• Published 27th Jan 2024
  • 181 Views, 12 Comments

Heart Of The CHIMERA - discordjediknight

Over a year later after the events in blood of a chimera twilight question her past and future, untill she runs into two time travelers trying to stop the apocalypse.

  • ...

Chapter 5 Father and Son

Twilight jumped up from her nightmare as she often did. She gasped in heavily trying to gain control of her breathing as she looked around the room. She was not in her bed, nor her own room. She was in an underground office formed from the cave walls. "I must have fallen asleep," she muttered as she rubbed her head softly. This cave was the very cave where her brother once perfected the chimera cure along, with stack and stack of paper of his research filling a file cabinet and a few computers. She got up from her desk and grabbed her jacket as she decided to go for a walk. Roaming the halls of the underground building, She didn't even know what for she just needed a walk.

As she did her mind began to dwell on the events of the last year. She still attended school, it was much easier since she didn't have to worry about fighting Chimera's anymore, and she often left the normal crime fighting to either the police or the agents of chaos vill.

"Oh, Miss Sparkle, Miss Sparkle," said a voice behind her. She turned around to see Mrs. Heartwether, a chubby pony who worked at the desk of the office. "I'm so glad I caught you I was off to your office to give you this, your mail." She handed Twilight several envelopes.

"Thank you Mrs heartwether." She replied looking through them. "Oh, no problem at all just let me know if you need anything, you know if you're not living there anymore you should sell the place."

"Yes I know, I know, I've just been-"

"Say no more, say no more, I found a real estate agent, and he could sell your place for you," she pulled out a card and handed it to her.

She looked at the card, it had a photo of a lizard next to the title of his business, Larry's real estate selling and buying homes is what I do best. Call xxx-xxxxx.

Twilight deadpanned at the card and sighed a thank you before she walked away,

"Oh, no problem at all miss sparkle." She replied before heading in the opposite direction.

Twilight went through her mail. They were just bills of her apartment. It was true she hadn't been living there for quite some time. She was just too busy in her mind. But she longed for the days she had a year ago. She wonders if her brother brought the time machine to the place yet. The old place. The apartment, her headquarters.

The memory of her friends and her second oldest brother all in one room chatting, goofing off having fun. She might have still been in college but that wasn't true for her friends. Rarity was now one of the most well-known fashion designers and often missed most of their meetings, and it seemed like all they ever had time for these days were reports on the city's well-being. With AJ and Pinky now moved away she felt more alone than ever despite still being in contact with all of them, well most of them. Then there was Fluttershy, where could she be? She couldn't help but feel concerned for her the most.

Twilight shook her head as she made a left turn and found herself staring at a door. Her eyes widened at the sight of it because she knew exactly where this door led to, and she shook her head thinking that she meant to go in the opposite direction, and must of just subconsciously walked here instead. She sighed as the memory came back to her.

Twilight was escorted down this hallway by agents of Chaos Vill. They entered through the door and found herself on a balcony overlooking all of Chaos Vill members. It wasn't long after that, that her brother walked in carrying a bottle of vodka and a cup, he sat down on the chair In front of a chessboard and told her to sit down.

Twilight decided to walk through the door and found herself on the same balcony as that day. She walked over to the edge as she remembered his great speech to the troops below. His words ringing in her ears.

That was the first time she really met the Lord of Chaos. Her oldest brother. Her family. She closed her eyes and could have sworn she could hear it. Hear his speech. Hear his voice.

But wait a minute she could hear it, and she opened her eyes and turned to the corner of the balcony. Sitting on top of the edge with her laptop was none other than a familiar grey pony with pink and black hair, her computer was playing a recording of the chaos lord himself.

"Um, mells isn't it." She asked the young mare standing next to her.

Mells looked up in a bit of surprise. "Oh Twi I mean Miss Sparkle, Hi," she paused her video


The two stood in awkward silence for a moment.

"So, uh how are things," Asked Mells

"Uh, good," She looked at the mare, something about her seemed oddly familiar, even so, she pushed that aside and asked, "Were you just watching my brother."

"Oh, yeah I wanted to see what the old boss was like," Mells said a bit jumpy. She was a new recruit who joined Chaos Vill not too long ago, along with her brother. They were also chimera themselves as was their dad. The last three Chimera left, besides Twilight's friends and Luna. "I see."

"What was he like?" Mells asked. "He was your brother right, you had to have known something?"

Twilight smiled, "Well you see I never really knew him, Wish I did tho. I can tell you I honestly felt like he was a big jerk but now I know it was just because he did whatever he thought was necessary, Even if it meant doing the wrong thing." Twilight's grin grew weary. "In the end, I thought he was a villain but he was a hero, even though he'd never admit to it. He honestly was just a guy who got all the wrong cards and still was winning the game."

"Oh, I see," Mells smiled as awkwardly looked away.

"So, how's your father did you ever get him registered?" Twilight asked, trying to continue the conversation.

"umm, no but we will. Frankly, he's a bit," she stopped trying to think of a good word to use. "I'll."


"Yeah, well my brothers at home taking care of him, I don't think he's completely right in the head yet." She sighed.

"your dad or your brother?"

"Both," Mellody said exhausted.

Twilight couldn't hold a giggle at that. "You know I, or one of our doctors could take a look at him for you. He is a chimera after all and we're all working together."

"Oh that's so nice of you, but honestly," she deadpanned. "We're good."

"Alright then," Twilight sighed. "If anything changes though let me know ok, I'd love to meet him."

"Yeah I'm sure you would, Speaking of which I got to go, me and my brother are switching shifts, mells said hastily.

"Of course, of course. It was nice seeing you again," Twilight shouted as she watched her company runoff.
once she was gone Twilight lowered an eyebrow. "hmm something strange about that one, that's for sure."
Something about her seemed familiar in a way, yet she couldn't quite figure out what. Perhaps it was the color of her coat, she was a grey pony very similar to her brother, or her eye color. She had a similar dimenor to something, Twilight just couldn't figure out. She somehow for some reason seemed a lot like her older brother Discord.

Mells walked down the hall quickly trying not to rouse suspension. She quickly headed down the elevator and to the minding shaft, and out the the bar, giving the bartender a friendly nod before heading off. running to her bike. She revved up the motorcycle and took off, Her eyes on the road her head deep in thought, of the last year's events.

"We have to do this quickly," shouted her brother on the back of the bike.

"Don't you think I know that, this is the day he dies after all," She revved up the bike.

"If we don't make it..." Her brother heathed.

"Don't think like that, This is our mission, our chance! We have to, we just have to! She growled as she twisted the gas bar as hard as she could, the bike rattled and shook going as fast as it could. Just up ahead was the government holding facility of the chimera. "That's it, sis, it's right there, we can make it!" Her brother smiled as he straightened his glasses. In the distance, there was something moving inside the building. To the side was a rather large group of creatures both chimera and normal. Suddenly a single figure jumped and began running towards those in the building.

"Sis!" Her brother panicked.

"I see it, that's him, that's got to be him." She had a tear growing in her eye as she growled.

"Sis we're not gonna make it!" He shook his head.

"Oh yes, we will, we gotta, For mom!!! For mom, we have to make it! She yelled as she tried to make the bike go faster. "Mell, if this hunk of junk goes any faster, it's gonna fall apart!" Shouted her brother. The creature on all fours ran into the building that was filled with strange black creatures. "No, we have to! we have to do it, she shouted and looked around. Her eyes widened as she got an idea. She turned the bike slightly and ran up a large truck's back using it like a ramp taking off into the air.

The bike got closer and closer and finally hit the rooftops of the building. They jumped off the rooftop and down into the battle still on the bike. She had a look of determination and he was scared out of his mind but still they stood fearless in the face of danger, as the details of the sea of black came into view. They were weird but like creatures all snarling to get out of the pit.

Something was fighting them left and right. The creature slashed off a few of their arms and stabbed them with its horns. It stood much bigger, longer, and stronger than them. It got to a pipe and even with the creatures all gnawing at its flesh, it tore the wheel, opening the pipe and letting a bad smell into the room. "Gas!" Her brother yelled out, "We're gonna get blown up!" He panicked. The creature pulled out something and looked at it with a look of sadness before he popped it open revealing it to be a lighter.

"NO STO-!!!" They shouted but it was too late, once the creature lit the lighter a fire erupted consuming everything. A bullet sound went off and the door shut tight locking everything into the flame of the fire.

Mells got to an old scruffy-looking building on the outskirts of town. The very same old junky house where Twilight first met her friends. She pulled up and got off the bike as her thoughts still dwelled on that very day.

As the flames grew closer, Mells's eyes glowed bright alongside her brothers. The siblings launched at the strange beast who lit fire to the gas around them. In milliseconds mells yelled out a ferocious sound that shockwaves a shield controlling the flames away from them, and the horrifying beast that started the fire in the first place. As Mells held the shield in place, her brother grabbed what remained of the creature. burned bruised, and knocked out, but with the faintest sound of a heartbeat they knew they had awcomplished thire misson, problem now was finding a way out as the explosion grew higher. Her brother Junior snaped his claws, and the three of them, along with their bike fell flat against the wooden floor of the old building, safe and sound. Mells let out a final breath she was holding in before she collapsed.

Mells entered the kitchen only to find her brother on a new computer. "Hay mells thank God you're back, did you get the cure yet," He asked in a grumpy tone.

"No they won't let me near it, That place is guarded tight, I don't know what to do yet, ok." She snapped back.

"Well we got to do something," He argued.

"Yeah well, we did something didn't we, we saved him, we saved Dad!" She yelled whispers.

"DON'T YOU DARE CALL THAT THING MY FATHER!" he huffed. "That guy, he's, he's, ugh," He crossed hai arms throwing his head back. "I'm starting to think mom was either delusional or he forced her.


"It's THE ONLY WAY TO EXPLAIN HOW WERE RELATED TO THAT, THAT!" he groaned furiously. "Mom always called him a hero, hell even our aunt, congrats to him, he did ONE" he held up a hoof, "One good thing."

"Ok enough, I get it," she sighed tired of the conversation already.

"He never even thanked us for saving his life, look I can understand him not knowing about us, but seriously, not even a thank you, he's an arrogant, full of himself, jackass!"

"Yeah well like father like son." Mells deadpaned. Her brother stemmed but remained silent.

A moment of silence spread between them, broken only by the sound of her tossing the bike keys on the counter. "The bike is still making that noise when you rev it up."

"I told you, not to push it so hard," he rolled his eyes.

"I was only going twenty, look up how to fix it alright, tomorrow I'm going to go down to the store and pick up groceries, you take care of my bike, and leave Dad to me."

"Fine," he groaned, like a little child.

the next day Junior sat in the kitchen eating a sandwich when he heard a noise behind the house. "What's he up to now," he grumbled before taking the last bite of his sandwich and heading in the sounds direction. He looked around searching for the source of the noise and found it over by the bike.

"What are you doing now!" He asked in a grumpy tone.

"Cleaning." Said the creature in a rouge voice. the creature wore a full black robe and hood, yet it couldn't hide its massive twisted overgrown horns and bright white shaggy beard. a rag sat in an eagle claw, brushing off the film of dirt that sat on the old motorcycle.

"It's my dad's bike I'll clean it!" grumbled the teen.

"And did your father ever teach you how to clean a bike properly!" the creature snarled.

"My father died before I was born, snaped the boy as he tried to take the rag from the creature's claw but before he could the creature moved it out of his reach. With an amused grin and a slight chuckle, it said, "Join the party."


"Seems we have a bit in common after all." Discord shrugged.

"You, your dad died before you was born?" Asked Junior. it moved aside from the Yong pony and began his work on the bike again. "You don't know how to clean this properly, yes you clean the outside of it, but this thing hasn't been properly taken care of for years. She keeps breaking down because of that. I heard your sister say she wants the bike fixed, let me show you how! he growled. Still with his back turned to the boy he continued. "You keep fixing the issue, but you're not dealing with the issues... That will only lead you down a worse path..." He stopped his cleaning as he said his next words a bit quieter. "Till something breaks that can't be fixed." it told Junior in a saden tone."

it looked over his shoulder at the boy, revealing a bright amber evil-looking eye. It unnerved Junior but he stood his ground. "Replacing it, should only ever be a last resort, one that shouldn't even need to happen, if... properly taken care of," grinned the creature showing its sharp teeth, one of which was a large fang protruding out of its mouth. For some reason, Junior felt like he wasn't talking about the bike anymore. He took the creatures words and thought them over in his head once more as the creature stood staring at him with one eye.

"Ca, can you teach me how to fix it? The bike I mean."

it turned his head back to the bike. "Best thing to do is to take it apart, give it a proper cleaning, and put it back together."

"Take it apart," he gasped, "but, but what if I can't put it back together."

"I'll teach you, but you'll have to listen." He smiled. "Can you do that?" grunted the creature.

"My sister would kill me if she found out."

"Well have it done before she gets home?" said the creature in a cheerful tone.

The boy frowned at first, as he took it into consideration for a moment, then nodded with a determination in his eyes.

The bike was completely taken apart, piece by piece, and laid all out in the overgrown grass.

A slight chill in the air blew past the two a sign of winter on its way. As the two steadily did their work. the creature would give slight directions but would often let him figure out on his own supervision so he wouldn't break anything. By the time they had the bike taken apart and cleaned it was nearly sundown. Jr with a rag was buffering the gas tank finishing up his work as Discord finished the handlebars.

the creature then pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, but as he did he could sense the scowl from his young partner. "What?!" it snarled narrowing his eyes as it inhaled.

"Nothing," grumbled junior crossed.

"Every time you see me with one of these you give me that same look, what is it?"

"I..." He said but pondered his own words. "I don't want you to smoke," he said barely audible.

"say that again? it asked.

"I don't want you to smoke," he grumbled a bit louder.

Speak up boy snarled the creature with furry.

"I don't want you to smoke, ALRIGHT!" the boy threw the rag with furry.

"Got a problem against smoking?" smirked the creature sarcastically.

"Maybe I do?"

"Then what is it."

"Forget it!"

"No, tell me," chuckled the creature.

"Forget it!"

"You tell me right now, or SHUT UP ABOUT IT!"

"My mother died!" snapped junior

The creatures eyes grew as his eyebrows shot up, it did not expect that and had a very confused look across its face.

junior shifted in his stance before saying, "My mom she," he shook his head, and let out a sigh of frustration. He looked at the creature next to him with a straight face. "It was those blasted things that killed her..."

As the creature sat a bit stunned by what the boy admitted to him, He looked at the cigarettes in his lion paw, he then looked back at the boy, and gave a sly laugh.

Junior expression didn't change as he deadpanned "Really, you're laughing, my mother's died, and you're laughing at her death, thats great," he nodded sarcastically.

After a few more chuckles the creature shook his head, "No, it's just that, he spat. "it seems almost as if you care. I found it funny."

"Of course I care, she was my mother!"

"No, I meant about me."

Now it was his turn to be caught off guard. "Oh well, I..."

"ha, don't worry about it, you just, the creature sank into the shadows. "you just reminded me of someone is all."


the creature didn't respond, and an odd silence spread between the two...