• Published 3rd May 2023
  • 1,059 Views, 32 Comments

Maledict - Carnifaxy

Seeking to ease her guilt, Celestia goes north to assist an ancient order of knights against the undead.

  • ...

Celestia and the Conqueror

“I'm very sorry ma'am but there's no cabs to Bronzekreuz,” the griffon hen behind the counter said as she adjusted her glasses. “All cabs are only through the city and its outskirts and so long as the Archon's orders are in effect I cannot suggest a rail line either.”

Celestia nodded with a strained smile. “Of course, I understand.”

She turned away and walked out of the crowded station, other griffons hurrying along to get what cabs they could to wherever they were going. With a resigned sigh she turned to Celeste, the prelate continuing her duty as escort for as long as Celestia was in the city.

“It seems we're stuck together for a while longer, until I reach the outskirts of the city.”

Celeste raised a brow. “You're not thinking of walking your way, are you? Tarpian Rock is quite a distance. By hoof and by wing it would be days, maybe even a week or two. And that's not even regarding most of it is wilderness.”

The princess opened up her bags to pull out an oatcake to chew on. She looked up at the sky with a thoughtful look on her face before she turned to look to the prelate.

“Is it too early to get something to drink?”

“Early? Princess-”

“Please, call me Celestia,”

“Ahem, Celestia, we can get soft drinks or tea at any time.”

The alicorn gave her a wry grin.

The pub wasn't bustling with business, as despite it being open it was still a bit early for folk to wander in to drink their troubles away. Even still, the sight of a large pony with an aurora mane and a prelate of Arcturius sitting side by side definitely drew some attention. As they drank and mused about how to proceed another griffon came up to take the seat on Celestia's free side. He doffed his hat and placed it in his lap before ordering a round for himself. She paid him no heed, just another griffon in Griffenheim.

“So the rumors are true, Princess Celestia is in Griffenheim. I'd thought you'd be at the palace getting cozy with the Archons,” the newcomer said.

She shut her eyes and a tight frown formed on her lips. “I've an important task ahead of me, but I'm currently delayed with the trains out. And please, call me Celestia,” she said with no small amount of irritation in her voice.

Celeste leaned forward a bit. “You should know better than to...” her voice trailed off as she squinted at the other griffon.

“Please, it'd be rude of one ruler to not give the other proper due. King Hermann Meyer of Haukland.”

Celestia turned to look at him with a quirked brow. “The flying ace whom betrayed both the Empire and the Republic to become a petty dictator, conquering the dragons and then turning their might to take over the old chivalrous land of Vedinia.” She narrowed her gaze at him.

Hermann casually brushed his talons against his coat. “The very same!”

“How are you even in Griffenheim after all you've done?” Celeste asked as she leaned over, invading Celestia's personal space.

“I'm a king keeping that old bird Kemerskai in check, just as he and Aquileia are keeping the Empire in check! That, and some Reichsarmee fliers owe me some favors so I can come and go as I please, for a few idols.”

Celestia glanced over to Celeste before back to Hermann, the self-proclaimed monarch giving her a wide smile.

“Are you here to insult me, Meyer?”

“What? No, not at all! I just wanted to meet one of the most famous people in the entire world is all! When I heard you left New Mareland by train, I got to thinking. 'Well Hermann, just where would she even be going?' Not like you told the world, but after you were sighted in Griffonstone I just knew you'd be on your way here! So I hopped into my plane and made the trip.”

“Plane...” Her gaze shifted to outside. “The trains to Bronzekruez aren't moving. Even then, I would need to proceed on my own regardless. Hermann Meyer, I need you to fly me to Tarpian Rock.”

He blinked in surprise and then frowned. “Listen princess, that whole region has had some foul happenings these past couple months. Even if I wanted to, there's no way I'm flying over cursed land. Call me superstitious but you don't run a den of pirates without picking up a thing or two. I can take you to Watertown, but that's as far as I'll go. But, Tarpian Rock? That's those weird knights...” Hermann started to stroke his chin in thought. “Why?”

“They sent me a letter asking for help, and so I go.”

Hermann took a sip of his beer. “So the dead do walk. Huh. I thought it was a load of bull when that message came in.”

Celestia was taken aback, “The Order called for help across Griffonia? Things are worse than I thought, I can't delay. You must take me to them.”

Celeste stood up from her seat. “I should go talk with Archon Proteus then, we had also received such a message, but Archon Eros' reply was rather, demanding.” The prelate straightened her robes out. “It was an honor and a privilege, Celestia. May Arcturius guide your blows in the battles to come.”

She turned to the prelate and gave a slight smile. “Thank you Celeste, our time together was enjoyable however short it may have been. I hope to meet again.”

The white feathered griffon smiled and bowed her head before she hurried out of the pub.

Hermann looked up at Celestia with a pensive look on his face. “I have something you might be able to use. Granted, we'd have to fly out to Haukland for it.”

She frowned. “Are you mad? That's too far out of the way!”

He held a hand up. “Celestia, listen. When I conquered Vedina I took as a trophy the sword passed through the royal family. It's an enchanted blade, said to have been given to them by the Wise Lady centuries ago. The Godsword of Broturius it’s called. I've no use for it myself. Figure if you're going to fight with old-timey knights might as well look the part.”

Her wings shifted a little as she began to walk out. “That's surprisingly generous of you.”

“Well, we'll be flying over the Republic and I told Kemerskai I'd get you on the line with him.”

A snort. “Of course.”

Most planes were not built with alicorns in mind. Neither were they built for two people. Hermann was as up against the controls as he could without seriously hampering his ability to fly, the plane's canopy completely open, and Celestia was as nestled in as much as she could be. Her horn blazed with her magic, a sphere shimmering around the plane to maintain proper air pressure and temperature as they flew.

Hours had gone by since leaving Griffenheim and Celestia could feel her muscles cramping up in the awkward position. Out in the distance the city of Cloudsbury could be seen, sunlight illuminating it and showing even from afar the struggle to keep going with the scant resources of the northern lands.

They were approaching it steadily when the radio cackled.

“Unknown plane, identify yourself, over.”

Hermann grumbled as he worked for the microphone, struggling a little against Celestia's size. “Hold on, hold on. Yes, this is Hermann Meyer, just coming back from my little vacation in Griffenheim! Patch me through with Alex would ya? I got her with me, he'll know what it means, over.”

A few moments passed before a new voice crackled to life on the radio.

“Meyer you son of a bitch, you best not be wasting my time or I will have you shot down.”

Celestia cleared her throat. “Good evening, President-Marshall. I understand you wished to speak with me?”

There was a bit of fumbling on the other side. “Oh, princess!”

“Please, call me Celestia.”

Alexander cleared his throat. “Ah, yes, Celestia. I wasn't sure if Hermann would actually live up to his side of the bargain. Anyways, Governor Jet Set of New Mareland had contacted me, and after some discussion I have an important decision to make, but I wanted to speak with you first. It's about Equestria.”

Celestia looked toward the west. “...Go on.”

“The Republic is willing to support your efforts militarily. Boots on the ground, logistics support. In return, I would ask for your own support for when we march to free our Herzland brethren from the yoke of the Empire.”

“No,” was spoken with no hesitation.

A few moments of silence passed. “No?”

“Do you think after years of oppression that my ponies will want to go to war with those that had done them no harm? You should know by now that I met with the archons, and I hold no ill will towards them. Yes, the republicans were driven out of the Herzland, but how many innocents on both sides died in the revolution? You would want me to help bring more ruin to a land that's been working on recovering? And what if Aquileia and Wingbardy lend their military aid and also wish to take the Herzland, hm? No, I will not commit to a path of destruction when I have lost so much as it is. The moment one side acts against another the entire western half of Griffonia will descend into a bloodbath the likes of which haven't been seen, greater than even Grover II's bloody conquests.”

“... I understand, princess.”

The radio went dead.

Celestia hung the microphone back up and let out a snort of irritation.

“You know, I can't believe he even thinks you'll succeed.”

She hung her head low and her muscles twitched.

“I mean, really, it's a fool's hope. They're too entrenched, you'd have to make one of the biggest naval assaults history's ever seen! Who in Tartarus has the means to pull that off?”

Hermann wrinkled his brow as the temperature began to rise. It lingered long enough for him to get sweaty and uncomfortable, the griffon squirming a little as his flight suit began to stick to him.

The temperature dropped back down and Celestia's voice was tinged with sorrow.

“Not I, not I...”

The morning was cold, a bitter wind blowing up from the northwest. Dying grass littered across the graveyard as Hermann led Celestia though, the despot walking slowly. Despite the wind the graveyard was silent. After some time of walking with not another soul in sight, he stopped before a modest grave. Celestia stood beside him, and saw a crown and a sword laid in front of the headstone.

“Stella Meyer,” she said quietly.

“My wife. Pneumonia. It was... a long time ago.”

Celestia looked upon the crown laying on the grave. “The dragons, Vedina... You did it for her?”

Meyer’s voice was soft when he replied. “Mostly for myself, but I will never claim to be king of Vedina. She, she's the queen and always will be.”

She sat down in the cold grass. “It's not the same, but after I banished my sister, I worked as hard as I could to build a nation that she could be proud to be princess of. Centuries of work, and for what? I failed my sister, I failed my subjects. You'll be remembered as Hermann Meyer, the Conqueror. Even if you never share your reasons with others, history will know you as a victor.”

He moved to pick up the sword from the grave. “My kingdom will not last past me, and all the better for it I think. Haukland will survive as it always has. Ember is going to be Dragon Lord again, and Sköldsvärd is going to get Vedina back. I'll be remembered as a conqueror, but you know what?"

Celestia looked up and saw him grinning.

"I've been getting a little bored lately. Maybe I should be known as 'the Liberator' next eh?"

She blinked in surprise. "You mean-"

"The dragon islands are right up against the jungle basin. My pirates have been constantly harassing changeling ships along the east coast too. We know their force allocations. And I hear Haukland has a pretty good flying ace that could help keep the skies clear for an invasion." Meyer winked as he held the sword out to her.

Dumbstruck, all she could do was nod as she took the sword from him. The surprise of his offer was soon replaced by the surprise of recognition.

"The Blade of Mercy! I left this with the Order after the first war with the Dread League!" Quickly she stood up and grasped the hilt into her mouth and began to swing it experimentally. She leapt back as she swung her head to the left, the blade whistling in a wide arc before she adjusted the grip in her mouth and thrust it forward. Her eyes were alighted with excitement as she seemed to dance about with each swipe of steel through the air.

"Yes! Yes! Even without the Shield of Hope just having the Blade alone is… it's wonderful!"

Her horn glowed and a scabbard appeared across her back. Celestia deftly sheathed the sword and her heart soared. She turned to Hermann and bowed low.

"Thank you, for your offer of support and for reuniting me with my old sword. Regardless of victory or defeat, I am in your debt."

He waved his hand dismissively. "I'll cash in your debt later, if we live long enough to see to it. We'll hash out the details when all's said and done, all right? Now, we best get going. Gotta get you to Watertown."

Celestia nodded as she turned and walked off, excitement clear in her motions with being reunited with her old weapon. Hermann stopped for a moment and turned back to the grave. A gust of wind blew in from the east and he shivered, forcing him to pull his coat tighter around himself. He turned around to see Celestia waiting for him and he rubbed his wrist against his eye as he walked away.

As the pair left the graveyard, a large bird landed on Stella's grave. It pecked at the crown for a moment before it raised its head to watch with its yellow eyes as Celestia left.

The plane buzzed high in the sky over Watertown as Celestia made one last rundown before descent.

"Sword?" Hermann asked.

"Secured, check."


"Secured, check."

"Everything in the bags?"

"Secured, check."

"All right Celly, I'm lowering altitude but you can drop whenever. Good luck and godsspeed."

"Godsspeed, Hermann!"

As she jumped off of the plane her wings spread, letting her catch onto the currents. Her horn flared and closed his canopy, letting the griffon get back to flying in comfort. His plane tilted slightly and began to head out west. She gave one last wave goodbye with her hoof before she angled down for the town.

The ponies below looked up in awe at the snow-white mare with the aurora mane and tail as she descended from the sky. Her hooves touched the ground gently and she walked toward the sacred springs in the center of the square. She watched as water bubbled up from deep below and she bowed down until her horn touched the ground. Celestia remained in solemn prayer for several moments before she stood back up and approached the waters. The alicorn leaned down and took a few gentle sips from the springs.

An icy chill ran down her throat as she drank and it settled in her belly, the crisp cold of the sacred waters caused her to shiver slightly as she stood back up. The other ponies had stopped and stared, as no alicorn was ever seen in these lands since time immemorial. Celestia looked north, toward the lands of the Arcturian Order, to their fortress of Tarpian Rock.

As she began her walk she noticed out of the corner of her eye an old stallion hobbling his way toward her. She paused and turned to greet him. His eyes were scrunched up under a heavy brow with thick facial hair that kept his features mostly hidden.

"Forgive me if I've been a disturbance," she offered to the elderly pony with a bow.

He wiggled his whiskers as looked past her to the springs then back to her.

"You're heading to the knights in the north, yes?"

Celestia nodded. "I am."

The old stallion let out a sigh of relief. "Too much dark news nowadays. From the south, from the west, from the north. And today of all days a shining light of the heavens descends and blesses our already holy waters."

Her head shook. "I am no beacon of light. I am just a pony running away from her duties."

"We've seen the signs. If the marching dead aren't stopped the springs will flow with blood instead of water. Us, Farbrook, Firtree, consumed in a tide of corpses."


He nodded. "Yes. We've no grand temples like the griffons do, or fancy shrines like them riverponies, but we have our priests and healers all the same. It's not happened yet, but we keep hearing the same thing. 'On the coldest of days the sun will banish the dark' and we've taken note of an awful storm brewing. Maybe you're not the one, but I don't think it's a coincidence."

Her gaze looked out around the town, at all the folk watching her with hope and curiosity. She turned back to the old stallion and shook her head once more.

"I go to fight against an evil that's had time to grow, while the forces arrayed against them are smaller. I will not promise any such thing, sir, for I may very well die in the frozen north. Black magics are swelling, and my old blade's enchantments wear thin. Worse, I lack my old shield as well. Even with their enchantments fading together they would have assured victory. My blade alone will give us an edge. And yet, it may not be enough."

The old stallion stood quiet for a moment. "Them griffons are good with enchantments aren't they? A whole bunch of them drove on through in those metal boxes a couple days back."

She blinked in surprise. "How many, and what colors did they bear?"

"Hmm. About a dozen of 'em or so? Along with a bunch of big trucks. They had Imperial colors, but said they're passing through at the behest of the Archonate of Arcturius. Trying to reconnect with the old order it seems."

Celestia looked north, her mane and tail billowing in the icy winds. "Thank you. That even some have passed through to lend support gives me some ease. If I make it through, I'll come back."

Before he could say anything her horn flared gold and she teleported away.