• Published 27th Jan 2024
  • 181 Views, 12 Comments

Heart Of The CHIMERA - discordjediknight

Over a year later after the events in blood of a chimera twilight question her past and future, untill she runs into two time travelers trying to stop the apocalypse.

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Chapter 9 Home sweet home?

As they drove up to the old dragon pony bar, along with there new friend, much to the dismay of the commander, Mells and her brother smiled, proud of themselves.

With sound of the engines during down, Twilight was the first to speak. “Make sure you pull in that old bike for repairs.”

“Mhmm, I’ll fix it… again,” grumbled Mells.

“Well you can do that after you tie up your pet, outside!” Ordered Dash.

The twins looked at thire company and then to thire aunt.

“I’m sorry but this one I agree with. You can make him a home in the trash out back, but it is far too risky to have a changlings inside our walls.” There aunt told them as she got off her own vehicle. “Thorax we will feed you twice a day, but you may not be aloud off the rope when you’re around here understand.”

Thorax nodded quickly wanting to obey the new laws he was now under.

“Isn’t that a bit much,” asked junior.

“While he’s not a pet like the commander suggests, he is not free. Not if he wants to stay alive, I’m trusting you two, understand.”Twilight told them before walking into the base.

“Yes mam,” junior replied sadly, as Mells took the ropes up thorax and tied him up to a post like a dog outside. “Here’s a safe place for you, and look we can make you some shelter using that old dumpster.”

Junior walked over to it, and pushed it closer to thorax so he could get inside of it. “Well what do you think?” Asked junior as thorax inspected it. “It stink in here but,” he shrugged, “better than being out in the rain, thanks friends.”

With that the two smiled and walked back inside with there aunt and the commander.

“What food did you find,” asked there aunt as they boarded the elevator to take them underground.

“Not much, two granola bars, but I did hit the jack pot and found some sprinkles.” Junior replied. “We also found some water,” Mells showed them a dirty container of liquid.

“Well, pinky will be happy with the sprinkles and the water can be filtered. Good job you two.”

“Yeah great, two granola bars and a can with sprinkle, what a great dinner.” Dash said rolling her eyes.

“At least it’s something, I can find more tomorrow hopefully, and besides, we still have some grains left.” Twilight replied, causing another eye roll from dash.

As the elevator hit ground floor, they entered the cavern that the now held the great chaos vill base of operations. Now it was a sorry state of old broken junk cluttering the grounds. A pink pony poked her head out of the door, and with a huge grin, the very same pony ran out along with a dozen smaller creatures. A few lizards, one dog, a cat, and six small ponies.

“Welcome back guys,” she smiled ear to ear as the fillies, foals, and other children all gathered around them.

“Hay did you find us anything,” asked a small voice.

With a smile, junior pulled out the two bars and sprinkles. The kids faces lit up at t$3 sight of the colorful sugar treats. “Oooo sprinkles,” pinky grabbed them. “ I can make some bread to put those on, I have little ingredients so it won’t taste that good but oh well, at least we have something to spice up the flavor tonight. Ooooo and look guys,” pinky said grabbing the granola bars, “I can even crush the we to make the bread a bit crunchier.”

The children cheated for thire next meal. But while they did twilight took count of everyone there. “Eighteen, nineteen, umm pinky where’s…”

The room grew quiet as pinky stood still, a look of depression struck her face as she turned away from dash.

Dash took in. A deep breath and let it out slowly already knowing what happened. “Have you buried him yet?”

Pinky shook her head.

“The little guy wasn’t feel that well for days,”dash mumbled.

“He was only twelve,” pinky choked on a cry.

Dash hugged pinky, as she whispers sorry about your son. Finally making pinky break into tears. Seeing this the other small children gathered round her, what was left of not just all living none changlings, but of thire family.

Mells, walked away with a pit in her stomach, Seing this her brother followed her.

As the crescent moon sat in the air that night, junior watched on the monitor. The sound of wrench behind him. He ate the last of what little he had for dinner, and turned to see not a crum of his sisters was taken. Taking a glance at the monitor to make sure nothing was on the rise, he stood up, grabbed the food and brought it to the source of the wrench.

“Not hungry,” Mells mutters while tightening a screw on her bike.




“Stop! you sound just like mom when you do that,” she grumbled, with her eyes slightly glowing.

“Oh come on, we saved him didn’t we, hell I didn’t even want to originally.”

Melody sighed as she finished the work on her bike. What ever mom did to her, is not our fault, yet she takes it out on us, how is that fair!” She groaned. “Oh well at least we’re at home.”

Home, there was that word again.

Mells, realizing how quiet in her brother became, turned to him, finding an empty expression. No hatred or anger, or sadness just an empty tired look on his face.

“What is it,” she asked.

“Hmm oh nothing,” he shrugged and began wanking away only for her to tackle him to the ground and sit on top of him.

“What, hay get off!”

“No,” she smirked, “not unless you tell me what’s wrong. “

He groaned tied of the fight already. That was one thing about her brother she came to rely on. When push came to shove he wasn’t a fighter and would weather talk then put up arms. Despite how grumpy he could be some time’s.

“Home,” he told her. “We’re, he turned away, never going home are we?”

At the sound of this, Mells fell silent, unsure of what to say. A pit in her stomach growing with each passing moment, she sat on-top of him. She then stood up. She let him up, and to his surprise she hugged him, but when he looked down he only saw the same empty expression he had, and couldn’t hug back.

“Why don’t I take the first shift and you get some sleep,” she told him.

He couldn’t say a word, or nod, feeling so drained. Instead after there hug he only walked over to a pile of trash in the corner and played down, falling asleep almost instantly.

Mells didn’t make another move until she was setting he was asleep and sat down watching the monitor, never realizing she was being watched by the commander.

From up in the tower, dash watched twins. Her left arm shivering, only for her right arm to grab in hopes of stoping it.

Though she’d never admit it, dash couldn’t stop the fear from running through her veins. She could go toe to toe with mutants fight and even kill changlings without out a second glance, but the thought of them made her skin crawl. Them…

And there father.

The creature behind all this. The creature who was responsible for the mutations in the first place. Though true it turned out he was creating the cure for the mutations, dash could never stop how she truly felt about him.

Twilight might have forgave him, why wouldn’t she he turned out to be her brother, and turned her by accident. Not only that but he gave his life to save them all.

Yet all she could remember was his horrid laughter, glowing demon like eyes, and horrible disfigured body. It brought fear to her every night, and the thought of that creature being loved by her best friend made her sick. The thought of not only his children existing but that they were hers to, only wanted to make her vomit. As she gulped, she swallowed what bile she had in her mouth, and walked away from the window.

Dash was no longer a mutant any more, but she remembers seeing those terrifying eyes in her own, for months. She couldn’t shake the feeling of utter hatred that was swelled with her mind.

Dash walked over to a door and stuck her eye in, seeing twilight hard at work on the Time Machine. This was one of the two saving graces about those twins. There usefulness of both surviving and having the power to hopefully one day bring up an end to all this. That was one thing, but the other, as much as she did hate it, they were her children. Fluttershy children. And with that in mind, dash walked away from the door and headed out side the base.

Dash walked over to the changlings tied up in the corner of the yard. The sound alerted him of her presence, and as soon as he saw her shadow he retread in fear.

Seeing this, Seeing the fear on his face, her own fear reflected back at her, dash could only pity the creature as much as she pitied her self.

“Wa, what do you want?” Thorax spluttered.

Dash pulled out a knife, making him cower even greater, but to his surprise she nipped her finger and spread the blood on a plate. “Dinner Thorax.”

The smell of blood made his mouth salivate, yet he still sat in fear. As she pushed the plate next to him.

“Hay, it’s my way of saying sorry ok…You know, for,” she awkwardly fumbled.

Despite how dry his young became because of his huger thorax still refused to move.

With an eye roll, dash pulled out a bandaid from her pocket and walked away. After a few steps she looked back to see him eating, only to freeze and then jump back in the teach can trying to hide from her again.

Seing this dash shook her head, as a strange sound laughter attention. A giggle. Her giggle. When was the last time she laughed, she wondered only to remember it, as a flash of a memory ran through her mind.

Twilight trying to dance, only to be horrible. Fluttershy in the corner dancing around the window, while pinky and rarity tried to tach twilight. Aj in the kitchen along with the boys playing there game. The party in collage. Was it been really that long since she let out a bit of laughter. Did she truly spend the last of her life in both fear, and frustration since those days long ago.

A feeling she didn’t think she’d ever know struck her right then. Age, she felt old as she thought about her long forgotten home, where she left her caring heart long ago.