• Published 27th Jan 2024
  • 181 Views, 12 Comments

Heart Of The CHIMERA - discordjediknight

Over a year later after the events in blood of a chimera twilight question her past and future, untill she runs into two time travelers trying to stop the apocalypse.

  • ...

Chapter 4 despair

“So how's the process of the time machine going?” Asked Celestia who across from Twilight and her assistant.

“Oh it's nearly complete, or at least it would be if someone would give me the chance to experiment with it.” Smiled Starlight.

Twilight chuckled apprehensively. “I'm just not sure about nuclear power, it seems dangerous,” Twilight shrugged.

“Oh come on, nuclear is the cleanest source of energy we have today, other then the sun, which is nuclear itself by the way.” Argued Starlight.

Celestia giggled. “Well it seems you two have come a long way.”

“Pardon my young assistant she just gets excited.” Replied Twilight , Starlight rolled her eyes causing Celestia to giggle once more.

“Twilight it's always good to see you and your friends. “

“Thank you auntie, I always love having lunch with you.” She smiled back “It reminds me of when we use to do this growing up.”

“Yes how is your mother?” Celistia asked

“Its like a dream to have her and my brother back in my life. Yet it feels incomplete with out my whole family.”

“Yes I understand that, sighed Celestia, “I miss your father to.” Replied celestia before sipped her own drink.

Twilight nodded, but it wasn't her father she was talking about. How ever Celestia knew nothing of her relationship with Mr Ghost.

“Now if only I can discover what happened to the last mayor. I half expect him to have just run away like the cowered he is. Mr Ghost was always something terrifying.”

“Umm let's change the subject,” twilight told Celestia, not wanting to hear one more thing bad about her oldest brother. Most of the city never knew how heroic he actually was in the end. Only those in chaos vill ever had any idea who he truly was.

“Well why not let Starlight try her experiments?” Asked Celestia to the surprise of Starlight. “Wha, uh thank you Mrs Kang.”

Celestia giggled once more.

“It's dangerous, I don't know if...”

“Oh come Twilight where would we be if some one doesn't take a risk every once in a while.” Celestia encouraged.

Twilight took a moment to think about it. But finally gave in.

“Oh all right, but the experiment must be out of town. You can take the new machine and head out past the mountain, I'll have the old machine moved to my apartment to make room for the power stove untill then.”

“Really oh thank you, thank you, thank you, Starlight screeched with excitement. “I won't let you down!”

“Ok, ok just finish your lunch before you go alright.” Twilight smirked.

So Twilight , if I may ask, do you know where Miss breeze is?” Asked Celestia.

“Hmm Fluttershy, oh she left over a year ago actually, why ask?”

“Oh it's nothing, I just got another missing person report on her from her family and I know you were friends with her so I thought..?”

“I don't know what happened to her. She according to my friend Rarity Shine she ran off with her boy friend and never returned. But none of us ever met him and don't know what really happened.”

“Boy friend aye,” Celestia narrowed her eyes. “Well I'm sure everything will be alright.” Celestia finished her drink. “This was a nice lunch, let's do this again next week, oh and do be sure to bring your other friends along, I'm glad your doing so well Twilight.”

“Thank you, aunty.” She smiled and gave her a hug goodbye.

As the two mares watched the mayor leave starlight whispers in Twilight’s ear. “Your aunt sure is amazing.”

“Yeah she kinda raised me after my parents disappeared. I'm thankful for her.” Sighed Twilight happily. “Well come on that time machine isn't gonna finish itself,” she smirked as her assistant skipped along with joy and excitement. “I'll call Dash.”

Dash’s phone rang waking her up with a jolt. She yawned as she saw who it was. She was in the back seat of her truck. “Hello she moaned.”

“Hay Dash I need your help. After talking with Celestia I have decided to let my assistant go with her plans but I need to move my old time machine out of the way to make room, and it won't fit in my car. Mind picking it up and dropping it off at my old place.” Twilight asked.

“Uh sure twi but I can't today, hay I actually won't be in shcool either I uh,” she sighed. “I took a little road trip and I'll be back by the day after tomorrow probably.”

“A road trip?” Twilight repeat as a question.

“Ahh don't worry I'm fine, I just needed some fresh air.” She told her as she looked at the address again. “I'll be back soon.”

“Hmm ok I'll have my brother move it instead, thanks Dash.”

“No prob.”

She hung up the phone scratched her head and then jumped in the front seat of her truck taking off again.

Dash Rainbow drove out to what seemed like nowhere up a mountain road. Finally after over a year she found a lead on her missing friend. She then took off in a van not bothering to tell any one where she was going or how long she'd be gone. She did how ever kept the trailer on her car on.

She just had to be the first. She had to know . Why? She mutters to herself while watching the road. Why did you just leave us, leave me. She thought. A memory of her soranged to her mind as she kept heading that way.

A Yong little tall skinny filly was being picked on for her look in the shcool yard of a elementary school.

“Haha look at you skinny, you'll never be pretty.” Said the a jerk orange bulky pony.

The little filly or tall filly was shaking her head, trying to hid under her mane.

“And look shes a year older and shes still here I bet you she dumb to.” Said another. “Isn't that right dummyfly.”

Fluttershy in rather high pitch cracky voice said “I wasn't heled back I started shcool late.”

“Haha did you hear her voice. She sound like a dude the way it cracks.” Said a female dog.

At that point the little filly was about to cry.

“Hay Dash what do you think.?” asked the dog.

Dash was laying back soaking up the sun, wherimg shades. Even as young filly she was cool.

Dash raised her glasses and looked at the pitiful thing. Dash had to admit she was kinda dorky looking and being a bit older then everyone else was wierd. Her voice also did have that strange guy like tone to it at the time, but then aging a lot of guys thire she sounded like girls.

Fluttershy stood waiting for the next insult to be throne her way. She expected it to come from Dash. But Dash tho decided to take pity on the new girl. She finally stood up walked and walked over to her with a look of boredom.

The little filly didn'took up just stared at the ground looking like one more insult was gonna make her cry. But to her surprise the blue pony who she thought was gonna be another bully asked her for her name instead.

“Um I'm Fluttershy.”

“Say that again”


Dash cleaned out her left ear. “Sorry what was that?”

“Fluttershy,” she finally said loud enough to hear. She was trying to keep her voice down because she didn't want the bullies to laughe at her voice again.

“Fluttershy ahm that's a cool name. Mines twenty percent cooler but yours fits.” She then turned to the others. “And guys bullying the new girl is NOT cool.” She then lowered her so glasses. “Shes now my friend you got that.”

This action surprised Fluttershy. She never expected some one to be so nice to her. She then followed the blue filly as she walked back to her spot, leaving the bullies surprised that the coolest kid on the block actually let the new girl follow her.

Dash still drove the car into a little woodland town as she thought to herself. The town was called everfree. Located smack dab in the ever free forest. It was a little country town. Log cabin and cottage country. Every building was made was made of wood logs and a timberjack feel to it. Many of those who loved thire wore either that of a timberjack or was wore Amish like clothing. Something AJ would of liked more then her. But her mind wasn't focus on the town or the people. It was on her missing friend.

“You were always following me around flutters. Even tho you were older you were always like a little sister to me. So why?… Why would you just leave with out saying goodbye?”

She then pulled up to a sheriff office. And got out of the car. She headed in a little bell ranged as the door opened.

She went to the front desk. “Hi I'm looking for a friend of mine. She went missing a while ago here’s a phot of her bikes number, some one said they saw her here.” She showed the lizard at the desk the photo of both the bike and her.

“Yeah I seen her around. She lives in town not to far from here. Here let me get you the address. Why she leave anyway?”

“That I don't know, but I’m here to fight me out.”

The lizard look at her. “And you sure your friend wants to be found?”

“I don't know, but I’ll find out…”

The lady narrowed her eyes. “Listen Hun. If she came to this town, she didn't want to be found.”

Dash looked away from her.

The lizard handed her the address. “This is a little town. Any fighting and the shierf will be on you ya hear.”

Dash took the address and headed to her car.
She drove up to a little apartment building not to far from the center of the town.

To her amazement siting in the drive way was discords bike.

She looked around and saw someone on the side of the porch but she couldn't make out who it was. She decided to get out and ask around for Fluttershy. She slowly walked up onto the porch.

“Hay, excuse me have you seen a mare with... “Her eyes widen as she stood stunned.

The mare Infront of her. She turned around slowly and faced who ever was talking.

Thire she was. Her mane a mess. One strand of it flowed down in front of her face. A look of someone who's been through a lot in her teal eyes. She wore a white tank top, blue jeans and had her siniture fake leather jack around her waist. She seemed a bit skinnyer like she hadn't been eating well. A cigarette in one hoof, and she blew out smoke from her mouth. Her eyes looked tired, but she still somehow had a young pretty girl look to her.

“Fluttershy.” Dash said slowly, in total shock.

The mare took another intake of her cigarette before answering. “Hi Dash.”

“Fluttershy what happens to you?” Dash walked closer to her.

“You look like you haven't sleept in days , you,” she shook her head. “And what's with the cigarette, I...” Dash was bewildered by her appearance.

She gave a sad laugh along with a dreary smile. “how've you been Dash?”

I...dash began but am the look of flutershy still had her confused.

“Are you ok flutershy?”

“Why wouldn't I be?” She said through a distant look on her face.

“You don't seem ok.”

Fluttershy took a moment before she spoke again. “How's Twilight and the others?”

“There um. Thire doing good.”

“That's good to hear.” She softly spoke before lowering her head and taking another inhale of smoke.

“ Fluttershy . I uh. I came to, well to tell you we need your help.”

She took a moment before she answered, just smoking her cigarette. “Is that so?”

“Yeah, yeah it is. So gather your things and...”

“Stop.” She softly said. Her movement sluggish.

“Stop what flut...”

“I'm not coming back!”

“Flutershy you have to. We need your help with,”

DISCORD’S DEAD! she said with a bit louder of a voice. “ I have nothing to go back to.”


Just then something ran into the open screen door of the house.

Dash turned and saw a little grey filly who could barely stand up siting in a dipper in the door way. Another one then tackled the other, this time a yellow foal.

Her eyes widen at the sight.

“Ma ma,” the yellow filly made a noize that sounded like he was trying to say mama.

“Discord get off your sister.” She told the baby. She then took another inhale of her cigarette while dash stood in more shock as she put two and two together.

“I uh. I knew you to were friends but I didn't know you were so close.”

“No one did.” She sighed.


Flutershy turned around and looked out at the forest by her place. Her back to her friend.

“He would have loved it you know. He dreamed of just getting away from the city. Living near the forest. Build a cabin..”she chuckled. “I'm living his dream ya know. This is what we wanted to do. Just the two of us. A baby was not expected let alone twins.”

She set her elbow on the railing and leaned against it. “He would have been happy here.”

A moment nod silence filled the air before Dash tried aging.

“Fluttershy listen,”

“No you listen,” she turned to Dash moving quicker then she had that entire conversation.

“Im a single mother with two kids to feed. All I want is to focus on them and move on with my life.”

“Fluttershy I'm sorry ok. I can't imagine what it must feal like...”

“And I hope you never do Dash.” She shook her head slowly. “I hope you never know what it feels like to have someone you love with all your heart die leaving you with nothing but an empty pit in your stomach. I miss you all but I am rather busy at the moment so if you don't mind.”

“ But flutter...”

“Good buy dash.”

She said with such a straight face. Thire was no anger, no sadness no emotion of any kind to her expression actually. It broke Dash’s heart to hear such a thing. Dash's mouth opened to say something else but nothing came. She could do nothing to help friend. She just turned around slowly and headed back to the car.

Flutershy watched as she left standing with the same expressionless look all the until Dash was half way down the road.

Dash could see in her rearview mirror Fluttershy watching her. At least she now had her answer as to why she left that night.

Author's Note:

Yeah hope I didn’t make any my one cry with this one.