• Published 19th Oct 2023
  • 2,087 Views, 102 Comments

My new Changeling life - Leonedavis

Imprisoned in a life marked by solitude and monotony, he sees his existence shift into a surreal strangeness. A new opportunity to become someone better and happier ?

  • ...

11 Somethin' Stupid

He evening was progressing, and unfortunately, our dinner was over. I paid the bill despite Onyx's and my wallet's slight protests.

"I invited you, so I'll pay, Onyx, nothing more normal." A smirk adorned my face. "At worst, there will probably be another time." I noticed an amused smile from the waiter who was watching us; we must have made quite a colorful duo.

"That works for me; I'll invite you next time... well, if you want." His cheeks were slightly red, an oddity for an actor to be so easily embarrassed.

"Why would I refuse?" I took the opportunity to give the waiter the money for the meal and a tip, adding with a wink to Onyx, "You're offering me food and pleasant company, what more could I ask for?"

"I see..." I stood up, stretching my wings slightly. We must have spent more time than planned in that restaurant, and Onyx followed suit.

We both walked out of the restaurant only to realize that it was raining, and neither he nor I had brought an umbrella. I spread my wing over Onyx, who looked a bit shocked.

I puffed up my chest slightly. "I invited you, so it's only right that I escort you back as dry as possible."

"But you're going to get soaked..." He seemed to have a slight concern in his voice.

"I'm an adventurer; I'm used to challenging climates, and after the desert, I kinda need it." I chuckled lightly after my declaration.

Onyx shook his head slightly before letting out a sigh. "You're not going to let me refuse, are you?" He was getting to know me.

"Don't say it like I'm forcing you. You still have the right to try to stop me."

Onyx opened his mouth before reconsidering and smiling at me, accepting the slight protection of my wing against the pouring rain. I accompanied Onyx to his home. The streets of Canterlot were almost deserted, giving way to the soothing sound of the rain.

Onyx walked beside me, trying to stay under the improvised shelter of my wing, leaning slightly against me. A faint floral and woody scent reached my nostrils, and I was slightly surprised that he had taken the time to put on perfume.

When we reached his door, Onyx turned to me with a grateful smile. "Thanks, Thunder. It's really kind of you to have escorted me."

"No problem, Onyx. It was a pleasant evening." I smiled at him, deliberately ignoring the intrigued looks of a few passersby who dared to venture out despite the rain and the late hour.

Onyx hesitated for a moment, seeming to search for something to say. "Uh, do you maybe want to come in and dry off a bit?"

I shook my head, politely declining the offer. "No, it's okay. I'll head back to the hotel; the evening has been long. Thanks anyway."

He nodded, but a hint of incomprehension passed through his eyes. "Okay, well, thanks again for dinner. It was a really pleasant surprise."

"All the pleasure is mine, Onyx. Until next time." I winked at him, and without waiting any longer, I flew off into the rainy night, looking for a hotel to spend the night.

I stood at the entrance of a hotel, deliberately choosing the one farthest from the castle, hoping for more affordable rates. Shaking my fur in a futile attempt to dry off, I couldn't help but think about the limitations of ponies compared to the advantages of my changeling carapace, waterproof and shock-resistant.

The simple sign with the word "Hotel" hung at the entrance of a multi-story stone building, showing no particular reference or distinction. Passing through the door, I inwardly hoped that someone was still at the reception.

As soon as I entered, a welcoming smile lit up the face of a gray unicorn, her stature rivaling that of the most imposing earth ponies I had encountered. Although she seemed calm and warm, a subtle nervousness crept over me.

"Um, do you have a vacant room... Ma'am?" My usual lack of easy intimidation seemed to fade at this moment.

Her eyes quickly scanned my silhouette before her strong yet friendly voice resonated. "Yes, we have a few available, Mr.?"

Approaching the counter, I observed the wall adorned with keys, indicating the low hotel occupancy rate. "Thunder, I would need a single room for a few days." As I got closer, her imposing demeanor became more intimidating, but strangely, it also exuded a certain beauty and gentleness.

The gray unicorn displayed a professional smile while quickly checking the registry in front of her. "Of course, Mr. Thunder. We have a room available for you. How many nights do you plan to stay?"

"Three nights should be enough," I replied, anticipating a short stay in Canterlot.

"Perfect." Her horn glowed as she marked my name in a register. "Room 21 is assigned to you. It's on the second floor. The elevator is on your right when entering the lobby."

"Thank you very much." I let out a sigh of relief, happy to have found accommodation at a reasonable price.

"If you need anything, feel free to let me know. We hope your stay with us will be enjoyable." She brought one of the many keys behind her with a professional smile.

I took the key to the room in my still-damp wing before undertaking the journey. The stairs were made of wood, the steps of a warm oak color, polished by the passage of time and the many hooves that had trodden on them. The ascent to the second floor was brief, and I arrived at the door of Room 21. Inserting the key, I entered and discovered a simple yet welcoming interior.

The room was equipped with a comfortable bed, a small bedside table, and a desk. A window allowed the moonlight to filter in, faintly illuminating the room. After confirming that everything was in order, I let myself fall onto the bed, feeling the fatigue of my recent adventures settling in.

The gentle murmur of the rain against the window accompanied me into sleep, offering a well-deserved rest.

Lying on a carpet of dazzling green grass, I faced a majestic waterfall. The soothing murmur of cascading water formed an enchanting symphony, saturating the atmosphere with profound serenity. Sunlight fragments created reflections on the cascade, generating sparkling reflections and a rainbow. Around me, lush vegetation spread its arms in a peaceful embrace, while the delicate scent of flowers perfumed the air.

Distant joyful children's laughter floated, drawing a smile on my face. Muffled hoofbeats approached, perhaps a child discreetly attempting a prank. I was far too relaxed to worry further.

Hooves gently closed around my shoulders, revealing a half-mask that I immediately recognized, having glimpsed it earlier in the day. It was Onyx who held me in his hooves, his mask revealing only a half-smile shrouded in mystery. Onyx looked at me with a curious intensity, his gaze concealed behind the half-mask expressing a mix of mystery, amusement, and something I couldn't quite recognize.

I turned my head slightly towards my friend, a part of me wondering if the evening meant something more to him. His muzzle slowly approached mine before stopping less than an inch away, an enigmatic smile appearing on Onyx's lips as if he was expecting something. Something that I didn't think I wanted to give or share.

My wings stretched suddenly, making a slight leap backward before lifting toward the stallion who wanted me to share with him my life force, resuming my true form. Rather than being shocked or terrified, he sat there, watching me patiently.

I woke up slowly, a tear sliding down my cheek. "Why do I complicate my life like this?" I whispered to myself, letting that question linger in the silence of my room. After getting out of bed, I engaged in one of the few activities the hive had taught me to soothe a heavy heart: training.

Opening the window, I took off with a single goal in mind: to expend as much energy as possible. As I trained, I let myself be absorbed by the smooth movement of my wings and the sensation of the wind caressing my feathers. The whirlwind of acrobatics became almost hypnotic, acting as a welcome distraction. For a moment, I managed to forget the questions and emotions that haunted me.

My aerial performance caught the attention of some onlookers who had stopped to watch my solitary dance and daring acrobatics. Fortunately for them, no one had anything to say, or they would have become acquainted with my less polite side.

As my muscles began to burn, words came back to me: "burning muscles, feel the pain. The heart and soul of discipline, my friends." These words brought a slight smile to my face, allowing my mind to wander. I realized that since I had been in this world, I hadn't really paid attention to music. Although the metal of my younger years probably wasn't popular in Equestria, I wondered what melodies and harmonies could lull the inhabitants of this enchanted kingdom.

Now that the muscles in my wings were slightly sore, I returned to my room, passing through the window to get ready for the day, now that the memories of my dream had faded.

I strolled through the numerous streets of the capital, avoiding the castle surroundings to avoid encountering the snobs who were nearby. I enjoyed a simpler part of the city, noticing that yesterday's rain hadn't completely dried up...

Author's Note:

Sorry for the time i take, I'm still on a mission