• Published 19th Oct 2023
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My new Changeling life - Leonedavis

Imprisoned in a life marked by solitude and monotony, he sees his existence shift into a surreal strangeness. A new opportunity to become someone better and happier ?

  • ...

17 Cristal Empire and Medic

The rest of the journey passed more quietly for us, and I hadn't admitted to them that I was probably not in a condition to fight anything more challenging than a paper bag.

I gazed out the window as the landscape began to change, and the temperature dropped. A thin layer of snow started to appear. I tightened my coat as much as possible, attempting to conceal my injuries and shield myself from the upcoming cold. "You should change, girls."

Bulky nodded slowly, pulling out a scarf matching her mane, along with an oversized blue coat that seemed too big for her, while Isao brought out a jacket slightly whiter than her feathers and something Bulky and I hadn't thought of: socks.

I watched the unicorn strike a slight pose, trying in vain to catch my attention, before finally posing the question: "How do you like my coat, Thunder?"

I took two seconds to look at her and contemplate a response. "You know, adventurers aren't known for their aesthetic taste..."

Isao couldn't resist adding, "I'm sure if it were your special mare, you wouldn't say that."

Bulky squinted her eyes. "Do you have someone in your life, Thunder?"

I looked out the window longingly, but I knew my body wouldn't endure another intense effort so quickly. I sighed, defeated by the questioning gaze of the mare and the visibly amused griffon. "Yes, I currently have someone in my life."

I felt that her curiosity was far from satisfied. "And what's her name? Is she a Pegasus too? What does she look like?"

And to think I found Pinkie Pie from Ponyville challenging to handle... "I don't really feel like talking about it."

Bulky narrowed her eyes in a manner that seemed almost calculated, wearing an expression both curious and mischievous. She stared at me intently, using her large, sparkling eyes to try to penetrate my defenses.

"Come on, Thunder, you can tell us a bit more," she said in a sweet voice, playing the card of puppy-dog eyes with astonishing mastery. "We're curious to know about this special person in your life. Does she have wings like you, or maybe a mane as flamboyant as yours?"

I crossed my hooves and resisted as much as possible the influence of her enchanting gaze. "Bulky, I'm more on the discreet side about my personal life. I prefer to keep certain things to myself."

The griffon beside me flashed a teasing smile. "Bulky has a particular talent for getting stubborn Pegasus to talk, Thunder. If you resist too much, she might bombard you with questions until you crack."

Bulky strengthened her gentle gaze with an adorable pout. "Come on, just a few details. We promise not to ask too many questions, right, Isao?"

Isao nodded with a conspiratorial smile. "Promise, just a few details. It stays between us."

I sighed, feeling my resistance crumble under their combined insistence. "I'll allow each of you one question, but that's it."

Bulky let out a discreet cry of victory, while Isao sported a triumphant smile. They had gotten what they wanted, at least in part.

"So, Thunder," Bulky began with palpable enthusiasm, "how did you and this special person in your life meet?"

I gazed slightly at the ceiling, searching for words that would reveal just enough. "I was in Canterlot during the Changeling attack... I helped him find shelter, and he welcomed me into his home after the attack." A atmosphere of sweet nostalgia permeated my words, mixed with a hint of hypocrisy that I couldn't avoid.

Isao and Bulky exchanged a surprised look, then their eyes settled on me with renewed curiosity. Bulky seemed on the verge of asking another question, but Isao stopped her with a knowing look.

"Interesting," Isao commented in a measured tone. "You hid from us that you have talents for aiding during attacks. And, huh, did you say 'he' welcomed you into his home?"

Blush rushed to my cheeks, and I looked away to the window, seeking a tactical retreat. "I did just fight a Manticore less than an hour ago..."

She lightly clicked her talons. "Don't change the subject, is it 'he'?"

I desperately searched for an escape route, only to meet Bulky's curious gaze. "Yes, I did say 'he.'"

Bulky burst into laughter, a warm and contagious laughter that echoed in the cabin. "Ah, a valiant stallion has conquered a lone heart!"

Isao smirked, evidently amused by the situation. "Who would have thought our adventurer had such a peculiar love life?"

I rubbed the back of my neck, trying to conceal my growing embarrassment. "Well, you know, adventurers also have a life outside of battles and missions."

Unyielding, Bulky deepened her curiosity. "So, spill it all! What's his name? What attracted you to him?"

Isao joined in the playful interrogation. "You met during an attack; that's quite unusual for a beginning of a romance. Were sparks flying, literally?"

I rolled my eyes with an amused smile. "No, not really sparks, but it was an intense moment."

Isao seemed intrigued. "And how did you end up at his place after the attack?"

I lowered my head slightly, diving back into those memories. "Well, I was injured, and he refused to let me leave without at least a night of rest"

Bulky grinned mischievously. "That's cute. One can sense a little spark in your eyes."

Isao added teasingly, "And in your rosy cheeks."

I sighed, accepting the fact that my love life was now the topic of conversation. "Well, enough with the questions. Your turn, do you have exciting love lives?"

Isao looked at her claws. "Not really, my father tends to scare off suitors. And you, Bulky?"

Bulky smiled, "I've never had anything serious, but I have some anecdotes." The cabin quickly filled with our laughter and completely improbable anecdotes from this young unicorn.

I felt the train slowing down as outside, a thick layer of snow covered the ground. However, a glow seemed visible in the distance, contrasting with the falling snow and the gray of the horizon.

I stood up from my seat, nodding to Isao, before slowly making my way to the back of the train. My injuries caused me slight pain with each new step, and I really didn't feel like seeing a doctor.

Curiously, pony or not, their instincts told them to let the gray-coated stallion with a black chapka on his head pass. It just goes to show that even in this world, clothes alter people's behavior.

I arrived in the wagon as sturdy ponies, shining slightly in a crystalline glow, began unloading the equipment and putting it on sleds. Part of me wanted to help, but I wasn't in a condition to do so.

I descended from the train, my hooves sinking a few inches into the snow, causing a slight shiver. The freshness of the winter air seeped under my coat, prompting a slight grimace.

I took the time to acclimate to the cold before moving forward, my vision slightly blurred, feeling sweat trickling down my forehead. I stared at the crate, forcing myself to move forward, before feeling a hoof on my shoulder.

"Thunder, are you okay?" asked Bulky.

I smiled at Bulky. "Yes, just a night's rest can't heal." I shivered as I continued to move, following the sled.

The path in the snow seemed endless. Bulky walked beside me, concerned, while Isao followed closely. The light I had seen from the train widened, revealing a dome where the light seemed radiant despite my blurry vision. I seemed to see the tip of a structure, a tall tower shining faintly.

The closer we got, the more the scenery contrasted with the eternal snow that seemed to surround it. Inside the dome, I seemed to see grass and structures carved from crystal in different colors.

I stopped at the separation line while the crystal stallions crossed without hesitation. Part of me hoped it wasn't a security system.

Isao and Bulky seemed to notice my slight hesitation, a smirk appearing despite my weakness. They gave me a simple nod. "After you, ladies."

Bulky burst into laughter, while Isao looked at me with amusement. "Oh, what a gentleman, Thunder. We're following you."

I gave them an amused look, then decided to cross the separation line, moving from the icy world to what seemed like a crystalline oasis. The warmth enveloped me instantly, making me sigh in relief.

The ground under my hooves was strangely soft, almost welcoming. Crystal shards dotted the landscape, capturing the light and reflecting it in a dazzling symphony of colors.

I smiled slightly. "Why don't you go explore, ladies? I'll take care of the cargo."

Isao and Bulky exchanged a knowing look before nodding eagerly. They seemed impatient to discover the mysteries of this enchanting place.

"Got it, Thunder," Isao replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "We'll leave you to the good work."

Bulky nodded vigorously, her eyes shining with insatiable curiosity. "Have fun with the crates. We'll meet back here in a while."

I waited for them to move away before reaching my hoof under my coat, gently caressing the wounds that the manticore had left. The area around the injury, in addition to being painful, seemed to be swelling. I needed to take care of it as soon as I found a quiet place.

I got to work, overseeing the unloading of the equipment. The workers moved with efficiency, carefully moving the crates in this surreal setting. Even the warehouse was made of crystal.

Once the task was done, I allowed myself a moment to contemplate the landscape. The crystals sparkled in the sunlight, creating magical reflections that danced on the walls of the dome. A gentle breeze blew, bringing with it a sweet melody that seemed to emanate from the earth itself.

I took a deep breath, soaking in the peaceful atmosphere of this place, sitting on a crate before coughing lightly, closing my eyes to conserve my strength.

As I recovered, Isao and Bulky returned after their exploration. Their eyes sparkled with excitement, a sign that this crystal city held astonishing discoveries.

"Thunder, you won't believe what we've seen! It's incredible!" exclaimed Bulky with enthusiasm.

Isao added, "There are shops and artisans crafting crystal beautifully. And the dome's light gives a magical ambiance to the whole place."

I smiled, glad to see them so enchanted by this new destination. "That's fantastic. Now, we should find a place where we can all sleep while you find buyers."

Isao signaled discreetly, "We spotted a charming inn not far from here. Would you like to rest there for a while?"

I sighed lightly. "I guess the crate is secure... have you already booked the rooms?"

Bulky gave me a gentle pat on the back, nearly causing me to stumble. "Maybe you'll even find a doctor there."

I smiled. "Don't worry, I'm a rock, it takes more than that to bring me down."

Isao started to gaze intently at me. "Thunder, open your coat."

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, hesitating for a moment. "Oh, it's nothing. Just a few scratches, nothing serious." However, my smile was a bit forced, and the insistent looks from Isao and Bulky left no room for escape. Finally, I gave in and opened my coat slightly, revealing the marks left by the manticore.

Isao squinted while examining my wounds. "Thunder, this is much more serious than you're willing to admit; it's venom. We really should find a doctor."

I rolled my eyes. "I've never needed to see a doctor in my life; I would rather not start now." Despite my words, a twinge of pain crossed my face, betraying the gravity of the situation.

Bulky shook her head disapprovingly. "Thunder, it's misplaced pride. You can't ignore something like this. Poisoned wounds can become deadly if left untreated."

The griffon began to look at her claws. "At worst, I'm sure my father could find your special stallion and tell him that you refuse to be treated."

I sighed, "Alright, alright. Let's find that doctor."

We strolled through the bustling streets of the city until we spotted a clinic. My two adventure companions practically pushed me inside.

Isao confidently approached what seemed to be the doctor. "Excuse us, doctor. We need your services."

The practitioner looked up, his gaze scanning our faces. "How may I assist you?" he asked in a gentle yet authoritative voice.

I stepped forward, trying to conceal the pain I was feeling. "I have some injuries from an encounter with a manticore. I would like you to examine them."

The doctor nodded and invited me to sit on a chair near his desk. He examined my wounds meticulously, asking questions about the circumstances of the attack and the symptoms I was experiencing.

After a thorough examination, he grabbed a syringe. Suddenly, I became nervous as the syringe gleamed with a sinister glint under the clinic's neon lights. My heart started pounding, and sweat droplets formed on my forehead.

"Are you ready?" the doctor asked, apparently ignoring my apparent distress.

I tried to keep my composure, but at the sight of the needle, my hind legs began to shake like leaves. "Uh, Doctor... maybe I could just... heal naturally?" I proposed, desperately trying to find an escape.

Isao raised an eyebrow, teasingly amused by my sudden discomfort. "Thunder, you're not afraid of needles, are you?"

Bulky let out a small laugh behind her paw, attempting to mask her amusement. "Come on, Thunder, it's just a little sting."

I took a deep breath, trying to convince myself that everything would be fine. "Of course not, why would I be afraid of needles? I mean, I beat up a manticore that had a dart..." My hooves were trembling slightly.

The doctor nodded understandingly but insisted. "It's just an antivenom serum for the manticore venom. It should relieve your pain and expedite the healing process. You'll only feel a little sting, nothing more."

I tried to appear nonchalant, nodding confidently. "Sure, doctor, go ahead."

The needle approached my arm slowly, and despite my attempt to be brave, a slight grimace appeared on my face. The sting was sharper than expected, and I involuntarily flinched.

Bulky and Isao burst into laughter at my exaggerated reaction. "Thunder, you're more sensitive than you'd like to admit!" Bulky exclaimed between laughter.

I gave them a falsely stern look. "It's easy for you to laugh. Try having a manticore on your back and see how you react afterward."

The doctor smiled, understanding the group's dynamics. "The treatment will take effect shortly. Rest well, and avoid any more manticores in the near future."

We left the clinic, and Isao gave me a mocking look. "The mighty Thunder, scared of a needle. Who would've thought?"

Bulky shook her head with amusement. "It seems we've discovered your weakness, Thunder."

I sighed, resigned, heading towards the inn...