason was simple: our main source of sustenance was the feelings of others.

We were like vampires, absorbing the love of others to feed ourselves. It was a complex reality to accept, but it was our nature... My new nature. My mother had explained that we had to be careful not to be seen and that we had eyes everywhere, and most importantly, that I was too young to do it.

My progress in training was steady, and with each passing day, I gained skill and confidence, not allowing my siblings who sought to surpass me to catch up. However, as I grew and improved, my mother seemed to become cold and distant towards me.

This shift in our relationship left me puzzled and saddened. I wondered what could be causing this sudden change. Was it related to my progress, to the very nature of my future role, or was it because of our nature as a hive after all... Questions swirled in my mind, but I didn't dare to voice them aloud.

I tried to find opportunities to talk with her, hoping to understand what was troubling her. However, our conversations had become brief and formal, filled with palpable tension. Every word was measured, every gesture watched, as if she were just my queen.

The growing distance between my mother and me weighed heavily on my shoulders. I had never known my first mother, and the new one was becoming an increasingly cold and distant figure. I often had trouble sleeping in my quarters because of this situation.

Despite it all, I tried not to lose hope. The goal of honoring my mother and my hive remained intact. Every day, I pushed myself, training with relentless determination to surpass my own limits. I hoped that my successes would eventually reignite even a glimmer of pride in my mother's eyes.

Through perseverance and hard work, I even managed to outperform some of my instructors. Some of my siblings were jealous of my progress, which did not help ease tensions within our hive, making me more bitter than ever.

Time passed, and our relationship remained strained. I clung to the hope that circumstances would change, that my mother would regain the warmth and closeness we had once shared. I was willing to do everything in my power to restore our bond, even if it meant redoubling my efforts in my training and in my new role as a royal guard.

My obsession with rekindling my mother's love had become a burden I carried every day. It was both unhealthy and powerful, as it felt essential to love the person who had inadvertently given me a new life. It was a complex feeling that consumed me, because I desperately wanted her to regain the warmth and closeness we had once shared.

Years passed, and I had become a full-fledged royal guard. Compared to my previous life, I had refused to let my body and mind deteriorate. I had traded alcohol for strength training, seeking to keep my body in its best form. I immersed myself in reading every book I had access to, thirsty for knowledge.

Most importantly, I had taken it upon myself to teach the younger ones essential skills for their future lives. I wanted to prepare them to face the challenges of our world with confidence and determination. It was my way of contributing to the future of our hive.

Even though the emptiness in my heart persisted, my mother had become more than just an intimidating figure of a queen. While I couldn't make friends in the conventional sense, I had established relationships based on respect and shared knowledge. My skills and position as a royal guard were enough for no one to question my authority.

It was a balance I had learned to accept. My role in the hive was clear, and I put all my commitment into it. In return, I was fed, housed, and didn't have to worry about basic needs. I had become, in a way, the perfect soldier.

This stability in my life brought me a certain satisfaction. I knew I was fulfilling my duty to my hive and contributing to its safety and well-being. However, I sometimes wondered if there was more to life than this regulated existence... The queen seemed to be preparing something; she was increasingly in discussion with her various spies...

Author's Note:

The character will have more social interaction in the near future :raritywink: