• Published 27th Jan 2024
  • 181 Views, 12 Comments

Heart Of The CHIMERA - discordjediknight

Over a year later after the events in blood of a chimera twilight question her past and future, untill she runs into two time travelers trying to stop the apocalypse.

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Chapter 3 Carful What You Ask For.

Tempest shadow sat at a table eating breakfast listing to the radio that morning. As she often did every morning.

“Well the summer fun has just begun everybody, are first day of a hundred degree weather is about to drop, so grab your swimming trunks and hit that pool.” Said the reporter over the radio.

But tempest thoughts were far from blowing off the heat as she sipped her morning coffee. No what was on her mind was the thing that never left her mind. As she mumbled the words “what could I have done different, Could he ever forgive me, was simply too late.”

But before she could dwell on these thoughts any longer a young teenage lizard came rushing , rolling around the room on his skates.

He zoomed passed the bread popping it In the toaster as he made himself a bowl of serial. “Hi Miss Twilight’s mom morning.” He casually chimed in despite his rushing around.

“Good morning spike, what are you going to get up to today?” She asked with a simple smile.

“Oh once I'm done with school I'm heading to the clean up crew down mud street. I may not be a member of chaos vill but I can help out. Then I'm heading to Twilight’s lab to help Starlight finish preparations on her and Twi’s machine.” He then picked up the bowl and placed the toast in his mouth as he rolled over and grabbed his back pack. “Don't wait up for me.” He said with the toast I'm his mouth as he came by the front door past her.

“Wait spike slow down.” She called out. Spike did as was told and stoped for a moment as he took a bite of his toast.

“Don't you want milk with that cereal? ” She asked.

“Hmm oh you’re right.” He said as she got up and grabbed the milk. She poured it in his bowl as she continued the conversation.

“Now spike I’m heading to the grocery store, do you want anything?”

“No,” he sighed.

Tempest looked at a bit curiously. “Spike?”

“Don't, just don't.”

“Spike she might just not want you to see her in jail.”

“Well whose fault is that!” He spat bitter.

“Spike believe me she has your best interest at heart.”

“Really, how can you say that when she turned out to be a supervillain.” Spike argued grumpily.

“Spike being a mother ain't easy, believe me.”

“Yeah well guest what, she's not my mother!” He then grumbled, “she only adopted me. Clearly she didn't care or she wouldn't have done it.”

“Spike!” Tempest shouted at him.

Spike sighed, “I'm sorry, “

“I know your situation is different then mine but, spike,” she shook her head.

Spike turned around and gave her a hug to the mares surprise. “Your son was a hero, And I know despite my… what Luna has done I can be one to.”

She smiled and told him “your cereal is gonna get soggy eat it quick ok.”

He nodded and decided to sit down and finish his bowl along side her. To both of there surprises however someone walked in through the front door.

“Sup little man?” Dash called out.

“Dash what are you doing here I thought you were helping Pinky and AJ pack up. “

“Eh I'm on my way now, Twilight tho told me to give this to you,” she said handing papers to Tempest who She glanced over the papers quickly and sighed.

“What is it.” Asked spike

“Oh nothing, just another fan letter on people wanting me to continue writing Derring Do.”

“You know why don't you continue the story.”

“Hmm,” she asked Dash.

“Tell them the truth, tell them what really happened, and how he was in the end a good guy,” she snorted, “I bet you, people would love to hear that story told.”

Tempest smiled, “perhaps it's time to let a new writer take over this story.” She handed Dash a pen from the table.

“What me, I'm not an author, hell I'm about to go into the air force.”

“You’ll need something to do with your spare time, and I'm quite curious to see how you would write this story.” She smiled

Dash took the pen and stared at it. Just then her phone rang, and she picked it up. “Uh huh this is her, Dash muttered. “Uh huh,...yeah,” her eyes then widen. “Tha thank you.”

“What is it Dash?” Asked Spike.

“Oh nothing, don't worry about it, well I gotta get to AJ and help her pack, and your gonna be late for school if you don't hurry up kiddo”

“Mind giving me a lift?” He asked.

“Sure hop in. Smirked dash as she waved good buy to Miss Sparkle .”

“I can't believe you’re actually doing this,” smiled Twilight as she and Dash loaded the last box into the moving van.

“Yep, sorry Dash looks like you'll have to find a new roommate.” Smiled AJ. Pinky jumped out of no where, “oh oh don't forget about us ok.” She sniffled a cry.

“Pinky were best friends and besides you heading to my old home town.” Chuckled Dash.

“So your gonna finish collage in clouds dale huh?” Asked Twilight.

“That's right along with it were already in business. Granny smith even got us a store.” She chuckled. “With the help of Mr cheese of course.”

Pinky whipped away here tears. “Yeah Mr cheese has actually help us a lot. He's even opening a joke shop there and we'll be working right next door.”

Twilight smiled, “it's also a good way for chaos vill to expand and make new connections outside of pony vill. If we don't chances of a new gang war could pop up if we don't make new allies quickly.”

“Twilight do you really think he's up to the task?@ Asked Rarity.

“I'm sure he is, he's just got to get use to it is all.”

“Well I think you should be the one to be the leader,” Pinky chimed in cheerfully.

Twilight nervously laughed at that. “Thanks for the boost In confidence Pinky, but no.”

“So how goes your timey thing?” Asked the pink pony.”

“Well my assistant says she has access to a possible power source, but I don't like nuclear waist, it can be dangerous.”

“And chimera blood isn't?” Chuckled AJ.

“Point taken,” Twi shares in the laughed.

“Ok well that's everything, I'm really gonna miss you guys,” Dash said and hugged the two leaving.

“Yeah it's just to bad we didn't get to say good buy to Fluttershy.” An sighs.

At the sound of that name Dash crossed her arms.

“Oh come now Dash, Rarity chimed in.

“Shut it, your stupid theory's arn’t helping.”

“What, I'm telling you the truth, she has a boy friend and probably took off with him.”

“Why would she just leave us with out saying good buy, We're her friends! And to not contact her family either,” Dash she sighed defeated.

“I know you’re actually worried about her Dash. Said applejack. “I'm going to search for her back in town, maybe she's close by.”

“No I know where is,” Dash mumbled.

“What was that?” AJ asked.

“Nothing I'm sorry this is supposed to be a good moment to send you and two off. I do wish you the best.” Dash smiled, but AJ could tell it was hard for her.

“Well with me and Pinky no longer being chimera I think this is the safest thing to do.” She smiled.

Yeah pinky chered.

The girls all gave one last group hug before saying thire farewells.

Dash Rarity and twilight stood as AJ and her cousin drove off. “Well what now,” asked Twilight unsure of what next.

“I don't know about you but I'm gonna head home,” Dash shrugged.

“I'm going to get back to work,” smiled Rarity.”I have an important client coming next week and I must finish there suits. With any luck they might agree to stay away from Ponyvill.” Rarity said as Dash goy in car. “Yeah, yeah good luck with that.” She replied and drove away.

As she came to a stop she took out the pen her hero gave her. She stared at it in thought of the future. She knew she was going to be piolet that was no doubt. But the weight of the pen in her hoof made her question how would she write this. She sighed as she set it down and pulled out her phone reading a text.

Ever free town 9912. She then punched in the address in her cars map.

“That's a ways out, what are you doing Fluttershy.” She muttered as she began her long journey.

Celistia stepped out of her car, her driver drove it away as she approached a top security prison. She walked at a calm pace as she followed some guards into the building. They let her in and escorted her to a prison cell which she entered with a smile on her face.

“You have ten minutes.” The guard told her. She gave no response as the doors closed tightly shut behind her. The room she stood in was very dark, the only light came from a small window far too small to small to escape. Behind bars siting in the corner was a dark figure, in ragged dirty clothes. The figure raised its head and opened its glowing fire like eyes at Celestia. “Hello sister,” she smiled warmly.

“You,” growled the chained up Alicorn. “What have you done with Celestia.”

“What ever could you mean, I'm right here Luna.” Smiled Celestia.

“Let me see them, let me see Twilight and spike.” Pleaded Luna horrified.

“Oh I don't think they want to see you, every time I ask, they refuse to come.”

“That's a lie!” Luna called out. “Just like it's a lie that your my sister.”

Celestia sighed, “here we go again. Honestly Luna.”

“Who are you” Luna growled. “What do you want with twilight.”

Celestia giggled and then chuckled and soon it turned into a cackle of sorts. “Oh lulu honestly it's amusing, that you haven't figured it out already. After all… I already told you all my plans. To create a world of peace with no war to ever fight again. That was always our goal remember sister.”

“That's what you told me, yet here I am sitting in bars while that, that maniac is out there.”

“From all reports he died, Luna. Thire is nothing of him to speak of.” Celestia turned her back on her. “Now I just have to find his little girl friend and extinguish his blood line once and for all.”

“Wha, what are you saying?” Luna questioned.

“Oops said to much,” she replied

“Tell me,” growled Luna. “Tell me right this instant. What do you have planned!?”

“Oh lulu,” chuckled Celestia. “Soon, very soon it won't matter you see,” she chuckled darkly. “Soon, very soon,” she smiled wickedly, “I will have what I want, and so will you.”

At that Luna lunged at her only to be stoped by the bars. “You lay one finger on spike or Twilight and I promise you, you will be sorry.” Luna growled.

“Oh come now Luna,” she chuckled, “do you really think I'm going to hurt my niece and nephew. I have no such intentions, if anything there the exact opposite actually.” she smiled.

“Discord is twilights brother.” Spat Luna. “She didn't join me, why would she join you?!”

Celestia chuckled at that. “Twilights brother, that actually explains a lot. However he is long gone and I am Twilight’s future.”

“That monster, he's impossibly strong, there's no way you could ever touch him!” At this Celestia chuckled darkly once more. “Oh lulu, it's nice catching up, but I'm afraid my time here is short, now you know what I want. Tell me where is the last of your chimera serum?”

“I told you before and I tell you again, you’re never gonna get it.” Luna viciously spat.

Celestia turned to her with a sly smile on her face. “Fine I suppose. Ha I don't actually need it.”

Just then the prison guard came in once more.”Your ten minutes are up,” he told Celestia.

She nodded and followed him out, “tata sister dear.” She taunted Luna as she exited. Luna larrowed her eyes as she watched her escape. One the doors were tightly shut she used her powers to create a small fight giving the room more light.

She then looked at her shakled hooves. All four of them. On her front right hoof however were scorchmarks and scars of her trying to free her self.

She sighed at the locked shakled. And then one again began to pry it off of her. As she did she greeted her teeth at the pain. “Oh come on come on,
“ she groaned as pulled the shackle off her front hoof. “Ahhhh!” She moaned as the shackle began to cut into her flesh again, making another bloody scratch. She did this for hours, with out end, determined to break loose. Finally it began to move and slipped off her hoof if only slightly. It wasn't compleatly off her hoof yet but it will be soon enough. Exhausted from trying she finally gave in and used her fire powers one wound to seal the cut then ice to stop the pain. “Almost have it.” Luna expressed. “Almost have it off.” She greet her teeth as she breathed in and out trying to ignore the pain. “Don't worry spikey mommy's coming. I won't let that thing hurt you ever again. No monster when I am done will hurt you again.” She greeted her teeth as she fell back. Suddenly she heard the doors coming, and she quickly hid her self inflected wound with her ragged blanket. It was the only thing besides a pillow a toilet and a futon that was in her cell.

The doore opened up revealing the guard bringing her a biscuit to eat for dinner. That was all she ever had was a biscuit, and she was tired of it. Oh what she wouldn’t t give to have some real food. Perhaps a nice full ceaser saled or a hay burger. Hell, shed even go for a plain bowl of Cereal, but a busiket. She took it and stuffed it down her throat starving. It didn't even have any butter or jam to flavors it. As it went down her throat it took all she had not to vomit it back up as she quickly grabbed the paper cup of water the guard also gave her.

She sighed at her pathetic state before she layed back down and fell asleep almost instantly.