• Published 3rd May 2023
  • 1,057 Views, 32 Comments

Maledict - Carnifaxy

Seeking to ease her guilt, Celestia goes north to assist an ancient order of knights against the undead.

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Celestia and the Letter

Sunset was the capital of New Mareland, Equestria's colony across the sea. Of all the cities to wind up in, having to hear the name over the radio, to read it in the papers, just drove the dagger in her heart over and over. While the colony had been slowly recovering from economic turmoil, the brief war against the changelings had seen a reinvigoration of their armed forces and industry, and though Equestria had been lost many New Marelander ponies still worked.

Visitations from Celestia, Luna, and Flurry Heart helped drive home to those initially reluctant about what was at stake. Millions of ponies seeking liberation. Children missing their parents. Parents missing their children.

Celestia was reading the morning paper, lips curled into a little frown. She folded it up and set it down, taking a sip of her tea. Spike came waddling in, carrying a package with the rest of the mail on top.

“Mail call! One package for Luna,” he said as he placed it all on the breakfast table, taking the envelopes off the brown box.

Luna brought it over to her and opened it up, smiling as she pulled out a book. Celestia took a brief glance at it, Modern Military Theory.

“The Queen of Aquileia has a book on military theory?” she asked her sister.

Already reading it, Luna nodded. “It came out recently. She studies many of the various conflicts across the world in recent years. The Falcor War, the Herzland reunification, her own reclamations of the Peripherie.”

Celestia took up the letter Spike had set in front of her while he sat to nibble on a breakfast of sapphires. She looked it over, noting the curious wax seal. She opened it and slowly pulled out the letter and nearly dropped it at the first three words.

Dear Princess Celestia,

They sent a shiver down her spine.

I am William Steel Beak of the Arcturian Order.

It is my understanding that you had stood with the Order against the Dread League centuries ago, and we have noted stirrings on that cursed peninsula. We live in a new age of new weapons and war, but a nation's military has always been incredibly small compared to the numbers of the rest of the population.

The undead will use every last person it can in their war against life itself. I beseech you, to come to Tarpian Rock as swiftly as possible so that we may fight side by side against the Dread League and end their menace against the world once and for all.

I am asking much of you, I know. You have many others to care for, and I am confident in my Order's ability to repel the undead. But, many will die in this conflict, and your help would ensure we do not take unnecessary losses.


Headmaster William Steel Beak.

“Auntie Luna, auntie Celestia, can we go to the zoo today?” Flurry asked as she gently dabbed her mouth clean of crumbs from her pancakes.

“Hm? Oh, yes. The zoo would be nice,” Celestia said as she folded the letter and put it back in its envelope. “Spike, would you like to come along?”

“Mm, I would, but I'm gonna be busy. Jet Set asked for my help in organizing his office!”

“So long as he pays a fair wage,” Luna said.

“Oh yeah, I make the same as any other starting out! In a year I'll get a raise!”

Celestia couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm as she took another sip of her tea.

A few hours later the sisters and their little niece were walking through the crowded zoo. Others gave them a wide berth, partially due to respect but mainly from their size. Flurry was a bundle of energy as she went from exhibit to exhibit, the older alicorns keeping up. They watched alligators from southern Equestria's jungles lounge in a simulated swamp. Small desert mammals from Zebrica scurrying over hot sands. Tropical fish from around the archipelago of Les Meridiennes swimming aimlessly in the aquarium.

After having gone through most of the zoo the three of them all sat on a bench with some ice cream cones, enjoying the weather and watching as ponies and griffons walked in and out of the bird exhibit. The squawks, chirps, and cries of the birds soon erupted into an absolute fervor of sound and Flurry began to cry. Swiftly Celestia swept the little alicorn up.

"Oh, what's wrong dear?" She asked softly.

"I bit my tongue!" Flurry wailed, sniffling as she was pulled into the warmth of her aunt's embrace.

"There there, it's alright. It'll feel better in no time."

As she held her niece she watched as a storm of birds managed to chase visitors out of the exhibit and took off, a complete menagerie of exotic avians from around the world, most of them small. One in particular caught her eye, a rather large bird with a strange orangish coloration along its head and torso. It perched itself upon a pole nearby. As other birds flew off it remained, yellow eyes locked onto Celestia.

"That's a-"

"Gypaetus barbatus," Luna said as she looked up at it. "The bearded vulture. Native throughout the Middle Sea, but its largest population is in the Andelayans of Zebrica," the bird's attention turned to her as she spoke, and she eyed it warily. "Though it is acting rather curious. Then again, I do not know all of its habits."

The vulture let out a cry, the majestic sound of its call drawing more attention. It spread its wings and flew off, evading the attempts of the zookeepers from trying to catch it. It cried out again as it disappeared into the clouds.

Flurry's sniffling died down as she watched it disappear into the sky. "Wow, that bird was so pretty..."

"Spike is working for Jet Set again. Flurry is doing her school work," Luna said as she sat across from her sister.

Celestia made a noncommittal noise as she slowly flipped the page of her travel book.

"Wingbardy has been making shows of force at the border. Jet Set is worried they may try something."


"Sister, are you listening to me?"

Celestia glanced up for a moment. "I am, Luna. I may tune out many others but I would never do such to you."

Luna let out a little snort. "What are you doing? Planning a trip, yet without having discussed anything with me?" she asked as she slipped out of her seat to walk to Celestia's side.

"I'm just trying to see if it's even feasible. My first intention was to take a ship but the route would bring me into Haukish waters and who knows if one of their pirates would strike?"

Her sister nodded as she looked at the little notes made in the margins of the travel book. "It seems you have settled on a train. All the way to Bronzekreuz? No, impossible. Unless you disguise yourself you would be forced out at every major city to talk with some local bigwig. Worse, Karthin, Griffonstone, Griffenheim? You would be most assuredly delayed by the leaders because of who you are!"

"I've taken that into consideration," she said as she tapped her pen against her bottom lip.

"Just where is it you are going?"

Celestia's lips curled into a slight frown as she pulled the envelope and gave it to Luna. Her sister pulled the letter out and read it, brows furrowed. Afterwards she put it back and let the envelope rest on the table.

"You should go. Oh, do not look so surprised. If the undead are rising, that is a serious concern that needs to be addressed."

She shook her head hesitantly. "What about you?"

"Someone needs to look after Flurry Heart and Spike. It will not be long, a journey to the far north by train and wing then you will come right back home."

Celestia looked over at the little map and the notes she had made. She took a sip of her tea before turning her gaze out the window. Yellow eyes of an orangish bird were staring right at her and sent a shiver along her wings.

"I'll speak with Jet Set about it and form a proper plan," she said, unable to tear her gaze away.

Jet Set looked across the desk at Celestia, after she had told him her plans to head to the far north, to some strange knightly order that had been in self-isolation for years and one that had many griffon nations between.

It was hard enough to recover from economic turmoil, coupled with several thousand good New Marelanders killed and wounded in the Great War, then loads of civilian refugees, and now the self-proclaimed ex-princess sought to go gallivanting across Griffonia.

"I cannot in good conscience allow you to go on such a journey, Celestia."

"You cannot deny me from leaving either. My sister has already given me her support in this endeavor, Jet Set. I may have relinquished my role as princess but I am still an adult capable of making my own decisions, and you would be hard pressed to find a reason to keep me here against my will."

He let out a sigh as he adjusted his glasses. "Regardless, the train lines that run from Sunset north don't extend that far, you'd be hiking from Bronzehill."

She ruffled her wings. "I know how to take care of myself, Jet. I may be a little out of practice, but Luna and I did do our share of adventuring."

"Could I try to dissuade you because you'll be traveling through Wingbardy, which is controlled by Beakolini's ultra-nationalist fascists, as well as the Empire and its vassals, after Equestria had openly supported the Republic?"

Celestia's lips curled into a frown. "And Equestria is-" she stopped herself as she felt pain at the thought. "Our support then is irrelevant now."

Jet Set shook his head in hesitation. "I still believe this to be a bad idea, but if you're committed to it then we'll hold the fort down while you're away. Would you like an update about the resistance?"

"Do you have good news?"

He nodded as he pulled out a folder from a drawer. "Quite a bit."

Another letter had arrived, from Mount Aris. She had been expecting this one, having kept track of the North Zebrica War and when she read it it was not from whom she expected, but it confirmed her expectations all the same.

"What does it say, sister?" Luna asked as she drank her coffee while Spike and Flurry were already helping themselves to seconds of breakfast.

"It's from Silverstream, she's begging me to write back, to try and talk sense into her aunt. Novo has abandoned Harmony for a more heavy hoofed approach."

"What, why abandon Harmony?" Flurry asked with a confused frown.

Ink, pen, and parchment floated over to Celestia as she reread the letter to consider her reply.

"The hippogriffs had lost their war, niece," Luna said softly, "Many whom they pledged to care for are now subjects to abhorrent nations that seek to exploit them."

"And they lost one of their cities in the peace deal, having it split three ways between the victors," the eldest said as she tapped her rear hoof against the floor in thought. She looked around the table for a moment and then wrote her reply in a few seconds before she rolled up the parchment and sealed it. "Spike, could you deliver this to Silverstream?"

"Right away Celestia!" he said with a little salute, taking the letter and engulfing it in his magical breath.

"You're leaving today, aunt Celestia?" Flurry asked after she dabbed her mouth clean with her napkin.

"At noon, yes."

"Will you be getting the children souvenirs, since you will be traveling through so much of the continent?"

Celestia smiled and rolled her eyes. "This isn't a pleasure trip, Luna, I won't be stopping except to board another train if necessary."

Spike swallowed down the emerald he had been chewing on. "Do you think you'll get there in time?"

Her smile faltered for a brief moment. "I hope so Spike."

Later that day at the Grand Sunset Station Celestia patiently waited for her train along with the others, including Jet Set. Rather than go about in nothing as was custom back home she was dressed in a simple, flowing gown of off-white.

"Do you have everything, sister?" Luna asked while she fiddled with Celestia's saddlebags.

"I have all the banking credentials necessary from here to the Empire so I'm good on idols, Luna, along with several changes of clothes."

"We could have gotten you a diplomatic attache, Celestia, to keep you from being harassed by officials along the way."

She smiled to Jet Set and shook her head. "I'm sorry but I already said it won't be necessary."

The whistle of the approaching train could be heard as it rolled ever closer to the station. Her ears twitched at some sniffling and she inwardly winced, knowing what was coming. Flurry suddenly broke into sobs and latched onto Celestia's leg.

"D-don't go!" the little alicorn cried as she clung tightly. "I don't, what if, what if we never see you again?!"

She felt her heart ache at Flurry's fears and she sat down on her haunches and used a wing to hug Flurry close.

"Luna," Celestia said in a gentle tone.

Her sister stepped forward, horn glowing as she bent her head down and touched it to Flurry's. The little filly's eyes drooped shut and her grip slackened. Spike hurried to help hold her up and Jet Set assisted in placing the sleeping alicorn on Luna's back. As soon as Flurry was secured the train rolled to a stop and griffons and ponies began the process of swapping with new riders.

"You'll come back, right Celestia?" Spike asked nervously.

She looked down at him and his eyes widened at how tired she looked. "I cannot promise anything Spike, but I will try."

"You can't promise...?"

Celestia shook her head and let out a sigh. "I cannot. I may very well die against the forces of darkness. I am centuries out of practice, and I do not have my sword and shield. Both were entrusted with the Order long ago, but who knows if they're still there? If they were, they would not have been asking for help."

Spike trembled. "You might die?"

"It is a possibility I have considered, yes. Ponies have existed before me, and will if I pass on. If I meet my end due to this, so be it. Let me do something worthwhile."

"Sister! Do not frighten the poor lad with such dark thoughts! And you have done plenty worthwhile," Luna scowled at her sister, but couldn't fully put her heart into it.

Celestia frowned at Luna as the call for passengers was heard. "I must go. Keep in touch, please, and take good care of Flurry and Spike."

The sisters gave each other a quick nuzzle goodbye before Celestia stepped up onto the train to find a place to sit, griffons and ponies alike passing back and forth though plenty giving the alicorn looks. Celestia took off her saddle bags to get comfortable in a seat designed for a pony one third her size. She looked out the window and waved to her sister and the others as the train slowly began its journey out of the station and toward the capital of Wingbardy, Karthin.

Author's Note:

This is what a bearded vulture sounds like! They're such beautiful birds.