• Published 19th Oct 2023
  • 2,087 Views, 102 Comments

My new Changeling life - Leonedavis

Imprisoned in a life marked by solitude and monotony, he sees his existence shift into a surreal strangeness. A new opportunity to become someone better and happier ?

  • ...

13 perfectly legal proposition

I lifted my head from the bed, expelling a significant portion of what I had ingested in the bucket a mix of fluo secretion, emitting a long hiss between my teeth.

I spread my wings, returning to my pegasus form, only to hear a loud growl coming from my stomach. Perhaps I had neglected my diet too much since my arrival. I got up cautiously, feeling every movement resonate in my throbbing head, and my wings seemed particularly numb. "Another beautiful day."

I descended the stairs carefully, trying not to worsen my already precarious situation. Light conversations and the clinking of utensils in the dining room seemed exacerbated by my heightened sensitivity. The unicorn at the reception, busy welcoming new arrivals, paid me little attention.

Once outside, the fresh morning air seemed to have a revitalizing effect, although my wings remained slightly numb. I headed towards a small bakery.

Inside, the place was warm, illuminated by the soft light of hanging lamps. A couple of ponies were chatting happily at a table, and a musician played the guitar in a corner. I discreetly slipped towards the counter, seeking a remedy for my hangover.

The waitress, a pegasus with benevolent eyes, approached with a welcoming smile. "Good morning, what can I get you this morning?"

"A strong coffee, please, and a croissant to go with it," I replied with a grateful smile, my right wing still massaging my forehead.

She nodded and headed towards the kettle. Meanwhile, I settled at a secluded table, observing the other customers and the peaceful morning life in Canterlot before resting my head on the cool wooden table.

The waitress returned with a steaming cup of coffee and a golden croissant on a plate. "Here's your order; I hope this will perk you up," she said with a compassionate wink.

"Thank you very much," I replied, lifting the cup to smell the intoxicating aroma of the coffee. The comforting warmth of the brew gradually soothed the persistent headache.

I immersed myself in the first sip, savoring the robust taste of the coffee that seemed to awaken my numbed senses. The croissant, delightfully crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, complemented this morning remedy perfectly.

I paid the bill before heading towards the park, hoping to grab a bite before my predator side began to alter my behavior.

The park stretched over a vast expanse, unfolding a mosaic of enchanting scenes. Majestic trees proudly rose, creating a verdant canopy that delicately filtered the sunlight. Winding pathways invited adventure, bordered by flower beds in vibrant hues spreading a sweet fragrance in the air.

In the center of the park, a tranquil pond housed a variety of waterfowl. Ducks gracefully glided on the water, brightening the atmosphere with their joyful quacks. Majestic swans elegantly lounged on the shore, their white feathers reflecting the sunlight.

Clusters of bushes offered hiding spots, and I discreetly blended into them. Further away, foals laughed and played, and I patiently waited for an animal to approach. To my surprise, a bird landed on my shoulder.

I began absorbing its emotions, reminding myself that ponies were not predators for the surrounding animal species. However, the taste of the creature's emotions made me nauseous, while a metallic flavor filled my mouth. I caught the bird in my wing, gently placing it on the ground as it lost consciousness.

Normally, a meal of this size shouldn't have been enough for a changeling, but I already felt significantly better. My wings no longer hurt, and my headache had disappeared.

I sat on a bench, letting the sun's rays warm me, wondering how to spend my day. Onyx was probably working, and I suspected that Dr. Cristal had classes to teach.

The idea of being alone didn't excite me. I remembered it was a habit I needed to lose, especially in the city. It would be foolish to repeat the mistakes of my past life...

I noticed a group of ponies seemingly engaged in a friendly chess tournament. A faint smile lit up my face as I joined the crowd; after all, what did ponies understand about strategy?

I moved my queen to H5, carefully observing the chessboard. My opponent, a pony with a deep blue coat and a meticulously coiffed silver mane, clearly did not expect this move.

"Checkmate," I declared with satisfaction, the fool's mate in all its glory.

The pony across from me scratched his head slightly, expressing a mixture of surprise and admiration. He extended his hoof, acknowledging his defeat. "Impressive, Thunder. I thought you didn't know how to play."

I sighed. "I know a few simple moves, but I didn't expect to succeed. You underestimated me a bit, I believe."

He smiled, admitting his mistake. "Clearly. You're much more skilled than I thought. Can't judge a book by its cover, huh?"

After playing a few more games with different ponies, I found my next opponent, a young unicorn filly with a bright white coat contrasting with her vivid pink mane.

Despite her innocent appearance, she effortlessly crushed me several times.

Once the games were over, I joined the eclectic group, chatting and sharing pleasant moments, including a particularly delicious pear tart.

We parted ways some time later, and I stretched a bit as I left the park, the sun still high in the sky. The wind gently caressed my outspread wings, and I took flight, enjoying the sensation of freedom as I soared above the city. The bustling streets below were like pulsating veins.

Without a specific direction in mind, I flew back and forth across the city, observing the diverse scenes unfolding below. The colorful market stalls caught my eye, children's laughter echoed in the air, and the quiet alleys offered picturesque corners to explore.

Eventually, I decided to perch on the roof of a building, the sun warming my feathers and fur. There, on this elevated roost, I could overlook the entire city. The rooftops of houses, the majestic towers of the distant castle, everything was within my view. I let myself be lulled by the distant murmur of urban life while enjoying the relative calm of my elevated position.

"This is life," I murmured to myself, savoring the present moment. As I lounged on the rooftop, the sun began its descent in the sky, painting the clouds with warm and golden hues.

I descended from the heights to take the streets leading to The Last Round. As soon as I passed the door, the smell of tobacco hit me again. Griff was not in sight, and the tables seemed emptier than yesterday, but Shadow Wing stood with her back to the counter, busy preparing something.

I approached the counter and sat down, noticing several glasses spinning on a tray between Shadow Wing's hooves. With a teasing smile, I quipped, "So, Shadow Wing, have you found a stallion to escort me to the grand gala, or do I have to find my prince charming on my own?"

Shadow Wing turned her head, her gaze meeting mine with a mischievous glint. She paused in her preparation, tilting her head slightly to the side in a dramatic fashion. "For the dress, we can always arrange something, even though I pictured you more as a mare hunter."

"I, uh," no response came out of my throat for a few seconds.

Her canines were visible, and her eyes sparkled with amusement. "So, the great adventurer is speechless, did I touch a sensitive spot?"

I quickly closed my eyes, exhaling the contents of my lungs, then opened them again with a smile. "Wouldn't that be jealousy?" I joked. "I'll take a cocktail, try to make it as beautiful as you are, and see if you're to my taste."

Shadow Wing burst into laughter, her voice resonating in the bar. "Jealous, me? You're funnier than I thought, Thunder. A special cocktail, then." She got to work, skillfully mixing the ingredients with an almost artistic grace.

While she was preparing the drink, a griffon landed next to me with a lit cigar. "Thunder, back for another round?"

"Sort of," I replied with a smile, avoiding looking at Shadow Wing, who continued to concoct my cocktail.

"You know, I could use a helping hand with one of my business matters." I turned my head toward Griff.

"I'm an adventurer, not, uh... a fortune stallion?" He covered his face with a cloud of smoke, flashing an enigmatic smile.

"Too bad, Thunder. I would have offered you a free trip to a place few have recently gone, to accompany some friends of mine."

Griff seemed serious, and the atmosphere in the bar took on a darker shade, as if shadows hidden behind the walls were beginning to stretch into the room. I felt a subtle pressure in the air, indicating that the matter at hand was probably not the most legal.

"What kind of place and what kind of friends are you talking about, Griff?" I asked, aware that I might be getting into something much more complex.

"Have you heard of the Crystal Empire?" The name didn't ring a bell.

"No, never."

"It's an area that has just reappeared where a new race of pony is located, and I would like to be the first to do business with them." I raised an eyebrow, intrigued, as a glass was slammed down in front of me.

"And why do you need me?"

"Simple. There's a train to get there, but there's a snow zone to traverse, and more importantly, I'd prefer you protect them once inside. From what I understand, they've been isolated for a very long time, and one of the individuals I'm sending is a griffoness." His voice sounded much more intense.

"I see, it sounds legal enough to me... But when do you want to send your team?"

"In two days, with samples of my products, and they'll leave when we've found clients. Do you agree, Thunder?" Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the bat pony place a glass of whiskey next to her.

"You're forgetting an important point." I smiled.

"1000 bits and free food." Griff didn't even blink, confirming with a nod.

The proposition hung in the air, and everyone in the bar seemed to be watching the scene with curiosity. I took the glass that had been served to me.

"You know how to be persuasive... I accept if I'm paid in advance."

He chuckled lightly before speaking again, "You'll be paid at the Crystal Empire."

"That works for me." I extended my hoof, and he shook it lightly with his claws before clinking glasses with me.

The glass she had prepared for me was entirely red. As I began to drink it, a taste of cherry mixed with blackcurrant liqueur became apparent, along with a strong alcohol kick and a hint of lemon juice.

I turned with a smile to the bartender. "Are you trying to tell me that you're strong, elegant, but hide your sweetness behind bitterness?"

She simply turned away, but a bit too late for me not to notice the slight embarrassment on her face.

I chuckled lightly. "I knew it." I turned my attention back to Griff. "The rendezvous point, and where and when?"

Griff seemed amused by the situation before handing me a card. "This address at 1 PM. I'll introduce you to your travel companions."

I took the card, where it was noted as Griff's Brewery, along with an address in the artisan district. "I'd like to stay longer, but I have to go see someone."

Griff nodded as I paid, while my bartender seemed to be in a sour mood as I left. I couldn't help but utter a "adorable" on my way out.