• Published 27th Jan 2024
  • 181 Views, 12 Comments

Heart Of The CHIMERA - discordjediknight

Over a year later after the events in blood of a chimera twilight question her past and future, untill she runs into two time travelers trying to stop the apocalypse.

  • ...

Chapter 6 The Queens Rise.

Author's Note:

ALRIGHT, time to move the story along. 😈

With a loud pop sound of a bottle, smolder smiled. "There it is boys, drink up," She laughed as the other members of Chaos Vill took their drinks.

"Hay, why not a toast," shouted Sunburst. "Here's to another chimera cured thanks to Miss Sparkle," They all cheered.

Twilight smiled, "I'm not old enough for to drink, but I thank you for the toast," Twilight chuckled.

"And here's to the boss, long live King Capper," Shouted another.

Capper smirked, "Na, na, I'll tell who this toast should be." He got up and shouted, "Here's to the chaos king, may his soul forever rest," He took a large sip of his beverage.

"Here, hear" the crowd shouted. Twilight smiled at the notion.

"And to think Twilight's time gadgets going to finally be powered up today," Cheared Rarity in the crowd.

"Ooooh," the crowd went as they turned to the pony in question.

"Testing starts soon yes, in a few hours, I just need someone to move my old machine out of the way, and bring the new one to the test facilities."

"Where are you testing it?" Asked Rarity

"Out of town, I'd say the old fort is the safest place to do it."

At the mere mention of the old fort, the crowd agreed solemnly knowing all too well what happened last time they were there.

"Well, I'll help you move as soon as I'm done with my mission, might take a while though," Her brother told her.

"Naa, I'll take care of it, you make sure that mission gets completed," Capper told him.

Rarity smiled, "I only wish Dash was here to party with us, why did she go on that road trip anyway, do you know?"

"No she just skipped town, I didn't even know till I called her." Twilight smiled. "so what's the mission anyway."

"Ahh, now you know the rules no discussing mission details with anyone except those partnered with you. Me and Rarity got this covered, just focus on your work," Shining told her. Twilight rolled her eyes playfully, but she did accept that he was following the rules. "Welp as much fun as this is I better go feed the lab rat," she smirked as she walked off. The group gave a chuckle at that knowing all too well what she was talking about.


Twilight entered the the lab and headed to a strange box, She was going to go feed a living creature, but it was no lab rat. It was a strange amalgamation of jellyfish and goo that acted much like a dog that Discord created and it was the source of the cure to the chimera disease. "Smooes," she called out playfully. "time for dinner, you hungry bud." She said but had no response. She shrugged and continued by pulling out a blood pack from the fridge. She walked over to its glass cage and smiled. "Smooes, lunchtime, come ah!" A strange pile of slime attacked her. She threw the blood sample at it, with a look of horror and fear, only to sigh in relief the next second. "come on do you have to do that every time I feed you, where did you learn your manners," she asked cross, as if the pile of goo was a child. But instead, it only gobbled its food. "oh that's right your his experiment," Twilight deadpanned, only for her phone to ring.

"Hmmm, Celestia," she answered it with a "hay."

"Yes, Twilight how has your day been? Celestia asked cheerfully on the other line.

"I'm good, umm a bit nervous to be honest," Twilight replied with a scratch of her arm.

"Oh you have nothing to fear dear, umm but I was wondering if I may have a word with you, in person."

Twilight's head tilted at her aunt's request, "You mean right now, I'm supposed to go and meet up with my assistant, in an hour."

"Oh, no no, look I'll meet you there at the lab alright," Celestia told her cherfully, only giving Twiight an odder feeling. "mhmm sounds good, um may I ask what your want to talk about?"

"Oh its," her tone shifted down. "It's about my sister and...," Celestia paused, and grew a sad tone. "I have a lot of my past I would like to explain to you, perhaps over dinner or something."

Twilight shifted in her stance, glad that she wasn't in the same room with Celestia at the moment. something seemed off but she only gave a "alright see you then," trying to sound as relaxed as she could.

"right see you then," Celestia replied in the same fake tone.

Celestia hung up the phone and imidatly grew a blank face, as her new assistant walked over to her. "is there anything I can do my queen," he asked, much to her annoyance.

"Prepare a party," she commanded turning her back on him. "it won't be long now, before our next move," she blinked only for her eyes to turn into red slits.


"All right bring it in slowly, slowly, that's right let it down nice and easy," said Starlight as she directed the forklift driver carrying nuclear waste.

Capper had already moved and loaded the old time machine on the truck, so it would be out of the way. He watched trying to play it cool, yet the small sweat on his brow gave him away. Twilight chuckled at the sight of him. "I know, I'm the same way, but Starlight has proven to me multiple times that it's perfectly safe. The nuclear waste is even sealed so none of it will leak and cause issues," She tried to comfort him.

"Mhmm," was his only reply. Which made her smile. Everything was strangely going her way, she had shining, and her little brother spike. She had her mother and her aunt Celestia, and despite some of her friends moving on with their own lives she also had them too. Despite this, she couldn't hide her own worry for the future, and it showed in her constant stance.
The only two things that really still nagged at her mind, however, was, were Fluttershy And two, her aunt Luna. She really wanted to at the very least talk to her. Perhaps make amends and convince her to see Spike again. Perhaps another time, something she felt like she had all in the world now, despite being in her odd state of mind. For now, she needed to focus on what was happening in front of her. The time machine and its advancements.

"There you go you got it." Smiled Starlight as Twilight walked up behind her.

"Way to go Starlight, I'll have to file some paperwork but we will soon be allowed to go test the device."

Starlight smiled at that, "We now have everything we need to activate it," she squealed, "Sorry I'm just really excited."

Twilight chuckled at her enthusiasm and turned to the time machine as another question came to her mind. That dark future I saw will never come to pass now, will it? As she did she then saw a nervous teen look around the corner from behind the truck. With a smile, Twilight excused herself from Starlight and headed over to talk to the young mare.

"Hey, what's up, how's uh, well?

My brothers looking after him, After last night I felt like it would be good to uh,"

Twilight held up a hoof stopping her from speaking another word. "Don't worry about it, You hungry, 'cause I think I'm gonna grab a bite to eat?" Mells nervously nodded her head.

"Hay Starlight let's grab some lunch," called out Twilight. "Yeah, I can go for a slice of pizza. Who's is this?" She asked seeing mells.

"Oh this is just another friend of mine, She has a few things in common with you being only seventeen."

"Seventeen really, I haven't seen you around town, what school do you go to?" Asked Starlight.

"Uh," was her only response.

"She's home-schooled right, to take care of your father, you know you do not have to be so shy around us, we're here to help," she told the teenager as she got in Capper's pickup truck.

"I'm not shy I'm just, cautious, I'm Mells," she retorted as Starlight greeted her with her name and a hoof shake as the two got in the back seat.

"So tell me a bit about yourself," smiled Starlight as she bit into a slice of pizza, slightly burning her tongue. She just got done telling her about herself and Mells mostly stayed quiet the whole time.

"Oh well, I uh." Mells looked away as she nibbled on her own slice.

"It's ok to be shy, but we're not gonna hurt you," laughed Starlight.

"Shy, that again you and Twilight both, I'm not shy! Mells snapped back. Of all the things she was used to being called shy was not one of them.

Twilight giggled. "You actually remind me of my friend Fluttershy, she's so shy at times, one can't even hear her.

At the near mention of her mother, sky's eyes widen. "I told you I'm not shy! now, my brother, he's shy." she then looked away and asked, "So what is she like, Your friend Fluttershy."

"Hmm oh let's see," Twilight smiled as she whipped away some grease from her hooves. "She's kind, sweet, funny. She's my very best friend actually. She took off about a year ago and I haven't talked to her since. come to think of it, you kinda look like her. yet-" Twilight bit into her hay burger, spreading catch up all over her face. "strangely I see a lot of my brother in you two, then again I think I'm just seeing those two in everyone now because I miss both of them so much."

"I DO," Mells squealed. " uh I mean, yeah I bet you miss him a lot.

"A brother, I wished I had a brother, what's he like," asked Starlight.

"Hmm oh, he's got to be the most annoying, stubborn, all about himself, stuck-up guy I ever met. he's a lot like our dad, even if he doesn't want to admit it," she grumbled.

"ha, some brothers are just like that I guess, mine was too, but I bet he actually cares for you a lot more than you know. I know my did," she frowned.

"Well, your brother sounds nice." Starlight smiled. "But what about you mells."

She rolled her eyes before responding, "I have a twin, but I'm five minutes older. And really between the two of us, he's always a bit more, how can I say it? He's just someone I always had to look after ever since we were kids. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten him out of trouble. Chuled mells. I'm sorry but, me, I never really thought about myself. she leaned over by the window. " I don't have any hobbies, I don't really have any personal goals. All I want is my family back together."

"yeah and what about your mother?"

" she died a few years back, we're orphans since we were seven. I never knew my pops till recently."

At that Twilight stopped mid-bite, as she looked up at the teenage mare with a a confused look at first, only for her to grow wide.

Capper who sat bord the entire time, turned to the young teenager with a look of confusion as he saw Twilight's face. "Am I missing something?"

"Whatever it is I'm missing it too apparently." Chuckled Starlight. "Anyway, I know how you feel. Really it's just been me and my dad forever. It would be so nice to meet my mother at least once but she left a long time ago. At least you get a chance to know your dad now, right?"

"Uh yeah, yeah I guess your right." Smiled Mells as she took another bite of her pizza.

as she stood watching the teenager eat, twilight couldn't help but feel a not in her stomach, as a thought crossed her mind. She is so much like both of them. so much like her brother, and her friend. could it be? no that's impossible- but then there was the time machine.

"Ummm I think I'm gonna go get some fresh air," Twilight said and took off leaving Capper and the two teenagers too confused.

As soon as she got outside she nearly collapsed as she grabbed a short wall for support. Shivering in disbelief at the implications of the very idea she had nearly made her pass out. "It can't be," she uttered under her breath as she began laughing insanely. "no, no it's just the hair, its just," she froze, "the time machine." she then remembered how she got the computer from two figures who ran on a bike. a bike. mells had a bike. "could it be?" she questioned, only to shake her head again, when she heard Capper call out her name.

"Hay Twilight, are you ok, you look like you've seen a ghost," he asked with concern in her voice, despite his amused smirk.

"ummm, I, uh I'm feeling fine I just," she took a deep breath in and out, only for mells to pop up behind them. "thank you for lunch really it was nice, but I got to get to stop by the grocery store on my way home," she turned to Twilight who was looking pale. "I'll see you around alright," she smiled nervously looking exactly like Fluttershy once more, which only made Twilight paler, as she watched the teenager head off, leaving Capper with an only more confused look.

As the night fell Starlight and Twilight got back to work on making sure all preparations for the test were ready. Twilight just needed to fill in a few forms and within a week or so, they be ready to move, but considering that could be any day she wanted everything ready for at a moment's notice.

Starlight was doing another leak test on the tank, making sure nothing would go wrong while her mentor went over the calculations of energy necessary to make the jump through time. The nuclear waste would definitely produce what was necessary at the very least. Twilight said to herself. She then smiled as she thought of the alternative fuel source she now found if she was correct. "could it be that, somehow, some way she had a nease and nephew, with pure chimera blood? the very thought sent a shiver down her own spine.

"Well, mells was quite nice." Said Starlight noticing Twilight's aprehintion, pulling her out of her thoughts. "Yeah she's quite interesting isn't she," noted Twilight tierdly.

"Wired is the word I think you're looking for, but I like her." Smirked starlight. "She kinda reminds me of my friend Trixie in that way. Oh but not its personality," she giggled. "Alright water test finished, How are those calculations?

"All good to go," Twilight answered.

"That's good to hear," said a new voice drawing the girl's attention.

"Hay Mrs Kang," Starlight waved.

"Aunt Celestia good to see you, twilight gave hugged her, surprising her aunt, but in reality, she just really needed one right now. Afterward, Celestia handed her a clipboard of papers. "I have all the forms right here for you to sign, so do you really think you can get this thing to work?" she pressed.

"Uh huh< it's gonna be amazing!" Starlight screamed, "Um sorry."

Twilight smiled but her gaze gave a far look as if she was somewhere else entirely in her head, as she asked, "Starlight what would you do with the time machine."

"Hmm, oh that's simple really," she straightened her lab coat, "I'd prove to everyone how smart I am, and Star Swirl for that matter, people all time laughed at his time travel theory as well as me. This is my chance to prove them wrong."

"No, I meant if you could go anywhere, what would you do with it," Twilight asked as she turned her back to the mare, trying to hide her own expression.

"Oh, oh, hmm. Don't know, don't have a reason to do anything, you,?"

Twilight, shook her head, Once her answer would be to save her parents and stop the evil chaos lord. Now, now the chaos lord was her brother, and he was a hero. She could stop him from dying, but she thought of the consequences of that action as well. If he didn't save them they would of all died from those beasts. But then again the future, it holds so my mystery, all she knew of it, was that there would be an apocalyptic event driving her and her friends to live underground. She didn't know what caused such an event to occur, and worried about it constantly.

"Twilight," the sound of Starlight's voice brightened her out of her deep thoughts.

"Oh, uh, the same," Twilight replied.

Glimmer raised an eyebrow at her, but shrugged and moved on. Twilight always seemed to act a bit odd on the subject of time-traveling herself, and so she didn't question it. But Glimmer felt there was something Twilight was possibly not telling her, what it was though didn't matter to her so long as she could get the time machine working.

"What about you, Miss Kang?"

Celestia smiled at that, o"h I don't know, probably make a more peaceful world."

Her answer was very much her and Starlight smiled at it, as Twilight began signing the forms.

"Well I think I'm gonna call it a night, I better get home before my dad throws a fit again."

"Alright, Star see you Monday then," Twilight said never taking her eyes off the paperwork. Celestia waved a goodbye.

Starlight thought nothing of the bodyguards that were standing at the door when she left, but they seemed to enter the building as she did. Celestia then took a step closer to the time machine to get a better look. "So it's finished then?"

"Mhmm, all that's left to do is to see if it works," Replied Twilight as she finished signing the forms.

"And the test will commence when?" Asked Celestia curiously.

"As soon as we hear back from the city, and the mayor," Twilight giggled as she handed back the forms.

"Yes, I'm afraid these have to go through the system but as soon as they do I'll sign them." She smiled, "I just wish I could sign them now, I really want to see all your hard work finally pay off Twilight."

"Thank you, Aunty, You really have always been there for me." Twilight gave a heartfelt smile.

"Yes, yes I have," Celestia replied with a suspicious tone. Twilight raised an eyebrow curious as to what she meant by that. Seeing her goddaughter's expression Celestia smiled widden. "Twilight, I have something very important to tell you, She gestured to her guards. They nodded and began securing the doors locking them up.

"I'm listening, this is about Luna right." Twilight smiled but was curious as to where her aunt was going with this.

"Forgive me, but this is a top security detail," She said gesturing to her guards.

"Of course," Twilight nodded but did feel like she was being cornered.

"Twilight since the moment I met you, I knew how brilliant you were. I knew you would achieve greatness one day, I knew you would finish the time machine just like you had in the other timeline."

Twilight's eyes widened at the mention of another timeline.

Celestia laughed at her reaction. "Forgive me for being straightforward forward but time is at the essence, I raised you as much as I could for this very day."

"What are you saying," asked Twilight in disbelief.

Celestia took a few steps circling twilight as if she was her prey. "When I was a little girl, I wanted for many many years to create a world of peace." She stopped after walking a half circle around her nease. "That was mostly because of how torn my world was because of war. My mother left me and my father because she thought she could help in the war effort, how foolish, and while my father never actually died, a part of him did the day he let heard of her fate due to her choice. he wanted to fight in the war as well, but his medical reasons wouldn't allow it. celestia wrapped her arms around herself uncomfortably, "strangely I'm thankful for his illness. it kept him close to me at least, unlike her."

Celestia took in a deep breath and let out an annoyed sigh. "I hated my mother ever since that day. Her country was more important to her than her own family. But unlike my parents, I had a brilliant mind, even for a child, and when I learned of star swirls theories and how he was ridiculed for it, it connected us. I wanted nothing more but to prove him right, and then I could use his genius mind and mine for that matter," she smirked. "To make a world of peace." She began circling Twilight again.

"Who are you?" Twilight blurted in disbelief.

Celestia gave a sly chuckle. One almost evil-like. "Once a pawn a time, long before I came to this world, I mentored under a scientist professor, the most genius mind of our time... She has everything, her father was a politician who never died. Her mother was a wonderful housewife and author... And... she went on her dream to also prove Star Swirls theories right. She was stuck up and looked down on those who weren't in her class including me. She barely ever let me do anything other than fetch her coffee thinking I was beneath her. but as much as I hated her, I had to admit she was a genius. She was my arch-rival, and truly she saw potential in my own work and decided it would be best to instead of fighting to work together. we'd be better off putting out brilliant minds together to finally break free of the laws of physics and make a time machine."

Celestia turned away from Twilight, and she could hear her choke on a cry. "She became my best friend... and While I was on the verge of figuring out my own power source she had discovered another. A crazy beast whose power was unmatched. Its blood could be the key to time travel... it was frightening but powerful. we worked alongside the government, and general Luna Kang to secure what we needed from it. For months we tested on the beast, but it then began to feel ill, and was on the verge of death. if we lost it there would go our chance for time travel so my mentor thought it would be wise to bring on an animal expert to make sure we weren't killing it. It was a fatal decision. Dr breeze saw what we were doing, and accused us of animal cruelty. she then freed the monster, and it took off, disappearing into the night."

celestial shivered at the thought of what came next. "We searched for months after that it hopes to recapture it, killing it if we have to in hopes of using its blood to power the machine, only what we didn't know was that creature," she spat in disgust. "Actually mated with its savior," she said appalled, as if the near thought of it nearly made her vomit.

"Those devils, despite being babies, they tore through our labs destroying everything." Celestia grits her teeth, "They even killed her, my best friend!" Celestia shook her head as a look of pain stuck to her face.

Twilight stood amazed at the story in uttershock. what was this, what was she supposed to say to a story like that? "I, I'm sorry but I don't understand."

"You wouldn't!" Celestia yelled, making Twilight jump in fear as she quickly turned to face her. Twilight could see the tears running down her face rapidly. She sniffled and whipped them away. "Sorry, I just get emotional at the thought of my poor dear friend Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight's jaw dropped at the sound of this. Her expression made Celestial giggle. "I came here long ago... General Luna Kang was an orphan who was adopted, and eventually adopted another orphan. In my timeline, there is no Celestia Kang, but I changed that, I never would have done it, if I knew that somehow it would lead to you losing everything like I did!" She pleaded to her in a sorrowful tone. "But sacrifices had to be made. Now Twilight, we have it, we have a chance to change the world and make one far better. I've gone through multiple times lines and always, always those two devil creatures destroy everything! Before we test the time machine we must. Find them. We must destroy them and their parents before they destroy the world. You must help me twilight, please for the future of this world help me stop the apocalypse." She pleaded and held out her hoof.

Twilight stepped back in shock. "You, it's you."


"You're the cause of all of this. You're the cause of the apocalypse, Starlight how could you?" She whined.

Celestia chuckled. "How nice it is to hear you say my original name again. Twilight I am not the villain here, you know that. The beast might be dead, but I don't know if it has spawned. We must search for its mate before it is too late. We must find Fluttershy Breeze and put a stop to all of this."

"Do you hear yourself!" Twilight snapped back. "Starlight, that is my friend. And that monster is my oldest brother, and those are my nease and nephew. I will never let you hurt them! Never!" Twilight growled, as her eyes glowed amber and a horn emerged from her head.

Frightened by this, Celistia, or Starlight, jumped back not expecting this. But she only grew a sly smile and chuckled greatly amused.

"You know where they are don't you."

"No, I don't."

"He's alive isn't he."

"I HOPE HE IS!" Twilight shot a blast of fire at Celestia. She expected her to either be burned or dodge, but what she hadn't expected was for her to blast a fire blast back stopping it dead in its tracks. Only unlike Twilight who was red hot, her flames were a bright green.

Starlight cackled as her form began to melt away. "I may have left out one more detail my old friend. The only reason I survived that night was because I took a test serum a biologist named Cosmos Galaxy was working on."

Twilight eyes widened as she shook in fear. "You're a, a changeling, that's what changelings are. it's all you!"

"Not just any changing, I'm the queen of changelings, hahahaha. Oh don't you see what we have here, we have a spider web my dear. You and I both know that time travel is straightforward. It's a web". She suddenly shot out a web from her mouth and it landed on the wall spread out.

"A web with all tiny little strings of infinite possibilities, yet when it's all put together, and you can see the bigger picture, you can see the outline of a story, a main story with twists and turns that all fold together in the end. Yet without one part to it, one string undone, she broke a bit of her web to demonstrate. Then the story changes to the point of collapse, to the point where it doesn't even make sense anymore. That's what story we have heard about Twilight, I am a time traveler myself. One with quite a story to tell." She chuckled. "I don't go by that name anymore. You can call me Queen Chrysalis!" She claped her hooves and the guards transformed into beasts like her.

They were strange pony-like creatures with pitch black Exoskeleton that were very bug-like. Unlike their queen, however, had glowing yellow eyes their eyes were glowing bug-like eyes.

"GET HER!" Their queen demanded.

Twilight shot a few blasts of fire and a freeze blast at them. It did little to stop their approach as they tried to grab her. She dodged their attacks only for Chrysalis to surprise her and knock her to the ground.

"Pity, and here I raised you like a doughtier of my own," hissed Chrysalis.

"If you never messed with the time you wouldn't have had to." She snapped back and tried to push her off, but Celestia had a good hold on her. "You know Luna was right, you really are not the most athletic pony around," she chuckled.

Just then something smashed through the sky window landing in the shadows. Catching all their attention.

"Yeah she may not be," said a familiar voice out of breath. "But she doesn't have to be because she is never alone." Said Luna stepping out of the shadows. She looked worse for wear, being in her prison outfit, her arms bloody from her chains. She was skinnier and looked beyond tired. But despite that, she spread her large wings and barred her fangs. In an instant, she attacked her former, once-beloved sister.

The two others joined in the fight but were no match for Luna who glided past them like a. Ballerina. Using her dance moves with almost a fighting style she quickly overcame the changelings, showing how superior she was.

The sight of this showed Twilight that she could probably never win if she didn't have spike that night. She chuckled as she thought "I'm gonna have to thank Spike again for saving me from her."

Chrysalis growled and sent a ray of fire at Luna, who used her powers to block it with an ice beam. It made a small explosion creating a thick smoky fog.

Luna used the opportunity to grab Twilight by her lab coat and took off saving the both of them.

As the smoke cleared the changelings bowed to their queen, "I'm sorry my lady they got away."

"No matter, they'll be back," She smiled viciously as she picked up the forms for the time machine test.